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Go to the following websites and find the answers to the

questions below. You do NOT have to go to the websites in order.


1. When was the first Roman aqueduct built? _________
2. How long was it? _____________
3. What was it named? ________________________
4. Was it mainly above or below ground? ___________
5. What was the name of the first above ground aqueduct?
6. Of what material were the aqueducts constructed?


1. What was the name of the longest aqueduct? _______________
2. Why were there vertical shafts dug into the rock at regular
intervals? _____________________________________________
3. Explain the inverted siphon method of getting water to move through

4. Why were the aqueduct channels built approximately 3 ft. wide and 6 ft.
tall? _________________________________________________

5. What was the purpose of a sedimentation tank?


6. After the water arrived in Rome where was it first sent? ___________

7. After the emperor received his water, and rich people paid to have water
delivered to their homes, name 2 other places much water was used.
_____________________ ________________________________

8. What group of people, who invaded Rome, cut off the water supply from
the aqueducts to Rome? ______________________________


1. Name the aqueduct in France that still stands. _________________
2. In addition to keeping the correct angle for water to flow, what was
another important reason to keep the aqueducts high up or underground?
IV. Do a web search to find these answers.
1. Name two places that aqueducts were used prior to the Romans.
_____________________ __________________________

2. How many aqueducts did the Romans build? _________

3. From what distance were aqueducts used to bring water to Rome?
4. Did the majority of aqueducts go above ground or below it?
5. Name 2 countries where remains of Roman aqueducts can still be
seen. ______________________ _____________________
6. What nickname did Rome have, based on its great use of water?
7. What did the Roman expression milia passus mean?

8. What was the job of the curator aquae?


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