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Evaluated Software rubric

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Instructions not easy to Instructions are easy to Instructions very easy to Level 4
Navigation understand
Instruction partially clear
understand understand 4/4

Notcolourfull and not Very colourful and stimulates Level 4

SCREEN DESIGN consistant
Consistant but dull Consistant and colourful
learners minds 4/4

Graphics make sense to the Comprehensive and Level 3

CONTENT Not appropriate
learner appropriate
Accurate and very appropriate

LEARNING Allows Learners to correct

Does not give chance to
Give limitet error corection
Giveschance to error Level 3
errors and assists where
ACTIVITIES correct errors corection
necessary 3/4

Does not match the learners Simpleand match learners Very simple, accurate and free Level 2
Simple to understand
level of errors 2/4

1: Does not meet

Key: requirements
2: partially meet TOTAL SCORE: 16/20
3: meet requirements

4: exceed requirements meet requirements

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