You are on page 1of 146



J;<:! r;:t
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I1/' 1m
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69 §9
~ aD
* t\
A ~
± t!
~ ifiif
.~ 1'1=
;f£ 15
..... 1"t-
l?l. #:m~~~*f1«~-t .............• 32

}tt ItQ!II~1:3 'oJ

..•....• 5

d1t~fM,~~d .

iifiiHIUif. . . . . . . .' . . .. 38

....... '. -:!;!:.~~JI1:¥; .' ••• , 40

.:r=-~~,Si.~ ..

tllWt~ 42


............ ....... .

NHi~jlBm~ . . . . . . .. 44

~f$*~i.jjHfi!mg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16

~~~ •••...•...•.•..••. 118

~~m~ 48

~1ii 20

~~ 22

~W~ 24

~~Ilii±~ 26

8~it.f! 28

~~fE~!t!7~*fi\t;* .. . . . . . .. 66

r I '1 'l;(,rHrnentai Cake

*fti#~IJl¥M~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70

, 1111 konnvaku Cake

'*THI~ 72

Prune Cake

HM~m;fl., 74

Cendol Cake

1ji~9)3im1f~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 76 Apple Cream Cake

-F-:fiJ¥iE'~~~~*ffi . . . . . . . . . .. 78 Cappuccino Walnut Cake

mm:fiJT~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 Honeydew Puddmg Cake

I5'R.1Jfi$i7.(~im~t.ffi . . . . . . . .. 82 Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake

~~~~~~ 84

Durian Mousse Cake

mil.t~~ 86

"recKer Torte

QJlTm*-ffi 88

Omnqe lv1rrror Cake

E *!Jlffm~ " 90

JClr1anese Green Tea Cake

lifl51lnfltJli 92

Chocolat Coated Cak

~~~~~'S) ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 94 KiwI Mousse Cake

~~~~ 96

Yam Layer Cake

.mJlT~~~)};mm~ . . . . . . . . . .. 98

Cocorur Mango Cream Torte

:tjT~~ 100

Hazelnut Torte

.:fi:**.lL~)~BIi~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 102 Corn Layer Cake

fi~-OOlT;i;'lS'Jm~ 104

Pandan Coconut Cake

1tooi~~m~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106

Russian Charlotte

l53'in~~~m~ .

Chocolate Pecan Cake

Hm*.~tm%ffi .

Yogurt Peach Cake

~iUJ}jm.~ .

Strawberry Cream Cake

• .:ri7.Udllf •....•

Pear Cream Torte

1;,,':, ~ I ( '~,:-'It Konnya~u Jelly powder 2

tJ;. l!- ,'I

Peach Essence 3

tJ;. .t:

Peach coJounng 4.

IrI:;'fJ~ Cltnc ac,d


'J,(.fJ' Bakmg powder 11. t~PTf» Cream of Tartar 12.


Pitted dark sweet cherries


~t411 Walnuts

17. tiLJ1' Flaked almonds 18.

Itf nff" Cocoa POWder

IngredIents and



WltIJni Rum


Gft-Mhn Coffee Liqueur

13. tilJf1t


14. i!fCli$ Nibbed almonds

19. ~,'@~;5f Black raisins 20. ft11i~T Golden raisins 21.

!5flfJ* Chocolate rice


I I'I!

Mara<;c.hmo cherries 8

" ~* Strawberry coIounng


ftP,i~m Vanilla Havour

15 !f-1tJ} Milk

(f) (e~ l'

yo( 41.: ?;q:_, ~'Z Jl

a Gugelhupf mould/Fluted tube mould f'lu) 1', i NI~ rr,u J~ ;I( n I':~ Il b,Differenllnches round cake moulds ) (,t:h f,r. I~RI~tiH~+Q Il c,Angel food cake/Chiffon cake mould Ii 11} ill 0:. t~! J l

d.Square cake mould

li 'V tlGiiy iff jJH~~ JI.

e.Shaliow cake mould

t~};~ I«J ~l

(Wire rack

r JF3 ili g ~~U (.

g.Loat tin


h.Cake ring

. t~~LI;; :1111 ~f r- +~ j 1,-

I.Alumlmum fOil cup mould

'>I J J a.Serrated knife !IH,\.; iJ b.Spatula

iii: l.Xd[/.) c.Cake server fJdl:. f,'t d.Piping bag

1, rdlJr;:IJ~(I"Jf;'/t"'Nt e.Different icing nozzles "'1.1 JJHAcJr~ :la~ 111i U~ } J

f Plastic ic1ng comb ill *t~·lj /),\ g.Wooden turn table


a Mlxmg bowl ~~r1f3 b.Sieve IwOO ti~ c.Rolling pin f;t;!;g d.Scales ttfr. e.Measuring Jug ,ililt~~

r. Wooden spoon ~6i, 7J g.Plastic scraper

1 i~~ h.Measuring spoons +rTV~

11 mo·

i.Egg Whisk ",if?; j.Grater



~ $~ ~ 1t ~~ =E 85J J'I!Hm ~ *~ I( x if)' J( ( ,i It > I: II ~( d rr (I

~~ ;fIJ § W\ ill ffl ~ ~ wdVlnQ In Irlt; IW (lrl( J

*~~ffi~ffiJ 0 ~

lie Jd!1r lrJ ( )vr;r lYAJ r.~ ~t~K

aH~ j= ® ~ro IBJ

II) ,en0ernC)5 dr(j r)r( /rlrj

[QJ a*76 J.j

ryF., )~r(;II) 'J,r(jr(J(;"i~1 ,I(


250 R ;'tB~!fiM.W 41' j~!fi 250g Sponge mix flour 4 Eggs

(B) 50.11- 71< 50ml Water


8O~ itJl5ll3 80g Melted butter


1. $'G~-1j.(A)Ji2:AJtlfIJl!~j1g,

2. ttI!!'l!! A) ~}t(OOiiliim,

3. ~ (BlI~JAimruj1g. ". J~iilii-lt!~I*~f.d&:.

5.~DA(C)-@W5.J. ~f~JA.~J~~923~*(f.)IiR*tJHJ~, ~ 180'crJl;3Dt.WH~.OOJ.

1.Pour (A) into the mixing bowl. 2.whip (A) lill thick.

3.Add (8) and mix lnto the batter. 4Whip the batter till light and fluffy.

5.Mix (C) with the batter till well blended. pour it into a 9" round mould.Bake at 180'C for 30 minutes.

Remark jli!flilpJTffl8':J~!l1'J¢~~IJ\. ~. &t1'~~Fog~~. 55~.

The eggs used In all the recipes are medium Size and Without shell The weight of each is about SSg.

M 8 t

1 1t~(AJ~Al!t 2.~1l0A(8)1l~ '3 nOAtCIT£im1i 4 ~"ftii:w,ij!~lll S.1l0A(O)W~

, .Pour (A) lnt

2.Add tB) an 3 Stir in (C) 4.Whlp the 5.Mil'. tD) til' remove ca

~" A 1B.A!t#1IJIJWJ~ J( 8 !It#I.wa

-DIL ... ~


I:) ~ 8A.8iH923 II~ •• JlPU:t __ ••• r.&ij

Pow .. IIIIQ1I{I bcMIMd wei..

ZAddi (8) and ..,.

3 SIr n (C DIe baaer

4 \\'hip IN baaer IIighf and ..-y.

5 .... 0, II .... bianded.Pour iI: iinkJ a r RUId .... *' flake 8Ii8O'"e far 30 - .. aA_i(llj R!InIM!!! cake •••• «'aletr ....... 1he mould..






(AJ 51' II. 20~ If 5 Egg yolks 20g Sugar (8)

51' .S 5 Egg whites ee)

730 •• 130aSUgar (0) ..





_- ~---



1.9GW(A)/.i:I!AJlliI!l!MiIP:l. 2~(A)Ill!I$~fJ,;jt. %?.mJ. ~ffl, 3.lE(B)JJJlAnt!Ilj!~~.

4.!E(B)6trr~).Illf:t~J8I. m1JOA(C)~~mlW~mJ.

5 /3ii.J1!iH.d/~19~8~.

6. !E8,;jttJ99~S~if08mlWt8-I¥.J(A) -)iEW:2J.

t.Put (A) in the mixing bowl.

2.Whlp (A) till light and fluffy.Set aside. 3.Pour (8) in mixing bowl.

4.whip (8) till soft peaks are formed.Add (e) and continue to whip.

5.Beat the egg white mixture till stiff.

6.Mix the egg white mixture with (A) till well blended.

Bas i c


7 D[lAtO)W':g {·W. e ~[l~~1\)IJ'¥1I1i~~, !lI~. ~ 200CJ:)t10 9 l![l~mffi\l*J;\1lij~ 3O?t~ ~~~P,Fc

7 .Fold in (0) and r 8.1~ you desire to tray Then bak.e a 9.\~ making

a a s c

5 t

o f





7.J1JA(D)W~.(·I$~1ltfil!jr.i!IO. fEil]"~~J ¥-¥nHI~¥ B3im

8 .. ::o~)!;;t~~~~~. OJ~!It~~~i§j~. &lA~1irt~C1J. fflJ}l=FFs'~.w&tte_~8'3~ffL.C. iN.~m ge. U(200'C~ 10 ... *P~~1iUit~lIDDJ.

9_ ~1rt ~J:\~!'¥~f?i. fl!J~bt1lWA(E)l!l!~~~. ~~@g~23m*B'3~~-liA~. C1.180CW~ 30~. ~AA ~fO. E?ll:JAN_Jl~.IU!llilmDJ.

7_Folo Ir {DI and mix evenly (,Bake thiS batter for "Sponqe Fingers after mixing.)

B.lf you desire to make Ihe Sponge Fingers.please pipe this batter into finger shapes on the lined tray Then ba e at 200'C in the middle shelf for 10 minutes or till golden brown.

9.1f making French sponge cake, please stir in (E) slowly and mix well.Paur batter into a 9" round mould. Bake at 180 C for 30 minutes. Remove the cake immediately when it is baked.



(A) 51' •• 150~ • 5 Eggs f50g Sugar

B) 120JZ .. 2OgFiour

Bas i c

Method 1 9CP'H1> lfJ:VAIfflf.*!""r:tJ· 2 WCMf ':J!ew~El~

3 (jiJA{8)U:~ •

.l tlflroA(ClJ:"~. OOCJlfi1illllf~£923m*-9'1~fI~~llm. w 180 r:.'W')!30ni¢'. ~~JO

Jl.~j~tI:lI!QCJ •

1,Put (A) In the mixing bowl 2.Whlp (A) 1111 light and nuffy 3 Fold in (Bl and mix rill well blended

4.SlJr in (C) and mIx unli well incorporated.Pour batter mto a 9' round mould.Bake al 180'c for

mmules.Remove it rrom the mould immediately once baked 30

Re m ar k 1 ;n~iUflll~J!ij~~f;i. OJtt1I1AitM n. nDA 1 :.1iltB'llftlQ-&r.J '2.JO$S~7J~~. OJU2a ~~~ID§~-~~tt.~ aJrA2I)~. ~. ~tfW ~~~~~~~~.~~ f£:II1reJf!lt~MHHii8ft .~ *~ •• ~~~.~H~ ~ J:5~71,tO~ •• 8".i;il~

for 30


()f (

1, ifj!Jf~)ijj:!'!il~~8'f, OJ1J[).A1\lqJilt~~§"~, • ~D15~1J, IUJO~~, 4i2;fOtTlI.' J, illel IJOA 'jO _rtrt'Hft,1 ~fTlf~m 1 2 :1Ht!!f!Bt.

2. ,li1f~~~mJ~j!.B~i*jffi&rm..t~:a!a;o

3, ~mWffi~.$.ftFa. ~~~..t~~1t}'U;IHtt~rp,~tJj. 4, #Bmm~~~JiIl?±~~$;,ffi;Zi:m~.

5. ;m~[]i~HIi~£jH!aM!L OJm.=J=.$£J.lim~~Ftt. ~[)~~tM1~mt:lOOJ I t!lCJ~)J~"r~r:?1l'MiA:m~r.):Ji91~JiL (~rJ ~..t75HHollMgjU#i;~mI:!QDJ •

6. UJ..te~~Ji'l:&!.$J(fHmm~~1Jsn, ~@Ff.jT1f(QTmU{1j:iitHliHIUfliiS3'8i:i~.

1.8asic sponge can be flavoured by adding flavoured paste,eg.chocolate,,lemon paste etc. Orange and lemon juice (30 ml) can be added together with 1/2 tsp of their zest.

2.Grease cake mould and line the bottom with paper before use.

3.When the cake is baked,remove it from the mould immediately.

4.AII the sponge cake recipes should be baked on the lower shelf of the oven.

S.The cake is ready when the surface is pressed and springs back.Alternatively, insert a skewer,if it comes out clean.the cake is ready.

6.When referring to a vanilla sponge cake,any of the basic sponge cake recipes may be used,

( ~3~~~~ J


very difficult to prepare

difficult to prepare

easy to prepare

very easy to prepare




I r

(A)300g Sugar,1J8 tsp Salt,1 tbsp Cake emulsilrer (8J6 Eggs,1 tsp Vanilla flavour (C)250g Flour 60g Cornflollr,2 tsps Baking powder (D)100ml Water (E)150ml Corn 011 (F)160g Mixed dried fruit


1 Mix (A) till well blended.Add (8) and mix lill well incorporated.

2 Add (C) and mix till well combined then whip till light and fluffy.

3.Add (D) and mix till well blended then add (E) and mix lill well combined

4 Add (F) and mix till well incorporated.

5 Grease and flour the mini cake mould. Place some sultanas and red cherries at Ihe bottom of Ihe mould. 6.Place the batter into the mould until about 60% full.

7 Bake at 180'C on the middle shelf of the oven for 20 minutes.

B.When baked ,mmediately remove It from the mould. Serve

~iSl§'::;E.r.1U! 21' ~ ='~L ~ 4l n.:t=g



Corn oil can be replaced with melted butter or margarine.

ka I11UISlfl.t ur.60g ~[]I",,_ (E)1S0rnr

J ) ()O dJ S UJ 15 5 ~ 0 II


~ A )m;I*~·jl}& ~~. ~,!£A 8)rf~~imfMo

q~tmmJ 7t IU 3 {}j. ~ itCP - tit roA ffi!:lJ£~m§~: -151 .ocM@~Ifl~f;l: *T~;;r, JJO~o

~ ~:rroJ@i~99rmmJ, :B~Jf&AM?t~~, ~ftIOO~mlE8i1i m8'iJP';~~o

5 m 190 C9'9r? Affi, 1N?It~H'§cp[8Jm~ 20'llo

e ffltHDFc. ,~J:-~~&gU~;m,8I.1i'F~tffl. ~FoJee~ : eD~o





I ngr rI' .,ts

(A)2S0g Sponge mill rlour,4 Eggs,SOml Water (B}80g Melted butler,Green colouring,Pink colouring


1.Whlp (A) till lighl and fluffy. 2.Add (8) and mix well.

3 Divide il into 3 portions.Mix pink colouring Into one portion,green 10 another and leave the third one uncoloured.

4.Pipe each coloured portion onto a lined baking tray. S.Bake at 190"C on the middle shelf for 20 minutes. 6.When cool,spread the surface with some jam or butler cream,then roll it up.Serve.

Over baking will result in the Swiss roll cracking. The Jam should be beaten to spreading consistency before applying to the cake.

Sjeamed ~alSln CaKes


(A)5 tx~:m. 21'"~~, 220 R:~, 1 '41it~!i:ldl (B)1/2 *

~~~~~ lC)230 R:iID$, 1 ;H!~&m (0)2 5iJ~tUL, 2 1 2 ~~3i,16t!l (E)l 00 RJ'ftimiT


U~(A)lmW~tJ&, ~~. ~Fo1JOA(B)I*:?Jo 2. UOAomiS!89(c)~.g.?¥$Jo


4. JJOACE)~C5'1!iU*'¥~~~[IDml~Og 0 5 ~/J\~I£.j'ifiM!NNIi:~tl~o

6 ~iID~~NNIUilft~~, bQ1>i!'fOOfijTo 7 liV\~7!~ 20 7:HW~Dqro





Irrir f} ~-

(A)5 Eggs,2 Egg yolks,220g Sugar,1/4 tsp Salt (8)112 tsp Vanilla flavour (C)230g Flour,1 tsp 8aking powder (D)2 Ibsps Evaporated milk,2 1/2 Ibsps Corn oil (E)100g Raisins


1.whip (A) till light and fluffy.Add (8) and mix till well blended.

2.Fold in sieved (e) and mix till well blended. 3 .. Add (D) and mix till well incorporated. 4.Add (E) and mix till well blended.

5.Place cup cake papers in patty tin.

6.Pour batter into the cup cake moulds and sprinkle some raisins on top.

7.Steam it for 20 minutes.Serve.

"'"V' TCOPlrg CaKe

~. • 5 ~~~H:;frJ (B)51'~~. 130 R;miffi. . :::;:L'£ti' C!:) ~;:-I.K (0)85 ?lft§iUB

~~?Jtr::~1 ~m~~o

t ;:a~_Egj!i~~~~:C~o

- ~~~~~ 8 ~*-E=~l;l7J~J~~~~EW~~ffio e.J;:~~~1E •. ~ k~53;;::j;!i. :f.\o;Q.t=f§ti:o

~ ~~JJ"~~~~. w.-~~i§mttmIijIiDQfo






Ir1" -j"e"'J.

(A)160g Sugar 159 Cake emulsifier (8)5 Eggs 130g Flour.l tsp Baking powder (C)40 ml Water (D)85g Melled buller


1.MIX (A) till well blended then (8) and whip till thickened. 2.Add (C) continuing to whip till light and fluffy.

3.Fold In (D) and mix till well blended.

4. Pour it into a 12" square shal low mould

5.Bake at 190'C in the middle shelf for 20 minutes and once baked,remove it immediately from the mould.leave to cooL(Bake 2 pieces of cake)

6.Sandwich 2 pieces of cake together with butter cream. 7.Use a 3" round cutter 10 cut rounds.

a.Coat the outside of the rounds with butter cream and cover it with desiccated coconut.

9.0uline Ihe top with butter cream. Fill the centre with jam of your choice.


The jam can be replaced with melted chocolate or other soft coating ganache.


• 130fJ (08C st W (0 1 ,

• 1

Ir lr II nl

(A)S E 1 • , 309 Sug r l B )I\og HQur .20 Cornflour .112 \,~

l3o~lng powder lC)80l1 Moltod bunor lD)1I21m Whole !

nl I COin


1 WhiP (A) till lighl and lIuffy

2.Fold In (S) and mlF. \111 well blond d

3 Add (C) and mix 1111 wf)1I rncorporaled.

4 pour II Into the lined SWiSS roll pan,smooth it.then

sprinkle (D) on top,

5.Bake at 190 c on the middle shelf of the oven for 20


6 Remove from the pan immediately It IS baked,

7.Allow to cool.then spread the surface with buller cream

and roll up cake.

S.Cut roll Into 3" sections.Serve.

20 t}llPo

it: 0


When folding (B) and (C) together,do not miX III too long:over mixing causes the bubbles to bIeIIIE which results in a stiff texture and le88 volUftle.


111.20 Corl1tlOlJr,11 I p t, r CD) 11 lit! WhOl, kar


t. I d.

, pan, rnOotfJ rt.lhen

It at Ill, oV'm for 20

", bflj... d

h:a wll h bUff! r croam

do 11111 ITIIX for 'llbl' 10 I.., Elk

II v .. turn


A ~ ~~. 50R~. 1 .l *~§;. 50~Tt3I*~. 50 ~ :!J.=~~. i~O~m; . \ 2'";~' (8)51"~8. 100~~, C)~O Rfir~i=. 20 S'ltlw' t~~. 205'l


• ~ ;reg"TI~~~~~

- ~"B ~~61J§~~~ .~~11lA~m~J8:~~~

I:.Jf; C ~'J'7~~t:::;,_~..!_~~S!:E. fftFof§fi®Jijj--;~~o 5. 5:E}§i§~e • .s.. 75'C ffij.tP~tjij§ 20 5:1~o ~=~E.~~~~~I~~§'~~~~a

- ,~)7~:::. ~~E~~~~~~E~~Ji.;5(B]~~mi-,=. ~~~E~b~~~~~F~9~~c




mm~~~~·~~.~~tt. 1UlI_ om








(A)5 Egg yolks,50g Sugar.1/4 tsp Salt, 50 ml Corn 01150 ml Milk, 11 Og Flour,112 tsp Baking powder fB)5 Egg whites 1009 S uga r 114 tsp Cream of tartar (C)40g Sultanas.20g Red Chernes,chopped,20g Green chernes chopped


1.Mix (A) lill well blended.

2.Whisk the egg whites from (B) till they form soft peaks Add sugar and cream of tartar and continue to whip hi stiff

3 Mix (A) and (8) till well combined.

4 Sprinkle (C) onto a lined swiss roll pan then pour the batter onto it and smooth it.

5. Bake at 175 C on the middle shelf of the oven for 20 minutes

6.0nce baked immediately remove from pan

7. When cool, spread butte r cream or jam of your enoree on top.Roli up so fruit is showing on the outside Serve.


Too high a baking temperature will result In shrinkage The whole pan Should be lined With

ane5e Coffon Sponge CaKe

Ingredients (A}60g 8uHer (8)80g Flour (C)80 rnl Eva. 1 Egg.5 Egg yolks (E)5 Egg whlte',i SIlt

A)". M1JlA(B)IIo6J!J~. t lIIA.(c),,~.

3 lDA(o>II8U~"""

• MCElIBII8MUJI. JIlOA8Il .. __ •• _3 ..

511t1O ......... ~ ..... · _I. alBAe. HlrftNra-.

1 - I.flli. ClI70'CIUI25ftt111.

• ~. ql:tl_ES"

.--. """2~.~.


rl~ \ Illl '. I) l~n c3CCC)mr:_)an Irn(-=:-,rll ,I l JJJtfE ~ *~ cp B~ ~ ~

:l!l"fi_ ilBIt:a '_S!' ~ ....

P?ltt.:;:~ IT' E.

_, ....... '1t_


1. ;tG~~ (AHiJIAlmlf6fll~,

2. ~~ (A) P-¥~Fo. ffl'lt ftB1JO A (B), ~l~' 4 ~ -5 ;Jltp

3 ~R1*~f'4&if;07'6m, fij~lAITf~~~23f~*Ef:JBUlrp. ~ 180"Cm~I)Q-60tJt4J~ffi7jMmlAili~rjMlll at. ~=f*OrMI~fmOJ

1 Pour all Ingredients of (A) into the bowl.

2 Mix (A) till well blended.Add (8) slowly and cream for about 4-5minutes until light and smooth.

3.Cream the batter till light and smooth.Pour the batter into a 9''' round mould. Bake at 180 C for 50-60 minutes or test with a skewer which should come out clean when cake is cooked.

(A) 250JUiIJOJ 200_

210" 1.U. 250g Margarine 200gSugw 210gFlaur

118p BaJdfIg ... _

(Al 250R _5!ll 20Rft 250g Butter 20g Sugar (B)

51' li_ S Egg yolks (C)

51' liS 170~.

5 Egg whites 170g Sugar (0) 210~iliti 12ftll!~f;} 210g Flour

tap Baking poWder


II Method 1. 7'cJE( A )hllA!ltt!~!MOP3.

2 ~{f(A)j*~~~6t, ?rllJa~DA(B). 3, ~~~mlJ,!!~~ifJtJtJ~'6/W~.

4. ~~(c)l!tJ{!jlj!~6tJl3l. ~OA.!TJf!1!g~I~W~f~.

5. ~~J~I!j!1EmJ~(C)iffifD~$: 3 cpeJ~~8':mJJ~~- ~?..j!~.

6. jj!JA (0 )j!j!~ /~UR~i§jm. 1~JA 85i.fiifBD [3 filjgLl; 9'~ ~:t!~. I». 180"C m~ 50 7:HlJl5i\l ffl'r1'lI'Hffi AgH;'~ CP ;.mM. RO;r-;:¥QlDm~eD oJ"

1. Pour (A) into the mixing bowl.

2.Cream (A) till i.ighLAdd (B) slowly. 3.Continue to whip the baiter till smooth.

4.Whip the egg white in (C) till foamy and then add the sugar and whip 1111 stiff.

S.Mix whipped (C) with the above batter till well mixed. Egg whiles and sugar should

6.Fold In sieved (0) and mix well.Pour the batter into the be whipped till stiff or dry.

greased and lined mould. Bake at 180'C for 50 minutes then

test with skewer which should come out clean when cake is




1 . ~ 'flIR~ 11

2. M ,fII.fO.

3. ~Of.J!.ID 4.ffi~W.~ 5 m~~~1fj f3.~~f.lM . 7 ~O!J!~;..) B. ~"!I!iUilij- 9, ~O~tI& 10 ~WH~~


1 tJ;fMil/l'td,., 'i:lfitj'~' tffi"II)~~II,

) U(Ul\.:ilIIIJ»,MIlI'I'I' It. n(rf1~~,~,lq]lilll!nllln, 1~'I!iII/1 ~j:!ml"i'"tl·ln'IJ~n.j "f IJ"

lin, I' f •• 'JI, I r" "/,lln, I •

a ~n'flIIMIl~jlnI!lH'I' 1'~HJi ~~hin~Ii'~'f~bt.ll\, II J'fII~1!l;o

,1 ~tM~lttMllLI\il', ti,~f'\l~I;iJ.QII~lmM 'II'ltWfIIUl

[" aitM~-4~tln, 4!,l LU 'I~ ~AJ..f::.'! t=,!.r IIIIIIII!. '~I VlIJ 1J1~~; r. Ilv 1m 'if II \ II WBtMO, j~~IJ.)I~ 'ft,]$Llff,jlll ,tfl1~(~'4~I~~n'II~}

Un'~H~ D~~~J~Otl' -ti:,U'I. rAA'l!?nHI~I.\iI~~UIIII, IUt,11I'I'IIIIII1j1,1111v I,

Il ~il11~~~ ilIDJllJhll.(J m,nmWr1j/'F.1~{*~. 10Ji1\~'1\ , LHf,~UlUfj~ {I ~ 'M~J!t.4 n QUlfjm;tI fi J~I~i IJq~)Q~ ', ~Jtu !t'J~1 ~t~\ ~I~ }, 1/ IJU!llllI~

10, I!l1J'V&.sn~mttU·llrNJ 111 WhQ A( I (f1J1I" v.:n~I~~ FUjl,

11 ~n ';jiI~tMIRi~illlJ~j'r.i.'.l t~, it 'Fi' M;~~tl:\t~~/I', filii ~)liI\/ifi I )~ I ImJtIH'V 1,111);, I. lIP (I'l't/,,/;t 1JFt-*/jI I MP

1,100 !llnh 11 11nnt will causo !Ill) G ,1\11 lu 01f1l;11 1111110 wnnl",

.! Crl1llmlnu U10 bullnl' nwl ml[liH lilU klll!J will Crumll 11111 w!lw '1'1If.. III 111" Llj,nlrlJ, Willi Illltll ankm.,lllO Il'lllt will aluk 10 IllLl l10ltwll

3.11 Iho blill ar n nel tllJ~lfl r nru ~m[h I bnn 1.1111 ,II will rll~llill III n ,:1 tlJwy luxl"ll J ill III /OriH voh HIIIJ ~I OVOI h Idnt:) IOlolull(l 111 n (hleIH.1! crust £lIlt! tlilt'illlllllflll/dil'l

!.l.WIHm cako I. bnlltld,1l/1[Ei 10 I.w IOlliuvud 11011l lIiO fl]ollid 11"'lilHllnI1dytJl Ihn t.nko wll/ shllilk flild II rvu II '1 volume

b I hn iJ,lldnq tlllliJlllllld • IlOuld IlU WOil~iIld 7 !'I1Ll bjOROI 01 Illllllur tho l:nlw,1I11l h)wler II lie tUhlllL.lI cnll!J l il1uulrl bdllod 01' lhu 10 bakuq 011 lilo Inltldlo !lllllif 9 II 1:I1IH'H I'. IInl wull blutlu On Illn ';url,llm u] 11111 .... kIJ 10,Alllflli tHllll" (,1"" lut.lpo 11 111/10 IlllxlLlIO I' uvn, III tllo,! or LIIJlll11Ud, 11111 1.,1"" will ~ I.J wy tnd '.11111111\1111

IInnd wlth Pllfllll III dl/~;Jllri willi fI(J1II

to flo Il(l/(QU nl fl 'll1nfllly lowl)I hlltlrHlllltLll'J 01 !.Illl nVI)fj SillIlllill' ';IIIJ,rmJlwlldllllllr/llu

CUll) till ~UutJI ,Iflu I utlllll will bu Itol ••

IIl1pnd 11I(JU

will slpk If 1I1!t undOi h

~ f\ ) '()l' 1'\'Ullpl, I .J ~~rV~~\), 1 !'} 'l~j~~J\rn, [LbO '.'\',1'11 )111 ~t'l, i'-~~!il. llt",lj'~ ~\"~ ~1h'~~lm~l, I 1"1\1 \ l'l\lt-!ih"~

\ II ~, ti~ ~. I,Ll)flll11 l\th ._ )1~fJ<' ~t\l')lj.l \\.tnqll'jl I,

I~I \~ \ '%' 11~Jt I I JI!t;.1I'1I~11"

" RIHlIIMfi\; \t t~HI t!1U~ I U'II);WlI,1 ~~ \ ~llt~\!f'I P q I" (: III I :Il' ~ !'J\J~"tuiWt; i'll .., *~"

'I ",I ~\~, ~It mtll. ! 't}~"

, ru 'l~t'lll ~gd~ll'l1, itHn I~~III", H11~\ltltl[lf~"




J. l \ \fil mts

(A)~ql(l~1 I loul , I1II tflP HUklll!l pnwdor,lJ:1 Ib~p Milk IHlwd{lr,:n'[)~1 rlll!h)! (ll)lJ 1.11!IH, 1 nl!1 Silum (C)2Ih5p~ Or 1l11!IU Juluu.Zus! or I ()lllIlUIJ

M'tll (i

I Croutn (A) till ~IllODII1 1I1d flulty. ~ Whip (lJ) tlllllnhi nnd thick

,I Add (C)II1!o (~)lInd I11lx tlJlnvnnJy blended. ., Add (A) und mix till woll lncorpornted.

h Plil\:o OlD butter lnln n bPSrlsuci Wllj floured cup cake tuould.

Ii Bn"l' tit I ~lU'C 101 :'0 mtnutos.

I UnlllDlild hums dlntnly nrtl-ll bukllig and leave to cool tl Cut thn 11lP portion ,)S shown and deCOf<1te with butter GIUlII11.Sf'IVU,





(A)2BOg Bulter,230g Sugar {B)S Eggs (e) 1 tb':lr- ine (0)200g Flour,1/2 tsp Baking powder 1 lbsp Milk pmy. der (E)2S0g Sultanas 60g High protein ffour

"'"ME. L II R;C! (8,5 -j j$~ (C)i ;'t~t::r;m (0) 2r.~ • 1 ~fl1 (E,Z50P.. ST. 80

~ hod


~ A t'"'JfgcLo~"

r;;"L) 8 , -&reW-l£fLi.... ". '0 J*~t$.ffi:!5lQ

E :g3~o

~ -1l8· ~~EUl§AttP.. _~~

~ E- r~ ~~-m:;;.!t1tij wl;f!)qr.


1 Cream (A) till Irght and fluffy.

2.Add (B) slowly and cream till smooth and light 3 Add (e) then (Dland mix 1111 well blended

4 Add (E) and mix rill well Incorporated

5.Bake in loaf tin.

6.Bal' e at 180'C for 50 minutes Serve.


O"ercreamlng will cause the cake 10 smk as weI as the sultanas to Sink 10 the bottom After bak- 109 for 15-20 minutes exira sullanas can be Sprrnlo-Ied 00 top of the cake for decorallOn The

- ~ ~9~1J'~c.:e~r~lo~e~l~s added 10 make the cake morst If It 15

not a lallable,it '5 fine to omit It



Te a

" ~¥~mr.~~, ~.t.ffi(C)fI'9~@ri?~-~l*~~~: Rf ~~.~OOA~~2~~8~, -E~~.

~ m.smA8~%l3IEfj(D). ~I$~~~lmrtllo ~~~~@M~~~~k~ffiEfj~~~o

- ffl48G cmlPetJ1~ 50-60 5j~o

1;;£'=. ~.t~~~trliffilCjJo

---- ___



1 lr " r

(A)250g Bulter,180g Sugar,Pinch of Salt (6)4 Eggs tel

1809 Yam,steamed,25g Sugar,80ml Coconut milk,Purple colouring (0)290g Flour,1 tbsp Milk powder,1/2 tsp Bak.

ing powder

1 L I J ,.ir.:j

250g Icing sugar,40g Butter,2 tbsps Lemon JUlce,Zest 01



1.Cream (A) till. light and fluffy.

2.Add (8) and cream till light and smooth.

3.Mix (C) till well blended while the cooked yam is still hot.Leave to cool.Add it into the above mixture and mix till combined.

4.Lastly,fold in the sieved (0) and mix till well incorporated 5. Pour mixture into the greased and floured gugelhupf mould 6.Bake at 180·c for 50-60 minutes.

7.when cool coat with topping icing.

TOPPing Ic .,g

Mix icing sugar with soft butter till well blended.Add in the lemon juice and zest and mix till well blended Put mixture over hot water and mix until spreading conslS' tency is achieved.


If the yam is too cold,it will not blend smoothY·


----- __


1,1_, ,.:. ~ t :'n o,.,u 0) e: oj.,,: (".:'" : ':;";

---..__ __


emulSifier (8) powder (C)1 ~d red glace

miX ttll well

ea for about

glace chero e batter


hen Its d cake

J I~J" ,~( IIJI fMB


Ingr J"'; .nts

(/~) 1200 nurran Ilw,rl,60ml mill ... .4Qq Flour 16125°9 BIJ1'~ nOg :..ugar {C)5 Egg'> (D)?OOq Flour 5(Jg c'dJtl;Hd powder, 1 12 hp Baking powder, 1/4 I:)p Sodium tJIC;arbl)n


1 PI a ce the durian flw,h and rrulk into rJlendp.f and blend till smooth Add the flour from (I) and ml.l 1111 we combined

2 Croam (8) till light and fluffy.

3.Add (C) to creamed(8)and cream till smooth and light 4 Add (A)and mix till evenly blended.

5 La~lIy add (D)and mix till well blended,

6 Pour the batter into a j 0" round mould or loat tin 7 Bake at 17S'C for 50 minutes.Serve


fill: butler should be pliable so thai It can be easIly beaten till light and fluffy.


lfJ c 'lU!i ~I~ tfrWli) I • J I ':H.m H.v.o I 11'n~M(A)I~~

flU Jllll (O)it] ,. I 1\I'#;'JIb,i.Um 0

r 11'(/ r !"t'Jj';J?) ;i'(l'~I:l\lHH .. tli:ifl~ISUlmo I l:J \ J~ c !JUl' t I t.1WOO ~~

i i

l j[lAr ft KIY~r!Jlll i'n~ImIJII' l'II,Ji./ih I'roCO) HW(I 11(I]n ~ N 1111J"qlljl' ~U~}lql, I IV! 11'1 'fflhliA:1 ,,~IP, (III f fi'l 1']LI1 1'~,lmlllv

M rho«


------ __


(A)lll,u Mmllllihl(l,~:!()q ';IIWlr,2~I{Ju IlwJ(,lll1p pllwdnl,~ 1IJlilHl C(JIjOB pflH'IrJ (l1)u I fillS (1.)1l0!] fll,nllllll!l

I ,(dum,. (A)UII wnll GllllliJnd

i,Add (0) 'iluwly ruul ollmrll I1II linlll 111111 o.;f1'!Jolh IJ IJ 1111 n litH!'] n t IIImj liu n spnerl

:l,Pnur tim mlxturu 11110 .. 1()" round ")cHllo,Sprlnkle nlbbnd nIIllDIlCI'l all top

4 ,Unlw al 1 HOC for 4G rnlnulos or In'll willi r:.kl:lWljf 1'1 cooked when skewer COITW'I mit clean SerVfl


Do tlol (JVt!! I.;rthllll us " will I .rusu the cake to ,,1111, fOld (l.,vn <I CUoII'0I1 tuxtur« lJIIlhH l,rellmln~ PIIIIIUI;tI', II ~llIr olild 1'1;11<1 Ioiku


. bout

Ie the




2 1JOA(B)fmlnU'O~, t~&o ~.tJDA(C)-~'ti!I*:¥t~~.

4 ~(D)I*~-M, $Fo9~)t. J l!i!~9)JM*~-iffilml~o 5.fflIA(E)~~I*~a fJ.lJ1FoIJDA<F)I!IU*~r,:1'.:?J!ilGtmWJo

7 'If1nt?~'9/;J2aJj)I{9)J~~lf.:'I~pq;*iHJ, tm~Ii., ?&Fo~~~h ft(?f~~p;;, 1=t~AiIDfMo

B. Ff.l 1 eo ''C.!'.JUs 60 51trIJ, 9tFIWJffilmA~U$lpq, PIl~*OJO~ ~!lDqJo ?!.iFo~.t~~tt&:lm±BR, f.#j~1iIJo

) ~}7W9)JMi,t, ;*.t-~~-3"~S;J'C~rrIJCm~~P69~* I;!E:fm 5 J'C~fiUOOW(jt.) eOqr 0




(A)250g Butter,100g Sugar,Pinoh of Ball (8)9 Egg yolko (C)60ml Orange julce,Zest or 1 orange (0)6 Egg whites 140g Sugar (E)250g Flour,1 tsp Baking powder,30g Ground almonds (F)150g Orange peel


1.Cream (A) till light.

2.Add (8) and cream till smooth and light. 3.Add (C) and mix well.

4. Whip (0) till stiff.Mix with the above mixture till well blended 5.A.dd (E)and mix till evenly blended.

6.Lastly add (F) and mix till well combined.

7.Grease and line a 9" round mould.Arrange some thin slices of orange peel on the bottom of the mould.Pour the above batter on to it.

B.Bake at 180·C for 60 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.Unmould immediaLely.Leave 10 cool.

9.When cool. glaze with apricot glaze(Refer to P.69 for apricot glaze).


Egg whites should be whipped to the right consistency Under whiPPing will result tn a softer batter and sliffer cake lexture.Over whipping will result in lumpy egg while which will not blend well with buller egg yolk baiter

IJ\I6± .8H.~M.M~~.~~~.~ .811~JI1.'HB. ~1t~J(~mJUi!~~mo




yu h ~

r - Og


I d1"Y to PIIlP", <I. Md"t' Sllll' tlw l !I!I whittl mixture I~ Wt" PIlip ! lilt' t'~IH will It' nnxtur, h. too Sllfl, this wltl 1,I~tllt II] ,I Sllhlllol Vlll"llltl L'Vl [WhIPP'''!} Willlll'lh.u it dilll':lIrt Ill! lilt) tllJq d!ld ""II~J,1I111U Illl~

--'~·~~~~~~~~-~~------ "",-~II~II'::I'~ltl btl '>hll1ll' 1111\,1"

!11\.'·()l~ 'lI1ilHII. ~hll~~I, "tl\\l,~~ (11111 r.'l(~'\ U')hll [~["\l.\~ I ,jl, Iill II!~ \(1),1 I'mll. 1,1I11,'\I,W;11 U ):lll(ll,',', 1J'[II:l, I 'I~ bt I m U HIll 1,\1, ~ ,\~' I Itl, lJ/If'r


I, ~1(1\ ) It« 11' 1'1 ~:t., N\~j, I/~I \(1 nit \l,I1!~n '1\11~~\\ \r,)h\. 1 1 « llit \ 'P I ~1,II'h'ltf·. ~~\" dill -\(,W " I 1'1'1 ~J*~I" 'W I" .'1 ttlll(l\ltl\~~. W \11\~I".'n\l~mljl ~JII\lI'f"

" r~I-\U)I't~J.

tl. JM I \\1 )t't' Ilj~Il'II~~I"

Il ~;lfll~~H\'l'il t li';t\~!J, Im'l~n\Jn h' ~1'<U:lJljl \kn\JIMIJH!~ n IJ~ I J J)I !~IJII'"

J.l1! I tHl', '\1ttt, t.\J litl J HIli, !.l~1I11IJ I'~ hil .\ "I;t~\q I. <IU ,,*,11 (N~t~Wllllr'

IJ\I6± i&!l l\:ffiI~~~IH1 !'I\Itl{tt, «l~

~J n{llJ./JIJIII, lfJl'Ji'-:~hl ,tlll"" tMJ

9'il 'PlltJlI ~ . tlng' I "l&.~lIlfllfil~~r tFfJiMl •.



IllCJI f' Ji( nts

(1\);liOq MnrWlllllfl, 1'1111111 Dr S;rIl,~()!J SIIIIIII (A)B bill V" I 1111 (C)!I(J!l Gllnlllld rod dfitilN,~IOrIlJ WII!t1l (Il)A ~q!J whllw;, I-ID!! Sllorll (l )"00q IIIJII;', I IfiP l311h.Jl1q POWder (l )hll!l CllllllOd rlld rilllml,l IIClPPlld

I (:11)11111 (A) 1IIIIInl1t lhun !HId (U),C!llltlllllO ttl cruam JIll IIUIlI 111<1 ~11l1{.l()111

:',L110IHl(G)11l HHllll111HIlli 1111 Ilnll thon mid ll lnlo IIHI fibove IIqU')1 IIm~ rnlx 1111 woll Illlllldod,

;',Wlllp (11) till ~lIti Adtlill tho I1h(lvt1 tltlttm olnt! mix !III woll nUlllblllUl1.

.1.1 !lId III (I.) .1IId mlx 11/1 W{ II IIlCOfPUldlud. [i A(III (~) dlHI mlx till wull bh'IHlvtl,

l\.Hq~p III !111,}<lSud dill! Iinod H" round mould or III I' 1111

7, Ii'\~n lit I UO·C lUI [)tl [w mllllrtOl1 or unlll sktlwm cumes mil 0101111 Snl'v(l,


--------...._ ........


Salt 2Dd ~"ga. r 9i: te 5C '1 ctef r- s EIIG ts;_! Sa 'lg P!lWCltr

Icorpo ::1 foCi p~d

r':J:.. .... o r.JD::rI:. o: ~" Jr e S' comes



mrr cfr TIl

Br: cr--'= rr~ ="'= =



-§~~~~~~.~ ~~~~

8) .. ~-~I$ ~\:2.l::gc


•• ~l;:.fI m~~8 -.aM~~ ~~q~.~~~~.~8q~~. ~u ~~eBl;:~. ~m~~~~~





Ingr _ .,ts

(A,Z50g Buller.ZOg Sugar (B 7 Egg yol s {C)7 ~gg \\ hiles l"'Og Sugar (O) < 90g Flot.r.1I2 tsp Balc,'ng PO .... Oe

112 tbsp pOI',der (E)160g Chopped ,'ab:.rts 100g

Chocolate chips


1 Creal!" (A) tililight.Add (Bland continue to W '01111 hgrt and smoot

2.\\ h P rne egg I' hites from (C) t II foam .Add sugar aM;! co n "nue to \\ hip till stiff

3 Mix the wtoipped (C) with Ihe above batter till well b ended 4 Fold In sieved (0) and mix 1i11 ~ell combined.

5 Add (EI and mix Iill ',',e I ncorporaled.

6.Pour the batter into the greased and lined rno d Sprin Ie some extra walnuts on top

7 Bake at 180'c for 50 MI'lutes or test until skewer come out clean Serve


01100 d:fficult to rna elf t e egg ~hlte batter is well prepared.tna ca .e vill come out beaubf II

If the meringue IS too soft tne ca e III not nse .. vell If the menngue IS too stiff,lt w il not blend e Y.o th the butter yol mixture




01 s (ell Egg a ing POwder, walnuts, 1 DOg

o whip till light

I dd sugar and

" well blended ined.

lired mould

skewer come

batter is autifully not rise lend well

I "

40 R.~illl. 35 R~~I2}. 55 R.-fflllll'k


1 .~IA)Ifi.lj*~I1}&o

2. jJ'fI~'.IWO A.(B)/j{!!*¥J'6l1, tJ&o

3. nOA( C)m!j*'¥~'?J~iIDW!o

~ {~Aj§!£~~ 25 Jm*89~F5~~l'fo

5.~~im~\'ffi8902*3!, -i.Qi!r5mtl*~iH~~. tf~{'fmt\tto 6. t;( 175C l:JH!; 50 5Jt4J~Dqr 0





-- ....

( dh'~

(A)270g Butter,230g Sugar (8)5 Eggs,60ml COconut milk 2 Ibsps Pandan juice (C)240g Flour,25g Custard pOWd .


30g Desiccated coconut,1 tsp Baking powder


40g Butter,35g Icing sugar,5Sg Desiccated coconut


1.Cream (A) till light and fluffy.

2.Add (B) a little at a time and cream WI smooth and light 3.Fold in (C) and mix till well blended.

4.Pour it into 10" round mould.

S.Mix all the Ingredients in Topping and sprinkle on top of the cake.

6.Bake at 17S·c for 50 minutes. Serve.


l.~,A}lf~, iliIl!-~·

~.~(B)I$¥JI6,fI, tM?:.

3. ~(C)lIfI!¥!A(B)F"3. 1:*~j16m, ill~.

4 ~fA(D)("'~~ilit§C9")I!ti~~o

5 ,WA(A)~"8mtl*m.iIDmlo

6. ~ffiilMmA]j~~i915 ~*milffi~~m, tm.5¥, ftFo~


7.~ 1e5'Cm~ 1.5 ~ 2IJI81J~DqJo

- __

JJ\~± $t~(A)~8l*~m.-&

• ~JI~H3Hi§el~~~. ~t!mtt ~f~~m~IRA -IJIl!iiP.K, qrjf~t±Ja9~~~"fti:1








(A)3009 sultanas,75g Mixed peel 40 I

, m Rum 3

angs juice,Zest of 1 orange 112 tsp C. ,Olllial.

, IOnamQn

(B) 150g Butter, 120g Brown sugar (C)3 E PQ\'j~QI Flour,Some ground almonds and whole I ggs (D)'50~ a monds


1.Mix (A) and leave to soak overnight. 2.Cream (6) till light and fluffy.

3.Add (C) slowly to (6) and cream till smooth .

and II9ht

4.Fold in (D) and mix till well blended.

5.Add (A) and mix till well incorporated.

6.pour the mixture into 6" round mould and smoolh surface.Arrange the whole almonds on top.

7.Bake at 165'C for 1.5-2 hours.Serve


The (A) can be mixed kept overnight so as 10 ha~e a better flavour and softer texture.Owing to the long baking time ,a small bowl of water can be placed at the bottom of the oven to provide water vapour during baking and prevent the cake from

becoming dry.


I11h1m /1 POWd r 9gS (D)1500 almonds

and SI1100lh

to have ~ 10 fhe can be :l water :e from



len s

• bIcarb na;<?

et ad

.=t r:!


:.~(lC 6)0; ·t e a a
III (C til ,lie e~ e..:.
..!. . .l.,.c (0 a"c .\e II~;: ~"''I"a~
5. D.J • int0 a. ~r feud ou c. o.oa e at • ,:nfc for 5il


The sugar ana b Her 5 '-' onl then add In the so

D va. 2509 ", 1 ~


Carrot caKe


, ,:tf1(A)ltill*~t'il&Fo, OOACB)I!IlI~f¥tJ.&, JIC~o 2 ,11lA8Uffii:lffiJ(C):ro(D)f*~o 3,OOA(E)~:800~Iit(Ejmlo

~ ~mi~mA8;*)ffi&iIi!Ii8'9]itH~i9 23 m*ffiJl@ffi~~ ~, W80·CUU.s50"B~o

5 ~Mi6i$~..t.~K.ltiI~~ 1'--/9~tfIj~Oqro

~~W:f(Ht~~- ~~~, ~Fo1J]AI9~)HOf9~&:j~c5, >fi9?H?'VJ<Ul* ~ QJ)&tt8'9l£ra~Oqr •




(A)220g Butter.BOg Margarine.240g Sugar 118

, tsp Sail

4 Eggs,1/4 tsp Vanilla flavour (C)240g Hou 1 r, tsp e,

ing powder (0)80g Ground hazelnuts 1/8 ts C' '

, P Innall1O&

'powder {E)165g Grated carrots,Zest of 1 lemon

Torping leln!;,

200g Icing sugar,30g Butter,1 1/2 tbsps Lemon JUlcelt of 1 lemon'


1.Cream (A) till lighUhen add (8) and cream tililightn smooth.

2.Fold in sieved (e) and (D),mix till well blended. 3.Add (E) and mix till well mcorporatsd.

4.8ake in greased and lined 9" round mould at IBoe 50 minutes.

5.Glaze with Topping Icing and decorate wilh marzpi

carrots. Serve.

Topping ICing

Mix icing sugar with soft butter till well blendedAd~ lemon juice and zest and mix till well blended.PU

d· con mixture over hot water to make a sprea 109



----. ___


Sugar, 1/8 tsp SaIl (B} 40g Flour,l lsp BakfS,l/8 tsp Cinnamon t of 1 lemor)

ps lemon jUlce,Zest

cream till light and

ell blended. ed

mould at 180 C for

rate with marzipan

'II blended.Add the -II blended Put the ading consistency

und hazelnuts ids

\1, it 'I d l' i ldrdl \rlll' r 1ft q)\ 'Ill! ,il( "I { 1 I]f >, (I' g\ ~~~3~1I1tW(f1.J

El-I- tL ttl ta

I I ) l [( { r)f \ II ( ,II III I

, 'I \llll 111 l (11\t r

- tJ< ~ ~\IHg; ~ JXt )~

1 1{ h ' \1( '\I ltll Ullll( '~U( ) It1( , llh 1 ~II( ~~tffi~~U~


lie 1( IlIl~k'lk1Irlllll'I()lt1C ('f',tll,

~~~X ~ rum B~9~X~


1 . W~HEb m Ii ~ tffi j!

l, , I J

f~9. I


.itHi$~l~ P10 'ij* "#ijMHB:~~;g:;$.fO~$·'). ~~BiUffiJ:l~ 2 11. f;effl 1.5lelm§-'t~~jf!j~~...a"'_ ±!oigj]~~rlfig~79 20 rnH~~~IUifu~~~P:ljll, nilllilirf;Mi&lIR3- ..

2 ~~~.I1l'i.'M~ 2 'l'.I'3'-DJn, rr $~~.

3' ~~- !t)lijmlmttt~AI!l*~P9 .M~A~!l!,f~ . ...,~~,,) e

4·IJJA-*,8)(f§~t€Hr4($f&lJP112. -,¥-~)\IJ)III!El,'IItII ,

5:..ti§jlill.t:~-hjfUl$m~. litlAm~*~mllSl. , . . .. .

6.letflflll*~.lj!~. mA,*~~!I-&?E~I§J, ~~m~lIflljtff, i#..t.~lI.In~:i§iijfii'f!i. I!&FoOJM!t!Ht.1l

..t~mi'F~!.«. b B'" t f k "

1 Prepare the vanilla sponge cake(Refer to p10 a out asic S aps 0 sponge ca e ).Cut the vanll,

sponge cake Inlo 2 horizorilallayers.Set aside.

2.Cul same strawberries into thin slices about 21nm thick,and arrange around the side of the 8" round ring mould 3.Place 1st layer of sponge on the bottom of the mould. Place some 1/2 cut strawberries on top.

".Pour half of the flillng(Refer to p112 about "Strawberry cream cake")on top.

S.Tep wllh 2nd layer of sponge cake and pour the remainder of the filling on top.

a.Smooth it over.Ksep refrigerated overnlqht or until ftrm.Rernove the cake mculd.Ptace some pipinR Jelly lopping an top. Decorate with some strawberries if desired.


2. "}m~JfI J


Met h 0



1 ~;(A)W~. imFof1; 2 jjlJA~I*6filll1. !It!_ 3 :j:!J(B)m1?¥¥ti;~ • 4 ~;~tD~m~fOIj-t

1 Mix(A}and then 2.Pour the mixtur 3 Beat (8) till irgth 4 Add the cooled

~2f;:jiJ!ll ,\,?,Ii b.BASIC BUTTER CR

Cream butter and Continue to cream

Rf rn, rk

I. -Ei ~1fiIJI'F:1EIJjttm!l!l8'l. 2 -EiJl!i6J5R:t.JfII.:l1lilliio ' 3 5:'!l!1Il~IIl!jiUle.~.o ' .t ~H!:fi!JI$J(5I! a. b

1 'fa prepar~ a trrmer bull bought from a bakery Ingr :2 fo prepare chocolate b 3 To prepare conee buller <\ USe erlher method 10 m

) Cut th \ 8nl1l8

round nng mould top

- .



t d

l 11

$' ijH~ iHl ~ffli


I 1-&(A)j~!~, m\lD~tE~m~m:'1i, ~*IfttJ'~~~IISI :>. (~AmWffil.m. ill!~n~~mJ. i~hUfUJuWHj)jjMJj 3.1~(8)j~W~ffia,

d,IO.I~M1l¥.Jm(gjm-j@. ~i3~j~!~~"'JenoJ

1 Mi (A)and then whisk over double boiler till thick

2.Pour the mixture into mixing bowl,Continuing to Whisk till IHJhl and lei ,11,;001 3 Beal (B) till Ilgth and fluffy.

.:I.Add the cooled egg mixture and mix till well blended


~ ~lalmSIDJaH:!tH* g ~m. ?rtiIDJJOA ~i''i'I~.m&w!ifJj. *It* ?iHil~[!O 0]

Cream buller and shortening till smooth,then add vanilla flavour and ICIIlY SUy<Jr Continue to cream tlll Ilqht and fluffy.


21" •• 120 •• 2EQgI

120; Sut., (B} 40011_ 100Jl em. 400g1UU1r 100gS~


fA) 400_

100", 4OOQlu_ 100gStlol ...

(I) 180

(A) 5OOJm~1J 500g Chocolate

(B) 270.ftrrmmiIB 270m1 Whipptng aeam

(C) 2O~U 20g Butter

3 . :t'5}t 1J ~ tffi~

GAN~AC~~ __ ------------------


I~ Met h

1.~(A)1tlft:wfi~~. rRi*~1!'R~lEHt. _

2 $1(S}Jr>;;;il ~A(AJ9~~~~ft" $Fo1JOA(C)FF~f!.DOJ. J~tiD~~~. ~Iti.

1.Mell (A) over double boiler.

2.Cook (8) till boiling Pour it into (A) and mix till well blended.Add (C) and mix till well

combined Let it cool 10 thicken.Set aside


, ilJJ5~}J4ffi~~.~()~. limO-Pi, i.[j{~~. R1J~, DrnJt1tHtUrfJ~:i!it~. ~.1tI mit ':SR1JiiW~'

2. tIl-l'll8~1.Jfir.;!8ffif'R~®H, ~JRR~E~ ~W:lllJOJ, lIt~tt ·lJR7J'&C.~-.

1 Ganache is used for sandwiching cakes.It is beller to let it set overnight.1f It is 100 thick,place it over simmenng Jlaler unnt soften until slightly spreading consistency. This is used in "Chocolate pecan cake'

2 If ganache IS used for coating.just let it cool to lukewarm for a flowing conststency. This is used in -Chocotate almond mirror cake'

4.:tJ5i 11 ~tffiJ:t:;HOCOLATE CUT OUT

e». 9t~~~1J;git;, ?l.iFomtt~*4!U:,m~g1J 6cm x 30cm JijJtt. f.j~~~mr. I:lO~"elIllfmfVIill. ;;t.~.101tt4J1.l'8~1I. J:t/J\I~llI!H~~*'.fm. -l'.mi~~1J~ 23 ~*~~~m~ 2 ttJSR:1J&tftiJi ii m t!r(jJw.~ J5S!l1J1cJit~1J!. 1't~*ttm ~·~5aI!1I;..tite~ ~ • ~tt~tt i&~;g3£lifijij. tJJJl.tffl.99~

Melt some chocolate P' . 30cm Jusl

before th h . rpe a netting onto strips of plastic wrap,about 6cm x . 10

e c ocotate sets place th h f· rate for

minutes lt ' e C ocolate stnps around the cake Re (lg6 118

. I set.CarefUlly peel ff th f chOCO 8

netting 0 e plastic.A 9" cake needs to use 2 strips 0

rou can also spread the se proOf

paper Just before lh h melted chocolate evenly onto the wax paper or grea

e C ocolate sets I"

.cu It into the required shape.

~----------------------------------------------------- ------------------~-----------


.M:;j Go a dea

7!::- 0_

Fa ard a


glaze I

Coo Contreo

Q n t

..,.:--- = ;tI<_-'t'"_ . ..- ...

"'_~~"'if 3::-..-:~~ '~.

-c:J ::::~-r-- ~.--

-:;:'1-- ;'f;: or ~ :


For the base when adding (C) you should st r cOlI" stantly to aVOId burning the bottom When pourifll onto the semi set lop la er should do It slowlY

~~--~.~~ ~~ __ ~~ gently so as to not break the top la. _e~r _---

~"I ~8 't,llq~. , §~~Pjiffi (C)1 B~~ ~ : ~:: ~11t :fii!f;§tc~. r iij" ~{lJlW~~ (E):.K~

!!;I:.~ :: Jf!I:~. E§::DJA ... ~~t$:¢t8~. t;\~~<

... .. ;'1) ::' f!~I5tr;~rii.

• )'Z E 1!att:~:3 ~~B~~;tt~~Iff, ~Fo~~T~ ~y"'5 _. ~m37J\~m~~ ..



- ....




(A)950ml Water (8)1609 Sugar' pkl Konnyaku powd9r (C J 118 tsp Citric acid (D)2 drops Peach colouring 2 drDpl Peach flavour (E)Peach slices

~A)800ml Milk (8)180g Sugar.1 pkt Konnyaku powder C 40g Cornflour,1 OOml Water


1( P

1. M ix (8) then add to (A).Stir con sta ntly till well blended and then bnng it to the ball.

2.Add (C) and (D) mix till evenly blended .

3 Arrange (E) on the bottom of a 9" round mould Pour !he above konnyaku syrup onto It and Ie! It set

1 Mix (B),add into (A) and mix till well blended and brng

. eto to tne boil.Add the premixed (C) slowly and conltnu

cook trll mixture thickens

2 Pour it onto the peach konnyaku and leI It cool and refrigerate

3.Remove from mould and serve cold

F run e


Lcing sugar ,Butler cream,8 Prunes


(Amo~~jIj. 160~ (B)4-t~m (C)15D~ff!:f:m,

230 ~ffij~ (0)230 ~mlffl. 2*~m. 1 *~JJ\~HJ (E)

1 2 WJ~l'5~?J.


U~(A)~~I.I;:gitFci. ~WO 2 1JJA(8)1iUl*~~~

3.~(C)mA~)t111m!1ilt::. $Fo11JAffiIJ.$ 2me'9)ff,8~t:fJ


~ .1JDA(O)W(E)~800l*~~7Jo

5 ~, sO'emf! SO BWi. I!OqJ.







Inl {'i")

(A)250g Butter, 160g Sugar (B)4 Eggs (C)150ml Mllk,230g Prunes (D)230g Flour,2 tsps Baking powder.1 tsp SOdium bicarbonate (El1 {2 tbsp Chocolate paste

1.Cook (A) till sugar dissolves then cool. 2.Add (8) and mix till well blended.

3. Blend (D) in the blender till smooth then add it mtc tile above mixture.Blend till well combined

4.Add (0) then (E),mix lill welt incorporated

5.Bake at 180 C for 60 minutes

6.When cool.dust with icing sugar and pipe butter rosettes on top and decorate with prunes Serve.


. d ( udonot Chocolate paste can be omltte I yo

the chocolate taste

± $()!l~~15R1JOIlf. q)~lllN5RJJ.<



-------- ......


'11"y I .• M. ~_~....---

~ .••••• '.$'! WhiJJW ~

:::~~~. ~~ffi~~~~OOA~

:tilrJ-1'a~~97g 23 Jj*B'\JlMl~~~)fft!ljHiU~( ~~~ P1 0 ~X)1ijmmf,i.EtiJ~L$:~ED(A)200S'l1ji!t. WT, 1 }mlfttTl~ $t. 2 };jj~Wi (8)2 *~oolNre. 2 }b.)~]J< (C)1 '2 ;m~~J]~ i@. 200 RD&WJ:al


1.~(A)~~tIJ;:. ~)tll'!~, ~iiJl, ~fflo

U~(B)J*~. li)(fril.2.Jiitsm~ll<~~;gIfl!l. mA(C);""EtSmt rf-¥ra~o

3 .I1JA~WmJ(A)i*:am1ji~WJ~o

4 .~jlijm~~m3 h. $FofflmEI'iJIjr~iIll~~ 5. ~!J1'mg;*_tn.&m~i'F~flIio o

e. mUi1J~l'*m;J. ;a.tl5~:t.J!'K~. l=t~~~q:l&ft~ ~~5CPfB.Io

7 .1Hii~~iIDm~1t~tffi!!OqJ 0

I " I' I





'n-ir ct:er .....

Prepare a 9" round vanilla sponge cake(Reler 10 Pl0 sponge cake making.) (A).200g Apple,cul into cubes Ibsp Lemon juice,.2tbsps Sugar (8)2 lsps Gelsllne powder,2 tbsps Water (C)1/2 tbsp Rum,200g WhiPped Cream

200g Whipped cream.200g Chocolate shavings

1.Cook (Al till apple becomes soft,drain off Ihe liquid and let it cool.Set aside. 2.Mix (8) and melt it over double boiler,add ilinto(C and mix till well blended. 3.Add the cooled (A). mix till well incorporated. 4.Slice the cake into 3 horizontal layers and them with the apple cream filling. S.Cover the whole cake with the extra whipped 6.Coat 112 the side of cake with chocolate shavJng place some in the centre. 7.Decorate as shown.Serve.

The gelatine mixture should be added 10 is sUI) warm.






CaDDUCCIno Walnu! CaKe

) r 'I

li~-1"~i£rg;t;J 23 !i*~lmlmllOOru~ilu~mfil1,( Wl~Wl>P1 0 W*j'!ij!.'!l~liIiEtSl~.<$:I1M.i.)(A)BOO :R.~;mi&:JJ, 1 1 /? )~Illli

IlOOIIWIt (8)60 R:~!?lHii~l>{i$


1 ,~!!iH~~ln~h~ 3 h 0

2. ~(A)~8lm,*~~G

3. ~200~III~JnIl,eftf{](B)-lt,iftl8ffi1,*fj~, JUtii~~~


~ .ffl!ii~t~;m,~MJel~~h,ltl8:o

5. ~~l'mtU,-t - ~1IOO!!lH~;ml~;lfl, mti1J.l!~_t !.!>ilf-!~~ .~~two

6 ?fmti~J.t~~fFJI~~;m}~;lfl. tH&J:]Q~J5R.l:JBSJ*ii lJ~f~~'®~a'EiJ 0


Prepare a 9" round coHee sponge cake(Refer t p

a 10lOf

sponge cake making.)(A)600g Butter cream,l 1/2lbsPi

Coffee paste (B)80g Chopped roasted walnuts

1.Slice the sponge cake into 3 horizontal layers 2.Mix (A) till well blended,

3, Take 2009 of the coffee butter cream.rrux with (B) hll well combined.

4, Sandwich the cake layers with the above walnut cream, S.Cover the whole cake with the plain coffee butter cream Put some chopped roasted walnuts around the edge 6.Decorate with cream rosettes and whole walnuts whlcli have been half coated with chocolate.Serve.


th r nuts e.' Walnuts can be replaced by any a e

Hazelnuts,almonds,pecans etc


a for :lSps

I) till

~am. sam.




A)400 ft4.WJ. 500:st:Wf1.1JE, MJ1>I!f. 200~~, 1 ;Qj~

W~ '. 2 :mllt.!ID;m-~fj} (8)80 ~a:t"" , 00 Qtt~

W). 4 1'~~ (0)30 R.9O±I (D)mf1lli~


. YafiJ-1' iHB'9/iJ 25 ~~~i£1'jitljmmt~. tt~ehQY, 2


2 ~(A)~\,"56. ?t..IOT.(lAWi$lCI*~B'!J(8). !1f&f~~*~: m

J (C):m¥t*~~mT .....

•. *)- ~ ~J~.w/~e!AQ~. U~-*tr:lmnA{§!?i..tOO. ?tlOi£_t~-h~tto

~ .~j~-:¥~T __,~Tf_tE. w,;Fo~~liH±1:rm. ~~~,

" ~~~ZYJfia9ff.~l,/jf..;;rI.$, w';Fo~7Yiml*; ~~~~W. ~a~-:-~Jj;...t"

J f7z;D15. f/}j .t!t~ni1.2IJ .[fij. OOqj)) 1,,~~jd:l~









(A)400ml Milk,500g Honeydew puree.pinch 0' sal! 200g sugar,1 tbsp Agar-agar powder.1/2 lbsp Inslanl,elly pow der (8)60g Custard Powder,1 OOml MII~.4 Egg yolks (c 30g Butter (D)Some Honeydew bans

800m! Waler, 150g Sugar,3 lsps Agar-agar powder

"JI: " ......

1.Prepare a 10" round vanilla sponge cake and cui It 1010

2 horizontal layers.

2.Cook (A) Wt bailing Add the premixed (B) into (Al coottnue to cook till II thickens.Add (C) and mi1 till well blended 3.Place 16' layer of Vanilla sponge into a loose base call!


4 Pour half of the pudding onto It then place the 2'·layef

of cake

5.Pour the remaining half of the pudding onto i!3ndaf

range the honeydew balls on top and leave to cool 6.Bring all topping Ingredients to boil Cool by surrng over water.Pour it onto the pudding cake

7. Leave to cool,then refrigerate for 2 hours Unrnould and--


stanliV II For Pudding:when adding (B),stlr con

avord burmng the bottom If the lOPPing IS tOO when pouring onto the puddln9,It Will spoil tile

ished appearance


.. -~ c IK;colalt~ CillO Ice Cream CaKe

)(trt!- 'nf£t\J25[!{P+(ffiI~Jl).lJR.7Jiffi~grH'%' Cln$rm~\O f I i!S!Mml~fl'iJ1l t;.11W~li \ BOOR.@ ~"i;:;t;.m)lil, 1 00 ~2J5R;1J

fli". !oO)itJ6iID)ffi. 150 RJ5R1J*

1 ~mlil.\hl$i.2ho 2.~~;ij-I~~t~fRfH}9IEIo

:i ~~~,*m;mlml*~~. 1JOArs~1J~t*~. $Fol~7±m


4 .1'&.t~ - h~'~' mAI*,m~}ffi.¥:~.,

5 ~t±J~~¥!~~t.t-li:intR.IDl!B,mt~~m ~5a_tJ5R:JJ*, ~lft!flF.l)llrre. fllttJ55i:t.JJ:l 0 6.~-~15~1Jh)QTt~t~l1Ji'H~11li~OqJ .,

, .

. " . • •





I , idie .......

Prepare a 1 '0" round chocolate sponge cak (R

e efer 10

for sponge cake making)B'OOg Vanilla lc

, e cream,IOIlf

Chocolate ChlpS,200g Whipped cream 1509 Ch .

' Ocolale nee

Chocolale cut out

1.Cul the chocolate sponge cake Into 2 horizonlal 2 Place 1 " layer of cake on the bottom of a 10" round 3,Beat the vanilla Ice cream till soft.Add the chips and mix well.Pour it on top of the cake 4, Top with 2"d layer of cake then keep in the freezer bll s.unrnoutc the cake.Cover it with whipped rr~,'m',"" the bottom side of cake with chocolate rice Pipe lOP cream rosettes and chocolate cut out. 6, Place chocolate cut out as shown In the photo

Once the cake has been taken out of the

, . for 1 mor"

IS best to keep It In the freezer

, h' ped cr'l

lei it harden Then coat It with W IP

o 9

j(l M 1 "111:t'~?3 "JI*El'~~fljtllUI~fm;fu(tll~[#J P1 a i ) Xlm!ffl:llt~f{~J~q f~rl..J

~ l )200 R#lIIHi.. 60 ~ ,~, 120 11!.K (8)3 I.iJW~E1J]tyn7),

FJ ,mltt;7' CC)HIO ~nl;HJJ~lJ

1, 1?t( A)~/9tO

?,f!ji9t~(3)I*,~. rJ;l{UJhiHjt:Al:, t,;i.;f;; W.iFoJJDj.(A)~ JtiR It '2J , m.ff~)!R.B ~o

3. iJY~UJ. antcr 60 Rw'l_8'9#nf!f~g~~. }JOr (* ':2W,fJW ~¥ WJ~)f~~t4"

d ~Lt'j;mmIDr~hm, 3 h. ~ml;JJ:~~fB1!~YJJ;rn5ft'Es*4 ~'~;J\- ~*. fjJA~fenjol,!E:1~~o

'j. ~illtr.ti1l t no~J'J;rno

E:, ~~J)J*ff.H~rt[ktgr~, fJ9?fJ9.IfiXSflA~.(Jm7J< }-A~OOJi;i'I!X frJ. tmf~(f {£~J:, 1-1 tt!]l r J}Ai'll~;nt T @, ~tf!i~ODJ.,




y r ff (

Prepare a 9" round '/anlllf.l sPorJfJE:: cakf'J(RefIH!O P10 "'ponrJe cake making)

(A)200g Durian puree 60g SUrJ8( 120ml Watp.r (8,3 Gelatine powder, a tbsps Water (C)160f} Nhlpped

150g Whipped cream

1 Bring (A) 10 boil

2.Mi,.; (8) and melt over double boil&f.Add (BllntolAI mix till well blended, leave to cool

3.Then take 60g of the durian mixture and mix iVl!/1 lill well combined

4.Cut the vanilla sponge cake into 3 honzontaliayerS sandwich with dunan cream mixture.Reffigerate un!ll 5 Cover the cake with whipped cream

6 Soften the remain ing durian ml;(lure over a double bCJII8'

I diet II driP dQIIfI

Pour it onto cake then spread It ellen y an

the sides Decorate as shown in the phOto Serve

Xl til I 1·IH~\J?~flll*,(~Jlli1Jmllj~·lj,)J~t1tfilJ,i1~,h\. ~1fi'1 T l'Ifr"Y~J~:1 1'lllnf~IfflJII"tll',I)la~I\ila,~llll1~ Ij,\11~1(1 (IX lwwla,~,rr'J1,1,~Ii\~))d, ,)', ~11,'!t,llh,11t1 (M'~ ~ '~~ PO I ( I;: 1"'IAII,'il;\11P1'NjIMA), "JW,) P¥ 1,1, fjl

, ;"\J 11Si J'lf~~"JP:1 flll*(~J)llj~lllm;~\)\/)~ n'" )J 4/', I.

i- JIIJ'lil··t~11UI'1 *i't~JI1II/l~l.1l~l'I~~, (I rth"f\J?:!J'I';t~(j\.II')~\\)III,*;r"J'1 rNqJIl~\, I;J)UJ!l1III), , IfllJ'nl,'.JJrNI·rW\J?3"11!+.'i'~JIP\JIt1\~~ 1'~1"

3 ,11111!·H1~"]13fql*rr.J~}1::;1)I:111IN~, flJ 1·rl\Jj'I!1>~.\11 fI!Ii'*I'~)Ifi3I~J' '1'lll,\WJ!~'I, lI~UIl~ilJlIllti~nl r ~~ 1 B )'1'*fNJ'n',U )~J.1\~J:."

~. h~h I, JllrI11i':\11lI'j1::Kr~JtlilIl-1\tJW,'I~t {'I ~J' "FrJ\JI'I~:{>~\113 !ljI*rr.~ 1!III1J''i IflWJ1:~1J, ~:;t\.lJ'MlJ3 1',I'ltlW~a!lp>Kr)\J~nNx.&J'Tl1tllnJIII* fl'~qIJt\,\, i'TftJ" ,j f I'J\J ~ I " lm,)~Mr\ 1).J.lljl~·r l;IJ)}" U1l1Jli,:;\ll\1-1\~;:"

II ~l111Ii]flljl{1I(J\J~llt);,J..1\'l1l1 u ri 11 't I'll t ~'~ 1Ilirl'*(6Jrt,",'lf1lU\1Ii*;~" ''ptl I'll :~'~13I'I'*r~~Wlf :.~I~ ?31111}j1 (J'\JJJ*.JJlP\IltMjil:&'IJR II, ',IJlIII qJJl\\rJl,lAll~/J\O\Jrlir:-t"IHjillwr~lr~I\'IHI\t'f.J',,, (ll·';)l'Ht~;r.I6,\lJ..1\111J, i~ J 1/ .wI;llf(N0~JJJI~;.ll~, UII~,:IN,{I tt:t..t;(J II') I It. (I·IJtlt/ nl.)ilJ!(U!

W, P1JJ.;(tq!llt~,J'1 )

n 1W, :(Jljiltt:!:,1 " I , ;~, I 1""AIII,,~lfl', IM~~mlJ(1111'>'iI tid j, (fll*,X,)" Q I.JII~1J'1i1 f1;,:r,,~, 1 1~'\JlIIII':'I~II, 1IIIIII'J7'I.) lW )1'1.(1 ilm;,pIJl,~JlIWI ~\1IJ ~(J,~.

-------,.._._ ............



M H,.,rj

l'rnp.H(J n B" fOUl1d Ill'l!l;olnlll "I!0nf)1J (>Ilk" rn ~'re"

"~r. ~ r

mUll" v~lt11l1n bprmqu r.;nklJ(J.lfJlfJr 10 PH) lor 'flonq~ caq

rnnl<ing),Bllllul orourn (Rohlf ttl PfJ! [0( bullor r.rllilrn

C IlooojFlln rico

1 ,Cut oach 9" cakn lnln ? IlorllOnlul layor~

2.Uslng a found t" pW'ilry (llitlur,C:1I1 out tho conlra 'lith. chocelatu apoll[l() tavor.kernovo l,illJ 0" cuke rlnq

3, Cut out tho centre of chocolate f.pongfJ IflYur aqaln ualng rounrl 5" pmllry euttor.Rernovo tho I" cako rillli 4,Uslng a rrJllnd 3" ptlfllry cutter .cut oul thu centre 0' chocclato sponge 1~lytJr unaln S~I E1'lldu,(ClI! nul another !:l[JOflUll 1~lyors Ullinn lha samo mulhoti,)

["Soparata the cako rlnWT by dlfteronl colours Put Iha1' I1I11a rings betwoen 1110 5" and 1:)" chocolato rings Than the 3" In tho centre of tho cako,Flrush H thin laver With cream haiwHoli oach caku rings, Ihls 1<; Ihl! l"Ii:lyer (use same ways to make lho 2",.1,3'" []nrl 4'10 layefS by reversing

colour 01 cake rIIlYs.) h

e.,Sandwlch tho dlfferonl coloured of cflke layerS wI!

croarn, Ib

7 Covor I.he wholo cuku with butter Crt1iHlI unu CO"

I shown Ifl Ine

SlcJ(1 of tho cake with r;hocol~ILfJ r au as


lho cake can IJ(J CCHliud with uhoGolate

nr soft IFIIIUr.t1ll

e a 9" cake kIng),

he 9"

van pUI ~utter e the 9 the


Htom ~olo.

::Ii~- r'EII£!;'g 23 ~*~~tb~~i'f~HI!l~~Clm~~ P1 0 ~ "i'Gi~~tw,S9M4--f~:in)(A)180 Gfttl:ID, 50 ~Ii (8)21'~l' • ~ jji.J)£l;B::t~l\, 20 t Ttt!QJ (C)I l'~m)t, 1 '1"m~ ~ ~O)15 ~~;m (E)150 R,n~WJ)l13

1 . 'I{1(A)~~iMlo

? . ~fI1lstl$ ~B\J(B)IJOA(A) ~ItIWl!~~. $Foi1.O'!fjo 3.m \,~C)I$~j"ftif,\.'tm~.

. \ na."~D)I* ~o

5 ~'~WFo. OOA(E)mJ*~~~WJ)ffi5EE8~o

6 ~Wi3i1a~t~J~'~ 3 h', +t=m~-Lt~IOJ)ffi)~8$j~'E:~~*o 7. ffln~~lJ~W~t~oo*-~, ~~lm~rm~tffi(Q.J_ BO ~ 1lI!~®~Im~ 20 ftl.Km I *~Mm~*~)~fr_t[IDQ

B ~~ill)Q.t~~t:i'Ch', ~lSm .t!OJ)ffifV&tffi~Dqr Q





1)1 Ii r'

Prepare a 9" round vanilla sponge cake(Refer (0 PIO ror sponge cake making)(A) 180ml Milk,50g Sugar (8)2 Egg yolks,2 tbsp s Custard powder,20 ml Milk (C)Juice of! orange,Zest of 1 orange (D) 15g Butler (E)15Dg WhipPed cream

['l -c Or iuon

200ml Whipped cream,150g Roasted flaked almonds 100g Orange topping


1.Cook (A) till it boils.

2. Premix(B),add it into (A),mix till evenly blended,then sieve mixture.

3.Add (C),mix well,continue to cook till thick . 4.Add (D) ,mix till well combined.

S.Let it cool,add (E) and mix till well blended. sand-

6.Cut the sponge cake into 3 horizontal layers and wich them with the above cream mixture. 7.Cover the whole cake with extra whipped cr~am

·t (M' aOg prplng

spread the orange topping over I IX JJ

. . paste till we

With 20 ml water and 1 tsp orange d Imondi

a.Coat the side of cake with roasted flake a the shown In decorate top with cream rosettes as



• I




(A)~ Egg whil~)!'; 130(.j SUfJl'Jr,PII)~h (If !'lair ee)" E']t.} '/r,I~~ (qll~g Flour (D)40ml Milk,' 112 tbsps (,r".:<,i' 10:-" PCl'N(Ier (E)75ml Corn oil

350g Whlpp~rJ cream, 1 OOg P.E:(J bean,aOOml Water 30g '311!'j;,r

Me horj

• Whlp{A) till stiff

2 Arid (B)"cont'nue to whip till '"(Jht ') Adrl IC) rmx till well blenrJerJ.

4 Adrl (D) .rnix till well comblr\IHL 5,A(JrJ (E,) mil( fill well incorporated

6.Pour into 9' mould and smooth the surface. 7 Bake at 190'C for ~o minutes

1 Cook the red beans In water t,ll soft

2 Dram off the water arJ(J the suqar.connnue cooking for a while and let it coni

3 Shce the cake into 3 honzontal layers 4.Sprea(j some whipped cr aam onto l' layer thf:n place some red bean filling over ,t

5 Top with 2'" layer of cake and repeal slep(4) B.Top with 3M layer of cake then cover lhe whOe Cak(: With whipped cream and dust With green If)" pOWrler.Serve


For Cdke when folcllnq in (C),(Ol and (E) you should mix them hy usmq a .. craper or wooden spoon and aVOid over rnlllnq which Will C<IIJSe !ha baiter 10 become walery

'1. 1 -I l' 1f. i

fh . 1

~)J.,ffltfflM mH l' -It !!It f.f 11f1, ,,;W lifo


y Ik POw

ml W I r




!('p( 4) 10 Whol th 9re n


'v t







Cilocolate coated CaKe

( 1;)l~-1' ~gg~i9 23 ~*95J~Jt;J5~t.JiWmMi~ (l~~ I~ P1 0 ~*)tjHm~~esJ;!~iM:)ti) (8)300 RJi~jffi}iSUllCl~~ [fflP67 ~*~lll3,~mieSH1i\!)ti). 1 1 /2 j».J~rS5%/J. (0)450 ~~if6Jrs~lJ. 150 ~ftlll3


1 .1~Jm!ftUlli:*iffihrm 3 h 0 2 . ~~(B)~8001*~~ 0

3 ffiffi\!ni 2 esJ~*~~~mtl.h:l!OHo

4 .1;~ t~.H~\\i*_t- )5)iD.~J5R:iJmlHl. li5.!A)jf\te~M~ W[QJo

I). j~( c )8'9~l)aJI5~1J~it. bDAlll3I*~ ~m. ~~tfti~o 6. ~m~M/;j..te"'-'t±:I. ~~tffi~~lUE_tmitt;*~. ~lQlo

7 .l1Lt~)ffi,~II~W1t. t:J:lm.t~~l5R1J*. tf,._t~tfti~ ~. t:J:ml:_t~\q:QJQJ~i'l:QtI~OqJ 0

(A) Prepare a 9" round chocolate sponge cake(Refer 10 P10 for sponge cake making) (8)300g Butler cream (Please refer to P67 for butter cream making)1 112 lhsps Chocolate paste (C)4S0g Cooking chocolate,150ml Oil

1.Cut the sponge cake into 3 horizontal layers 2.Mix (8) till well blended.

3.Sandwich the cake layers with the above(B) chocolate

butter cream.

4.Coat whole cake with thin layer of chocolate butter

cream and keep refrigerated till firm.

5.Melt the cooking chocolate then stir In oil and mix till


6. Take the cake out of the refrigerator. Pour (el onto II till

coated evenly. Leave to cool.Sel aside.

7. Decorate with cream rosettes and sprinkle some chocolate rice and ganache lining. Dust some cocoa powder onto toP as shown in the photo.Serve.


Lo m ps II

a e

t II


Jli~J;]p i!'l.rm;:a

~ .J,' :'ietflFlll!iE

r. ~ 1;:' l' t)ft"it..


__ ~_1i1t1l2n ~~.~H):R.



... ,

• CuI I ve spr.inr;e. .:aka ,r c. L: .c.r ;rontal ayen 2 (,001'<:( 11 nu 1:.0111rg

"! M,.l CE) ;.Qo:lk ever dcubfe ccuer II( Gelatine mellS ""' __ l.' 4 Pc,'_' (e) mtc (1, n"IX t:lle'Jerl:t tlent!ed

.:; .. et it coot ,,-vet Ice ",a'a' 1111 t s arts tCi h,cken ar

Ir-rr,ed atel~ add (C) 2M 0'11:< Ilil ...... 11 blended

ncr..rpora ef.l 7 Place ~ . la~er of scr;~ge cake at Ire cottom of!lRt 1;-",,,, ::'OL;r ·,2 F Il"e aCo'le fifllng onto It and 9/I1oot11

I ~nd smoQtr. It ~ "eer;. ;efrtljara'ed :11 fir", o~ ,o'Jemlght :', Pi<l'Tlove Foe nne Soreed some Clear pIp,ng for plplr>; J""Y ma:.ngJon top and mill some of the with aopte gr"en ,:olourlng 10 mal<e a shadow ~ l1_Plpe cream rosettes and lop ",111'1 kiWI

cake <NIlr. croquant as ghown 10 tl'le photo SeNe.



If the ,wi ge atme m'xture 1$100 mg WIth the whipped Cl'eam II W

llHi'i l' 11 if!~x.J 231ill* r(~fMIf1;I'\! t ,1i!tl~\ntU\( WI-t~1}iJ P1 0 flxnll!IMJH;:'('mlt! 4-111!!)i.; (A)BOO !, 1+)).'. I'OD ~~~, /i:b!J) i'l. ? *~tl"!.ttlnf;f}) omoo flllJll:ff<!, 300 r?, 'j.)" ~tIl (0) 2nD fllllll,jt 85 ¢,'. r.*ru (O)l/fj jf~~~(~lRm',j..l


, 'ffif"t"'ilfJ!'@mf~t~ Ij)G 3 h'v 2 'j{J( A)~,!ti7to

3.~TI ·J!I£l'iJIf.!';?~~I!Il~-d.c;!'l.itt:. ?!.IFcihOA(A)~ife8J!;i! l~ t'd~. !;l[l,tpi\mp mlil~ClJ~Wl~,ttffiJkl.~*~h1ffrtro

~ .1~~~tirl~j~th ~OA(C)jf~~:f:~-W6JbX.~~trlT~.

5 .1"'1-1:'; fflt~Il9AJd.ti~~25IfiH1'Jt~!Nlm .. ~1>iq:"3":!i:fflT

'lf~?f.tlfJJ. !.l'.SJ1. PJifti I h'ffit't..

f:l.' '!1QU.r1!JIf9~? 'JJ!.. 1tM.t¥~rnTrl. fim~m:tt,t~o 7 .1ij~WFo. T:J!lAi*Je~lf.o

11 1~!lit,w,.l.,.~~U~l:l:l. ItJJZli6.L "fIOOft'~Dq)o

{:thO} (8J~{](r.),7fcJ. '&'IHcp }'-f fAitH'!'. ~~M mJ.



--------- ..... __



Prcpftrf! ,I 0" round vanllla sponqu caklf(R()fer 10 P 10 for IJPongo cake making )(A)BOOg WAler 200g f,ugllr.P,nch 01 s[JH,2 tsps Agar ag,J{ powder (B)300ml CoCantJI milk. 300g Yarn.cooked (C)200ml Coconut milk,85g CornllrJUr (0)1/B lsp Purple corourlnp

Me t )-'

1 Cui tha vanilla sponge lrno 3 horizontal layer" 2 Cook (A) till bo,llng.

3.Mash the oooked yam while still hoi with cocoeut mIlk from (B).Add it into (A) .rnix 1111 well blended Thrs rnufum can be sieved to obtain a finer and smoother texture 4.Continue to cook the above mixture till ,I boils.then add (C) a'nd cook till it thickens.

5 Place 1"' layer of the cake into 10" round mould Pout some fo the yam pudding over It and smooth ,I .tnen lop with another layer of cake.

6.Repealthe above steps 2 more times,flnishing wllh Ihe

pudding on top.

7.Lel it cool.then refrigerale.

B.Unmould,coat the side of the cake with desiccated


Tj .......

Altsr adding (8) and (C),you should sltr conslantly and cook at mediurn heat 10 avoid burnIng the bottom

Refer 10 P1Q for Og Sugar,Plnch II Coconut mrl , k,85g Cornflour

h coconut milk 'Ided.This mixpother texture.

boils, then add

1d mould. Pour th it ,then Lop

Ishing with the

h desiccated

constantly rning the


,G f§ "ilf;.n'lj 2 Hf /f' (f-J~ft5J5lflJ1;fij,*aiM{ . ~ 3:~~

.')( riflHw;[fjrrilJ911l4IUJt}j(f\J?-taUi'!, 100R.@· (8] (,mf/'li;}i'll.r). 4(] =ftlY (c..)~{JO~t'_W,.1J)f. 7I)O??A1Zl ~JJ .? ,5Jilt£ll"lWfj~ 'D)HJO ~J-r. l!if.Y~


. ~(/~)~t"1!'7.Yl:f.~¥.~(J,,,

2 ~m)l&8. ~~t!.'7.Ktl!ifJFJf?iffl/H1t,. flDfHtJJ/ (A)~~im ti:':;:1, ?/J.,i9!I'!G.,

~. 1I1 ((.:') ke1'l ~f'!' rtZtfl >f~. f'1 ffl 0

4 ~JJS1'.JJ~tJ,r, fli. ~ h. if.j1;.tttOtUWW~9Hf"

~j ~fl1 wr;t~ t -liH1o~ll';gj. Jt~~lll;ol:fD). ZYif.!rIk· t m11,,~:YW. #ih tFW~~i117l<W(f~tffiOOoJ"


Ir (Jrf,rJlf,r t •

PrepMB <J 9" fOlInt! dlOc.ol'JI'J ~.prHl(JfI' (,a~.Af'~f!j· b~' fOl sponqe e"I<.) mFJ~mCj.}(I', /' r'.J(j I(J~l!e. 1rJ(J'1 <, '\Jar ~ 2 11:\0.1><; Gel~lffle po,mifH 4(J ml.JI~I'J1 ('";.1200'1 Ma~~', d,ef)(1 2 50g Whlp~F).d cr',,, m , ItJsps P·r lu,. WI\! ROHc;led shferlrled (.OCOnlJt

1 Coo~ (A)ove' a t.(J III of hoi waler III th,f-'

2 Mw IBJ and COOf " ()'Ier <;lmr(l9t1flg water t. Q'::cl,,'; -e as dlssofv!J(1 And IS) Irl10 (A).mtt weI aorJ 1000Ie to (HJ.

3 Add (C)anrJ mit lIIen Sal ~s.ldc

4 Cui the chocolate S.P('1'I9<: (_~re .nlo :l MJlIl(.iI'lf;, l"'I'ir~ and s.andwir.h Ihe aoeve ('IIII ... re oel'lfeer ",:;,c.r. ;,ye'

S COlIer tn!.: calr-: wilt, HI'! pp9d cream GI);t sides v' "axe NilI'! (0) ('laz~ I'm too wilh glazmg g<ll and decO'3'e ." mange, and trUit Ser U),


If the egg folk 9'jraltne rnll ure is 100 t;.OO 11 e mIter! mth 'tie Uhlr,~9d cream Ihe mIll Itllcr.'Jn t'lCJ qUlcid I

, l I 111 ",I

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