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Dates: 8/23/10 to 9/10/10

Humanities Contract 1 – 1st Quarter 14-day work schedule

Student Name ______________ __ __ _ House # _______

Learning Topic: Orientation and Team Building
Work on the following activities during your contract period. Be sure to track the time you spend
completing your work on your time-tracker. Also, have your parents indicate with their initials if they
observe or review your work at home.
Est. Min Educator /
Max Date Student
Skill Building Units* Completed Initials
Parent Mastery
Actual Min. Initials
1 hr
S Contracts and LE guidelines 10
1 hr
S Read About 10
30 mins
1 hr
H Odyssey: Language Arts 10
1 hr
H Odyssey: Social Studies 10

Est. Min Educator /

Max Date Student
Reading Units* Completed Initials
Parent Mastery
Actual Min. Initials
1 hr
S Reader’s Theater 10
S Silent reading 10

Est. Min. Educator /

Max Date Student
Lessons & Activities Units* Completed Initials
Parent Mastery
Actual Min. Initials
30 mins
S Montessori materials overview 5
30 mins
S Tell Me a Story 5

The Cube: An exercise for your 30 mins.

S 5
1 hr
S Blog creation and guidelines 10
1 hr
S Vocabulary in context 10

30 mins
S Student self-assessment 5

30 mins
S The importance of citing sources 5

Writing (Essay & Creative) Max Est. Min. Date Student Educator / Mastery

Dates: 8/23/10 to 9/10/10
Humanities Contract 1 – 1st Quarter 14-day work schedule

Units* Actual Min. Completed Initials
A self-portrait in words using 3 points of 1.5 hrs
B 15
Blog post: Sensory poem from things 30 mins
B 5
found in nature (with graphic organizer)
Blog post: Write a proposal for your 30 mins
B community service project: prewrite, edits 5
and final drafts must be submitted.
30 mins
B Blog post: “You” a year from now. 5
Vernon Peeple’s radio address with 30 mins
S 5
response to prompt

Est. Min. Educator /

Max Date Student
Arts Units* Completed Initials
Parent Mastery
Actual Min. Initials
Nature scavenger hunt, categorizing and 2 hrs
S 20
1 hr
S Social sculpture in silence 10
1 hr
B Family Tree Project 10

Est. Min. Educator /

Max Date Student
Research Units* Completed Initials
Parent Mastery
Actual Min. Initials
30 mins
B Review of research sites 5

1 hr
B Picking a community service project 10

(S = School Only, H = Home Only, B = Can be done in both) * Indicates maximum units available for mastery of
assignment. Blank spaces on contract are for free choice with educator approval.

Student’s Signature: __ Date ______________

Faculty Advisor: ____________________________________ Date ______________


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