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To hitchhike in the United States is very

In the entire history of the solar system, thirty
billion planets may has been lost or destroyed.
A victim of the influenza virus usually with
headache, fever, chills, and body ache.
Rubber is a good insulator of electricity, 'and
so does glass.
Light rays can make the desert appears to be a
It is essential that nitrogen is present in the
soil for plants to grow.
A great many athletes have managed to
overcome serious physical handicaps.
If the eucalyptus tree was to become extinct,
the koala bear would also die.
Various species must begin their development
in similar ways, since the embryos of a fish
and a cat appear to be very similar during the
early stages of life.
Some teachers argue that students who used
to using a calculator may forget how to do
mental calculations.

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