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The devil himself woke her up,

And his lips were dry; full of dust.

Devil whispered her name from inside:

Hell established for the cursed's lust.

Day and night she walked oppressed;

Sad, lonely, hurt.

In the solitude of the forgotten,

Her figure slowly went distorted.

Her mouth could still sketch a weak smile

Once in a while!

She faded away like a burnt match

Before the eyes of the entire human kind.

The day others saw a last hers, sight

She mumbled quite often.

In the infinite desolation of those who know:

On earth, God's angel, only her... .

In the skies, all vow:

No more blessed souls to be cast!


Of 3: (1,4);(5,8)

Of 2: (2,4);(4,6);(15,17)

Of 1: (1,2);(9,10);(12,13)

Of 7: (11,18);(7,14)

Of 10: (6,16)

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