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“Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800__ 1-600-325-8508, PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FoRM PFS | COVER SHEET Filed in accordance with chapter §72 of the Government Code. For lings required in 2010, covering calendar year ending December 31,2008. |= 2 Use FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE when completing this form. 00065412 NAME THLE PRET AT OFFICE USE ONLY THOMAS R. a iceoune; Las. Surix RECEWWEI HELM in FEB 12 2010 2 ADDRESS | n0one38 1P0 nox are save n env sare 2 coOe P.O. BOX 769248 ‘Texas Ethics Commission SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78245.9248 [DJ tovecr meres Howe anoress) a 3 TELEPHONE = ooo Tone HNBER TEEN i aessssnaane (210) 259.9689 one eae [© REASON | FORFILING | EZ canoioate GOVERNOR OF TEXAS nove orres) | STATEMENT | Cletecteo orricer wocsreornee) Ciaprowreo oFricer tice neers Qlexecurwe neato (mitcare asenCr) C1 Former on RETIRED JUDGE SITTING BY ASSIGNMENT Cstate parry ota ict Clore {WHOICATE PosiON Family members whose financial actly you are reporting (ier must report information about the Financial actly of the fi dependent children ithe Fler had actual antl over thst seb) Fs spouse or ‘SPOUSE SARAH MARIE HELM DEPENDENT CHILD 1 2 3 = In Parts + through 18, you wil disclose your financial activity during tha preceding calendar year. In Parts 1 through 14, you are required to disclose not only your own financial activity, but also that of your spouse or @ dependent child if you had actual contra! ver thal person's financial activity a COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY, 4744/7 Texas Ethics Commission P.0. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8508, SOURCES OF OCCUPATIONAL INCOME ParT 1A. Ty worappuicaste \When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. " INFORMATION RELATES TO FILER Dsrouse (Clozrenoent cx.o 2 TRE ADORESS OF ENPLOVERT POSTON HELD EMPLOYMENT LLtoreckir riers ame aaaress) UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE evecovepevanorner | 433D AIRLIFT WING 203 GALAXY RD,, STE 101 LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS 78236-0112 Cisetr-emevoveo NATURE OF OCCURKTION SENIOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER, INFORMATION RELATES TO | Fo sueq Csrouse DEPENDENT CHILD EMPLOYMENT [Eicrect etre fame aasrss) A CARING DOCTOR TEXAS PC EMPLOYED By ANOTHER | 8000 NE TILLAMOOK ST. PORTLAND, OREGON 97213, (Located at: PETSMART 5435 W TX-1604 LOOP N SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78251) Lseircuetoveo suiuior oxcbion PET NURSE ASSISTANT | INFORMATION RELATES TO Oruce Csrouse [ioerenoenr chito EMPLOYMENT (Cosh Fer ome Bes) TleweLoveo ay anorHer (setr-exetoven rus oF oscuro COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Bex 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8506 RETAINERS PaRT 1B NOT APPLICABLE ‘This section concerns fees received as a retainer by you, your spouse, or a dependent child (or by a business in which ya}, your spouse, or a dependent child have a "substantial interest") for a claim an future services in case of need, rather than services on @ matter specified at the time of contracting for or receiving the feéReport information here only if the valuent the work actually performed during the calendar year did not equal or exceed the value of the ailer. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about wham you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 FEE RECEIVED FROM he SoM OF BUSES |" FEE RECEIVED BY FER | OR FILER'S BUSINESS ‘spouse (OR SPOUSE'S BUSINESS DEPENDENT CHILD. (OR CHILD'S BUSINESS 3 FEE AMOUNT Less raw $5,000 _] s5.000-s9.998 [] s10,000-s2«.999 [__] s28,000-08 wore FEE RECEIVED FROM FEE RECEIVED BY FILER ORFILER'S BuSINEsS spouse OR SPOUSES BUSINESS DEPENDENT CHILD. OR CHILDS BUSINESS FEE AMOUNT Less Tan 35,000 [__] s6,000-s9.399 [__] s10.c00-s24.se8 [] s25,000-on wore COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission STOCK P.0. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 403-5800 1-800-325-8506 PART 2 List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar ye: and indicate the category of the numer of shares held or acquired If some or all of the stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale, Far more information, see FORM PFS- INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is ised on the Cover Sheet, T BUSINESS ENTITY 7 STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Orucr Ciseouse _ Choerenoenr ono 3 NUMBER OF SHARES CDtess THan 100 D 0 T0499 (D500 T0 958 1.000 To 4,399 15.000 To 9.999 10,000 oR MORE le SOLD [nercan | Chuess tran ss.oco 1] ss00c-sa.09 CF) st0000-s24888 [7] s25.000-0n WORE [nerioss BUSINESS ENTITY =a STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Crier Lisrouse _ [oerenoenr cau NUMBER OF SHARES CtesstHan 100 = Cliotoass = E) soo To se9 1.000 To 4,998 Ci s.00 To 2908 1D 10.000 oF more IF SOLD Oner ean Ever toss Des tHaN 35,000 Ci ss.000-s5.ss0 C)st0.000-s24,909 [1] $25.000-0R MORE BUSINESS ENTITY STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | DIrice Disrouse Dye Penoewr co NUMBER OF SHARES Dtess THAN 100 | Ds.000 70 5.989 Chiootoss OCscorosss C1 s,000 0 4998) 1 10.000 of moRE F SOLD Livercan Piece riansso00 Cl) ssco0-sasce Cl sia000-s28.900 [1] s2s.000-oR mone Cnet oss BUSINESS ENTITY ane STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | LIrucr Tisrouse __L)berenoenr ono NUMBER OF SHARES Gtess tian too Chtooto«99 © C) sooo s09 Dit.000 10 4.500 Lsoorosecs 1 ocooor more IF SOLD Lner cain Ditess Han ss.000 (2) $5,000-89.999 []s10,000-s24,099 ([) $25,000-0R MORE Ener toss BUSINESS ENTITY i STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | []FiLer Cisrouse (CO DEPENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES Tess taan 00 Cl woross Cisonrosss Clsavoro asso 015.000 To 9.989 1 10.000 oR MORE: IF SOLD Diner can ner toss Chess tHan $5,000 Ciss.000--s9,098 [) s10,000.-s24,999 C2 $25,000-0R MORE ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission NOT APPLICABLE P.O. Box 12070 | BONDS, NOTES & OTHER COMMERCIAL PAPER Austin, Texas 78731-2070 (512) 483-5800 __3-800.225-8508 PART 3. List all bonds, notes, and other commercial paper held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the) calendar year. If sold, indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. information, see FORM PFS.-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by || providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. For more 7 DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT HELO OR ACQUIRED BY Orwer Csrouse Coberenpenr ceo IF S010 | Berean Tess rian 6.000 Clssoco-seese Chiooo0-sexove Cos cot-on none Onertoss DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orner Csrouse Coerenvent cHno IF SOLD Cvercaw Dees than ss.000 []s5,000-9.999 [T}s10.000-s24,999 []s25,000-0n moRE Onertoss DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Crier Csrouse Clore enpent cui 1F SOLD Oner can Onertoss Des than 5.000 []s5,000-s9,999 [b10.000-524.989 1s25,000~0R wore COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission PO.Box 12070 Austin, Texas_ 78711-2070 (512) 489-5800 _ 1-800-525-8506 MUTUAL FUNDS PART 4 OF norarpucaate List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquiredlf some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss reali from the sale, For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent chile’s activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 1) MUTUAL FUND nae CAPITAL INCOME BUILDER FUND A (THROUGH EDWARD JONES) 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND RETR ORABELIDENTEY FiLeR Cisrouse — DJoerennent cx |3 NUMBER OF SHARES esstHan 100 © Eto toss = C]sootoees © ]1.000 10.400 OF MUTUAL FUND Dsoo0t0 990 © hr9.9000R more 4 FSO NET GAIN “e Less Tian s5.000 [])s5.000-sa.9s9 C1] si0.000~s24.9e8 [] s25,000-0R MORE Oertoss MUTUAL FUND me SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND FELD ORACOUIRED BY Oruer Csrouse — Cloerenenr cuno NUMBER OF SHARES Cees riansao CJ io070499 «soto 99 §— 1,000 104009 OF MUTUAL FUND Clsacoroass9 7 sa.000 oR moRE 1F SOLD Taner SAN) Less ruanss.oo0 Cl ss.000-s0sce Cstooon-szasse [] 28.000-08 more Diner oss MUTUAL FUND vase _ | SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND Sa aaa ee Orues Liseouse — oerenoenr cio NUMBER OF SHARES | Dues tran 100 Craoroese © L]sco toes §=— 1} 1900 704.088 OF MUTUAL FUND | Osso00 109909 © C)rx0000R more IF SOLD Lasroxw | ress thansso0o (] sscoa-sse0e Cls1a000-s24000 (s2s,000-0f more | Der toss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Eihies Commission P.0. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463.5800 _ 1-800-325-8505, INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES &RENTS part 5 NOT APPLICABLE, List each source of income you, your spouse, or a dependent child received in excess of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the incomBor more information, sse FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE, | When reporting information about a dependent chile's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 Tie VO ASORESS SOURCE OF INCOME le RECEIVED BY Oruer D spouse (DO cePenoenr CHILD | 3 aor DD ss00.-s4.998 Ds5000-s,0e8 [1] s10.000-s24.908 [1] $25,000.08 MORE SOURCE OF INCOME _ | RECEIVED BY D ruse Di srouse Cloerenoenr cnn OUT, Di ss00-s4.s09 (1 s5.000.-s9,¢92 [] st0,000-824,989 [1] s25,000~-0R MORE SOURCE OF INCOME RECEIVED BY Oruer Di srouse [oreenoent chive | ‘AMOUNT D1 ss00-s¢.999 )s5.000-s8.989 [1] s10.000-s2«,98 L] $25,000~-08 MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Toxas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 483-5800 __1-800-325.8508 PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS. PART 6 0 wotappucaate Identify each guarantor of a loan and each person or financial institution to whom you, your spouse, or aa dependent child had a total financial liability of more than $1,000 in the form of a personal note or notes or lease agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the liabilityor more informa- tion, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 PERSON ORINSTITUTION | crTIMORTGAGE, INC. HOLDING NOTE OR P.O. BOX 9438, GAITHERSBURG, MD 20898-9438 LEASE AGREEMENT * UaBILITY OF Fier spouse [Oberenvent cro 3 GUARANTOR vs a AMOUNT [Dsi.c00-sa009 — FJss.000-s9.999 ]s10.000-s24.09 [7}s26.000-0R MORE PERSON OR INSTITUTION | HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF Cher Dseouse Clocrenvenr crus GUARANTOR AMOUNT Ls1000-s4s82 C]ss.o00-ss,e99 ]s10.000-s2«099 | [7]s25,000-or more | PERSON OR INSTITUTION HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF Orner Csrouse Coerennent cin GUARANTOR AMOUNT [Hs1.000-s1909 7}ss.000-so,009 ]st0.000-s2«.00 [1]s28,000-0n MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (812) 483-5800 __ 1-800-925-8508, INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY PART 7A | Di notarpucaate Describe all beneficial interests in real property held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. If the interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from thdesa For an explanation of "beneficial interest" and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activily indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY eR Dseouse Dloerenoenr cuieo 2 STREET ADDRESS STREET ASSES NOIRE Cou OTE Cnoranuanie 10722 JUDIE ALLEN CHECK IF FILER'S HOME ADDREss_| SAN ANTONIO, BEXAR, TEXAS 78254 3 DESCRIPTION Ohwors Cicres * NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST nor APPUICARLE | (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) 5 ie soLo | Ktessriansso00 [Z}sso00-sas9 []}s10.000-s24.000 [1] sas.o00-or wore | Cnercoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Diner O spouse Doerenoent cH STREET ADDRESS [ET ASE RELUGN GN COUT AD TATE Cnoramnesue Ci chece ir wens Home rooress DESCRIPTION Doors Decees NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST | Dasoraoeucnnse Creve MINERAL INTEREST) IF SOLD Lreroan Css mansseca LC] ss000-seese Csiooo0-s24ae0 1] sasoto-on wore Cvertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 _ 1-800-925-8505 INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES part 7B Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during thf calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from théesa| For an explanation of "beneficial interest" and ather specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orter Osrouse Ti cerenoent crite z Tae reas DESCRIPTION Cereeters one hats) * ie soLD Cnerean Cees rinnss.000 1 s5000-s829° CO] sio000-s24se9 C1 s25,000-08 one Onervoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Crier Osrouse i bepenoent cH DESCRIPTION Dernier nes iF SOLD Onercan O1tess tan $5,000] s5,000-sa.ese [] s10,000-824,999 [] s25,000-0R MORE Onervoss: HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orner O srouse Ci perenoen cto DESCRIPTION omar Flra tome sores IF SOLD Cerca Ctess raaw 35.000) s5.000-s8.900 O) s10.000.826.992 [2] s25.000-08 MORE Onervoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY co as Ethics Commission P.O.80x 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 465-5800__1-900-325-8506 GIFTS Part 8 NOT APPLICABLE, ‘Identify any person or organization that has given a gitvorth more than $250 to you, your spouse, or a dependent child, ana| describe the gift. Do nat include: 1) expenditures required to be reported by a person required to be registered as a lobbyi under chapter 205 of the Government Code; 2) political contributions reparted as required by law; of 3) gifts given by a Person relatad to the recipient within the second degree by consanguinity or filly. For more information see FORM PFS- INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activily indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. DONOR 2 RECIPIENT Drner Lisrouse Coerencent crito a DESCRIPTION OF GIFT DONOR RECIPIENT Ornen Dsrouse Dloceewoenr cniio DESCRIPTION OF GIFT DONOR RECIPIENT Orwer Osrouse Qloerenvent cHno DESCRIPTION OF GIFT COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 _ 1-800-925-8508 TRUST INCOME NOT APPLICABLE PART 9 Identify each source of income received by you, your spouse, or a dependent child as beneficiary of a trust and indicate t category of the amount of incame received Also identify each asset of the trust from which the beneficiary receivediore than $500 in income, if the identity of the asset is knownFor more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. ‘ SOURCE ? BENEFICIARY Orwer Osrouse (CQoerenpenr cH INCOME tess raw ss.000 [1}ss,000-s9,989 [1] s10,000-s2e.598 [1}s25,000-0R MORE ASSETS FROM WHICH OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED Dlunknown SOURCE | BENEFICIARY Ciruee Osrouse Cberenent cro INCOME, Tess rian'ss.c00 J ss000-s8:99 [J ste000-s2as00 [[]s25,000-0n Mone ASSETS FROM WHICH | OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED Qunanown, SOURCE BENEFICIARY Oruer Osrouse Doerenvenr crito INCOME Thess rrawsscoo []s5000-se00 []stoor0-so4sae []s25.000-on wore | ASSETS FROM WHICH OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED Clunenown: copy AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY

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