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ADODC Connection

Database side:

1. Goto to OracleSQL Plus

2. Create the table and insert the values.
3. Using the select * from tablename to view the table values.
4. Save the table using the command commit;

Visual Basic side:

1. Design a form
2. Goto to ProjectComponentsMicrosoft ADO Data control 6.0(OLEBD) select
apply and close it.
3. In the toolbar the ADODC Icon is double clicked it will placed on form
4. Select and right click on ADODC icon and select ADODC Properties
5. In general tab click the build button
6. Select the Oracle provider for OLE DB
7. Click next and give the user name as Scott and password as Tiger
8. Click the test connection button display the message as test connection succeeded
and click ok
9. Using connection string textbox is contains provider name,id,password etc
10. Goto the Authentication tab give the user name as Scott and password as Tiger
11. And click ok
12. Goto Recordsource tab and select command type as 2-adCmd table in table or
stored procedure name select your oracle table name and apply and click OK

13. Select the one by one textbox and goto properties select datasource as ADODC1
14. And datafield as which textbox form example if we select rno textbox means we
select the datafield as rno.
15. At last select the ADODC icon delete or hide it
16. we can run the database connectivity program now

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