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Dian Agustiningsih


Research Context Research Paradigm Research Focus Review of Literature Research Method Expected Finding
and Approach
Linguistic Research Paradigm: What kinds of Relevant Literature: Data Collection: I expect that:
phenomena: Interpretivism, implicatures on Discourse Analysis: Watch the movie I can found the kinds of
Implicature on because this humor are used Text and Context Find out the implicatures on
humor research want to in Hangover? Reference manuscript humor in the movie
utterances in analize language, How the Inference Select the the I can know how the
conversation seeking meaning implicatures on Presupposition utterances implicatures are
What people say behind the word humor are used Implicature Data Analysis: used
when they are and analize what is in Hangover? Previous Researchs: Identify the data I can improve more
making a humor behind that Syaifulloh (2002), investigated the accurately knowledge in
utterances is not appears. implicature on the headline used Analyze and linguistics
merely same Approach: Qualitative, in the Jakarta Post intrepeting the My research can be
with what they because this Fauzan Muttaqien (2003), studied data by using useful for everyone
who study about
mean analysis is the implicatures of the editorials the theory of
linguistics and everyone
Humor utterances concerned with used in Media Indonesia implicature want to analyze the
contain many meaning and the Muhammad Irvan Rosyadi (2010), Triangulation: source same topics.

implicit main instrument is studied the implicatures on triangulation

meaning the researcher anger expression in Aristocratic
itself. movie manuscript

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