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Unit 4 —= om ‘Area = cm? Area = cm? oe a Volume = cm? Figure 4.1 In Fig. 4.1 there are three shapes: a rectangle, a circle and a cube The rectangle has a length and a width: the length is 2.6cm and the width is 1.7m. ‘Therefore, the area ts 4.42cm* ‘The circle has a radius (r), a diameter (D) and a circumference (C): the radius is Jom, the diameter is 2cm and the circumference is approximately 6.28 cm, so the area is approximately 3.14cm?. Practice 1 Look at Figures 4.1, 42 and 43 and complete the statements: For example: 1 The area of a rectangle = length x width 2 The area of the rectangle in Figure 4.1 =442cm?. length x width 2 = 442cm h=2em b= Som Therefore, ifthe radius of a cirele is 4 the area is approximately 12.6cm* (Area = xr’). ‘The cube has a length, a width and height: the height, the length and the width are all 2em, so the volume is — om’. Therefore, f the length, width a1 height of a cube are all Scm, the volt —emn = 3.14cm (approx.)* (approx) 26cm Searoa au bs | Unit 5 Presentation Use Fig. 5.1 to complete the text: ‘To find the area of ABCDEF, either: 1 Calculate the area of AGEF. (Multiply AG by AF) 2 Calculate 6D) _ GBCD. (Multiply GB ____ 8 Add AGEP to. Use Fig. 5.2 to complete the sentences: ‘A= cross sectional area a steel Stoel Ver B pee cylinder a voltage = current x resi: Zz icin: emia S Verh | tength * v ® 4 ‘current'= voltage + resit v a T bXh — h=3em Ser | paeennice = . ary b=8 em copper pipe resistance = voltage + ¢ Figure 52 For example: 2 To find the resistance in an electr 1 Tofind the volume of ste? in the pipe, ctreutt, jnultiply the cross-sectional area by the 3 ___. multiply the current by the Jength. resistance. 2 To find the resistance in an electrical 4 ___,use the formula v = rh, circuit, divide the voltage by the 5 To find the volume of copper intl

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