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Note- When quoting Michaber and Ramah, it is siman:sif.

When quoting Mishna

Berurah, it is siman:sif katan.

****These questions and answers are for CHAZARA PURPOSES ONLY and
should not be relied on halacha l’maaseh.*****

1. If someone is sick and cannot make it to shul in the morning, what time should he try
to daven?
A. No later than the tzibbur is davening (Ramah, 1:1)

2. What is the first thing one should do after saying ‫ מודה אני‬when waking up in the
A. Depends: if he has to relieve himself, he should do that first. If not, he should
was nitilas yadayim immediately (MB, 1:2)

3. Is it ok for me to steal my friend’s water that he had set aside for ‫?נטילת ידים‬
A. Only if I know I can replace it before he needs it (MB, 1:2)

4. What middah has no place in our Avodas Hashem?

A. ‫( עזות‬MB, 1:5).

5. When should one live with sadness, and when should one live b’simcha?
A. When should feel sad over the loss of the Beis Hamikdash. But when we
daven and learn, we should do so with Simcha (MB, 1:10)

6. What are we ‫ חייב‬to learn every day?

A. Mussar! (MB, 1:12)

7. Give two reasons why we should say the parsha of the ‫?עקידה‬
A. 1. To envoke the zechus for ourselves.
2. To be michazek ourselves (MB, 1:13)

8. What is the issue with saying the ‫ עשרת הדברות‬with the tzibbur?
A. It will strengthen the argument of the Kofrim who say the Torah is only the
Aseres Hadibros (MB, 1:16)

9. What are two examples of things that will cause someone to forget his learning?
A. Putting on two garments at once. Reading a tombstone (MB, 2:2 for others).

10. In what order should a person wash his body when he is showering?
A. Head first, then right side of body, then left side (2:7)

11. In what order does a lefty put on and tie his shoes?
A. Puts on right first and ties right first as well (MB, 2:6)

12. When is covering one’s head with one’s hand effective and when is it not?
A. When one is inside and just needs a cover, it it possible one’s hand is enough.
However, to learn or say berachos, one’s hand is never acceptable.
(MB, 2:11,12)

Extra Credit

1. Give two reasons the Chafetz Chaim wrote the Mishna Berurah.

2. What are the ‫?שש מצוות תמידיות‬

3. See question #4. But when does it become even a mitzvah to use that middah?

4. See question #8. Is it ok for a shul to be decorated with the ‫ לוחות‬and/or the ‫עשרת‬

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