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[N(l~lcnal ~Iar~o-n cd Govi8":tme~t ·CCmmi!l.llnlcotors.




·E.n:PRESS 1m' O!slill'KiiUI~6D "'_e;HIEI!'E~IElN!it ;ILW,g;j~ WI1\lJ\t~RI


Hep'ingi'Q .. r Le .... , a rn ' .•• S··.·......'C>· •••. ien c-e./

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,c__.~a.rgel7 .~_ I,H, D,

U'iiSi D~plIliDmeBJt of' :EduCBJltioD,

° ,flj,ee' of EdueaJUlonal ,Resea.reh, andl Em.:prrovem,en't

IIJI.;S:.; Depall1mefitl gil: EducaUo,fiI llama, ,A!h~tx_ander


,Office 0,1: EducaU'o,nall Reserarrc.'itI ,alnd limp rovemen1:

I~JMe Ra:v~di1 ,A!S'sl~tanl' S!ecretary

~' '. A'-I ..ill

FrallOte , ' 13'XBlluer

,De/Jwy A'Ss'lSlant Ser;I'et:a,ty' mf' .Ptlficy' a'nd' Pla'ftfllng'

Orderil:g IlnlfC);I'imallon

IFot inf'cmma1non ,on the p,rioo' ,c;t: ,single cop;h~s or Ibull k Ini'la:n_tu'i~~: ,0"];,1: 'i~is': .... ~t ~~:I- n 'th-; a IJII ,e., ,G-' .... !!;f5;rm;m- 'lEinl, P" i\'!n'i'.,

""I!IoI!, - _i __ L~ ~ - I~I!_, LIl!iJ'V" -i' '!O.Og g, ,!!OO', • .;:)" _!!;O!~"" 1~ ~ ~.. II I ,

iiilg 'OHite' IOrder IDesk a~ 2D2I7,a~,2:3EL "ThB! GPO :s1oo11t

lili_~rm~'A:r 'r,:""r '~h~'~' ~ .... ~,.,J" ls n~ic:_,n i!'iI~- _nnll::'O"}i"ii ,"" __ !101! __ _!!lJ'y __ v_ III. __ '"' 1A!!1U1'Ii, ~~ U!lJ!o;r=u!I.IPIJ!=UU~~---'.


, I • ." '. ••.• o.

I " • _":'.' " . '.' _' ,_,' .,:,__,,' 1 " - ••

1~11'n.., - _'U~ 'fl' Jj~lY',~'

Helpi,ng' ¥:our Clhild' Leem. Seienae is O[U~: in ,8 series Oil be oks 0(0 dlm.ffer.ent led ucation ,topicS], ,in tended toO h.elp y()U

make the -mn~t n'f' v,PiL -,- -- child's 'n ,Cij",il., - - - ~i ... - - --'I" Pi; ~~'·t·u

,I" •. D -" I -,ilL .'.' Oi.';!' . l1\.li1 • .,iui[rf' '-';.IU,I, :~ ,ii"a, eur Q_,W, "",UDU'i.O;Il,,,,.,

T - In- ., - -- - - dl'- '1-' - - ~ - - - - .- - - - .- - '- - t'ha-'- -to . -- - -- nl --

. - .l" ," L " - t· ~ t- '. . '.. , '[ . . -' ._. [- ,- . • -' .. ",' .' ...," .' ... [- . ',' -. '.. . L' ,"' • ."' • ,='

ea.e .. ID,g ,an 1i!3Lrnmg are n,o t, m,ys,te~,n!es ..... - I ,. CJln, 0: y

happ en in school, 'They al B'O happen w'tu~n parents and children do simple tJ!Mings together.

F · - -t - - - - d- ''--hD-'-1 d- t tJ·, h ck --

._.. ..". _ ....•• _. ,'L' .•.. . 0' L' -_1,-' ,-' , .'" ,,·[.'I· .. '!' . j _ .. ' . '.'- i j'( .. ,'".'. .

or instance, you. an .your e 1- ,'; ean; SOl"· . e sec rs on

1_'- .",--- - . ...ii,- d '.' . - -,~ ,., .~. - " .. '" __ , G,.. . tion ,.',- ",410;1.. ...:11

at UJiiu.t:y ['_ a,y: -'stor!/"lng IS a majlo-r .U[.:[nCI _- :,on m ma ...... itJJ, ana

science: cook II meal 'bJg" e the/ <-eook ~ n a" '~'nV()imves not orill'u'

_.'-: " ":-C, ,-, ,_,. , ,_" .. "" __ ", _-:, ,< _ .• ,-_r ,,_ ._",:- 1.. iI!:::i, 1 .. " ":-" '·_·0 ,. -" , .. t .1'

. - -

til dll;o b E' dl h lth ['l ml- '~ d. d

-'.' , ,'. '. :- •••• .' > 1 ~,' - ". ':' • ~ ' ..• ' '. - . .' • i .. _ 1-" -- ~ '.. ti '. " I' ,~. . ~ _ ,'. " ,

m..:a , ,ani::.. SCl.e'n-c:e~i' .U,,_, gOCk:., ~._ea._1 ~._ a,s, wle_J., ,_<_, an ::'_, rEta ~

each osher s;oon,[Bs=-s't.orytelling is 'the ba;si's. 'fo,f' r,e,a,din;g' and, Vlritin,D" (and a, :s;,to(l"W' about the past 'is aleo historvk

- _. - ". ~ ~ 5· - - .. - ~ oJ _. _..- . _. = ,_' - - - - ~ . - . - ,- -.., .;}' J ~

or 'pla:Y' a game. ofb,op,sco:tch to,ge't,her-p'la;yio,g' phys,ji[cal

eam 1~'L'ii1 'ijli:fi'1ill help '[f,n'l1l,'iP' child '~~,03''P-n- 'ro~, count and start """,n" ..... b'~. , ~Q .,~ ,llJJI , .. ,~.w. :_ . .1' Y ~1. _: .~.I.. U ,lI.l¥~',I;,. " I~ '_: ~y~. " _. ~I_ - _"0. [~"_:.UJIL _. U ," !Q

- --

read ;1-..,,], '1- '1'· t",Q,li,o·.:n a 'C::'tn,iGii"l!~S_ &, uu !L.UJi."w\il""''-'"Ib ,II.,IIH ,I!;;i~. ,.

'ie' d ~ th···, '-h "l:J h . h II ~ .,

,JOy:;; O[ng' '_:'-lD,gs to,get ;,er, 'yOli Wil , ,S, I,OW' that learning lIS

fun and im:pOl'tallt. 'You, 'wil be eneouraging your- child to

. ·t· l'ld·:·' '111:'1- ,'- d sts ,!. ," ,. sch ." .: ·'11

5[ _ U _ ",y, ream, ana S -..8ly In. SC_ ~O(l',,,

A11- . 'f:'th"'- ... b' "k" -" __ this -~ - '-'" - '. - ;'. 'h- ~' '-- - -N"'-'---" ·t'~· -,

'. J' I'" . '1'· .' _.:., Iii' '." [ j.', 'J ._- •• 1.,1 '. - .. '. . i " . 'L ' ..... ,. r·.·· J" •• -, -, •

, 0 I_ole ~ 00 .. :3, In t;, . .1 ]j,S :80n,EllS tll'e Ul. Wl,t,o __ ,lie ., a,_IO'D,3,I_

'Hd:ueation Goals, set by the, P,re'$,iidellt, and the

G-',-\··,-·~- .-;:-~-, ." ---'.,~ :T'--h""" .. , ~,,,, ,-.---,;i!..'-I·~· th - t ~" th ~"--:I ,!Qll1illilltll~ ',~' --C' .. ·~.··O'vem-o!'s~ , ... ,e goails [Sli~a.~~ !ii, a _~ uy-. @' year .o4Juuu~ llvl8,ry

p.W-,:·1I,d-- M' ·,"1--1 iIi:'!··t~'r-~ school read '"'" ,i-""f, ll ..... ,!CI;m--·' .. at leasr ,£in ne",_;,!!I;n"t

"" ' ,I!I..' ._.-,.- "". "g ,!'" ~!;" I ·.·.u & ~a.'.- ,., l~ 'W'~'il:'oIl_ '~;. G, ,it .. ~,iii;I'l ;'U Jr'.'''' ""'''''".III

.- 'f'~"ll~ - 't'ld-' t ' . ~'111i . --,- . ...JI,-,- '. ,~ .. C,..,- . '. '1Il...~ -1!.. ... 'Ji.. ' .. 'I" ' . 'h-

u alit S,I -lJ,[. en. .. 'S, MJJit graeuate rrom mgn :S(;.I[dJ.O '~, eaer

Am- ~--". t· - de . ··t ~'1i[ '11 }- ... -= ,.L'i!.., ;Mlt,,'h--- S·'-i.1J.., - - . ...1 'Ii 04!-L ene-an, s_u:_en._: Wl.l . .I:. ',~a,vle il,rlLI.'e ''':t_: __ ,,-,''iW~;, anY, ,)L,t;i!l,.lU,

'Ii! 'i !il


grades Idlem.c'llstr,ating competence in core subjie ets; U.S'" s,tuld,ents wi'll. be :6.r,$:t to, the world in. math and science aehlevement; Ervery ,Anua,ri.ciln a. dul ,t, wil [ be rui terate,

win have the: s'kils necessary to compete in. a globa~, ec~nomy, and will be able to. exereise the rights and respon Q'ib-',i.ID,'i"'': t:l~, of ~iti· ;"z:~:n shi 'irV and Am n:nt"'lltl ~i(l; hools

o;;;~ .. u..,·!!,!iO.'!<_ . __ w,o;;; .... '!;;!'_ ~. ~ o;;;~ 9_~ ,~~, P.,~ _ .. _ " .... ', ~""g _ !';;I ..... _ , .... 'I;.!!_~

YliU be liberated f~om. ci'rug;s, and violence: ;~o tb'ey can focus on ],Iea,miin,g.,

Tbis .boo,k; is ,3 w,;a,',- :fO,f' 'wO'U, to :he,ltl m.8-et these: tW-oaru,s,. It

! .• , •• 1. - ~.~' • ~ J' .. ~... ~ ,~ ~ . w •. ~ _. • 15· - .. ~ ..

'Will o"ivle 'V'QU a short rundown 0:0, facts, 'but the 'b~;P'O',es t

- . ,~,,,, - - OJ'· . - . -~ - - - -- ~. - - _. - - - -- ~... - , - - . , - . ~ - - =~,~,. - -

t r- t h b , - lie ;', - - , ell- - - - -f) - ;, " 'I'm": , -, ti . t·· - , fl" e",

"[ ." - . _ " '.' •. _ . .•.•. ,." _ . . '. __ • [ ..",. I I • _ '., .•• __ '.. '",' • -. ,'. • . ,. ," L - ., •• '. • -'[ ,,1 • ~'. -_ .

par OJ .tne noo _ _:_ ~,S ,mar's up 0_ 5].ml"_0~ run ,aCI,~:Vl,U3:8! ror

'\.P'iiI1I;'U·· and V,f'li1:11',-' ,n'\r']_l·· d t' Iii; do ~(UJi',~*',h~r Y'n;n [', child m 'Iili 'li" even

J."¥' _l g~:~. !.1 W~ ~I:U. v ,PV! ~V'b~~~fl}v.~ ~ ~ v.r~ ~~ .~., ~ ~QJ ¥ ~ ~ .

beg you te id,o them., ,A,t'the' end efthe book is a list of resources, so vou can eentinue 'th!8 fun

. - ~ . . ~ . . - -:.; ,oJ - - . - ~~ - ~ - .~~ - ,. - . ~ - ~ - - ,+

A, , U' '0 ~.J' ;c·t"·:--· --'1 :8::'" : .... '. -_., .~, ... " _. '_, L- : .. '. '1' -, AI' ..... ····1 ._.:al. '1-' h c ,', .' id '. S, .,Oi~ ~uU.ca_lO.n, ,--eC'r'ell~ry, ama,r" - ,exa.n.u,e,r ,. fI,S ~8.1.- ,.

So" ]"et's, ,ga't, started. I inyi,te' y();~ to :6J:nd an ,aetiJ:rity iin.

,·t1ll,..Z '~I 1l...#'i;;i"I; 11,,.. ~ li'i;"Ji 't-'FV 1~ t ._,~~llQ lUu'u.K. U.lli,~'y, _.~:j.: .. ~ .1

Dih- H';;'") R-: ·:"""':n:r ''',;(fi'h- . ,~U(.;.~~. '. ~U.~·iLI ,~. I"

A ~,~,; sia n~:.:i1 !,9'~lf!i,~,ii!J'q it"'ij,; and

~~.~ _.~ _~ ~\~~iI!' ~~Ll'-ili J [U'I~.·_

Counselor-to the Seeretarv

'_"'~ _-_" _~. ~ _ .~ ",. _' t... .. . ..... ! IJ'



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'i " .... ; •• ,. ,'.". ji'[,·1i i'i' + ,'i jI"!!1j ""Iljr',

."'.'1' "i', ""io' ,'tt'. 'Itt" 11I"i i·,



The, :8'ig' Picture








Atta,ck af the StmtWS









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Cele, ,Stalks s,t :Mid'm, cht,






Sticky [Things " " " ~ .' .' ~












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Pla,nts " "














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ITelevi;!d,(lD ., ;, ,. ;, ,. i' i' " "













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N·: '~4\,Jn'~ 'Hli1~~1C:!

,~IR1k .!,§i '" " .. K'5?iQ .,. ,Ij ,Ij .r;; t t 'I: t 'f ;II " fjI. t ,t ,t


- - ~ '"

•• YI ~ I~ ~ 47


.Parents, and Schools,

II! pI [II LI! .•

" " II .•

• " 'P' 4'9

. ·50

.. 52.

R- - - - --


, ,.53

!III ,II! !II. ,13 i!!I'

Int'~1 -" .• d'~ ~ - tl ~" - ~

l. - . '.' ····"1·· ....,- I '., "-.'

~ ._,ro~,_ UC; _Ion,


~ '- .. :.~

. ~ .

~. '-" :.

~. ~Slme ~ba;s!e: ~n:fii'i1nt(a:ti(:n'l abo~tit :si~encei

. . . ~

·V~'iii1ii'ii'rii.{j1" j1i!'iL..:1I..!I:"'-UiiF'i, "llis·k-1-. ;,u1.'letit!i,~, ~ t1- --.aft",,,, 'L"II''!iiftd~·~D.l~,· ri,;'C"n'I'ilfa!~;"i-:~~ii::i' ~1,!~i~~1 ~BUl1r\;.~~ Ig" ':_~~ 'It.l~.r ~,ar~~IW: ,'j'~~ ~ ;~;~~U~L \t~. !~~~~ILt&~~~

[ik,e:.J~h~se" In LBea~£h ~f,ansWi8\rs, 'we, lllse' i8Ici~n.cel 'b) 'both: :

lepjligb)te)l .. md! 'rle,}igllt~ .

ke, pareB'tia:~ 'Wre~ 'mUlsi :pre,IU1~re-'·ID:Ul~i\(!hil.&tn' :tor a world·

v,a s;t1y' 'difi7~.,~n~, ®m the; -Qrn,~ 'in w&.~n ·we. ~P{ up.; In "dle ne·x.t. C~.tllry,; t:lds 0aun~ ·~1 ,lie:ed ritimms: w.ii·th-·motFe, ~t~J'~~g: ~.Id~eftce M,d. ,tedklol~gy,·thMl~~Q;d:·9f~ ~'S had .

. , .... :L ''-L U,l is(a]QOI .



S;-::··I' .. ,~ •... -:- .'., I'SC:'t'_"'~" ··t·_'.HI····,··· " ..... > ...

,:-.Cl8n"e I.;' •. _a,.~'L8 la,·. ~ .. Q,me

'H-I '0""··11" ~O·;·!'III!'.1 ",IO'TII '0-' IB·,o··lp''-"!' ..I. II~ '-'~ '.' .-~' J ...

T'~<!~t~'r~, p.a,~~;b~, ~,n,d, ,cbi~l::eJj. ,~a'n-

• See n,ll)'W' lQ1lJ1 it .talu~s fur. a:da:nd,e',HUift 0'[ a-rose '00 burs:t in:~h fun "bl~ ~rn; !or

, ,

• Wilbch. ~tbe' 'DlJilJOn irS i.t" a,pp@ra:r-s ,to rih~nge shape', liIive:r

t·!ii... ., ~'~'6;''i!.., , .A' " ' :.Ji "L -'L ... ,' , ,-

~':te~ 06'lH"'Bfe 6;.W;. ,8.. lIlll~:lliJW.l\i. Jai'Q~. :nro.grOl. '~~j' ~.ldl:nges;, iDf

• 'Wia,'t,eh. a.lH .. tte':n: .. ~,ow In.'En' a, cat"

Ib'~,-.. ~

'Qu,estio,nJnl' and :Llste,nm:g

W,D c_'iL. ;n;~:~I~icl:' P~IPO"'II'i'I' ..... gg"~ our ehi dldren t H, ;g,C!1~ n'lI~IIDQti-'::n,nCiC A.",', ___ !I;? g.J[JJu ~ _ ~~-~." ~~ iy'~y. U .~~ ~~___;~u...t ~- J . u 'UQA ~ ~~~'W!U_~-~il! .~.,

friend OD~e 3:sked, Isidor L Ra'bi,~ a. Nobel :p:ri'ze: 'wm'D.etr in 'p,h.y,sb~'s" ii\Vhy did you. become ;;j s,cil~ntist;, 'f,a'tileT thm a doctor ,or' Ia,wyeir i('lf' bu;siin,essman~ mille, 'the other :immigr,an't lPds -in, your 'ne,igh:bDrh,ood'?I~~ R41,bt mspond,ed~:

1f'f~ W,ii!li; ean't 'i!liln- ;i.':!!;"'iiI~\CiiI;-~ 6 iiliI[ .... iil" A" a ~ _" •• :m.,,:n1d' ~-~T'ij?;::;;' nl ' .r;,.;::;;,,t-,:: ;i"i;n'~ , .. ,'Ii...'i ... 't!ll,~ ll,,,,," I,",~,II, _ til! " ,a,"~l" u..u luJl 'Vur glllJl"_.:r",,u .., '''1J,U~ii:I!IW,IY_'_!iil''' Il;;Jlg '!!';\I'

'JI " 'hiF= 'h-' II- '"h ~ "~,"

,-' '-' ," _I ··(····1 ·····1 ..... ", "',. '", " .. " . ',:- . -:--:--~ ',"~-~, -,"f .,.,. - ..... " .(-,- ~ .. 1

ar ng!_ I, .' no one, - as a t! Ie answers, 'e.v,e'D saentlsts,.

An..JlI-'h!iI,..3,", ' d' - ~'t- ,-,,~, d ~" -m'IL. d' '--it, ""1i[ sd ,-" -, ,- ,-, ,- ~, _ 'Yl. C 'l1Jlaren ,~;un, ',,' ,nee '; . !,I,e:...0'6 !ilDY ~ .,' ,'12" alJile.· ,a:Ds,wers wO

.~]II I-~ ,f; ,J,l.. - i~' ,: ", "ti" '-," ,--", W"":'>-'-" 1-.- - , 'i--;'-' --,'" I"c, "', ' -' ,-"". ' • ,4:..,,- ,to,

,8 Jl (L IWlelf g,nes " ens, ,,' ,13 can. propose answe:rs~ :lIIes, I)


W., ~c '. ,~" . ; •• JI. "" 'C' . <.' "i,' i:;·'· ., .. "., ·J~·'::-l·"" .' .~ .... t···ll'll .' . th ,,~.-:: ':'!i;Jl, "

. e ean iWSO eneeurage our C:J,llI! aren w' :eu us, .... 1,€tW.:r .l.ue,~s

_. . d' Ii _·t·· ... - 00 t' 'h - ~, .. . -1- - n'" - - 'B'" _ ~ - . 'li" ··It· . . d' ·t·' ,i II

. " I'" . I,' .. '( - '. '.' j , .'.' .' " ~ '. '" .. J."' ' .. - " ... I'"· '. ' .. , --::. ",' .',. r ','c .•. ' .' - "-,';.~ . . ," 1 ! .

·an . 1,5, ~ml· _: . eu: lUp ana uns~ .. !BIE!l.g . s,.·en~.. _ C M __

'hel .t h . . .. ,. ofj:d '." h "thl~nk" d~ d~

, '.' c 1 ' j'. -' •• - • ~ . l '. ' .' '"\'. . '. '. - , .' . .' '. 1'. - '. . . It'" • . . '. - " ,l - .• :- " • .' • • '-,

, "I) i. em, 00 .gaUl! ~O ~ ],_c enee In. t ,mr~· I. ,'lng 8111_ tD ,e-,

]. i.'h.. ,. 11~':~ll' ..ll ,. .. ..... , t ,. ,. L""'" lh 11

'le' .op 'Ildj_ie~.l"'· '13M :S ,aDu. Jin'l~r€:'sl~' m 'SC1,le:nee" .is;ltermn,g.,0!1.:P'S

. ,.1 ·"'::,d~·I··",··,.;l.,~·· .. · .... ' .. , 'C ..• ' .::;l ...... '1,... , ... ··t·· ··,~·hi:i111,..JII, ·<·i c· kn ..... ,.' .. :' .. '. id den't k " c'., :'

us 11,;10 I e,~e:rm.1Ln.e JI1JlBI~ w.U!~ C. _ _:_J! .. .J..JOW an. _ u,on. . _..:......DOW,i

(It ,!]SOI lte]plS, the ,dU]d.6jlUl'"e' out what hs or she k1JJo,ws~)

Silm.pIe 2lctivi.ties, can be··~.:p te ld1emys:tib' sei'Bnce--=and w,e

'I!IU':: 11 'I ~U" OIDiii!l>ii:!!'t·'· ii.'!l'o\"i;'ii'itjj"ii!ii; Inri' j.'Ik l!i;~',iI"iI; '~:oriil,iA-,-W; B' url't' ..,.'iI"..:: 'm,...l'._n.' " !~11 ~o~ I R BP/.JI '1''' .II,l1l. io:!IL• ~i!:i!'~~ .~. ~\;II\u.JI.~ u . 11,! • .lJ]I!~~ .1l~~.L ~. ~.~. ~llI.11U,L ti. ~i!:I' ~ ~~!Iiio''''' g.

iiie""'I'11.>:. ." ",.' , . c'. ·b·,:·'i.,· !: . .".~. .,'.' ···ti,i..'\.. 1 :t·· 1 'i .... ':,", ' .. d· 'Ib," t·,

~ JJearn some .a~u~ gU,orma ... CD ,a.uDU.· IBJClernee ml . , ,a ·au I.

11..;i'!io,W' ro, to ,;1..11...;::, .... 1[ ... ,~~;t!I;'n't.ilfi·· ·Ji'fi~·]1I.V, ·T·iL.,~ G~11'~~i:ii~;'iFi;"a' ,~I,iti;'''''''*;iifiilD no~ 'irn_,

J[lI!u '.'U IliIL!IJlJl:U~. 1i!l!!i;i!II!~ . l_:lII . ,'Il;,.!Q .lIl.,,, '. .' JU!.,!§, .Il~.II.11!!l;!!!·'Of .III..IlJ!~, iQ!!QiI;,;O!!!r~,,,",,,. ~ ~ JI.!I

;In,''. .',_.t-:. . '. " .' ·tt· ,; .. ,~ .. ,.' . · .. · .. t th t· ." , "" ·t .'.'" .. ·ii....~,11.JI.", =

!~lDS ~,U1Jk'o\nna .. ~ om .w.or paren ~ I~' at ca 0, ,pov n :. our ennoren

to rd~ ttd' ,. 1-

, ,'!I!liIl'g,,-. 'I. "I~ I~I :D'tO"j;!;o;(i1 .

w'a J I . I~ ~IU'O~ I.

'. I

Th··-,··· B:-······ .~.-;-: .. ~ ... ,c.

~ ·e.·· .... ..·~,a· s- ,)a.,s.·· .

• " •... "_ .'j lLl _.

Han 'I'd~- ~'iiii!O,.-·>D-·· W' " .. ,I·o:::·'--k· "[~ 'B~·'····e-cc·~'t·

",., ".!olilI I, ' .• "a,~I·

'y__ '-1-- M'-'

~S9-S, __i,' -ore,

. - .... ; .. '. - - '~-- . - .

'Fi'" ,! ,;;.3I':!: -~. " ' 't- h" ' 'Di,!" 'l~'i" A" " 't-I "'~ , .. ,t, , , .:' - , ,.:y'~ ,," -, ' ,,:n'wDg ." Ie,: "-',~~ I~IVI :,-:Y ,I,~r' ,i ~,o.ur

-- - , .

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·i\'~I~I, ,." -~. :-:. -,c-, ~ . '1i..,::11.J1.~~" .' ,j;.., . t ... ··'1- - . " '1,' . I-t~ 40,'" ; ",i~", ",t~' "['f~-- I

,nuOi'" your CIlWti"feo !l.-O ne p se !eel, ~i1.1,e IUl!IW,'V1..· ,e;s", ",:ymIU

do,n't :kDow 'w'llil~the\r Sa,rah wOI'uld, :ra;tber' ,oollleC't shells

ii"iL"'" ulan t d'~ jl!il"t.'l"~..l!]"I]S iilli,~11" h D~' 'li:n..Dn~~ Itli1l..D T~:l' pJ ... ,C! cDC" 'II'1i'lI;D";h~'~,na lui: lri,u J .. _." . ,. ~uljlJ.u'U .', ':Ii 'U1"~ ,~~~~ll-- ~ ". ~~III;!i'~:'_:. 1~~~IIj;I: It·· J~.&.;~I d .. ·· ~JI~'w.~~~~

'b - d h '11 d' 'b b

~.' ~ '~", :',.' ~;' ,,- ... -;: _'_, -;:'1 '. ~~ ... ~ ~ :~'l" _- ,~. "'::--'1':-;--' ;-','," ,:- - ,-~ " ,"'.' ':', .::.: ," _: •.. ~ 1'_:

,s-,=e wants WI ,fJ.~ sne L ' , earn mDI1e ana iave a better

~, d" ".-

... ~II~' :~-:-, '-:--I'~'" '1

timB mnglt.

'. al. '~ .. " t'~' . -~:---""i<~;' -- -,. ,~~:!',t'-' ,If.': -, ,;ii,'L. .. L~'~ .JI:!! - , ~',--. !

'. . oelL6C, - ;BC'!J.!ii.V1,!wes, a,p'pflopn,a _,0 ,Ilii)r !l,;!IJJJe iClllllJY. S enV1.rn,n-

men:t" A, bri,gtdt!l:y H,go:ted eli,ty iis;nlt the best pl~)aQ~' :for star--iazimlg~, for elLa:mp:]!e""


1 Or, ' "." -, -, .:» i!' " "tiJ' ~ -.

. . I . I . I, . . ~~ '. ~

'.- "~I ,,~Bm, ~ ,,~,B' "AlD.,

.. ...--~ Ii~~.. ~ ~ E' -, - -~ ._ -

• '\Vb;.a,t ,h;m.PIpel1.,S,· (j'Vl~rr dm,e .. · wh,a",- a p1an:t, is~jt 'watemtd ·or

~'ftO' ;,~~:"d' '~,n 'n~nn'~~' 1il:'!"H"j!'-l,]' ~,t,? " .

~r' ."-~~.' 1 ' ,r,\1u .~.~~, .G lU;lJ -16~~.' "IL


a iiZiJ!

'.' '\Vb' .": ,","C .,-'. 'eD' aan :c'g' e"'s- ::Cj"C " b"'-" -" ..,., - -;- ed '?' O·- ... ·,,:c -,,:c, .' ,'-;- 'W- -c. :' -;- t " - ~ .. -: 'd'

, - , , '~I, 1,- I, .. :'-, :", :i""'~·n 'e· :r;c~'~r-iO:!_~ .. , '. " .',_ n·~~ w,a, ,I· .. r.1.cJ . 1'1:rn~ " .

• ~ -~ .... __ I' . ~~~_ _!I!;I''''~ ~~ _~ __ . _ .. _ ~ ~~_l.!"!.l~~

,", -- -i- .... ," -,--' .. -, -'b. -C',-;- '-'''C - ,~,t-. 'be .-,--. 41'- ' , - :c_ :-:".;:1' 'Il..,,- .:-,1,"" ,", -:: ,~ ..... ' - ,,- ,~.n;, -, V -::'0'

mWI llC'8 CUufUl!i~ can, ][1_ :.:..e !l!,.tmrn'eu, ~a.'C-,L llDlw Wa.I~I:".; J:,le~,.

B 'iiI 'iii t ;: C' oilfi'n ;g nilli;'lI n. ,~;;l:'!i p'iil"i 'it' ,~;,... +O"C l!;,1i:1" ,"n,1i'l!i ;i'!i;~I_' "t"h"l" - 4 I~;]- ~ ,;ffi;~.;:!j' 'Il..,m '~I.:.~ :u I~I Q'r.~JI~ ;Ij.~j ~!~,.,::' JUILL.~'.~ I ~l, .,1~~~I~ Ib"_lI_.I1 ._.:. ,~ l~ ..Il~~"'- lJ~

, ... iL, ,:c". , .. ;1 b",,··, " ';-k' ,~" ,1-"""1 -l'h", ,.' -, :',L_II", " "',iII,,,'?

UlaD;p:U"acc__C, lll!!i.iU I _:.!e WIJJO.!I.E! a.Pllle ..

S·, 'D"iIi, . __ . t!'ty

i " • .I,V',. :'/e,~!:r,C'!111 c· "

... I . ~D~ .. : . r

EVI~.:n 'very YIQ,uo,g !children, :know tba:t there are: many

k- .. nd f" b ~ . '0-"'-" ·tN· '. ". d ", bel h" 'id-

,l I' [ . _., .',. " . - '.- . _J · .. ·.·.1 •• ··., 1 __ .• ". ' . • '.,_ • ,0 _,.. • .', •• •• _",.,

~,~,'I~"_~ 0" 0 ::~eets .. " nei .1 ng 00 . ,0 S .,' P your en" ex-

:P1lore ,and, ']DV1BsTi]iga,te a, pond,. Wi thin. lInd around a single

d" (' d di '. th '. dI tl~ f~: th d ')'

',. '·-1 [-:- .j ~- :-·····~·····I·· 'I _.J -:1"::::-" .. :- · .. ·.- .. ·_I. ·,.1 · .. ·.II[ .. , .. 'J ··········1

,po:D_,.J~,epen,-~Lng on ~- . la, SllZie ,aD", ,loelL ,on 0" I~ .. e, pOin-,.j!

'tho"~ ~. ere 'm'~y~:'" 'be, trsmendeus dliv,ersi ~[f.'" -ii:ns~c1t~J, 'bifod s, ,6 sh,

_fJg_ .. _. ,___:: ... g, .. r ~..:., . ..:. I~-.:.. I _:._ • .:.._.l..:.. .. _:._. -:.:_ ,., _" _::.. ·~JI!!! ._ ..... _I ._-.;I![,I .e .• , , _.,_::..l, ,. '::.. , .. ,,]

, -

,L.,. "-~ .-t ,~II-,,- -4i.'L, ... , " \-:-,Il ... , - -'~-:-"t-:" --~,-:- "':',"~-~II "'-.,-'" be O'~'~" .

.t~rugs~ 1,.HI, !l{JIBS, 'Owwl' wa,ll.ier erea nres, ,LDu ma;yl-·i3: ~O:m'B·

m- ',g''ll"lil'!;'IRiI'Ii;:"",iI;1i) L' .AiijlI'm_'::''''''''gc:, 'i'iIil.-t. g 'nnn,..:ll is "'li 1Dl"r'ir.;;!~{t" 'W"l:Ii'U' ·t-n 'll[ffl'~I'm" .

dcICJ!HYI~,~mGJ., ., "u!U\~,I1c) 01" g, ,Ji."'u~~u' . ,,~, .g, it:Ii'" '!;;"" -- ,g'o,il! ,.'I!JI' ~!l;;id, -

ab~u,t ,th.-e 'ba'bi:'UJ!'1 life lcyeles~ and fe,ed'iUI pa,tte:ms, ~(f

..l:"O;;., -,-,~ - ',", -"c, - .

IUJU.lel["ie'DIiI i()r,glam~ms ..

'I" '"

-n° -;'t··i~)tdPIt[ ,v'

[ .. I . ~811& _I .[111'

n, I

:TI '-b-·- I'" '. ',' ,."JI,---,:, '",",- ,'. " ,."~. (. ,f!" ' .. }... - .. '- " ", "1- ';:',_' '-C'C"'C' " ,,', 'hi '1" -c, . '. 'I ". 1"..:jI , .. ~;-" t- /.,

, . ,e eru.",Il,Ji' y:E;U!:r[;, 01 e,e:men 1;!8r.y [~C, " .. CUl]1 . ,a:re a.- gOOll IWlm,~ J)

- ,.._J.'.... ''Lt;, .... ,'Ib.!'; .31 ,. - ., c: i.- L.:l: 'W-' h ul' d - I'll

£jtai~~, wS8C'lnOO' C:JJ:luu1:en 9eJleflit't1'Il,~e eilu;iliCS ' e: S '-:f}l"- Ie 'lie Jj

!ii!!,_'::'_,," __ ._,,::,_,,;'_- .,ti!~ .. I .. J,. -""",--,-,~,_""-",,,:,,-,~, , .. -., J .. '". ,.-',',"'-, _,

,~,1l,.';6'm"·' 'h.' A'~~' '~'m .. ·.· 'OA'.~'iFIi''1r.N;t_. ,~;,j."l_:O;,i:'!l1 *","": ·b .. ~, :~,;nili'!i;~''iii'!'9I4!-· ... about , .... !Lli!ti.;:'iV!, .n.l\.,._

IWl.~ ,I IV T-r 11;_ ,It'um~~l&,", a.11il , lia ~ . ~ OJ~~[~10 o.~ GU~!I!;&, 'LJ;WI~",i; v-U

" -,-," ~-.~,,'i ~. , •. ~ TI-1!,..~ ,~- -,;.;:1 ,il-,n k: C·,~-., .• ,",;i;.-'.~ --;:-,]] - -'·,Q"l.t-., t"- '- C_", ,.11-:- ," - .... '-,-,

serva· .. ,luns .. " De:,.- n~e!!g, IW . n.ow ill .. Sill, n~)lJJ._-_-O mE!liJf!i ,rITU:;-

,,",-,-m"'iI!!i;li:!!J____:U1';O, ,~llIl' =m' . _. ill ... a 'Iffi"riI~ ;~'~'Ii!!ii l!-...o,;C!i' '~Iini;·..l -W-· I~ ;i!'!i;I!!1iD' ]" ~ li!!il"m-- from l~~~ti""" g,-!l, J ".' .. I~""" ,lllLlLllg l\<~1\.-~"""j' i!1l!JLlLU . _: . "",' '~""'. . .~~ .- II" ,!I.l"'u, . )

.. 'L . ·B'--· ,t . - '1' .. ~, tbat -'" . - "'''''+''i''!Ii ,j...:Il~ .. iii' -c~' . . ". .". ~

~,~em,., . · 'll~ ~X,p iun, _::', a.lli' lm'pOI,~'n,~ l~llsc'O,enes, am malIiJJ~:

.~ . ..;;;.'iI. ,"'f·'·:c -;:-. -:-: ,_,.,"::'11i1i';,-n,o' .-:-, c, . .,1 --:;'i4~c ·t'·~· . --: .~ .. ;--;I. .-., -, c '·,~ .. 4,.,.1!_ .. c.,.,

'Ci.lUY 1 W~ are W]ln..L.J~; an,g ,aU,!I.~ 10 eOffleCll;; ClUW HU:8~aB;.!3·BI.,



8:'~ "hi'l' d d t. d th t "t al tatl

.' 'Pi" y-:-qi''i;';iliii iW"' 1'"":- ._. ~'n-' 'U-''-ll··· 'fi~"'il!1i'n' I " -'~':: '~'Ii:ii"o of!l;_Q'n-:c ,'-:, "1 W,,'-,:O:lI"y: .. ,;.:';;J·- "IP

" , . -, U LIILIIL '" I. - 0 J -J:. § ", -'., ,~J:, ii!I! ,;a. _" , .' "~ , "IN,I' ~ 1Li:u.., , . ,II!:.II., ii!I! " !Q

_ - ";" _. _ - _ -- - - -- - - - _.. -- - - - _. - - -- - -- - _ --1 . - - _.

someone, else,'s word, :FIJF 1~C\metldn.g~ Th~l't"~J w'hy jj:t"l~ :impIOl~

u"n.t ,to Smut out f'br II)U.rsel,vEHSl, ..

A t'-· It '. t :

C' .~·I.VI .. ,leS ·a~· ,

G"':''':'I, '-.' .... '. ,'. 'UI: - AIl<'·' I··_""

· .. "~.I'own - '. "/ p ... , .' ,',E!UI::"iI;!iIIi' .

-- --- - --- - _._

'Y::A''j·;;;,'i'ii;!fil' ,~1!...;:'i'..::I\""ijffi,'i'ii; 'i'ina''if 'n-,t' ~1;;;:11'i11' . ·~,'j,n.,.1~f!i""",,"ii'ii;..:l1 ,"'L.Ii!iI~ bad

.. !!!.if Y-II-I,~ ~1.m~~oI!.il,~.! Ji.lliO _" Jl!!l..ll.!l;y 1~Y,~JL.Yl W,il;Jl.II!Ui. 1W:J:~!!li' ~g.,_

thilngs can happen' '00-" ·th-' . em' 'W' 'Q dO" - Jt fmt t· 0 sca- -e' 0- - --

'I' " ' ,. ' .. :., ,',' ''', , ,. ' .. ':' ···-·("IFli'·_'W.".r"·I::·i,' .' 11"' •... '~·11""

_ _. _.1-.:....1 ,._.,_. ... -_:,___: ._~., _. ,._ . .:._. J_:-·.I __ .. ~ .. ~._~..:_;lL.I, _ .. ',- - .. ,_" ._ . .:.__ I .. r._ •• __ :~,. __ ._- .. Iy':I..

chi'l' d ~ '" b

'l~ 'II"Ie-:'n~' ,!li'UW'''lIIV'' ~ft,m.'-·- '~~,e-:il'ili~ -:n'~' W· ':a. ·m~;cl"'III'Ci.~·"

.. :J.lJ1." ) g"'~~' ~IW I U¥~,··~~~~.J' 1~~1 . ,:I~, .. l"ii~H~t.!Ii

•. 1m .. h _L~'lll.J1 .... -·· _. t,t· ......... t . - ,:o+lk!- . '---'1-' . 4I.b-· ,11_, .'.. , '. ·'·JleiBC .• I. 'CIill.JJ.IW1en, n,OI' ':0 ·I~~f.;e, ,fcUlj,",.lu;ng un ,e~,!S, ~ ',' ey ..:now

··'t' ~ d fI"'Ut d' .. .. ta

:- -:- I (:" I .' ," . I" :-::. I .. ', "] . '_-', '. "',:- .. '[ :- ," '. '.,' ,- :-1 1":" :-"-::-~~I

1. IS .gOO· .c_ or 1 __ em an, IS .SaD]L.c ry,

• T,each c,blldmn. t.n foll(}iW w,m;r:mngs ion man'utalctUI\srs" labels ·and 'iMtruetio:n'~;;



'.' KeD:P' toxic or ,Diner danl9lfOus, subsrtanoes lout o:f the reaJdb of yO,UD,g ehi'Idl'\eo;

• Teach Ich~ldlreD 'w:ka..t. t~y can do ·tOI mi]n'ijm~!~~: 'the: 'risk

.... £ 'II ..;I,,.. j..... .]1

UJ" ,aie.CJ.I~D~;, ,anu

• m\ei~ Fi"-h·7L,~:11 ~""i!liin 'w~ . h ,UI#.; ,.".,.,.;:Iln '~.'f.~' iO,A, >mil iii'i.~..;11 il!'fliin·t~- ,.n.i'i;l!li"ii''I,P<il!l1 _' ,Ll~g~ .. IgEI!J}tpl~'Jji& ,_,,_;. u ~~ I~ ULu ;11.', QI;1I1 I~J~!~UJ~._&~" ~\!I~'~ld~~

'Be' ..••• ~,suI .. ,~, I, " t'--8:'

.~. . .

[- .. "~> .. _:.: .. :.- . ," ..... , l'. .:..._.

SOl b8lolie: 'sta.trnlDP'~ :Cf'B:t a, 'oo,tebook f'Or :reco,~'i;~ D! ,o'bsen8'-,

_. ... ..•. .. ."-._ I. -a,~ bl'" [ ... ".... J. "dIl.'UU~~..... .

ti'· I'f-" clB:-' "l-d' t ," t t th d

.... '1' . I : .. -j',,'-t I" __ i ', -.' ," . _. I" ", . , l. • ." ······1 . '-,' :--:::- I .j', -'J I", 't' -'1 ~ ' ."_ '-, . -. (, .:-::,._'. ,;-:.

_ ODS, •. ' ~.' ~ ,yCiur~ . ~ . ,_c_MD ,eanDO_- wnU;l~ ye, _-~ _~~_-ey cm,~ FIlW

n '1""'"* '0. . .I '~~, itliif: "W- ~ ,::-h:-B·"'·, ~'ii..,Di~' '~fi;i!:Ii:. iIfIi[ll"' 'wnr'll'lll m:: BI'itT want ........ 1 '~akirn. netes

r ""'......~~ """ .. , ~III! Ii,.:::u'~,.if ""~""!!i U,:I" ,J uu., ~" "'-li.IL'L! Ili'U Il!_~ !I;;i .iLJI!_ 'V~~

rO(f'them" .

'We ~b.'ould '~e,memb@'r - too. 'tha:it, 'se~i:n a i~n~'t t.he, enl v 'W~ v

_ '_ '.~ _ ~ '., .~ ~ J ,,-_. . "-~. _ ~. ~ .. ~ ~ "~ ,~~."'.~ ~" ~~. "-_'''_' I .. ~ ~' ''"'~ . ~.'.. ~,._ "-~ ~' ~ ':,? '_ ~,,~:.?

'00 obsene ISometimes 'we use lo,ilieir' "H3D~lHE~S':' w'e' bear

,. .. ~ .,' . ~ ~ ~' . .,. - . , ,. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ., - ~ . . ~, ~ , ,~ , "-' :!I'

fj'- '] . - - -']1 - ~ ·t- --t" - - - - - .thj"" "- -- .(ilehi1- "]th· - - - he - uld b - ~-

, - - ,' •• J • .-' 'j' . ," - ' • _" 1t •• • -:.,' I,'" -"' , .. ," "'. - ',- . I - ~". . Ii' I .. • c -' -' • . .-" - ", • ,- ,-", - _ - ( .. c '

,eeL; sme:._,-,c~ or ,:;lSii"e ,some ,1~Q,g1~,,:; II!. eo a . I , .. 1, ae eere-

'~'m''iI ..... itt·, ~ '. '-''-' . ,'b- , t· , 'L· "t t',L. , ~ .... - ' ...... ~I

,iL,W~, U!I.~ ~D1ll.:rle~ ,a~~DU " W,iIlJia .~dll,ey ~;S,,~);;;

Le·i'. Go

Science, loan, be :lJBarmed in, many 'placEU!1 :and, Ekuviro:mne'uts, ,and lltlS,t, as easilll,' from erveryda,y experi,6nces as from, tur-:mal1 :prqj'eets and experimen,uro W:e: Cmll1e,t om c"wldlien in'b~\n's,'tedl in seienee w'i:th, sbm;ple toys~, b!llok\sl~ and o'b,j'eets ,0..1\011100 the l'louse! and ha;ve fun, wihlle w,e:j:~~~ d,oing 'j't;,

• '.r "I!'f, , ".L"'I"~ ~.I"-"

~. ""' "1-"

Wh·-'·-·J- a t·:··· 't··r;/D~·' ·d'·· ,0····

J' • ,'.. -~.I. . . ." _ ~. ~~ J .:....:..

1.. UseyoW'magmtYingglasB,tIlsee:

. . .

l¥ha{fi!,s, )Dd4m~ soi:I·9r. 'uuier; [$\..'VeSi~

lVha:t~s "lD.'both:. sides ·of,lltaves~;

- .,

A k

~ . ,:'

...... II .. ,: ..... ,"', /'., ,". _, .,"" .""" I

'~:, ":' Ij. ,,": "

t ,'-Ia/ .... _IC, - /: ,.' 0" ' .::'

••....•. ',_ . ', .1 ',_ ..• ·1 I,' ... ,~ .•.. , .

th e· .. ··"',···,· S"···: .• ,.'.',. t .. 'r~'···"a·'·"'··'··w"-'-'--'-':s·"-'··'-

1 ' ,.' ", I.. ".. -, ,'1- ," .':' .,"'''''" , •• "" ', .••. , >1

I" . I _ .. - ~...... :.~" _" .. / ' .. ~' , ~ '-I ", ',I -',_' -',_:' •••.. ,' ...

C, .. " .. ' ': . , ,~"',~' ,-":' ",- '="~." "', , >' :g: ,.', ','L.'_""1ooI· g- ,,1,;.1-1":=' "

laD a 'nap, ,er ,SM7,.,WD IUVU, M a F,aw

. .._______; .. r··.:....____:_··· - _. .~ _. ~. I _ I - - . . _. . ._ - ~ .. . ..

1',0"£:0""0""" '8' Ift~',£jI ,ni" ~O'i:!!,V' ''D'TlDii'V ,;1:.0''''', '1- AOI'H'il1l abD"" 'ut'-

".c_iIl!A,IIL::_, i!!I' '" ~,& ~ m aJliJL ~-.aJ" Q'Q,..., ,~. ,,~p.&,JI" 'A_::_,.c_ _: I_:,'

'.. t'" d tum

''':nll~~i ·1~'iOIi· ,a-'-'D'" I~ ~m'-' o"'~m-J"~'D' :." .: I ,- ..

~I.L~~ ~ . __ ~~_ '_ I .• _ {~ ._. }~

"Wh';" :': -··-·t:· t· .-. d' .

" r , :: .a,I.~,I;O ' .. : ·0

1 '.

Put a 'motaml OD the table 0'[' kitehen loonn:ber mld,


bn'll).;11]:',Mio' .t'lii~lIW 'i'I~;,;I.,\. ,Ii·ill!i"i,~ L'irilli"ir~ _ m""~ lb,J:'H:D" '~'iI1iI~ f,1!,.8, wlJ U. ' ,~JJ._I:I-=I'llilJU,~· 'Hf,IJ;ILI1, ~\~_JU~ Il_~JiJ'IJI· __ ~JSI].~~j 1~1~J.:. ~ IldllJ~

_~,-:-;I,~ "'~' ... " .' ·h-,"-:- , .~ ,';" -- -;c,··t-e"" " ,~.". ",",< 'th·,C"- ·th. c, .Ci~'''''4!.''''';C'

pflnn, O,t YGwr ' ,.aDu. 1,S DO _ Wlu.ernea •. I, ' .. .' _,~, po _~',.,



'11:fIIl;., ~,t·, '~'~n~.· . " if"i"~' 'D- i;;ii t·, ''r'A'~ T!.~W· , ~~,T"ii,..]I' T·I'JIl.;. iI!!ii, ~,4,:T-,gIW!~ ·"·llJJIGI." . lIJJQr.',r~I!g!I,&~~I., , .·.IlU Jl=:t~ ~I ~J1IQ" _ '_ U~_JL~ !I .. l.l~1 ~~;.L ~ Q-

:sbJ"uld go m'w the ~ulta:toi' If it d~,dn't~ 'tzy ,agmn wit~b ,~~:'hOir ct~,r~,W-~·~,V~A '~' 'll~,t'/f;" ';D, ,;i."~'ii:!l,+,filr "'"r

,___.. Vi ..... ~_ ~I"'_['" _.. --..,iI' ,1iJ'W' ~ lLlA. '1;1, ¥ .litn,,"",!J.;~ uillo


-If'the pom. ~,s QJd~ s,oak, i'& in waiter' for aJbouJ 'hl1tlf on hour' ber(kTe 'b'yi'miig 'this, ,a;~Mvi1~y.,

An object remain sat. re st ('the p ota tOJ in this case) or keep s :movi,ng' (the s tra W J in this case) unless it Is acted upon, by som,e external force i

P·o·--:-· W' -e···· r .,

.. / ' .. ~ ", . ~ :. . I : .' ,.: .. ~ '., ':' ==,

I . L .... , ,.

, . • . '. ,I .

" . • _," _,': '" '1..' . -', _ ~ "," • __

. . . .

'~ i£li.7Ie· .. ', 'V'A';1I·'11 i •• "e'~ ,·tP~ J,.'r-:;:e--...1' DIii!!! i.O', It!O-' '-3' "P" ~"f""" RD' .'"0,. -iOII, ,EI.;~!fr ~~.~ 1i7 V'fM· ~~ .. ", .~ ... - 11i - A'J ~.,? .. g, 1~'~~L~til '.~[ . ..:.''-O'' . :j' 'IJJU r·t··,' "-~I. ,~

b4'll.-~"" - mL'':i:i!( ·.a:imp~I-!. 'OIAtj-'" 1II''''I:i!i';jj.;v. W' ',"0" rk-·' C!I :-b-:' eea '~'lb"e:C,

I u:&s.J~.1 .,I.U. a· r. I •• _', 1~t" ~.;_ ". ,'. '~i7: . I.' ~.~. ,~-'. •.. ~ ••• ~~~; .. ~~I ._"

. ,(-'n, tIrfa'~·- ~ . - ,.- 'tfmS- " ~ '-·r·~·"·" " !f'"

D !~ ~ ., .' 'lIIe' " "'·U~·

", ,ad."" . - .~:. .' ... ~v., .. !Ii

. -". ' ~.


Your h~a:t shuuld ziP' aceess t'~;ua wa~r.. Wa:tetF molemlll!s. al;F0 strocrngly at'f.·~~il ~ e~~. Ic'tller

and s·ticl! c~OiSe: 'wg~th:er" t;'$perilll]y ~n the su:rfaee-. Thdl.5.J~:r~:ate$ a Sb.'1all:g

_ ,I:J!.

n~'~le n,~'! '00 ~'e wat~~'s surf~ce' tha~'we . ¢ill -'~pr:ra~a mllSllall i

. Adding SOB.p,di!:f:upts tile ~ttaj :' g~i~~r(t of tbB ~~eT' msleeules andl bm~ the. sIan~ m~'[rug' tH,e bmJl~RJ!l>

.t";":~'!!iI"!r~,I'.J] 1U;l'~g_U~




~ '.


. - ..

'~o-:- ,D"i; 'i!i,'i'jiI. '::i"""~d"lj,1f j'!i;~~3 ""liil~~: ,..,..ii,j·t' ~ b·''ii'·Ol~: 1::lI":";Q, ~]I;"':'!Il!

,r";!fl., ~ ~,.~~, y~ [I; .vuj~" ~I~ ~ I~. __ . ~~~ j JJJIJ§. ~IUJ~iij

:!~4rake·.i,t; aib'Ollt:2 112 llXh,e's l&n~,~and :1 'in ln~kas

.. ".'". . -....5 I


I ."

M·· ','


Wh ·t-- -- --'11'· '- _.. . .. d , __ ',: ··a ' ),,[OU' ,-- ..,·_

i8 tabJ1elpomB lof dishwa~g

• quid,

l illlttmt wB'ter'

'1 . .:1.....::: ..... '11..:.:: .... , .._,

.. !ai.lIJ~ ISwS;W

It 'shaDo,w tmy'

G1:.'.o,wn'!!u'p a'le'rt!

:1 tilo, ICflJn:~, open, a .. t 'bg!tb ends

Y'"'' - ~-, '1Ei'~an~'e' :!i!A"iriil'iii!i'nftli QUr~~-!I(;ll~ "J,oyo !!!;Il<:l,..Jj.lJ,g.

b -. 1- es

>. ...... .... :" "':- -,' "'" :":. - ..... :

, ,',',

.... _. ", " - . " ", .... : .. : ' ..... ':: .

. ~ ~ l_:'-"'~'-'" I_I - .. _ .. - _'-,_ ,,'

Uft.." does .,. , .... , "iii ' .. b:·'l"· , :"" ilHIY' L'I", ... 'b' I.' '9 'Y',-':·· .. · ,

n',80 ' .. ·;,08m .' eD!JO, ,.",OWID __ D'U, ... : :r!~, "O[U,

• b 'b'lIl - 'b d th'

, .. ~ -, -~. , -'-'1 :;" :>" .- .-, . -. __ .- ,'--:-''': -- ,.;-. -.-. '-'. ~'I .- .. , ". ,.'" ,.' .. '" I' ..

,can, ,ID e ,0 '. . es, B,t ,j:_co,m1e, aJJL_, '. ~c_cey caD

b';-···-:;'· "b·,··--;I--C;-I' ·t-:'iful~'-' :-.-' sha :--=--' ,-_.--:-' --:-'[ :-.,-.-:--.[.~ :'---: ,,-:;,,1 ;--,[--.- ..• '

,e , .. ·,reB.I_.~ .. "'~~' . SC_-.C · .. :p·es ,anu, CD_Dr,s.!

1 .


D.-o, - - - - - - d' -.,., .. 'th!- - - -.'. - "-.' - ·th·, , - -00- - 'I .,,~ - -

'. . _ . . .' _. . _. . .' _ '. c... .. _ .,,', . c '_{ ~.. f I' .'.... '. _ .. _.', 1". I I . _ . f ". I I '_ ._

_ ,IlP one en, .'. O'c.. .. uB stra,w mw ne ,S,t.__c. 'sy SCL uti Oil,

then 'bold, the :S'tr,I,W s[~gh,t]y above 'the Stllrf*u~~: of'

th' ] t)l'" Bl -e - ·'t tl y"

i 'I '" " ,j·I·'· '1'[·:- .... \ ," I" '. r -';-1 i "'. i ,S;w;J,',-:- _-.: 1- 1 ,,"-:.'., . ", p ' .. " . I' '. _":'" '::-"

~. e 10 UJ~. JOD~ . '.OW llDOO ,1[1_ ver:rgeIil.Jji'" . OU, may

iL._''iii'j"a ,,", .... tll"'U' il!!IA;;n,n-'-<il!ii]- -iILl: ....... ,At], "'.n m' -. ,'- k ,- ,""", , ....... -'iiI], . "11 .. '0',[7'

~yl~, IW~~'~' :~~,,~:r,p. .~J!JJill~~ l~ . ~ '3 '€!I ,~ Ii~af y 1IJl!~,

':-00" ~ ~'~b"b-""'1!e'-,··

.:.' . ~,,; . .. .II

. - .. ~ ...

1Inb,- ... ,-" 'L. "'" . -, .. .ill- - 1L l;,JL.~.. t"·· . .'b· '.4!. - . I' I '

"',g~~n ,you JlmV'e1 ma1lw6 a IUU UJJI 8:1, . [ eue .. I, lr~, ,gen, Y

" ,.··tl~h-,·· , ", .- t ~-:, ~~. 'I~.n... ,~~. ~r 11'-"

M.~ . ,a, we ulJu,ge:r ~" na,~ lL1Ll).p,pens ~



, '.'



, ..

. '

Lo-al~ closel,v ,;It the bllbbIe·s, "~1i 'miLle!., :Haw'

. " , ,:.:_].!!:lJ ' -, ~', "-'-"',n'>n~wth'-~ --- -1'"'<- - haQg- ml

m:Ii!ii'~"1" ~t:'i', 'o!'ii,~, ..... ~l!':Iil~ 'v,o(llffi a~Ii!~id,,- : ~ '_ '10,' ',I ~'11i'!ofl1 ,n,~'C:i!..,' ", I "'~:I'

___ -~~"' ~V:_\I',II;~ ~~ J'IIi,jjl.~4 ~~ iiil, .. _ ~ ~ _U;.I;,:g ~ - ~~I

-, , ' -:0-

BUlllbh!:s ,mfe lli:, Sl ~f tcir G:i:l" g;!alS 1:il'Ppe€l in'~i,rle. 3, Hqpld Harll. r:phes'~a~e, ,nf-a; 'bu bbte, is V.0ry thin,.

:Bubble %l!l",~ parti,swarly fra~gile,when II, dry (J;~~!stt


- 't.-" ~Ll - ~- '11jIi~~,~~;rn " uen S '~l.'wn r..!J;. ,1';Jj,p'll. ~

'he~al'ose S~~ .' :6lm, lends W If ~'IJ!-k ~D ,me- Il}b,iect"

- .- • ~ ..... .';1 ,iJ," 1

·~wlrldh. puts. ar S'~J?a.i-n, on

,;;1;.,1-.' ":'k.Ll' ICf '<If

'!If'.j,~ '~U[llffu, ~i;1,];' l.rn:

'w.ant y'mm 'bubble-a to

I ~St !~~ge~'" k:e'l$JlI e 'f!Ty.-' tbing wet, ml~n th,.e sides

'ii)f, tb& _d.~D,g ~t:1~l:W.,



. .

. .. .

~ I·· ._ ..... till· .........

. ":'._ 1.- "a.!': .:.- ",.."_ -

.. ~-

- . ..;. ... ...

_.. . .


Search. YOU·F· ·home and ne.ghborhood. :far bugs,

G·M#'Ii,....,~,· .. ·Up ·;g·I,AlMt',

.. '''' ........ - .1[:&: .~~". :'IIJII

L·~ ... 11_ .. 1l1liJ.t!i;.~






, - ,.



,laiR Gtlft wae'ln 'U~: 'haw sOime inse'cts "wurk

. . - - . -. - - "- .. -... . - - - . ~ - -.: .. - . " - .-- - - .

'mge.tbe.'r' as a It;o'm,munitr~

''I!'fill''~' ,.., "'b .," ,..... _. ; - .1' -', .... , ..... ,.911 '. -'t"- t ",1.;.., • - . Or .. 4i- -hi'~:1'I' - - -

"l'~ia~c' . QJtMI s~ m, IfUm ·OlI,J": 'OL JW;letr am II. s Qt

,~"",.j ,l2inftliB '~p'm"" a.ill ""n.Aid" fi'HI "'L.,~, ~;I,..::II~I!iu ..... "1t.., ,~I.U. IQ~~ ~I:. -··~LlI·u:U .. i vu Ifn~~·~.~U~'ri·liIJtA"jj

'D' '0": "'"l-i"i'Cii~~ ,aig~l ~h'· '':::'';';:'ii'" ,I"'I'iIn.,~ ~, 't" '_'A .. ~ri'" 'O'"~ It"i;·~y ~,t· , " '," '1ll<,I;~ ~.;Q!L!..I;t' ~,Idl, ,JI)~~U 'Y'4.~_U~ '~.if.!',yl~~.: ~~- ~~' , lI,,:

' ...... , "";'16 ~4:. ''''bed' JI1 "-~:'::lll'i1i in

,~c:.a '!.\iii ·1(;.: " 'r '!A'II'\:t.r~ t

_' . __ ;;::- _ _~. ~.- _' '~~ _',' 'Oll

-]FJ\n~' f\,U"l~: 'u~b'" ,~~' '''~I""': ,::;':"~"ra"~~Iif:"iA~: I"'(l!' 'b~ ~it'Hl~IA~;n IO'r,ii m'\;i:'!l~,jf.

~_ ~~._ y;, ¥. ~ U' ~lt- .~.Il-e UJI:U~~IL~.lir~~. ~, __ , ~ _ni~~.lil; ~l." _ ~~;~

Jj . !:~I

,a:dJI,iJ, '@' SIP'Wi~t ..

WD'~:.down, »o~~iJ;jle"',aMwt'ifr$ ~bOi 1I'U. ·th-e9tfn'tlesl'"

'_ ... .-. _ ·~IIJ.

ti'~iDS_ in :YOtlr ,j:Oll~tIml ~r draw' 'pictures of' wjbat! ')1)D, see,

''(. "; • ";c-

Bugs do, what th6~ do U ScRMV~, Thsy are cQlJl'smlftti\y Idi:(liin_ for fc;.~d., Some. ·~I~gs·"am bIDth gOOQ aRid. b~d~ TlemUtes I '£tl,[' ~xample!l lm.'\1:la fl Das ~' l·e).1U ta:tion be'" £~ns~. tJl~yJ d~'Sej}f PlQple'~, ·.ho)~.una~ 1;J! ea ~n'l'-t_h:e W'QIQa, Btlt 1hllay alse hrelk, dlOWD wa 'traes~, ke6pmg

: he, fMls",t floQr· fwm oooo.ming ·tG0, ci"lttte,t d. 'With, d1oo.d,

. - ~


'.,_n..., ","" ' , '- "" ~'I-."I _, , .. - " .. - "d" W .DB,11t you' ~~, D"ee,_,


, .'

:HoJd ,'t)he 'wood b',llock in ,o,ne hand and ~he plalstic

'!!, th' th h d

,"' • _.' ••• " J 1 •• -' •• •

" .. " I' .' [.. . I" ., ..

r.a.p lB"", e 0 - "er, ,,1m, I_~



4. Get another piece the same sise and shape it into a 'H,tltl,e 'bo.,t~ Pbtce :i,E on 'top of the 'W,BJter", Doss it IJOBlt D,OW?'

5 .. ~t.blulame~meBt'IWth_. MlikedlQIt and'idrop it j"D~the, waite~., 'Wb,a,t· ba;ppenB7'

6. ~ ,ti1e'cl!!lYinto a boflt and put it ,oollhe

~.tej'~· Dtes,'it:'float;'uw,1- ~ _. , _

The: cl:a)" ana vm] 'baU:a sink bu~usle _)thjy ~~e ~~;eez~cl: moo s:maU, i5ha;~eS1' 2IlQ, olilN a: g;m~ 1aft1;Qur.rt mf wartier is ~ng' t~1 Hbld up ~~ weigbt 'Vhen :YIGl"Wspread out tD,8 ct~y' IDE -tQil~ if :no~ats 'b~Ganser,tbG we;(~pt "B SllP~ I1flrtted b,ya 1 mt 'll1:Or.B water.


.. e'

• ',_ " .. ~. . ". '. : .' •••. - ". '. ".. I,


, -, '.'

0- 'il~':- ;iI.;JL.·e·· 'L!:-d'D£i!1 Ai~' '8" d·' '0''''''0' '1M, O'ftld-' Ii·t-_, "10, "1 .-: ;£,- - .~' , '1IilU~," u;u),~~D vI I •. ' ' .• , ... ~.,... ,iIL&& •. , l· W, ., S ~Pl

s.que.'kiul~! Rub PI' .~' ,eli'. je-'-;y DID lips:

t·· .. " ..... t· ·th-' .. _ '~".' .. --.- b-'- - - --,~ - 'h- - . dl-I

o prev,a'i "".1 em. I ;ODl ,.~e'DDm~Dtg e ::·a:pplr·'i

'~Thr- " ··'1·,1,;!, I' r" ,-. -:;' sub '.,"',-.~' .. ,::- "-,.- 1-;-' :-";:-'. "';;-', -.-'ll··~ "d- I" L ,~~~

. . I ese, siI.I:ppery ISU .· are ca, Ie I, U,Q'F, ,!III

. ".. res" 1 ' -- ".- - - -" Ii!i' -- - - - -t' _. t 'Ii - d -

. "'1"1' ".1 .',.,.',". ",,,.,.1,',. ' .. , , " ' .. "". ,··' .. ···1·""·"· .. ·

CBDii; ' ... I,~,y U'D' ver," mI,pOir ,.n,_' m m,o.,.e:rn


'Wh' .. '1-[ .. 'to . , "'11." - .- ... d'"

, '" t ~;a'··· ,v[o, .• D·' .... D.e:e) .,:

- - I • _ • • ,jif'. .~_ I , I __ .~. . . . _

AI, A_'!II1'~';11 A'l"iiAIllilI '~'i- d"D'!IJ'iil'IIi~d" 1 ":I: ~DT1~1!", ... ~1i.\J wm~T!!i;IItlI.,'!!ki··

t'" Brm

, .,

Qlniii"I'ii!!i~ '-bakirn Er niii:!ii1r.'W1 ~~~g~-~ ~:··~j_ti .~-~

A ,.,~ 'b)

'ii!'fI!'iIiIiiV'il'nJD' .~I!' 'ID.i.IjjI~IIi!::IILiIi.:a ·u H'[

''iIi'''~lq; 'iifi.;lI.,1lii;'C!I'h-" d.'- A~~'i'!~Ifi'!iiI'J"" ,~. __ !ll.MU. WIl~:___:,· .~i~~ tif'ri!l~~I~

v, ' ,j., ... ;L 11 ~;1 ,Q~wilUlJel O'U



A te':b ~tht- db d

' . . '. ,'. 'J - '. .:--- - 'l . " . r ':":' .... ':':"':~'. ~ .-', " . '.-"._

, ,wa, .,---,--" WI _.~,- ,a. ~~eorD~, . ~aD::_·



' '.

Om· .' , ... 'B'p a er !

A- ,j.,n,'lb·'illj , I--.:!:~=· I.G. ',Ji!e~ ,WUll.O


~ ""U' 'r-' iCl~@,'II'iII ~ J'i:nlll!ll'm' - .~ .. al

11~,.· ._. ~~'U~, .rw.JU M



'_ ,t,




'In '!' '! - b-' - 'I m' '. 0]." - th",,- -~' -, '~- - - - "1':--

.", ,~ . -. -. . . t. . .. ;-, I"' ," -. - ," . I. [ - I" t: -' .' v -"" _.."'. . "'."'., I' - _. _", . j . - c. ~

, ., a mlIXIllg. tlr'W I' .' .. ,9(8 VEl. ._~,e· '-__:: 8nve opes 0:

'111 - '" '" (ii, r- '''h .

'BD·JJ;I.'ltin, 'In ~ euss o_ ,~ot ta~ w,a:te{f ..

51~ r ~'

Use the knife w, w,t 'the gel ant-in, into cubes abCnll'&

''Iii '( 1" ,.-- '1"1 '~'ii'i,. ... L 'y.:;\'\; ;i!iiJl.. ... ,~, .. lllll·d'~ 'I:..'~C.D ab ~ ,t~ jQA ~ 'lb-""'D,fj<

~ x" x, u~OIi" I fll.!!'U, ~W'U!JL ,,l!J.u,V!!I;;! .!U. uU, U"'lt; f!!;,;U!!IiilI!liiII'"

P ~LI''''''P.B 1···j IE ili'i!<jjiilLCIiEiI 'mOO' ="~n ;!lil b'nw-',11 'P,11"1)jj if'ia Jl-1J...,;c; ;Il!i,;C;iiI'i!t.iiil9;,..l .._:_ ,J!a[~', 'ill! ~U-U,~g _~.l1i-u.i,~ .. .-!~jJ.~-_.'Jl~ ,--.:..~gJ!!.i-Q 1J.rU~: Ig~'l!i.!iU~_~U,

'bowl rabO(JJlt 6 'mcbee (about 1;5 oontim~teI'iB) ,~"Waly

£.. ... 'm-; ;i,.!Ij.. ... , I!!U'1i.p.iiD, L'AIW'1

I:I:~LUI I _ I w~, ~I • :IJ~ Du". JrIi

6. Put. ail the Cbbe!i back, in tIletfirat bawl. Pour liJ!4

.. .._ ~ .. . .

Imp dis'll. aete;r:eeut. over- the! CUb»,Sf~ GtllfiU,y']Dilii

'Ole deWrgl~nt Iud: tJbe eU)),el~~ SD that-.the .cUb~$·

aim 'w.l1"", .~ . . , - ~. ".




, .



- '.'


.,' "

, : ,.1

Car4~ 't~'i ~·rPlanes.~ and maebines all hillv,s

,: a'tes. 'that mb ~lainSt Gn.~ a.n,oth;E.~. These J)'al"tn:;! w\t~IUlld. h@a't UPlP '~Bar d: ~J' and:.~·p wflltlting if'we didn lIt: b.:8¥e ntib~~mts. Lttbri·_, e&a:n.m .F·~d:IJ.Cle the ',apma;unt gf.r~tttln. between. :2 Surfaces that me~el against ~ac;b, 0tb,.~,


L-'.' I

.. ,'

4· 'smIle-size stalks, of:fresih celery with leaves,

.' ICUPS, or glasses

GroWD."'up ale::rt!:

Bed ,and, 'bmU,t; fOod, cDl~1 Ameas~gcup

,AI, 'nB'lIWiM' ;I;, ... :,...~ .. ;'II<i!:11, 'I: lrr-,r......... Iwwm~

A ·V'II.lle:table· :pes'IBl:

A..,..., .. '11la'lii' [1"'UI~'~

Some, old. :ne·ws,papers Your s.d.eDee: joumal

C- 'el _-


. . ~. .",.... .' •. ' "._. ". '. . . _ ..",". . . ['., 1

.: I '. ..".' •• :', ',_ .••. ,::'

l ' .. :'

e e ..... ::,ry··· .. ·.:·

I' " - .. ' ~ . ~ . - !. '. ': .-

" "

S k

. " .

. I····· ..•. _: ./ •.••••••. 1 <i.' ... ,,/ .'

ta , " .. ,s. at

. - .

.. ' , '.1 d '.' ht·

•. L --~, . nlg . '··~I··· -

Did: '::-~IO" -- A'~-:,o.1Ii!ii' ·~~o··,1I!'i;..3IA·r-·· h' .. ' '0,' ~. 0 ''-p-' Q''-P- D,M, :t~~ .. ··::-···· ... r: r. :-:. ,)'1 .', y ... D .... V'l::1i'1im W JI&U~· . I .W ,g, , .·.IA,,~.iL . owe

ean ilIiii!!.oak":<-::I·,· Dr 'P:-I 'a·~' ,;iii!:ftm, 'U:-fr ho,w walter 'D'ie-:;·...,~,

'._ ... ,-,-,.!.i!I! '.-. ~": ,~' '.- ~r-' , ... ' '_ .. .:_ .. _.... __ --'._ '_. - ti" ~

,~- •• ,'. '), t., Q'.. . '~', ,,~ ... ,;Ii,._ i!l!',,,_ 'I" ., - ,'- 9' 'Th'] ., .. ,

.D~UIII ,a, p.__:8D.I,;~ 'S ~'OOI~S '~ Ili~ , eaves,~: -, .. : _,.e:

nn'!ftil'liA ·'fa··' '_ thi_a ;I,II:!!II ·'AS- "p" :illill' :a' "'.v' '8' ie .... t· ~11j o 'BI n

I~I~ 1:[1'.:','1 ._ ."" I I ',D! ~I ~ ..... '. ~: ... _ .... '. ' .... ~~. ['. - .. -.- .. _, .' .: ' __ I!

·Wha,.t, to d,o









Put 'the! " stalk:s, in 4 s~par,a.te eu];;s of ptl'rpJ.9' 'w,llter (ulel 10 ~o!ps of'red and 10 jdr,o:p;~, tOf' bl'U,fj :food. ool,Or' :Io\f' leach hallf !cup of' Wla,m.r)~

4. Label 4 paper towelsiin the following way: "2

'hli!'Mll"'~1 '~i '~IA 1i,.. .. ..,.-'r11~1 ii' j;il,ii!;! 1I". ... :nI'lrl~! ii and IlhS" hours ii lVnlll'~1 " - ~t~:Ii!iI!,.[ '~~WU.:&j i:I!:~ 01 I.J.U ~ ~tI![ I~:~I_.: I ' ... } I:ll\ll~ ~Iii \ ~ vir"

:m-BlJ" need neWI,pa,pen under tbe 'tilrwels) ..











I ..


' .'

U-\,..~,·-·, ",~, 'iii.., -- ,:Jl_-. c - ·t"iIi..,.,. ;t,'::_- - -. -, t ,,i,,'Ik,-,, ... ,'i1, ----

~~8:ry ~ ,JlJ,IQ'U'f1S rrem :~114I,u8 you PUL: rne 1c:~,elJT

into the C,lllPS ~ remorYe '1 iof'th'e~ ;stal'ks ann, put in, 1010:00 the lconect, mwmt (Nioltice~ how 1'001 :~,t 'take,s

f; t· 'h- '1- to· t' art to ChaDg- ')',.

. . :-:1 -",."' ' ... -', ," I ... " .. I'" .-:-' .", ." .... .i '.- ," I' .

Or . ~'·eaves .' is, '_C I,., .,' I", I· "'. ··,e, •.

Bach 't.a ~ll)r1!1, IIemove a" :8.,talk ::from. the: w,;:l,'ter"

~' J

1'l" ... f""' .... '~fil'lIV, l"hOililri;ll ~;~A 'm" ",,~,~,..;;IIA..iIi 'n~~' 'Ur.ith'C'r ~,'''II''.tIi'Dle~.{i;;o<o'iIF'lD ~UJl~, 1""..,..~\Il 1ir.IJ..~ , ,.:.!U:lJ.U.~U! ,~Q.I·IL< noll, "~,!I!''''""b t.d.IUI~

-,' .... iI . -- ,4j-- ..... '" ... ,.,. C', ~ C', I. .iII,,''I!.. , ;i.,_:u .. , th'· r., " .... ··1. ..-]. ".

pe~et" w see .lwW lar up !WJ1.e ,s~ _-. e purp, e

''HTi!1r,;i;,''';'r' 'L,.,.. ai 't-' 'IW'!!l!iii'li 1I"1D'i1',.,.,..11 "Q gl~; . ,ua~, ",_ ~-I~.·'" ~JIJeIJL~

'11:rn..I,nt_ Id'-jAI ''Vn1I." 10' •• 'Jl.iIii'!'CioI!l'!"ll,'IB," ~"'.lJlQ _ ..:_ U ~ ~t~ :DilI~ill 1f." til II!!

N -~:, ... '"' L ",,~-, ~Oliil st ,,jj.,'1!.., l!I; UU~I"'"""""" ....:.11.= ,~"- . bs ,.;L.'~; eel B'II'"'U'

O!~ IW!W I!;~'~_ 1t.l!l!Q:rig,~il:' CJIjIJ[U.··.1i:lII It.}ut~ ~, ~ ~.' '"

DlAiil!til!i "I:I4,:,1I'l!i ~'J't..'''''-la.i''i; 1i!ri.:!!1 ';";:j_ ... , '0InL!iia! b-,'IlJ!!; 11'''';' ''DIIf1l..., ,f!;. ·w~'acc v:,

U~~ "1fJ1lD. ~JIlJ.;U]~~ !~~ Iru.u.t= ~~~~ _" 3" fl' ~~ '!JY ~!til .. "_. :_~' [!!I

:It~r.~asm:e 'I,he di:8,bmee "it has tr.av,e]jed, and, mooni 'this, amoUOlt, in ,aIm seieftiOO joum.a1"

CBlp~~llary action ha ppens when water mOI~,ecules are more at traeted to the s urface they travel a~,o'ng than to each O't.ber" In pap emtowels, the molecules

move along 't:mny fib ers,

In plan ts t they mova through narrow 'tub es tha t are' actually called capillarie s, Plan ts couldn't survive 'Wi theut eapillarie s be-

rca use they use the 'W 8. ter to make "thei.r Foacl

5 2

~r •

...,. .

'Wha,e yloiU.~n need,

Bakinl' :10101" Mea'surin_g' tu.p

'iC'Iiill' __ ",'L_;:~t ... Db~t;. ""IDI~

FioDd coloring

.AI liCllm-' '7l1r~11Iril'!i;l'!fulli~ III: l~_ - lll:UJ pu ·"·.ll~1

. >4 p];l.stic: spoons,

All __ • _ _~. '"I'


IOottolD, 'baill.s ·TlDOthpiiekS Bits of' cloth,

1"11,:=:,,,41, ... f' l:fOIll~l

B~,1J1D~'QPI ;SclSiIOl'iS

rC-'-'" Aliililifii'i'Qd~ 'V:!lii'm- - Hr- 'n~lb- L· .... B

...... ~ .. U\ J~\l.ll~~ .. ; ~:~ ~111~' . uu ._

C--.ftlliii'il,~d' "n,!!lir'i"ii6'C":r-" ·.:=· .. ~JI.UL·~ .. ~ [~u.r~:__-

'¥our' seiesDee, ,jlolum-aJ

'Wh" ., ,- t- t- d


Grown-u,p ol.ert!


P\ii'!iIiCf!I"ii'!iJ O'P iil!!'t'i!lil''R'iIli'illIi:!l' ~Q.i~~~ ~' '~:If'g

C-- __ 'b-- . - - . t)"ck .

•. " - _. ",,'f ] I .• '. 'j'

_ lar _Jum.p~\l" is _- I,~';~

E':FoiiT", ... 'iI .... iIl~1i:!i il!!i!ii"iIiTil"itarh'lriin'Iili" a1111l-" fi \ILJli¥~II}u~""".., 1!!.O!Y'.Uh;H~U,~ ~JJ,.:. ~

HODev I~'

'W' ·._'lIii i"iii~I~-" ~'L'1.b ~11.-, 1m.

, HlD 1""g.,It"' .... r 'Wl,IWll ,~Jl.UJ~

A deta'l on, s. b-is'lll;rt


A- "hiD"' cl[" U·: ·tch-

'I" '. -. t', '''''1 l :-~.~ . ':"'_.'.' .•.

_~ cy ~ Je I~ ·re PIL_I

(j""'--l ~-:- fj-:-ak'_ 8'" n

.. '-. ''il'iii,ii!!i; '1"'1"''''" '.-' .• A·· n,~-,:li!ii;' .~ . - ~ [ tU;~ ,- .~ ... .&~~i.l."JJ~. '" _~I

PemU'lt bu)tt~r

A, ,_'" '~i,,JI1kDit!i';:''']!"A br. and 5iIi ifj'.A rul gW!li-lI;l!~~,~' I!1;i! __ ~~. !Iioo!I.,!I:!;1!;i



~ ~ "_




- .

in '-bnsp,~, ... \ .... 'ilI,~,

__ ' : U ~ ".1 :, ~IWi'IliL!~',.;

,i ofB'" !il!ii

m (1I"ri!~lil::liali"

__ '-"~~~l!f.

in '~'i1i'4io,,~ '~~1;'i'!!' ,e!lh-' ;i!'jjrn~" I ~g}~", iIII'~'p'Q-Jj..l. I~l - .ur~!!'

~,oif""" 111" ;~ br 'Ii . 'fe, ~. . . ...:11 '410..... ,......... 1'"....'" , •• :11.. J!~~e ~I .g,Wd; 0" JL!IJ:)ur\i;anu''''w,a~,r' paiS ~',., ~1l eaen

'IJ....... I ..:Id 91 ,~'AI '1I'~ ,Il d 0'

IlJUIW :~ aee A.illl' CUlP w,ta:ter t,o I .. ".&i eu:p :nour' a;D'. mIX

- - 'to"" . ,_,_ - ,·th-' L, A'" dd]' -I ,-, di .... &e··· "-" ,- -"t'" "-"-:~I ' -"el' ~:-:, :-.l:-,.,'1I- ;

iij .. 'iFi" , ,om" nnr ' "~I , •. ~", ' ''li'''A1''I:,.mo1'!; nrre Jl.O:Ou. COli or, .. ,

f'-U,iI .__:__. ~,~uu ... III ' r. I [~ ". ,.&, ~.llull. _ ~-u,.,. .". "_ . . ... .

'10'"-::1'''' ,4\'A m,~ .... L, RIf'tb' ~:-o. 3':' 1.,..' .... !!fllrl-,ll.'!Ii'l!II''i'"'..l1 'ItIrjIi~"'!Il" .. _._.. 'itJi ~V-1 ~-~~-Jl. u-~ _:_~ '. UtlJn', gil QIJIU! ~il

ICrack open an legg and separate too whit,a :In'OO a bowl" Ttmow ,81wa,,' ,the :yolk., The vihite 'IS you_r'

Iclear, ' .'. ,

Make s:hapels, 011, Y{OIUl" poster 0'1" 'conage: 'Drti:t of the '"""c ... ~i!'ii,r~dl •• 1 ''i';~1I'-r ,(!jI'S"iii..;l~ ~~i:!iI'+'';r'~'~ nssts U",~o tL, ... oa:-a 'whil't~

~Jli.I'~,~!.. ,Uu ~ ~~u, "-~'Ig~ , p~g1!~iIl _. g~ 1,~ V~a ~~ ._".

'00 ,a:ttaeb. aluminam, foH;f ,cottom balls, too:th:lddt's,; cl(Jti;_ll~ giliit.te'r~, 'ribbDn~ y,H,m~ and colored! pap,el';~

'\Vha.t makes glue!, paste, or tape stick to things? WIDO dl, paper, and. m~y ether materials have tiny cracks and, holes in them, When we ifil,D ... L,~ 1'Ii, a~ t"""O'lst'her some-

S!I.~!Q 'W.lllJ..~,~ 'Uti[j" . ~

times, the glue :seeps into

the tiny openings and 'hardlens, makin,g 'the materials s,tiek tog,ether. '0 ther' times, the molecules, on the surface ofan object gel_ tangb~ d up 'wi tb the' gIDue mol eeu),e S I making the, 0 bj eets stick 'toeether. Finally ~ gill ue 'may stick because ,of a. chemical reaction.

n~' ,.liil,.'


Wh' ,~, 1- - t .. - '~I" - _. _ d

' ':: .. ··.a·· ,I. y~:,···O· u III.' Iii!' ~ D' • ··e···· .. eet

.. r· ... __ ..•. - l . . . . .

some IBlllDUD't Itsum, as ,fl, l

t'i."i'!i·0 nu.n'''' 'N oiIio"";'il..-r _,_ . .JI U\~; l~ 1~'ui~l~lLl1I~~' ~ itIJIJ,Ul

s,oo:r~ge~ bOIWI)~, bUlt are dHl"emnt &h,ape~e, ,taD

and tiblln't and ODI' short and sq:u,u,t

Gruwo .. up ,aler't'l

]1 ba,th,tuD i(l['i 'sink :&lled 'm,th wate",

¥ ~ ,0, at

: .. ·Du'r' SCientC'e ,Jou'm a _

iAIO' ~D

S~ pli shl-

I _ I __ ' _, ,- _ '_ :

S ilash

I'iI"I1l... . 'b "

I.LH_e a'R man~ 'wa',va ·to meas I' .-;: 't,·.!· I •. ' .

.. _ - ~ .. - ~". . .. ;11" . ... ,. ~ ore. m:tis.

At bR,th tim,e, 1198' Id'j'ffere,ni, sDJed contam-

a.a; '~O: m· "0"'10'· ··i£.'!!.iIi;lIWA :-'-:;0' .), 'um' '.' 1°'. ~.!Ii,,~ 11',.... . >_ ~DI!LIl.& ~ 'VI..:..:. _ ... ~j"


"Wh:" :. , . t: t d~

.' ':'1 ~~ .. .-: ( ':': " .

.. ~, ... 11 .._O._~O


' .

. - if




. . . if;

:PilI,a, ;small, eootainer (s'U~b all, a qua.'rt) vri.'th

''DI''ft,tA~ mlk.;i!!i;!i!"ii; '1nIA-~'~-:: the ::-.~til!i~...,.,~ I(· .. ·~·~ ,;::;;,'··c fJt! ..... L.- .c· ..... -·~·l· ,O'.'f·_-

'DQ •.. ~.~ ,JIl.,D~JlJl ,1r~,iU::r ._'llL~ WI~~:[".1Jl~'lBe ILI!l8 ,1UJ1.!I,UJl!EL:~ :t ,

,- ~. - - .. - - -. ,)., ", . W' ~ Ia ." .. ,t' -" ... C" . h '1(," ' ~~.. .

.- - _. - ,-'. 'I, _ -. _" .-' -'[ . I, ': I'" '.' f . -I,: . . -, _. . ." . '.1,"" '.- "

n~C~EHill8!IY m.) 3!, .. rgEllr con, ·i3i1Intr:.'a. ' . a . ,p , on

11- - n)" '8 'I') tain' d ... '

·····'~·~JI,' ".:-' -·.I:--~~···'[~·:·"I-;-·:-~-'·~· ':-'---:'-"'l---:-~':"-' -:,'-'-':.'-,- -.',

Or' ,g~, ... o! .... " ·ow many tsma· COID_ '~', I~ ef,S, ··JleS it

,;L,,~,1I .. ,ii'i1i;, ,;i.._ fill" .'-, '. 11i'!i;'I!'!i;~, :-1'iOl'i!'!\m"~ lii'!ii'ii'li; ;i!!i;"

[~~, Ivy! .... , UJWl!~,.g.L,~,~ VJI.lI!"",.,

5. Fill tile short, squt amtmner with a given amount· of'wa'te~3 ICUPSI; for' e:xamPJ.e~

DOl :your' eyes ,try to! 'tell you the 'tall, thin ,co,n-

'OJ h '-Ids-' lllani he 'n ,

r ... ·""';"Ii'iiDf· '. -,1'1 _A'iiOift; t '," ,t ,-',,':', ~ - n---" S'f:'li'i11I<i!!11t ..... _lI!!Io',

w:u.~', Ivl_, I ~,.L'" , I ,I I . ' g _ IU!J(',,:;. ''"1f1!o111P:.~ 1",.11..1&,,",'"

fi-... ·'t "h ildl ,n u~,s, r _.:(liL.: :more l'


Wa'ter and other li Q!uidls take. " e shape of whatever co: tamer th_y are 'On Containers, of ee air ~iZies have names=cup, pint, quart, ~ ter, or gallon, for example. This activity provide's, an introdueti on tOI vol,ume and meus'urement.


NI'i(!iiil''!II_,e :you, '8rl"'er 'been ,shu,c'ked, 'wben_, :" yo,u W,7~ 'd ,.,ews,s a rug' or tuu,c'b,edl a 'U,gh,t ~''''~''h'' 'W' ',nl·iI'"t·, ''iii 'i'il1]'iI"IIiI' ·,:tc-Oili' :8' ,fto,ftl~]I""'·~'y";'- d ol'y" ';'0:::-"1 "I-iiIilIi'r-D'-

'~''n''~,~- "'!Ii' ,",ul, !I;iIIi..Ii,iIi, ',' ", 'LI.', "v,!. iUUE~ '! ';' "10'," 11,\... ~.. , ..

• •• • ~- • .. •• •• -. _. l. • ?-" 1 I ~. __ . _ .' • • _ I • _ _ " _ ,

aboul'l, :s,tati,c: electrlcit,~",



Wh - t'" - - "1'1 - 'd'

",' .• ,:. '~' y',,·.';',o·.'·-IU',·I D'r"S'-',""e',"" __

_ ,_' ,'" -._ •. ;'.: " •••• ' .• ~ " .~ .... 'J • __ :.:.' ._ •••• __:_ I

"Wh:' .: ,- t, t: d--

",",'" :"a:"'~"O:'I'-: ,0"",

-- - - _'-. ~ . . /...... . ... - . '_' .'

A' C~D]- d--- day'--

__ 1,;,(:', "I,ry' '. ',: I,'

Q, ''iiUlitiiliil'ii'ii;,..:!I 'b' -.'1iI';f,'ii;~,~ I('~·_"d',n'~'''''..l ~, Jl !!Y!!'~U, .::,~, !yVJI!Jj.!~,.:Pll.D,gl~U.

, ........ "..!I j.~:-...!I 'III W_Q.!l,!iiJJGu,

n, nt:il..'~i-,~1;.. nll~ iigitl'l;il;'i,a. nf"" e t,triiin ,0' ,~I ,~U .~-:l~, r~~-~~ ~ y 'I~. ;b,~~

1, wool or ,acryllic: 'sock~ '1 mhnJr (iOir' D1l0rt~:)

'1- frj'-' ~ end- (,; )"

'l -: I -' ," - ,".:- _ .:- - -", :1':- ~. ",

," "_. _,umm;e,

!:OU'F' smeoce ,journal.


""f'e ,~ ,~t~:'i'!iiii!J' ,,j, ... ~O§."!"L l~,""",if'lI~'~'''''..1 1J.;.,ni~1n:-,J,l ,IL '. g r.\1I,t."I:,JiO&Cilib ILoU ~QJt;IlJi, UBj,u,'I,oGu', ~~u,~on,.,



, " ;A,


n\ .. ,~,L, _ b .. ;;-,"D ~ ,,-' -. -,' = h .~, e'·· ab .... ,·t' 1- I~ ..... '.' ··..JI

~'UJJJ a LJl . o on, un ,Y10Dr'_lmr ,Jj,'Dr a .·oU.· . ~, seeonos,

B' - -- 'to' -- -"D' _, ,- - d the" - - b- ':-1le balk ,

I" 'J: ~. l ,,'1 ' .. " •. -I' , ' 1·"· I- ~ '.- ".-' . ',', . .- I"', '".,' -. i_: . . I '. ····1· .'

e, SUI"~' 1_-,- rD_, aronna _~ w,_ 0 ...., I eon.

3. Rub thebalilloon on 'illIlt hair again and. bave a :m,end, (Qr 'paNn:t) do ,the same 'wii'th, the ~ther





I . .

7. Place a B(jck~qver L'hand 'and rub 1 bllB:oon wibh ma',M:elt Then. :I~.t·~ bNi'Qon ~bq :fieel.y" Eltmg ~OD,~ :sOt'k.~ove~ed, :hafld lle~:r ther bauOQn~ . -

Wtia't happittl$7

8 . 'Try :mbbmg):l9th h!d1~on~ with tb~H5_ dn tboo

Jet thvJ)1ll'han4l:oed:f' @8,Ch ~me;r" . , . -

'lI"I_l'!I~,,"!-t, ':-h' ,n.'~f!i '~A'ifi:il:' ft.I-q;a ~, '~¥~::!UI.~,~~l·,ljdli~·n-!l

Ha:;V;Sl )"gg &vte·r' felt a, ~jihu. ·when yon· touched: a . mataill d'Dorkrtob on aJ~tiJd Vlinmr day1'·

What, othm, h~_p~~~ ;'he~ ·you·re=;e 'the

"':11~.L1l,;.. ·d~ .c.:.::...=:"""," ,,,"'iL~ d- ::m:r,l!!i;,,",,1 ~v'l~I[l~~ ,l·ra~ ~f~~·~· ~Ai:~~~'I!'

jIj,,:n 4- ..... ' .... " ., ~.!,~I

~ ma.~vi"nwI5 contain UJuU.:""

liGas bf 'ij~ lP'a.ttwl~s, called p:notons MO, elrn~=,

·fKl~S;j ·tllal_have· ~le0tRe cllarge'~., Pfiotoll_S have p esi'b~e ih,Ug~~l .lmo. ele.utT0Qs ne,gatlve ones .. fj,suaUy, _~ baJl~c~~ Ie,aeb (};tne.f'l

but~ iSGme,ti;me8 ·When 'twra ·svfci.,ce~ mJb b),gethet, Si~!1lm.e of the I~l~l,";t:'llns rub elJane' s\Ui~'~n-,Q.'l1t~1 the 'Q~hi€'F .ani W'>B' .c:a:R. h:a.~

~~.. :ti~ei~c:tFi,m;Q .. , M,at,nal8 with r'ke Ic'~arl,es {all pIDs,f,-, 'tj;w 0r all ,Ii~ti'y:e' tp;G"e aw~;Y' fr-01fl, 'i'!8eh st}H~r;

;b!~. . • tf, 't.. ,?"£ fi.

'w'O .' Wl.I~n GI'~S'I~~@:·

ckar'g,~ a'ttril:€t Qi,j)eb. Q:th~1'f ~



rc-· r •

:;., ....... _ :.1 ... t

• II!! r oil

. -. ...

Wk a t' - y .... "":10·. ~u"Jl need,

__ ." •• ,: •••• J I I _. .

G-, -. -:-:. ,.jit'i'iftl,• -up' lill!lii'ilJiD'IP"" ,ro "..-,IU,. "R!lg,. iLiIi

,~, -: ,- 1'-:-- Ann'ta~:H:"'n,a' 1ft' 11~'4i'j"':I,j!'!jj, iQ !Cups !!!oOu,\u ~_ ylllwllL ti' g; Jill. ~'w.~

mm '~ ftcJ-· ~- (I-

I "fiB: i"iIi"' ii!!i;'. ;"fjiF~ , ;~I!i; . ~~ U\IL, ~ ,._. '~~i&l I !\I-V. iii

'Y" • fPli6in- -- ~ 'I

', .. : ... I' .... _. -. 0 ~-- _.. - •••. ," I

-"our m~ , 'Ii . ::i.IDg ,g;ass ..

'Your IS-den,eel,joumat,

"Wha'" .: ." ,-.- d-

..... ','. '~'.' ['t~', 'tl '0:' .- 0--1

. - .. - . . .

L-·· "k-' .~ - "'d' tb-"- '-,- _. . -, -. ,.JI , ,c· -.-'- -'" . _._. }- 'd'-' ,-

on . " mJS1;_,e_ .' e CUjpi$1 e:vQ'I'--, !Q.ay Jl,I(l:r' 'Se'V'Q.rtSL ' I, _ ,aY-5,

c1. ~ te dol 'b t "Y;.' . if' ~".' -

,", " .. '. I, _ ' .. I~-l '.. -. ~ .•• ' I, ) " '1 I '! .1" . !" -.' ":.\ I.' 1-' ,": ", ",: '.

tID wnl.·. '-_. ··wn W, B" YOlll see, .onr ma,gn,ym,g

Ilasa 'Will help!" (It DUllY' ,tal£e a fe'w days roT ,the

'Id t tart ~).

• . ,", l ,,'. .. - • ~ -. ", - ~_. • _.. I . -

" - '" ", ""1 I I, t _ . -._ . 1- -[ "r. '. '.- I . :

MOl .. c'_ I,D ,S, ,1---, ,grcrwmg~·,.. ..

2. Does Iempcmlare"eCit·lthe iWlld's growth?

See :ifthe! cup '~Bft on the! 'windowsil grows, 'm,old,



... ~ ~'





' •.


'D'- i!Ij;" IL_<iiI..., ........ t ~be- . - - -~~:·h- ·· ..... ,c·tL,'_.·, .~ 'I'd:n O:~S II':O',i"" "·~;e~' . ~~., '~'W:b tit; ; :u)'iB' ''fti''I,lf'j;II··· I'

_,::,'_._".I_"7~?_'} .. ,,-.1,.-," ", __ ,I.;-_! ~~,.~._ ... _:' .' .. ~ ... ~~ .11.

l' ......... '~'" ii!!i'''''~I''iI'"fA: VA:ll!''''' ''L. ..... _:;o, ,(i';""',op nri-'~ iCl¥" m: n',1~..1 . .,." "1" ...... enAfcii~i· ,~UAl 1~·U'~_jJ.I J.,rw.·~~jll lUUU~I~ ,Iu~ V'L!B¥tIl, . ,U.t~lli ~l_~.~'~~l!l

_ .

Are· the molds all, tll.e .. i~l,.m,~ c~lQ'l', ,<~l ,.:r.e' ,they ,difT~wQ't? '. -r

'W'e COOl 'Rl'JlG, melds in, aD ~~t'U elf 'Ul1J~xpooted lll!l~es. l}tIlilt~ ~en, plm(1" ~qeX' 0ati~t rone '~etr BW~ ,fl1~d frQIn, suwight. ms,tead, the'~ n~e:' difieotl.y ,offol ~ha.t

lc"h " _ ~ ,

'~ . ',Y ra,tre :~eJWIDg. on,

Maids. can, 'be 13 nui5;ml0E! . ~fl, I tiery ~~:ttJe qh ~~' f~Hd ar 'IO,~~~lSo~Su. ButmJEtld~ ~m ~m 'tt§! Moo ~~~en ,S\,~,~ lIn gh1[, ff.~a~g;&~ tn'e p~1liclllin m ~ld. This ts w'h~t the. me4imDe. ij JTh~de Faro ..

"Wh"""",·;"'-:--·:a,~·~· y, .. /--:-:,- . ~'I'I··' eed

" , .. ~ ,I.'.' DU, , "', D,ee. '

Some :ho:uJseholdl plants

,A, 'book, OD :pJaot ca,m 'from a 8Wl"iB OF' th.e: lLbraJ,j"

GrO'WDlIOU'P Rlert!

Plant, ,f~riilHller P,llp.


¥ou'r- sae~Doo j"llumal "'Y:o!m':~,g' ig~ass


. .!-":''': 1 ! • .....:_ ..

PI-''C' -·t' .-' .~ '~'.'-', th '~'O o· "nI' ,~- "',L'!'~_m ;il'!i,in .6-,-J,.'hl, thq,t aa Ji ,ue' " '~: .,.'.' :,,'" M.I,)U~·' ··IJ__:ti~' y,: . i~':i:iU;- •• ' I. I',' ,Pi,_

t ,:,. '.- ,1!!I-,,_,-,'ilI,ii!laih" ,t m~', i ... ,O···· "o"·"O'·'·d,~ I" I~Q11ld' ·0· .. ·· ·I;i:t:·

urn. li!:!!I,IW_·· .Jl.I. - 11j.;__cc_-" ._.. _JIM.:: ..It >_. ~, .I,,,Hu;I1' " . . .

.&.L, ..... ,-, .. , ... b·· ,',', " ' ..... '".' .... ,.,. ,,_,_ililill, 'd' '"·'lh·::·I'I'··::·''-''' ""th'f .. ~.;- ,'~; 'C'

u:DVUe' ,a ,PII~Ocel'UI, cane.· " P_·IO, ,Ol1yn,_._cel,IS"

W',L"!nh- - ;IIII~- S:"'Il"iHI-liif'ii_B'~ In :th' liliC,i!i 'a' nt-'I·"V·liI;~,!!" _:~U,'o;ii ,I, ~, '~I;ii;-r' ''U',& ~u, , . '" .' .: I.~ , .~,I-, '__:'~,3.'

'Wh .. - d-

" ,", ,: ," - ," .' - _. -

",--I at tOI '. '.:.0


'Ii ""ok·· ".,;- ,'''' - ;-'1-.,- .. .,-4; ,;n,-"-'" 'b"-'--"k .' " .:~- ',c' ,.-- . '''-, '.

JUU. ,'. m yon!" P' aDllr\iia,mJJU" , lo,r ,tlSa, a ,grorwn,""U,P:jl

toi find, lout :how' mueh wa,ter .eaeh ,pian:t needs.

So (I'C t b- te d th . 'he

'I' ," ," ", '[ . '1' ['.-'. ,.". I .. ,'.. I ·Y·'··1 'J ~.. ,', '.-'- ..•... • - - .' .• ~- ••.. [ ~. ~ i . :- .. '. ,: . ~ .~'. -:-1

. __ ,m,~ ,may ,nee-,-, J) .~~ w,a,_:,~rEL_ m,Ol'ie: [_., an, ot ..f.'8",




·3. Wa.rer tI!ie mill; oli'the plants each week foI' 'wee:k.s" :Fe:rtilize lom'a! I);:f the plants 'but, not IOi~bers d.urln_g' tlds 'time,. 'Label 'tb,@ O[UEt!B, :you (-ertil _, ised.

:m,d ,1JIl-Y il)f'th~: pllnu sta,rt to! o r"111Dp'?'

'Did lID" iQ:f"t:be: pitmts have :yellow l,eaves iDa't le'll'o,fn'

Did, the J"~ants grow' 'toward the li,gh)t?

5. Sillewhat .l!\appeilil!wilm a plant (1'1,1' iJial1H'Ifa:

plMjiS d()esn~'t. :get~ e"ljlillt~: . v -' -

, • • ~ ,;u •


FhQt,~yn:tpe~is, means td'

l~pU' tbgelha~' 'uaIn;g' ~i~gbtH'I ...

Plsn:ts 'use :su.n1tgiLt tOO,' rn

L. ..J !' • ,,J' J!;.L h .

car~l3m ~0m:Ole ,lI.T:(lm t e ,EXlI"j,

i~P wati ;t~i;n~ £igO~., .:Plan""U\ need. all. ,af 'tM$;~ 'M I'BmW'n lUi®lttlyO" Who'thj phnrl, leJts enough of '~~se; '~ng:s~ it prfjdUI~M a, sJ.mpl~ ,Slu.gar" whirih it useE immetY~11 or s'OOrm 'in a, eon-· verted. f~1ll of s'binrcn, We: dGV!\t·'~~1" £Ora~)" lltID'w ibl.s :bappe~~ BU,_'we,'d:,Q ltitow

tbat. tDlG:E~b"-F)ljl the: g;fe:an Su'bS'tan&0 in 'plants, .b.e'lp~~ it tfrjl 'h~~U:t,.

"'-Ie,,:l' e·········:· .. ···········

. . .,. .

...... "'-. ~','.: -" "> ~~ ...

S· ~ _... . __ .. 'b'- .). - - _. - -d\ !fr':" - - - t· '1- 'i II'

_' '. ' .. I ," .'_,~'. j' ~" - I ,,' - ", :, .. - f .- • -. ", '" -.. .. -",' . ': '. ,' •. ",. L ,", j ...... ':--,' •• "- ••

_ Clunce ean _. ,e---",ear,n~e.:·'_· ... ·.om .. ~,eVJS,I,On;ji

:B,ven 'I'hough the, quaH"t,. v,arles, a Iot, S'OM'e

- lII'd el 'iii, d'

- .-.-;_ -:- 'j -'j' . ".[ -_ ," .," ,"", c. I"'~ :' " " . [ -.t.· ""'" .... '-1-"-' ,. _ _. ,-' --;:- _ l -. -

,programs provl-e' D, marve OUlI WlDI. ,ow on

~I. _. .

seien e '0, iii:I"'!I;I, t : :_,,~,Io





. .'

'·Wh,:·,-···, It'l~ ,-- , ~'I-II- ~-. "-d':~-

" _._,.,1., you" . ne., ... ···

"Wh'" .: ,- t·· t d

,._18.-· .. ···.··0_0





. '.

'Look fDr l'\e!ports of' sme'D't:Ui e diseoveries and ae .... 'uv.i,ties on, reguilarly scheu Uled :news, 'p1f10,gram's" and [o\r' TV eharaeters sciMWe~r,ela,ted j"olbs-dotltors, fm instanee.

]I ,ou :have :a 'VIC,R, tape! sei1eooo 'ShOWI so' you, ean '1001£, art ,them, la,wf' ,n:I.'ndl sto~r' ~pIaY~lParts, toot 31'e! ::parti.'tw~~u,·y in.teNs't)ng' or 'ha;r;d~ tOI ua de ri~'Umd. and SOi :Y'OU can talk to s·omeone about ,tbem ...

Wa.tch 'some of these: ,programs 'Mth an adult .s1O JOU ean D.'. qU,E!i!!l,ti.illD.S,;;

Some TV programs give rmsillBamng informa tion about science as W~U. as about seien tis ts. It is, imp ortant 'to know' wlDm _htngs on 'te:ierision are real and which one s aren't,



. ,.



I~ ~

F .. ~J~;\d,

iI..:._,...;,,~, ... ,,;t;


Gmw mOR Icand,Y !~ta];s: &i)m ,dise],o'I¥e:d ~IIU:Pr'~,

'Growji, ... ,up a.t~it!

P,ou'r ,8 .CtlP. :efb~iling . Wiater 'if\:m ~ia, ~sh an:d. ,a4d :1' ,314t. IWP.I· of' sU,gar. Sttr' until tfi;e'c S'Jl§i(r' i~ lOOm,ft pileite1N· ~,:S:fJtiv~d~ P;re,p8If,e :a,ji~r Q~.ll\its. ·I·S

~iC':~]o~; ,W': ':'0-'-", '. .

:-~iI:!I;,. ,I J Ii

Wa:Ml, tb'e p(a:~PJaT,;cUp\S_ltnd use el~an ,mug", ~n fb'e .sugil~ 'w~~ ii:tno]~ pCHM~' it llIDto 'the, j1at' antiput ft ~'bere~~ - Dn~"~n' ~~e- ~t -Br8'nI~-' the 1,ape.r

._.~,'.,H: <'~~~_,', ,:_;:\"~,'-_'_ ',:, _ '~~ ,'_ ,.",,_,_,:I:_:~,_ .• '~,,-.~;;:,_'.,<- _",:]:' ;,~,~;,,~,;,-

(!Hp~ l~ the· wa~uw aDd P.Q;t, th~ .ll_G} m'D.tO,Il' 'of the


So·ro,e fr~B,ta]s; shouJjdl..fgrm,in:·a f~w day,s",·YS~olme. ~_y "~w tp 'blfb~:r all, uJl,~b gin !eaell ~~de: r,f'CJI I,a", tbem., ta1tEr ~ II.1lt Qf' 'the w'amr and ·keep! them. ~ ~ J~:.J,J;·t ,t~h~ Itl;ay d:i:SJ,ppl~iat=,tbey a:~ gb~li to'. eat,

~en .'~e,Ft:ain ~ rqtli~s and gB£e~ coal and lose w:a:tert c:osbll~ ~e'fbr. ed. ~s .. ,

~ - '

tali8~1OO. made ~p' afro,dIe .. ,

C:WiS tllat 'n t nl~altlY' togebher oMJeri¥,=,

;~em N-~ i~st~~~I'We:

"'" "It... .l. ':t..

same m-EhtiBn a I .IlJ.H"i,in:!r 'U,ie

f4a.Dl 'l;hall'~ r.~!.§a~dj.e~s mf t~ ,~iza~

C k ,

- .



- ". '. / :://. . .

a·· ··· ···.\e·.··· :.-·

',_ ,'-" - . ",' ',_",

Le;sr,n, abo,u·t cbJe'mical :reactioDs by' bakin,g 4, smaD eakes, leavin,g aD. importaDl'I: iDpe!l',dient out o,l";1 of tb,em,. Tb,e 'm__grem1eats, are

oDIy for 1. cake" ,so' ,'ou',1l aeBld 'tol m'ilI81,g're ,and mix: ,4 'tim,es,~

~.; .1-

- J - - -

. . . - . ~ .

. , 1-::-' -- [-" (-::-.:- _-, - 1 -:-,':' _ <,"1-' .... _

A sma __ ,BO'lrlP lor ioofeal Drlwi

a, ... f'tl!'li:lIi~g'l 'l'!:IIlv.i';lIl'''~1 nf-' ~~,ll,I'llI~,~'Ii!'!i"~'Ii'ii\'rii"Ii, ~ '''- W.JL1'~ ~i '~& Ia u~ . ~_ll,~lJaUl_~J.liI~J

L"=':iI I'UD

'Wh'" .:--;. t- t·- d

,,',,' ': la··~', .. ~ '··~O··~.:-: -O···~-·.'·

'_ _' I. _'" •••• • _ _ ._


, .'

Wr.ap ~eiV,el",a], lil~ifs of ,tllu:mmum :£tkil around the,

'ii'IIr'--ltll:!l.j~,~, .a;'\if-·~' nililll,--:;~, ... ;1 it\- -.:' '~iIi"i'-'-n, 'lJ."n;,-'-.:I-1 ,,a.;i'!j; ferm ,CI 'ii'ii"iiHi.;i.]-'d['

yU_ ~u~, v' ,g, 1!!;I,.,..:r~~ vl' 'Q!vU,It UU W, - lltv UJI' . g .I.P!-Yl' ,::___ ~



'- - '.

Remov,e: :,00'1" :fibH "pan" and p.ut it 'in, a ]JiJB pan :forsuppo,rt,.


O'I~'I ;1.''1;..0 '~nm·'· ;·C;I'i.;-14'~~ 'o--"f'-'v,'Ai,u- ~'~:r;' '"A~:lI 'pOD 'iIl1iI]F;;t: 1k ~ii"'ii'f!l;'~~:'n.g'- oil !LJj~~ _,--,,~:_J;J;~ I, I .TV _' ., .. ,JluU I-,Q .. ".11. _JUt ..... tJ!!!WI',il'i.JJ~;a". U.Ilc

- 'iL.. , ... ,'1L" ell 'f~ .... '. ii ..

ISO tlJ.6 C"I 1~_Oeif'Sn, ~ :s,~i,e_l\.'i

( ? f ,
. 6


I ,"



r: :.


H~Fl't n:~lp~s SGrmw c~elni~al 'r-eaetilolls to IGQeUJ~ as ilie:· Qalle hak as!

It balrgs 'h~p~wtler 'By($tlw:e t'iby ·bu. bbles ~f gfi~ ma.kiing.-th-e ,e~~'9 Hgh and n~ t1ibi 1 i - M!ledf l;e;a~~g'.

It causes 'protein . EQm the I~gg ~. than:IG aad malse the c;i!d{Q firm"

e· "1''-' .. :1""....·b ... ' f I

q . w@e,'s, .~~ , . ,eQ,r; .' 110m

drying Qut 'tJJe· ,ItB.k~,




. ...


rWri'te ,a'bo,ut, '01" draw ·n1.C'Jtums of, wha,t,ytHll.see.

llr" , .

ifB\d 'trulJbe~, '

.... II~ ~~

"0' 'l,i"C1nBiClD _V'n~t-, 01,;1.'::0'.- 'IE!! "W' '1."'1;'1.,.. 'VI-gr' ~bi' ·11..;1 .... -0- ah- ea Id· O·~ 'f~'

, .... _1I:I~1. '~1a I~'~r~"--~~~ - .• - i:II ',_,:. ~_B, ~i"~' • ~ .J'lII.~-~j __ . I, I·~. I~ •• t .. ··_:. _,!.' J

u_. --:- -Wh'· ~: C -' .. ':. t-Jj .... th" . ' . .' thi ..... Jj ... , th':-I, , ,,.;J'lIII ,G--d'·] at th-" L.... - .--:- ... ~" 'V~, c, -" Il\uu.,e~, , ',-' a" 1lJ!1) __ ley _.'U1JJLl!&,_- iO'j' ~lt, ,lllJlj", ,8,_ ,,_Je: ~,O(h_ lery

~ucliili'li7 1iI"IIi~- m:!"c--Ii:!iOiili'!Oiil'ii', on .:-,:l.p-!;lIld-- ,--,-,- c' - -- --:-. -, !I!]:'--, ;i." ~', 't- 'Ii.. - ,-, -' ,·:,th:--' , ',' , '.-

,,:.'!!,,,,,,I_:'~~, er I, seeure C-iliWI: ren ma.y ,e;:1lI..,O tne zoo WI, " a more

mg;si:ti,Vie, ,a;ittitud,e: if,tbe,'V ,are, ,usured tlla:t it has ,fa ad

r [J'"

tan- d' tar 16"'---' w" d b-- th':-I

i-I .. - ,J I, r' I . - I. '", : ( . -'[1'\ .:- 'I . >.j ',,' - ," .'.~ .. " ... - - .- - "," ... ----

IS, _ ,. .d~~, W9.: _:OUD,_---'_r-JiS" ,me_. ~ Q_-: moms"

"0',--:---, .. to, f .... _· ...... - -- .'!' t-;h~' .:!I; -' ...'~ '~,jj!. Z--'- -.' ,-. --

,.OD I., ,;ry I\iU eve\ry _mg IlD 'D,B,e V,lSil~.,OQS are

sueh 'b':"I'IIIIIli:!!V' P-,~,~,ci'!(;il:ioiaJ ,.L,1i..,§,~ ,£,1!..,""'v 1i"!;'~~'lh IA,V", i5i'lio'i1lt:rt.~'I-m'· VOil~''fi"i;~'"~:-''' ~'~' .... ~..i!' ,:,\I,~~ Ildil.u,~ Wil!eJ!Io!iI;, IV, I",,~ H"UC - ,.;1' ,W.L,t3I1;,1'~:rii:l<;

'p,arltien'la'1~b pltelcAoolers and those in ,primary grades,

Try' ,to 'risil't IOOS s't: 101ft ti'm,es or ,h,ond On lrirl'~er ~ '(o'l' fAxamp'lle,pj or velJ7 earl,y' on, a" Sa,turd,tly morn'ing'}r"

1i'1ml....1· '--.';:".c, p-~ Mfi~fill'...:li .... C! lCr;ifllr'Dllo.Ei; ntli;!!':li'loI'!\0, 'i!iII'I":t''1H~ iIf1im" ~,t' i!l!Ii'Fli;,..:I oi ... :I!'~iI"! ehildr iI!"i;,_ .!!' lU~ __ - . .IIi. !V"',.lij~"", iO\1IU~ ,1t"'!!;;iU"'!!;;i' a.iL&-.-Y. ''''t, . - ~, . '!GU.~u' b'""'" ~'ii:l< """il.llJU,JLI. ~\lII.,",

:b tm ted: ,', r'---'t"b ~ ']

. 'I' . '-'j'" , . - -·1···· - . ,...... ..".,: ' .... I ,", 1,-:- .....

1lDl'1 IS _- - ,e ,_' _ ' V1JleWS 0,· __ :-, e. amma ,s~

Look fOr s,peci.alliemilbi,ts ao,d fmeiUtie's :f.or ebB, ..

d'li!!lifli;'D' ~'iI'iiI;i'!it1!,.. '~i ~ ,~',t."~'iffi'!iI,~'iI 'V 'i'i 4.!!il'~;i;I'iffij--- "g' - 11 ab ii!i,I, A"i!'!! p'" ·,o,~,ti<· Til; U 'l7'nlii"tc

__, ~ " !01I'~II;;.::.JIJl ~~ ,!l~;I!lL!lJ' ,!l~QJl. .LJiJ!jl.llC lp!,,~ ~tI:' 1.:.1I,Oi!'!!J,. -.l~; ,LoV'V'~ ..

]I hil d to '0 d +. "BJ' d

. ~. . .. - ~ ' .. -- ,- .', -'- -- '1' -. , "C'i 1-':', -. : ... .' (- -C" - .. -, - '. r.. - ,- 'C'I" ... .'... , ' -'.., -' '-', C

ere:., C .. "". I __ :_:ren, em _'-' uc an,-" e:XRmlne am.m - , ,s, an-, e:o,-

" ~. ., 'llll d ~ d 8' lb' , F"

.. ····1:1'·,· -:--' "~'~l":'I""~( ~\ .. ,:.-:: .... -;-:.: ....... ~ .-:-: ..... : ... ::::-~ ..... ~ .. -: r., .-.~ ... _ -:"':-".:-- -·_·!~.:"I[--::.:·-,.-.-,_

gas' 110, pl'oJe ets BlP,~Cl1a . ,f '., ,eSIgD~.:."or _ .. I,~m~ "or eXaln

1', "-'t "",1!..,' '. H·~RP·ll1''L. '(:"d' ,'_ '!' .JI ,c.-- -", ... iIk '. =. , - ',d' 'n' -.--- . t '-'1,' .' --,).

pdl1~:!, Ii . ILU)~ , ~~~ _ -:- il.lJ: ~_ e'nv~u ,!Lrom. 1l;.1U.e' WO'f! ~,,,.,e,rpeo,,

tth:-- M-""- e" 0]- Z' .' 'W"", hi +'ngto D" C'~· +. "00

",[ . ",. ,,'J'." - ~'I"': .' ,:.: ".,:- " .' (-', 'I - :-", ',[ .: . _ .:-: 'I ," > :--' .' 1"- ,---. ., I ",.

,13.__ e,· . ,8,_ OIiL _ ' ,rno m .. , a.~, u _,I: ,D~ '" ;'J' V1lSll-,I',SlICan

1-- 'b t tn""- ell ':bi"'b-- " b d.' '.' rytbJl-- . .'

" . ("1 c- ,'- " -' '-',,''', -, ,:-",,, .. ,- . -, '" ", ",', c- '," .'-- ,', .,. ". I' . .' - I· .. ·" . '. --- --:-c--'--; .' ':

,Jea,nt, ift ~OUI , repl. -es, ,m::.. amp,_lni3,nS'c.y __ o,m,g ,e,vle-, _- -ng

&om ,a;sl~bliQ,1 it, tttftile' sk~eton, 'to' locatmg' the difFs,r'-

IBT'Ji .. iI- __ p." arts hf'-·: ,10 :~_:Ii!!i;'I~B_ ~JJ~~~ _ .~_. _ ... J~ 'Y', ~ 'iOJJ.ILgIL!~'!1

Pla'D fll1low·'u:p ,acti,vi'ities a'D,d, prqjec:u\.. A, child 'who

P--inl~,,,,,,,,,",'iI'lg,~1Iy'--:-' '111·"k--::'D~ th I_ jB fil' ~'imII~;iFI;go'-~' "',0 ,n,'¥i,-;;:!i d ueks 01-- lI!jiIy< e,n;-J'I'CiiI'Y"-'

~1,-LWl[;UJl~.lI; J .. , J,.~" J~U §. UJJ,JLUjjILI '_" i.:!ll ~~;I.u - ·EJ&IilI· U.. ~ E" U.

._._ ._ - _ .. _- - ._.. - . __ ._ _. -_. '_ -- - - - _," _. _'-'

buDding a ib:irrdj, heusefor the back ,yard" One w'h.o U~ked, 'the mud turtle: :ma" mjo;y' using a mm1"ga:rin,e t.uh as a ba;se to a 'pa,pier-,miehj turtle"


:M'useumJ,are !designed 'tooa,y' '001 i:o',mroes,t vi:siitol'i!$., o,f' ,0]],

10000,a~t!I' ;'R~ A_,~ ~'-D-..l1 ,:t" •• , ~""~IAii lli"iirav -m····· '~': i~~ --': m"- ",r:!', 'n- atur '.i§il II 'iI,..i~: ~,'+"-"'1J"V' i!P(t:l!~~~ O'\;t.ll.~J.~ IP; U '~!i.all[]L'!I;,I!',!lu~.,. QJ.,~U - ~ ~ . t. uu Ui,,L ,itU,,., ~'lUt" ,",'

:mUS@iums" and, c'!ml,dren~iSJ' :mU.seums can, 'be found in mRnlY

"'(I-I(I::-f::- .' dl-I (1'- aI-]- "t'" I-iik'''- B-' tit' dCJ::- . rf-'

. _.: '-:- "' ,', "., .:-,~ ",',. ',_ "'f' - t" ...• -:- l, ",:-. ····-:--:-1 ,'.-' -:-. _', '. . ,',,', " ~ - ","t ', .. " 1-

mI.~-,_Je'"\mu!.z~._ ,an· SmJ .. I_,-er CDmlmu.m~J,eJil,.l_ . Ie' ,.010 _~_.en __ ~I,:, "

Iow,a'l! and W;cwlalld" W)foming:, as wle'D as 'm, [ariel :megm-

.. 'oiIi. ..... _ 'Cir_O,,1I:'! llt:= ":'k- .\a 'I' , ... ~A-'I~ii~,1!"i C·-:·JiL..·::.i'!ij1lj"Uii'!i; and ::-N···~·A'!IJIlI," Y:::;~'r::-k

,c_. ~.~~. g;JL'~gjI~ .!tllL~~ ~lii!' .nJ[~".,lllll§<~'ii!'".!In"",~~,-I;)',~ g,Il!a,,::'._ ". ~'Wl' .'.!!!!.' :, ..

M, ': .·--I-~, ' .. - - -, '. ': :-" .'.' ~ - ,7' ': :-c'-]j' .4l ... -.' ·-I·'f:'· :;" -,-:- mh~ '111, -::, ,-:- ·c· ~ ,It,:,' ,.;: ,.:ie .. 4f.-'1l.. -:·D . .,-.

iIlSeUlDS V,tlry In qua·· 11JJ'j .. "I POSSI. \le" ,see\li'i. OUI~ lJJ_[ln~e

;l;.L I' "' . .::11." -., I!_' 11....1. -., .•. -.. L 'I\"

'lbUlB .. , rrrO-Vl,Uie· Ontn:Oi ILomnues oILOf' lu,aDiliE;t-on. ,aC'ti'Vl.'ti,es~ .c.:.::: OfJ~.

r ,rlr.

:mr' ·mUSEnmm:s· 'with:

. • 'Ejl2'i'"HD'n' ""m"- ,I!'!iin:- 4f.... ... .... , ·dc. n

.D~'~,iI"""'" ~.I " " !!I;i!:..:_~ ltV .. '.v~

If ,O'lW a.'re unfamiliar 'wi:th 'museums in your' area" eOD:""

. =~ I~, .' ·11'!1I...-- ~. , ~;h' 'c-y. ':.' 11'11 '. , ·P'· '.' '. .' . 'f~·· ..- - - ,&. ••• ,11 ,.t...... 1!..1~,

:S'~.lIU~· at JJ]u(fsnW'I' ~_e ··.e!lJ(OrW ·:__c-Il,PS,'(lI- y10m I~ep\lj~(lkne IlJOOA",

. 1- - al .. '"d- -'b'- - ·'lk _. ·the' - _. '}- - -'~'l _. - - - - - - .. - - -'j-bj'" -'-b ofte· '", ---

, .• .' ',' ,. • • ,- - •. . ' ..... , '. I, ~ .' . . ..,. ,_. "_ I. • ~ .. ,. ", -'. - , ,.'. I _ .' - I ' ... -

,I, .JJCIEL .gm.·e ··o:o,-~" er :~_ .. _'oe:a,-, ,,pel's~, VI,__; C~__I__ ..... _'_:9

1li ' , " .~.·I _1!..,"L!

is,t· s,peaw le~l1.juJi'ts~

AiIl'J' ''":hJ

• 'Ut!'.,o; ,;1. .... 11 D~<ii"i;ii"i;mOt!'. '~'ii\"iil ~! D~~ th ·a ,:-~:c"n- 11l'~ '0' 'f" p;i!ljj ·t-· .-.- :iF'i;,"

. '.::C_- !i'!i!l!O> 1~!!,;i'!;I~YI"""""!;!! l!,/v 'V1~W I. ' ,... n~e~' ._Ii OQ,_ 1J:1',:L'w'1i

'. iC!!' ... ·.D ,:t-'.'hC·D, 1'~iC.'k'v:!I! 'ri~;I.i.L ,~~:,.-~..:I ~"IIi!!ii''''''':;I"t--v from 1"0' ~';: . ..:IiIl:li the

," I~~~ _:._. l~ ~ ":j.' '",' .. JJlJ[[l, .~'JJ:"-,!LQ i~ I~J:,-.Il, i~i' I.J!. u,· :_.. .. '_' . Ii:ki.U~j .:,1~

,~~ ~ 'i!'Ii'A.''''''n'''iii'i,~,j;e!' .j A'IiI'II'Iii.t:1l.'· and

,~~Jl~l~_ - [ I~D. I~I UU~[il 01' Iy'

A.. ..


,Aquli1ni:tmls eOlab'l.te, yo,tm,gstelfi '001 see erverytbjing' ftom :t;,'hi:ms'll ttjl ,~eic,tric' eels. Child,ren, Plrrt;;i,lcrn,a:rly e:njlOy feed'in,g 'gmes" Cia]} ahead 'OOi :ind, QiU t when ,the penguins, ,she;rks, and '(J;'th~r ere,l1:t;:ure\S gett 'to eat, And, cheek fOir Ifj,pecia), 18h,OWi~, 'With sea lions and dc1i'phins.,

'F' 1-' "a" 'pm- -- ' ~ , ~ -' _~I." I, _ 13'

· "T''t: -v ~ • ",_. ' .

• 'v'n '00 'wbatt gr~@: do ealves idnl~ ofllv m1.~

,r' .. ',.' ~ ~" ~ I ~~~" .':' '_",.:. '-,.:.: ~ ~. '. . ,., _'~.J' .. " .... "' . ,~.,

'. '~~ ,do, ·tb@".' aCii ,~tl1,~' '~t~ th~j:r' dlel;~~ Vfba.t ',tl~:-t1lef?

I. WhY' .al~~rtil~i 'v,iltiD,u~'f@ocllEk.a~.oow ~.t&:nI\ttFi~U$1

N(atlJre Hikes

ManY poml1j;'i(lniu}i'S\ hat~ ,~[rk~'$ 'Qit~ts:! orttature" a)h'"·~~S ~,"~,hl-eh "t; ~',a'ik~ S~·~~r~·r th~~!8 11~,vLe ~C~ ter~- 'W b.~~ '~si"tU:FS." ¢~,: "~o ,e'rl~(yt~iItI' from_",IDpt?iitYeJ'~~hivejs\ tin 'm;e~t'f1

,~.lbol'Jii1'ii"~ O'Ar'~ ''lli'li'!i;1J1 ~~~llIi"iI'~1 ]1 'if'- '·t-·h' CI,ajCo- rci:ri,t"~;~i~,ti~'~~ are 1ii't· ..... ,!!'::ii"l .. ,gll,li'!'li·1k,l!D~ Ui_, y'~I~ li'V,'·,Q 'IGI;"JLI.1till ,LQ;I!fW.~I(;I;alii· 'y~~ ~"~-~ ."~.~~~·I~ ~ .1~Jij~,'Ii'Q . u.1U.W'~~1~1

'walk. .• r,~tlnd ~t:rrJr :o,~·~hbc.r'bti~:a ~cll ~1'lTh v.:-\Du.r' ~~hfld,r·en~~'

.-- ." ~, ~~t; ... .-...... r J.." . ' ....


• "D ... ~ C' ;-,- ,4-, G' \, '"..,-'IIi ;a" ",,-'i-'~lY- 'O',J, ',,'.' ~--. 'r ..... , .. -' D'erV' 'OCOUI",Sj; '',It:f.w. ~eou,!~:;, or ,:..-om,1I'iI .Jl!I ,ll:re, ,ll1!JC, ...

IJ". L! .r. o!'

- .

s·,··:·:····C'/i!!I'··-;··· ,-'_'" .'~ C""":, ',' ,._-, .> .. -;,

...... ,n"I~D~C:--e·,,' .. · .. ··8: m •.•.. p.!Ii.'!, -."~ ~ .. ..~. ~

Look. 'botaniltal. gardens, we'ather" s,ta·,ti·ons~, :ho,spUal Im.hor,a..tories:" S@fWB.;ge beatDieDt 'plaDts~ n__ewslp31per P~Wlts:., r,adiio and ·teJ,evl'sion It~~ ... tiIQns; land, lafter ,school pr.;o,.. ,grams sueh as Hands On ,Science Outreaeh, Ine.,

(HOBO) Olr ,a, Ch,an~ger Cml~tet:'"'

·L.earni'D,g fr,o'm

iC·bdild,Nll. don't need :fancy science 'to.',S, If)F' kits, to· learn seienee .. , B'ut if you 'want, tOI buy seme fOir' your lebil·dre:n,~ pl.'EUl~Y are available. LOllK, in to,. stores" :hobby s'bapsJ' other sp~ecialty' SboP'SI~ OF"in eatalegs, I-t. is. be,ond ·tb~ seene at tihris; booklet '00 reeommend :S'~eci6c WV1S!"

r r' 1.1

However'jl these D'PS can. guide you:

• ChlI,b,"Jen may' nOtt benelli·t if' a toiy or aJc:tivi ty. 'is ,I; 'PC"')f' :match. for 'i'heir- 'jjnte,re'~.b ,01";a:ments!~

I. 'r ""a: m= I 'w"'~ !!lI'~, £,'iL.1 ... "',""""V' J'Hlln~' I~,_.;]I eannet do 'b:IlIl"-;;"r,O! unl'I'!Ii '~lI'I'V

,.LJe.. _ _ l ...• .Il~IQ.l~ -H~ ~.l' "-0-" "IlDll, "-tUrli,H.tltU. o.u ~IU ~;}:: ~ UI lU.!!IA,'Jr-

"·t' M:' 'te '00 1 k d thr ugh" t' tel

. 1 i'l ',.. :.' '.' , .' '--" '.:-'. (" .. ". ,I" .'. " "':"1'1'· -- " 'J ..•. ",.' .'

ll. ,any ,yO~p,~,~r,sl ,i~VE1L,OCLe~~ ~', 0_ ,'. a :0' 1~~.e5!'

~I;tiiI,;fii,TiiiD, and b~,: Dain< d ~D'~I1i1p"~.n-~;1I9i;4-·"",,:,,.1 w:' .. LiQ1I"Ji, t't.ID'V 1~ .. , .. '11..l! ..... ;tl:: ,eaa, !l:II'YV,Il""!i;;l' '~Ii.· . II,;I!Q~~ '.' .l!,gg,v Y''''!I,.I!~U_., JI,,I!.y::ui. [W1.l,~,,,iI' ~[ww.,!I,. 11;;;,'1",",,';;;'

'b d ~ "b

,"'---.; .. :-','[. ',,',;- (:-: [,---':-',' - ..... {--.:.> 1':-;-:-:- "i": :-"-_-" .:-'--,':-:-''-::-' ".-

i,,,tml,pS ane craters on tl" e mOOD,.

.' Bea 1.;:11 :!''ii"iiii::!'''''''''"~ ~~~ li"i;ii'ri; iB ~ti·~ l~'~'';; 111111 ' " ;Djn ." \f'i;! 'I' li:I:!;r!iI'" n a \0",,",",0+ L~'nla'

e=: .. _~Q.u l.1l"!;IIll,;o.i-'u.."""'w.Y'.II.!l~ ",ul'lI;;i!,U.,l.W~,y ,~-'!.!I' yuu ~~1tJJ.ll !!l;iiV .... .I!;J·Iw,u~,

.~.-.- "'b'~·- :from< -', ~'~. the to' '~ .. ,

.. '," ".,1 -',' , ....•.• I ".. .- '". . .... ,:

pOBS1.,,-. ,e _i .. , .1" ,.~e _'y ..

In the :L~ibr,a'ry aD~d, ,the BoObto:re 'Libra'r1,es and 'books;wres hav,e! a. ,growin,g' number' of

L,'-'n 11_ iI:I! '.'n ,t~,gIP-'h- '. ....L.:;;ll "Jt .... l!ii'i!'!i; e!! ffl:A1i"iillA~ 1I\;I1"'~ny 1i'i1ii,-~;,O; ad' -,~ .i'Ii~'~ l'iilli"iol6]-

llJUul~'~l lLiv' ~,~~~, ' .. ~;LI_Jj}~-I~IU ~~~_~/~J.lIJY~.I~~!1 l'~~lli"'''': !g,r~ ~·.2_;,UL~~~~JI_i_~. ':iiI

'beaultifull:y ill us,kallOOd;, and run. to. fea,do" But sme,noo can

, .... ,'11 ~;r;" be '11 m;nlm' ~- m..1 L"if!!O" m.~ ~ "non iill!Jn-:iiDiD" PiD'l~ l-n .... II ... £'jl ail'; ~'1'L. iIilI al S" A-~ nn-"

~~;y .I~ ~ ,Jj,i~~ .. ,-.! I~Q, .lUll.:.,: I. ,~,~) 1.~~!Ir~~: I~~: UY.~~JI ~1~~~Jl,"~ ~~ i~~'~1 ~:t

'L,:; nO"f!!D'pL,:; iCi;.~ H·U .. · ... 't..~ .t'ii.m"fi!t!jj'pL'::: Dt'!! >i!ri nd 1!..,:; ~,"\Ii"j;il""U' b"Aft 11 .. \1Il'!i

IUJl}Ulb~-[I;L. ,.:.,IJJJJ.~l~; Q.' I~U,I/~~j~.-Q _ !J[lll~~, Q,lLlI}:_, _ J~U.~I~~.;~. _~ YU~~~!J

'1rln..~n ~"""l'~'~'iI'iIi(Jl! 1b_ ..... 1i"iIr11i;.,~ ."'~ ~ ",~·'[bc,:-: ':t""h~ ,- t'· , "=-'. ~--=-, '-". - ,~--'= ~ d ed lIY ~!l~'.I.,l, !Ii!!~.,~~~lo1JJL,~ ~V'y,I:'§;.;~'jr f'8IDIBi.l!J!J1J, ". 13':f " • 31: r-eoo:mmen':· e' .

read m'; '1'01' iI~I!il:")iil!i;'lle!! 'n'--l~~'-n'~""~ ..... 0. £o1l...,o; iaekets j{'iii'~. bs ·C'l!. ...... , efbo ..... ,iil .... ·,:ii:!i, &.""Q,',. ',,~ .1l~", ~JI,~ ,IfF)J) ... ~u.. ~.I_ !i,.J!],~ JI'~.~~ _~ 'U'ra,l_,~ v:.:_,D~~

t I h ~- nd'=-' Aft·· " t."·b jt"'bj"'rdc d' 'hat cbi~'1

. 1--"" , __ .• :' " . c' , ..," .. 'j - '~I ._ ". '. ~.- '.' . ''-- ,,--- ,_._,....... e=-~', '. '.', -:--

are 00 . taL .W8.,yt) ... ' e,p .. '," ···,[.~e'r~, I e~" .m. 1.:." ~,-,~,eii!' w, _:_~'._:: .: 1. .. ,_ .


1..11..,~,n '~~'IOIII;J1 it'" 1tl!1 iil'jl l:VU' i;oo,'~I'IIL!i.1 'Il.;."l'iill"~~i.,:al l!!'iill ~ mueh Inn ·ii·nfe~;r;iEii ~,;Ii. ~ ii:!!1 '~i,t-:- }" ~ Inn ~!I;!l. ,!!!,l!l;iig.Y, _~ '~i!iI! ~ '~,J' ~~!;lI-~U g.~ _ '!!.;I;.gl. !l;;l'JI.1l Jl.1, 1,~~JIl. ~1i;!'1l,r I~g .111.1_. , ,~, Y.iJJl.

reading leve',l~

Pa rents an id t .h ae Sch noels

..... ", ~ :i _. "I I, .~. \ t.. ,.'~'. " •. :______,._ ~~I _ · r- I~_.:_______ •• ~·._ .•... · ••... 1 ..•.

I,~, Vi&i:i, YQllIJr' ehj'ldi's e:lem.en:btry ;se'ho~)~, and

~~ "'-:'r, .... t·" '11.,,!,U'··.a In',: ~~_'"'"'~ .. , '~i[l!ios- oIf. .... 'IInc.£.=''''''',D~ iil!·i~

~-'" .".~_ ~o_ u. y~~, ~:~_ ...... ~~ .~._.'~;;ap~:~."g", ~

,RvaiI8iible,~ .IDurin.:g your' ·vi:sit.,~ wok 'fof' c1uies, as, '00; w'~:e~her :scie:n,e:e ~$ va;J.u.ii1!~t.

'.' 1F"ii\l"ii -,- ... -- ~iIl'ii'" d·~'E!:i'i"l;!iI!Ci'v- ,--=1~,j. ... ..1 t· ... t!;";'6n'I'''A'?' C;i'!;~6ii!"io"'iC. '" Uul y~lU .:::!0:.:'It;J .:.iI!~,t'"~~ SI re.tgll;eU ','~ .:!!"';]l,~, '!i!!i;J~' ii:!i",,1"'1"~'

lea:rnr-ng ~e'~m!r1B?

.' AI,e "i,e,fi,ee:·;~eJ.a;t.ed drawings en the buUeUn ~[ids',? Me 'the([ie plaD'tsj, terrariums, aq,uadurns" or ~OU~H.~tW:nS (of rocks, or in:sE!lcis; ~m"

lex amp'le)?

• [Ca.-in, :s~ude1lits, do ha.ndJS·1~1li, sdien~e :pmj,eciti:.l'?'

• Ar-e! a etivi,tles, ,avli~aihle! that :~a;rer~tsJ ean use a;t 'h0'me to sUlP,pl'eMeiH,t (!'Iass rn:stmc,tiO'n?

:9i' Take acii,QiD~

[.1 '1.iIl'" L"",n, ~;i'!i-. AiIi'ii~A i'ri";i'i;~~'i;'Iil'i1 i ~ ~ n. :,.~ ~Ii"i- r.1'~.\'" _ '~'''''J,k .i1ll,Ul\D ;cn"lltl'lII,I:"'~ .t"'~ i!d,e,"' UJIHIIIII. ,.:"" lllI ~""":IU<U;~!I! ~ ~

with ,~'o.u_r.' Ic'bild~;s 'maeb~,' lor meet, with 'ltbe ~riml~iJ,pail. u· 'that 'brm,gs :mOI 't;esults~ wrirte to, 'or meet with :5c"hoo,l OOardj, meTim;b e tiS., You, ·-.ig;bt ,ge~ '~e~teT 'l'iesults -jf':you !~l",gamme 'wi,til otli!ei" [pa!f-mwts, 'wlu) hliye :swi]Jar eeaeerns.

• ''Vo~un.teer. ,:y,o-ut' s@nieE!s 'tel ·impIf.\OV@ ale seien'ee

pt0W,8;mek 'Y ~11. [can:

A$~ist ibea~h.;ers Ind simd;en;~ \\i,tIl class .. foam ;,elloo prQjeem;

1f"'n..·,iIiIilli.,...,. ... n,rn. ''''''''1' e- nne- rrn"]''''''''' ... .;J '£]"",:IiI.A ~'r- '~;iI"ii ..... ~-I:l~'I~'I;i\.; ~1Ij.Lcs;::;r I~~ i.~ LIl~~ :..~,~!I;;;i" ~~~, ltl~WU. [~',Lllr~J

• ,Do ,10'11 see an;y' s:c~,e![lICle I!2q~~.:d$l'men't in IB'vi;'.:iIle. ....... ii!!i;'?' ,j\~~ ,""Lii!i;~ mQ,g·, .... ~'f!:::~!L'i? M-- 'ag', ,.tliiifi;ie;,?'

U~~·!!!fIIIo.I~ ~ nJ] ~ U~~~ 'l:i!l ~~_~ ,IU:.llllJ~!!l ~. I r.. . !tt!j~I~!I7.~,

. . .

'~'I"iI;)U'""""""" ~;lm ... ,,,,,"1

.r],~1:r. .I. !§:i,~. r ,W .. Ia! .•

- - - - - - -

• Dues tJhe SChO;£h~ 'Hbr,a,w'y !Oon:tain sciJ,en~e books?' If' 00" ,Bs'k the libr,a;nan ~f 'the' c',hUdren are en,eQu;~,g~dl 'Wi read, 'liheHl .•

I. ,Is tb,er,e [enough ,spare i~l the Ic·~a~sf\OOr.S Gil"

.,."l''''6w- - -'1,.. .......... ~:iifii ·t·1!.. "" ",·...;\. ...... 1 "' ..... 111"- .,"'-",,, .r ..l,,-,,.,;,,;c..:. . .", .. .tI, .... ,...

"!I:i 1IlI![;',. : ll:lll~:a. ,t;: .~lilIU. i:2LlG ~-C1J1~ . I u .::I~~ ~ue,.dl(~~J ~W.l ~~.~ .. ~

,blot, lexj)M'i.menrts?

9i '·''-'k - , -.- ii" -L-.,;I:. 't;iL._· ... ~" .... , .... ' _.. .. "',~ ,l'U! . 'ques, DDS 8uUUII:" '.~ :8eIl.E:nee PrtO:PaDl,

at~ :pamD;t~t.eaeh,er eonfer-enoos or :PrA :meet... iD{Is'i' 0,. se~, UPI an ,Bppom'tITien-t 'with tll;e :scltool nl'inci,'R.aru, Th'is m]"OI¥i:d es "O!J, wUh "!lUiFOtl"matlon

.1"', ~ " -.i"" .. _, ~ ~ - ,~ "~.!., • .jJ.,,. ,. I,.,

;B,bou;t; the ~~i,en~e :p:r.Q,gram and, :~e:ts reduca,tofs kni0W you. '.lll~, 8cieni~e is imporbfllll ,Edu.c'arwts ;~f\e more ;a,pt '~o teaeh srubject-s, 'th.e:y know paw',., .i!!in~:s, a- .'II'\¢i! l·n,"lIlir\i!!i,~~\ .. ;,.11 ~;n- H- ';!i;]:"I~ are ,c. ... me 't-Lf~~'i'!if!'~, ,j. .... , ~~_l~_ _~ ~ __ ~~_ "'~WIl.L l~._1! • L!""'!~~ ~ ~_, ~ a~l ~ Llll.l__ll~~IiJ!tAlI

l!'''''d .... u' ,i"

:[~.!:I~ .: , 'Ii!! ~_I!il"

,OfFer t©l :set up a ~~h::Fl~e di:~~i~ay :h~ ~he! :SCllQQ~!'iS fr[ant. haUw,ay ,or. m. ,YOlli-l' ,C'llUdi's

11!!I1'illiii!!i,'e;c~~_, .. ~ gg ':;h~l ~~I:.I..:~,

Le a d], hands-@:n, tess0J:H31 (-If':~~ h~ve a gQod sciein,~e back,grouf:i!rl yDu;tsell);;

He]p in B, computer la])QirmwT,y OJ' lother area, 'req;wiriflig 8,id'ldt, ~per"aiQn; ,and

Vo'~unteer to raiae 'Mnds, {1'~r oom:~~nl'teFs\; a [e'lass,tOom ,glrin,ea pig'~1 i()1i" ne,ld 'tr~ps.



Prlin'UU·Y crad.e rchUd:ren. een 'be mntl'1oo.u,oed to '~h;~s CGnee'prt 'by :sortirng' o"Wet~s rui1~:e' h~:javes" :st.{'i:Us:~ rO:£ r«kSJ 8,Rording ~ the~r cil.acteri·st'ie.s, Ill'terme~ d~n'~~ .gm'.ade ,~'hUdren ·~an ¢l$sslfy v·egeb.btes Or firll"W!t;s, .a.coo,rd~lttic:· t.OI iP!l"io<p:er'Ues ·they obsenie in them, ,a:nd then ~paf\e tbeiw o,',~ ~ ,ch~A~si'6cat~on. ,ooli!n:me s· '00' throse 'used ~y sc:~eni~is,ts,"

:20; ICauR aad e:B~cJt~, N a,tIlT,e ooh:aJv!es irru 'predict. able 'wiay~, Se\3!J'Icboong 'for €:XIP'~~na;tior~:5 :IDs the 'major activity ~'F' :sde~~e; retTecb, eannot 'occur MlthO\1rt, eauses, :P,ri-mllftWY ~hjiJdf\e~ ean learn ,a~ut, eausa and effect by o'bselfiririg ,the ,eft'e.ct ' :Iighit,. 'Wla:ter" 811td, WQlffntb ha,v~ lOin seeds 8m.d 'p~an:m" I:l1iIte!UJiJJ®5diaJ!te grad,e' ehi~dJt.!en ,can diseever 'that [good, lu.blicntion laud. s'tTie'8Jm'H'lDlhl~ t]],e 'boo_,y o.f ,8, pljjne:wl~odl der'by 'CrW~ (tan 'm$e ~)t run faster;

3~, Systems~, ,A. :sys,tem. is, a w'ffi1o~e tha~ is, eemposed rOr: P'EUl'lts, ,s:Frange·d in an ro:merb~' ~a;~'n~er' aC~Todi:ng' '00' 001l¥ii~ seheme (Q~' pIDa;fL In ,~de~oo~, :SJ;sm.~ in~c';lYl@i maltml"~ ,en,e-r,gy', a;r:ui infol1"m]jat;.h)'n, th8l:t, move '~hl"Q,ugh dlen'ned, path:w,Il):Ys. The ~

, moU'mJt,(l!if'm ·'b"· '~,.... . .. ~~, " id ",....i!' ~- ·.~iIL"~i- '-Ii-rd·

iI ... __ ~ . ~_ _ ~ a -:!!./e:1"!I' E,iifiim"gy J ifUl lIJuot.'m!alll,.]lJlD, an

th~: r,a:w' ~,t w''hieh, tbe:y ,awe: t'r,aJ~l:S"r~"ed, ,thftiugh 'thel pafh,w,.YSil ~ari~'sl 'ov'sr time'" CbHdRfiilli. 'beliln. W, UmderiSgmd systems by ,tr;~ckiing' ehanges :a~ong,th~! i:~clivid'U~i 'p~:r~~, .,.. , ... ,.. i .

Pw:rm.a;r-y !c'h:ndl"elUl, can ]earrn ;abO!Jllit :s,Jstems, 'by studywng the, :mction ,or b~lafic:e--4"bif' ~'xil;mpb:~ by ,ohs;e:rving the moeements a'ndJ, i'll''b]ons in an aqaarium, Olld,elr' c:hi~dr\S'n 'inl~gt:..t ,gollin ,no. unders:t;a:md.i.I1IJ,f;' [0" s,.~1t.e'm;s by $t-ndlying the :p'rn~;un'bln:g !®rw he'ating :$ystfl'rnID$ in tlu;rirr"

4 .. , Scale, re£ers, ,to ,ql~n'ti.'ty,t bo-t'lh :re~ati\'l'e ,fu1.d ~9,b~IJ:ll.d@~., 'Tbe~m;ru()(lileter.s" 1II'wer.Sl~ a;nd we]gm~g' d,e.viroea. 'belp [~'hl1diD'efi ~e ,obj;e~ts and ~'ne':rgy vary 'wn 'lluant~ty T It'':s bal'\d 'fo.,l' !chi'~-

'~""''''ii'fl' ,J!:.''''j und ,t!<illi""'''i'"'' n,f! 'iLj'i!.. '"r"t' nitlt.-J-''''l" en p~hc ofIiri'il,nri"i;,.-."",,-, "':",rF!l, UJ.lC:.II~ [~ .' ~~.' c~ QLlt.Lw.I.U LJ.Jt~u'~ ~~rn-~. lJj.1 ",' ~11W!U".J_IOJ_lU '\r.i~.IL.ll_Ij

.... ~ ~iIL ....... 111- ~ ~ ~ -" "h~ . ." iI1"io £!' ~-"'d' llm its ..... f' ;::}'-;6 'w ... 't n'Jii'." ~Xl:i:PrlO iU,UlJIIY 'w~,~ ··li&:,1 '.II.LX,~., U ;1 iO v\,.; iD'WZ~m A, ~ ',t"~ 1-

m8r,y grade' ebiM;r~rn can 'begrun 'W! unde:rstiEln.d. s~l9JjJe: if they 8J"'e: ask,ed., 'Cor in.$1l;QJfl(1ej to imn,grune I~ ml(nlSe tJ'1IJe' size 'of ,an elephant, W'OLdd, the 'M<!!use' stJ]U ,the same :p~:p~tiofia if :~t w'eiil'e' that '~~tifg,'e'? '\1Vbat dnalilg[@S woul·d have to [occur ir.:li fb~ e:~ephan.t",sl::z,ed muuse fOT it '&0' fiIl,Ul!ction? I'fiIJteif·· mediate' wadle ci~i~ldre:rn ean be asked W Idescribe

'r'\l ii:i; -':ii:!iI~'~ffi;O;.':!iI,.~lI"i;n IlNf ,~I miernsenne l~ ~~ ~~~ ~b~'! l~L ~'Vr~ I!~v~ ~ ¥~ ~! L""..~~_ -"ii- _ ~~I!.-"-\I~ ~I.

Ie· ···· .. ·-o:'····n' ~·c··· .. .-' ·'e···':-· ·p··-···t.':·s··

... ' ~,[ •... .. I·. ..~,. .. ..: I .... .' ,',

. ...:.. -_". ~ _' --.. - ," -0 . _. ..

1'he :N,atitrrna'l C'€irnrel" :F~!r' ,I:mp,~:~g IEki,e:ne~' ,Edu~

, .... ,tli,iIl_1'·JljiiIirn; .... ,~o' m-·m·~ ,m;'n41iC!' ·t·"LitiI,;j; ,A~,m;'m-'~~ OT!lJiI:-, .. ,p'U, C! .... hC·.n;iii,llC!. ~_~~_ $~~111, ,11 ~ ~.I, L _ "!Wi, Ua r..lllg~ ~t.Ij~, _ ~,~~~:I, ~ '~-'!r .. :u~JIJ~

desi,Q:lil QUtm.eula, 'Ulat, ~fit"t\oo.W(lj~ 'fililile S~i~fi'tit1.rc ~neeprts. 'U,aJ1Y ~f'tbe a.etl.vit],e,s IdeSi~1"]jbed, in tbi~ }n1.jJJ1d~',k ,te~e.h 'these !~OllCe:pts~ 'w'bic'Jb ,a,w;e dr:arwn fr'Crm '~;e ~e'njte'f:s, 'recie'At 'rre,:p(trt . rGett'fnc Stt!V,ted in, ,S!i:'U!!,n'N'~" A B,Cutlnr:lnt' ~Oil'" ,E~~n;m"'" ,gleAM_l

. I . .. - ~ ~ =. ~r.I' •• ". • ,I ~ .. ~. ~ . . .... IJ' ...:... ~

Jif'i.",,;';ajj;;O;;I_ if1I',.J,,"' ........ ,;ii.~..,," !!'mU...,m;, TilI;iTil 0 Ann ~nlil1i"'Eo ~.iI''''';.

~~ ~lrll~-!I;i ~l~U::i£!i~II!!'jII;lll JJ.lE[[JJ~ ":IIilIJIIJli~ ''lr.yJj.ll'lr.-lli:rr·Lb!~, 'u~ 'Ii:r.'ll

l~ IOrg:aA~za'tion~ rSe;ruentis,ts, h~ .. ve: 'made 'the st.udy M' S'cien,ef}. mi1na;g~aiib.]~ by IOl,giUiili:zl.'ilg and 'Cl9ss~ing' :ru~!~u:r,al pb,enQmen Q, F,{)'t re'Xampme~ n~l!wtal iO~@cts, can 'be ,asSi@Mblr@;d in hi~r,a,wc'hw0S il"~>iilIJ"ii[l.m'~ . -mlCilil;c.c:w;jjj;,~ Nl.1rnl!;t;,:r<J'ru iITm"'tIi~'n.iCl rocks, str'8Jtlli.

'l~I!l.I .... ~ - -"""iii - ~ ~ - ~ """ - - -~ ..... "'~I ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ "'"~ ~ ~ ,]!3.!!' ~ ~ O;;!, ~ - ~ - ,," - - -~ ~ --j

'iII..'··11- - ~ - - "- iI,.,." -- ~ ~ -,.j, ~ ~I - j,.,,'Ii ·0· -, 'iII..'" ~ - 11'-., ~ ~ - L. ~.~~ .. ,iSl' m.QlUl[~'gjn~h ang 'p.lI!ane~J'"..:T (lLU;JeiL;:~ can lIJe

8IJranled ,aecoming to theli'r co-mp!1eld~y (:5in_g'~e~ c@mli@!d i;:lfllitoeba!!l B,pc':nge$~, ;aJiD.d SO, on 'w, 'fr,Ul".DUI.~S.)"


7 .. , Itrucihlm and .DCtiOD~, A relat~Qi!ITii~hip exiab, OOtW'e~~ the: ''IN,ay o,rganilBms, and ohjiooliB loo'k (f~e~t s.el~~ gu:nClt and 'mste)' and 'th,e 'th~ng.s ~hey !do., ICbibir@D can ru@'9rn, that s'!k:.unks let Q:If,a, bad, lodor to, 'pmwc:t 't}M@m,s@~ID~!es., (~bnd;r.en also, can ~ea·rn. 'W ·m·.T' 'what a mammal eats l)y sb~Jdy~g' ffi.ts M:~tlh~ OT. what. !HJ, b,irdJ ,ea;~s 'by studlyilng ,the' structure ,of rults, beak"

,a ViI'ria'U-OIB., To '~ndel'sta;r:id tile ,~on.i~ept o,f'or,~, pfde~ e,voluition and the s,tatistieal 'roaJtt.UN' of the w:O(frud~, :strud.ent~, 'fij.T$t, need to 'II!Inde'lr;slta:~d tbailt aU. Qrg)9lruSM,s, ,and! ,obJects harve ();rus'tinetive 'pl"ope:r~ Ues. Same laf tb.i@:S,e: p(fifip~rties, ~u·,e SOl dist~nat}~.v,e th\@!.t 'D!~ ~Qnitin.u!u'., ~~nuu~ets ehem [llr e~:a;~lPh~:~ 1i~ng' and TDJonliving tblw.ip" ~ ~~~r ~nd. salt, In m()1St !If the 'n8uti!J1",a]j 'World, hOI~En;",! the prOiP.ietties: ~f' o,r;:aDlJ,sIfis, 8J1Jd 0b,],ects. 'V,'6UiY' cGirntbl'~'~

IOll:s1y., _ _

Young dh~hilre]]j 'can learn ,aoou'& th~s; OOI1~pt b,l)' I®;b~rving and ,aj"J"~ng;ing celnr tones u Ol~dler ~bU~ dTlen can :wn'vl~stiga't,e, the~ prro,pe:rt.i€s, of a b1l'~mn1y dUTi"n,C :~Jt~, U'Fe ~y~~~: b) dlisc~v'er quan.t~es, 'that :stay th,e :S9m.,e as wall as tb,ose that ,chaDgel.

9~ Diven~iJ"~' This is, ·th@~ most ohvious ichnr,aie~ taristie of 'the: na'bu'mJ. wl((rld. Eve'A, ptii',es-choollers 'kna:w tba~ ~e~ fJlove 'many ~Jlle:s Inr;@:~ts, irlrullm"gil.n~euriS. in ,e~emefi'u!{ry se'l'U)o'~;~ .youflgSOOt,S, nood 'kn! be,grun 'U'[ljider,smndln.g 'tha!t djjv,e!r-s~ty~ in. :g~mr~: is essentlel forr '~:aJtu.ra~ s,yst.ems W survive, CbU .. dren Ican e'xplQ:~e an.d '~n;ve~stii,rate~ a PQrn.d~ for in,~ st.l.nce:" to '~e.lfn tho,t diIifFm-en't oir,ganisms. 'feed. IOn

d- Wei-- -t t-b·

liII~·-~iIj!!ifiln[·-'11 "1r~i~

-~-~',,",!I! ""'~ e- , ,_.'_ '_-!:'~!IgI;'.""

Rage' 3. ~'.tl~I\, :Melvin!, '(l~'UC) .. Ger~i Make ,Me SiIih~,~ :H~e:r.' ,Q, &iW' l~u'bH~h$':rj N'~w Y:O~k~ N,e,w York",

:P8~ ,3., Ne.w 'York fl~~ ,Jann!9.'ry ]J:9" ]1;988. :Letter till' the ~i~1.',!,

p:age 1!'7',,, Mratn,y' of 'tJl1,es.e 5,~St.lQIlS llJ"e ,oont~:~jined. in, Science Fa_il"te by ;Sau'[ and Newm8:n~, :810,.

Te' ,'V't', 'N' "':,1 '0' t ali!

_' ',.A.. _ c_" _' ~,I,'~ro1:!l!'

'Page ,d/i., Con t:e; d, lEfMds On $kiemce, Out'J:,e,~hi' ,49 :mO' Ma'OOl'1L Road) Rockvl~]iL\ MD 2,oS52; or 'Chsnen~r' Cente!r.' :mr Space Sclen~e, lldJ~e9,ti~f}~ 1110'Dl K:ing Sb'ee't; C!'n'~te' 1'9[), JJe::o;;a:ndtl!:'IJ, VA 2;23:14 ..

~''''''W ,,! ' ,_ .. __ _ ....,., _ _, _ ~,

"'Aeti,vi".ti'EUJ at Home" Notes

''IUl' @!'xperim@nts wer~ adap~ in, 'p'~rt, from the' :Itml!(llw'~

"'in'''' '''''''n ......... ''''s·' ~_ •. ~ ,~~,.1. ~_ .'ii'

Page,:I1k :N8tin[l,8j~ Be-fence IRemur'ces Genite-r. (NSRC) :New,sWe,tter, '(Spling ]['981,). ,Smitlhsonjan Ins,t.i~U!ti:O~ aQd 'the, N"ati.onal Acad,em,Y' O'f;Sciell.ce~. 'Fir'n\IS:tb ,a..nd 6th Fad~, st~deDl'S ,of&,n S't;ewm:t~ ]:\etir.,ed tea~her'! J'elleflii-on Elementary' S::hoom~ SL Leuis, Mls;s~1Wr~,

:p~,p 16., Atkin" J,. ~~E!J Atkin atiJdj R:ai~n,~ 8ent:fll, A.~, (m9M). t!~mgj Tw-c'hir~~j ,~d T-jguring !(Ju!t '?Ilha;t 'Ha.ppe;nst~ The Rol,@1of&i'enoo,in At,.Ris'k; Er:h.lcstioll.,:;" baJ p9,:per~, hrn ,oon"reJ,enee $,~n$OI'edJ, by n~(Ii' Stmford 'U]$~ty SchooU of EdJW':at:km~r. N'o~QID~r "tl-'1,8~

19M, '

''$'t],(fky 'Things, '" '~H:~dr-,Rais]n.g &SQUts.~,·; 'i·S]hTI~'j·! "S~, 'Pow'eli"" ,ana "'C'elE'l:1 S,'ta,lk~, a't, Midnight" 'ifr,mn Woooer&,ie,~e:!, ,Nne1ic,p~n Chemical Sooiety/Arnmcan InstitlJ,te (jf Ph~iiCS~, W,~hjn~nJ :D.O. Reprilhliitedl ~!th [pel"]iJ)"i's.91io:n ft.!llim, 'Won.aer-8-CieMi1!:!, Co--py-right e 198~ !BJJ1dj,

'i"i;ii"!i;(l; .Ii. ~ • ClJ.., • '11 c'~_,..,: t 1fiL-, ","'ij;" J

1~",~I~ .H..:nu,e.rlcan •• "J~em];e9,.Ii ~,e y. ~ro,:m,"".Le .~iLlWlr:,y

1990~ December ]1'9a9'~, ,J'~a_nuall'Y isso, October 1l989'~ ,a.nd th.e, M:ay ]9891 iSSlU!!Si!, '~espeetive'l).

,r&a[l' :Po:w'er;!' i~ also from $:J. mp le .sdG'~' &rFn~ilt\Sl' wilh' E,ucryti(J._Y Mate'r,i~ls by :Murie,l :M~n,d~n ,( 'UN$9)~, ;S:ter.l[ng' 'Pub~J:6bing' Cf}.~, hC'j; N'ew Y QTk.,

"Th~ :Big P'ietll.lJr-.e," :from ,:F}impie Simon 80.;,8.' T~ke One Magnifying ,Gttli5lSi ~y :Me,hl']n Be,J.g.e~l' (]19801)., Seh.o'hwtic Iae., N'e'~f 'Yor'lk.

P:age' 40, Su~tions, hm J'~dy ~~lle'i' 'chi~r i@f 'U~,~, M·, 6'~, nf ~~e.ed.tOfiIJ at fhe N'~tj01Ull ~, \Vw;'h~n~~ 1)".0.

"Moldy Oldie-s';' ~!l)D, The l\fUd l'N!:ide by Lindn Allison (.1'989!)+ LittLe,~, Brewn ~in.d, C~,~~'~, &s~nj T'OM\r.llOO.

"Cry,st;aht' is: from Th~ 'WUd lnsldo'~; MI\ W~rd~~ ,Eft,~ ,per-imems (ID" Your,w 8cie\n~'wt8 by Don, ll~:rbert (1'959)~, DQllble;dlay j Inc.~ GawdQIl. Ci'e,.~, N.Y.; and Rypl'oring 8'c/'· c.40~ Thr-O~llh ,M b'y P}]i]]]$, Kat~ (m£t901)j, Frw'J;k~i'[~, WaJltts, Neow Y'or'k,

It!n, iDa

,-'e','-"-'S,,-'-"·O' our 'c:"e' '::[8',_---,

: _ _ "' -~ '~. _: _.:

,Arn,oldl, Ci.l~QU'ne;i' (1'912).. ,Ald~l-B~ t~ MWnlile',. OaNdrhoda~ :Minnea:poli~,.

,Arflo,ld~ [CS1l"o'lin.'e" (1988')!. ,PeRl',I.dq. MorMW' ,J.1'ufiior 'Boo'k:s", 'N,ew Y;ork.

Co1duy'~ J,en;nif'ef~; (1'9871 ,lJisctnJ.erin;g' F,loweri~6

:~j'.fiil:'" ii!lQ' B,~,l"!jjlm!D'b;'-_ N'aw y' ~1A]"k',,-

iIi~y.~·I!-L~,. . ~iA H II!!! ~~i _!~~, _,,~ ~ ~ ~ ,!W!_ _.

C-,\.~,;I.,_ .. "L" - - J A~,. - --d- ''Ij'-,1..,- -jj;."",- ~'. - - - - -(''iliIRQOI)

'.·'U}Li\;~-.I:~n.S\li '_ U~·'~ DiIl:___ 'Yi'Q,IiI:nS'W.-H:!i [y,UUiillY:, ",,;[Il.~"~';l"~',.,

'~'_":, :''''-'~!.''B'''''i,,~'n1.,.,...;,iii-, A,;l-fk,----,--, -- ",.l',- "'y,,1,_-;,C -~\~

~iOO:~iSi 'H~ ,~_g,J:, ,iI:6t iIio,e. ,aLlll:I.eneu,m~ ,JPlIiil!lW ' Q:1Ii"~_.

'Il' ~rn- ...... [n"""pn1- t'1-l\8!!!'\ ,;I, ~~p,,,,,i' 'V_;;o '" ........ ,.. ... ",.,., ~l' I§::r.lI-:p. vall !VI ~I '\" .;~. " 111' J. ,ft. C b_.' I~~~ J;l; !k;.~' i BI~~ll ~ IU 'F!'

J "' 1Il! t, N- -c ,e-y'e- k _ U:l:liill.o,r lD'O(liI~,:S~, " e,w, or t,

Th,er'e: are 'm,~nY' 'local, ooun;~y ~ s'ud;e~ and fedef"al ,o:ffiJ~e8 th,a't ,t'ml he~p., COfib~t "our sb,t@ ,@!I:l@'rgy

,""'" ,6'i'Ji''''~tii''''''Ii'!i'm~iI!'i;'''''"''.~ ,..l'i':';i'!;ii'i> ~ ;e:;~ ... t,,~ ,.lI ... ~ ... ,--t'OJ'iffim;,Il'!I,i'iI'~ of

.... 111 I!<;,I,~"!I!JII """,U, ~~,I,L;tJ;1I !!.!I.LL_["",~ .... ,.. 1.1!:~, It:;: UIt;'l!""uf, iIIli,I'!;;,~,1Ii11i.! !!;lI

,edl!ica'~ion.~ the [~ounty' ooo:pe.wail;ruvli?; erx.'&en.sion serv-

';""~~, ,A'J'!' ,Q 11!O;R~,'Ii nt"'!I~' _ e;io,n'J"""';" _ !!!'>'r- 'I'Ji,a.,;;: ... .'rn"'li;l iIfII''lii~k n,IIli.'liI'r 'U',fi;~I' ~~~Iif. V!!! H '-"¥~~~ ~~ f. 9~J~~! I!J!~ ll~~l~V ~ ~~~L l~~.:!' _~ ~~~.~ ~ ~ ¥L~

'frill" '~'l!iIi~~'I¥IQ,;I:.~Aillfilo, and Iiteratuee A1",:~ so ''''_'I'''V' ',h_:'ii!l, 'U. ,_'~' _ _ ~ ~ _ ~,~ V~ L~·~Q!L; .. JlY!l ~~ . !:~U,._ ~~lll ~l .~~~. PJlIU 1t;.ll J' ~~_ ~ . .0.11

Depa-rtm.'ern,t 'o:f tII.'e [nte1'1~'f (Frush. and '\Vi'~(Ulfe' Senjee~ N'o!tiona'i :P,ark ,Servioe" B,u,T,eau.',of Laind Ma;nog-em,~nU~ ,the 'U'.,8. Depo'nm,en:t ,of. i\gri,eul~,

,',,'~ '- IF' \... ',' ;j., C!i'~ ~ --" ,', ~,-, , ~- -" ]1;1, ;Il; •• ,,, " ,iC.'i\._, ,

!L·\.~:~e '\ ' ums'r.;, ~-r'Vl!(ili!il!'iI 'II;JC(ll,pifl:,"a[~lV!: ,ICj1x}~ns~o,n [oys·,

'teml~ :a!nd 'the, 'U .8.. ,A,rny ,Corps ,of Engil1eerS'7

1~, Dinosaur books (particularly

sai tab om ifri; fo f' ehdldren ';;n nrima 'rv itH"~ 'd" ''o;'S)-[iI' ~" ~ ·kl~ IIW)~ .1}1_ Ii: ~IJJ.U .. '-: . .I~::., .lLI_&· rl I ._.'_.: __ a~-;~: ~i~'~": ~ . ,'Ii·

P- k '11' ('~I 00,0) f:fi.. ,lL - 'jif,if-:.iil' ,",,' C- -iJ. a

l'oWZ;'V' -_-, - ,~lo,vce,- .' ,lII.~r.7Q!g L , ,,L ,r'QC_w;ilfil'fI 'n'/~u;:,,',,"~l'~'lla--n-

.. IJ' ~l ,~ .. ,I! ._ ~ . .. !n~1 _~ ~ __ ._ .. !iI.H~ __

- 'if' "",;l:.j'li... : - L - - iI'= !e!il., - -L - --d' 'N" - - - V'- --*-

,~!:,\!i., ,IbI!i)I;!J:iiin;i!P'" ,ee ,m: ~uelP.lIi:i,9;r 'I ,j[BW II. 'orlt'L.

Pri- ~,~~- 'rr _, '" -,' -('~!Ii'ii.-~l!'jI\ mll.,_,., U'!,JI!,J,- --, 'UI;r,-,--:i'j., IlJitjj1!ii!lll':j ~.u re n~e'" " ,.![,~ ,r ,r,J., ,"" fiW::l' ,n ~j~;M~'J1 ",(pi!'";~.

L ';',r;,. ~U' c; "..J!',." -, Q,~,_,:L M- '~, ,', I' ·'U''-' 1 N'- -, .. Y"', ~'Ii.

-~~ ,~' n~r a Jl~M._ aenu ,,~Ull:i!' "'~W Olfll!i..

Al:iki,j' (19B11 Digl!i~' i[Jp' ,Dj'~~01Ur:_S'j, Tb~(~a8 "'L, ICrowel~!, N,ew Y:uk.

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lRh:=h"ler:~ MOfdec8,i,~ I( 19B7').. Jaaol;- Two- Two, land ,the ,D,in(i~~ur~, :KnQPf.~ N'~iW Y~rl.,

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Q--.-, - -'t"' ~ - n - 'lib Mb,--- - N J' . c_ues :~on uoo.:r!i.,j ~-_au,w;ayj!:_' .,_.,p' .',.


U-- -, ,0, Fish ii"i1n1i1 '[n::ll,.li~"~ ... ~ .. , -_,-', --, iI':n:,..,:a:.. 'n~~~ ", •

_ ,.i":!I. ',.i.";I\ ,iI;liJ-I.U, "".ugd!1!11!;;: ~l"'V1:C:e .... II!: ~e ,r,,~- in.

A'~""II!'I-l~~ ,~ ... ~,:,"';I.,: ,lil,"",,:,,~ ~,--::, "7'~Nrit.u 'i".-1'fol{ Iisted 'i'n ,ftf,f,It;-, ,~-y MJ.·~IiJ! ~F.I(U~ .:IIFUW-" ,~IIii~,'_',~_~ ~...: ~_:, _~Q.IJ~. _~~

.. LiD, ~,I'CI ;i"!oQ ,jo"",,;] n6!',_

ll.!!;~~ ~~ . ~.~~ r~.1'l

3. ,As trO,o"o'my' ,BD,d, p:hys.:ies:

Adjle-r 1':rv[nD' fll~'8~')'-, ~L"?; S-:.'~""r'8~' DecadJ~-B' TMl.J'"

~ -- -~ ~ ~I ~. ~'P:I!ir ,. ~~. !IiJ! II ,~~~ - I~~.. . ".. ,j:!'~o ,. ,_

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'Br~orwiSkil' ,Jaerib (1981)" Bi,iQlfmv,~Y;f).f an ,Atom,.,

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. n-.;;;;iBtai _ ~1t'~,'iil!' Y wlt

C·Ir~!iZfD.!ll 1~1II ~,in ... ,_ J

6~' Flit! At; 0" "'n'-" tn .- ·1Iift. .. p' IO"-I'iIt!!'8' ';'':=:1-' :"-'g-:;"

. ," lit ,.:________:__: .______:~' ~.~:.' ''______:. , ... '-f.U'1, .... ' ,":. -A." ~ 'l~:I~ ."

S,A;I'"'e"o' eer ~,,;',I,:",

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.' ~ a-; ,,",,""',~iI! ',,_, ';[JI'-'"'.Ci' ,,'!i:.!l:AUI.,- 03 ~ ~l. .' a;;C.!II!!i:' IU, ,.'-11:""

UJ' ,:t, . ,. -H' - _.- ,~ u .... - - H' -- 'Y- -U(

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!l'W-u, Ji:lUe!Ii":!! ,.Ii:l.!I,l_W~I1IU emg .!IioU[~:·:J! . ". ~I ,r ,;I. ~n:il-'~

n~iI!~,:L~iIJ nhi·~dii'"-.iliiI'!i:~'i15 n..,,,,_~,~ C'" t..,.- - ---

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tht; ,BelVJ:le ~ !(A, fiGtion~di~e:d ~ooount of th@, "H)y,~g'e

....... In-] -'-" ttlilf.t, - '\ '""'''''"d''.· --c D' - I 'J!. ... '-'1I,. 'B-' - . -,' - _~'. '](1." 'N: _11

IJll.!! uiiiUfl,P~~ S'l, .l1Ji1" re ,eUI~CU~ ,- erge.rnlll ~e '_ ,'" .il!!.

4~ Anato:m:y;:

ANli-SOhj unda, ('1'976~1,. B'lood' '& ,Gut'S." A Working' G~d.' ,() YiQu,r OW,"" ,ln~ide,. U~tle:I' 1,'fOwn ,lil1ld, CI()I.paicny!, B!IJ)S:OOfi,~, 'Tim:Ofit0"

"". B':-'l'I:'O-gr·-- -,ap,-hic:a'l figu·'-,-I' l~es'l:

,. iii, . --, 'c-" ',_ - .. --' - u - - - " " .. " __ '''- - "'-' ~,,,.

0.-11- -to -._ - iftk'ill'" '., - liI"'ii!lfili:iiil"iil' m.t.~ l'il,:a:._~' .. -;i!ii'11i"'; l'M"'~'_,JI.i]i

_u"iIllJe!!S, !rlI!UJII,~, r,ll. :p!!! 1!,.,.lII.i;JO~)!" ..I, f~ O!~e~!;'i-':;~I"!!i" '~~~',~~

v .' d _JlI" - .. C"I\.. 'J] l'!oJT 'y-., . ,ek

iOU~ "i=:ift8e !eult~,Oili'J. """Llowe· ~ ,n'ew .,' ;'C't, ••

Geo,rge! 'W M:bingto:m C8Irve:r~, the ,a,gdcu1toUwa~ ~(::l7 @nit_ist w'bo dis-covf!l",ed, oveif' 300 use 5 f"OllJi" '[he pe';a:llu:t';

CharleS! D,aI"MnJ the' ,EngID~£h :"a-~'U;r.8Jns,t, reknewned fO(f his wO(fk on l~v~ll!l,tj!J,n;,

~ ~ ... , '~b ., ",,: .,

,;Il ........ ,n.lII~.,;;, P, ... , T',Ilm.r If , 't_-al ,ai'\n!8'M,on monoo1":" nJliUJG;:'W.1i9- ~, -- ""'" '-- - .... g, -' ----- -- .t"'~- --, - -~ j

'C!'I-.-.i;-- ,0, .. , -- '('In;O~,\ ~-- ... , (1i,~~,-;~-,:-- ~,:~ ..... - ... ,i!., 'W', ',;!Jjirk=

I!;;;II~~O~ ~:r8." ',. , __ "ii::JO!llJlb, l. ,r~ ,~Cu:!,q:ce ,.D-~. ' , _ 'Ij,!!,_ '_ c'

-~ - - 'n...-_'I,;l,"~'L" ~ ~- N-'I"-'. ,''\1' '~k

'mia;n .!l"'-~Oil~S(ill'~g~ ,_.e-w .l!. Q.f', ."

,saW~y :Rirdej ~he ,Arweric~fl astf10FJaliJl:t and seien,tis,t,:;, ,or'

J,oh'~l ,AUgu'StU1B ,and, W'a.s'hr~.tTh,gton Augus,tu:s 'FOOebJ:~fig!; U.8., ,civil ,engj,'[N~~e,rs, ~n.d designer'S, I~f' '~e' B,rooH;'f[l, :Brid,c,e.

8~fie!l :Me,llUlM~ ,and seven, otl1,ers" (lQS9}, BtiJl ,MOre' Science All~ivit'k8 i~:fr~, 'the 8mitbsolDBD ]'natiti!tion)\o Ga]jj~n, Beeks, GM'G :PubliS'Ih-in,g~, , :New' 'York.

To'fil~Y" Sa'~'~, ,D'.,~ 1(19~6~!,. ~~tthgJf~ ~cn, Su~~r,ia~':

M Ed~t,~l Adu).w:'y ,Boo,k. Sm!tthsoiriJla:m1i ]nstitu.tiQn~ W~h~'h D,C.

Van Cleav1e,j' !,l'SlfillCie Pr.iSl!tt,i' (1989')., ,Chemist,,)' (at'

:t:l!. . 'U;l' __J' 'W' '11 N' 'U 1L..

~'~''l' ,ri.,iu" · ... _lJ;e:y~! ~····_e,w' li::~,K"

,ZuJ:.rrOr~sld" BerDj,~~ 1(1~8·U:,.·,M~s~~'A~~~~~',w:~~,~

Dnnk~ S~m-w ConstruC'-$,wn., :Li1!tle; Bro-wliii. and

Compa;n,.y ~ BostoD!, TorOfi~.

8': ·S···ic,-;jj:,Di,C--n,pe'" 'e··'YT'IOWiun"',:-·-:-· ,D'n~,,,,,,£!1!'1t

'.~·AI' .' ... ··I~ """C7' .. _:~y~&,. ", 1 .~ ... '~'iI

CarSQfi:t. M;a,ry S:tet-re'n., (][;O:SS'), 'The &;teinl.fflC Ki'd';~ ProjeCt1fJ,I' E.rpe,ri~'ntS' ;~~d Ad've~tures'. Harper &:; Row, N,eYi 'YrOl"k"

Cobb, Victi" and [lar]' ng; KaUmy!; (l'9!>@J" Be-t- 'You 'OM~" .scknce Imp(Jss.iiJil'it',ii:s to. Fool f:ou" Lotbrop~ Lee & Sheplu~.fd,!, New Y;Of'k,.

CQIbb~, Vicki.j, (1l9~2)., 8cie~ce E~ri'mt,~~'8 y,~u, CaQ, E'tJ.t. ,HaJ'-perr at RoiW'" N,ew Y;QJ:"k.,

Gard'mer, :&Iber~, (1l9S9-). Science ,Aro~d the' HO,Uft. Jw~an Messfi,er'~ :~;rew' 'Yo(fk.

9,~ M'aga:zin,ss and periodlc:als::: ,S'..j:·l Con;~'I.' Cb'l}d'rell"s 'Th~~:vls.i.ol'!i! W:orkshop; ORe :Lineo]n P~aza~ N'ew 'York" :NJY' :U:J(J'23~ Provides :puzzle~ih 'p~ects'j e-x:Jeri_m~nltis.,

Chtch'oiJ:uj, 'V'Ollmg N'ai~uraUst ,F,ou:ndJaJtion~ P.,D'., B~x. 11,3l4'J Des MoineSi" lA, 50840,., JmOf"mjatil@in~ aeth!]J,ties abourt, na'eure""'['-eJa'ted topics.

Ka;tzj ]?hy:~ns~ (1.'9901)., Eqil()ring ,Sc,re'nee Thrtm;gh,~An. Frarnkrnin Wa'tts,~ :N,e:'w Y;OTk"

L~±rwis:, JaJ.!es" (1989')., ,u~rlt Whilf)' You, 8cru,~,: &'ie~' tn t;ke Tub,;, M'eadcrw'lbr'Oo'k Pres's~ ,Dee~:.haven~ M___in'D,.

Crf,ekel'~ t'he; M"i1gllzine' fo,r Chigd~/I'!I lBox: 52961"

B- 'I!'iIIit,] d~ I~~' ~1t;ii9'o._~~~Jtl.. Stories and ;ex~ri~,

!IJ.!~~ r· j~;w ~ yU\~ £~"4J .1 ~.. "_" - - - ' - - . r'-~

:menta for eleMe1nb.ry K'h,ool cibiWdIil~·r:i-.

LiJiJ,bug jl Cl;r,le']~J~!it, Country ~n,e~ ,Bo(X. ~02841' Bwl~'~ eo, S0321,-m2B4., Stories and ,9;ctivilUes, for pr.-€s~::"hoo]@'rs and, 'begin'niDr ·[treader,s",

NtltJ,onolIGoogrnpJt,ie; 'Worl:d~ N'at-rona'~ Oeog;r.a'p'hic~ Society ~ rn,fi, ,Qnd, Mi Streets mY ~ W,Wih,~ ingtcrn~ JilC 200.3.'6:, ,:Excellent, phct-ogJ,aph8~ ,a:rt;p. filJB'R'avtives.,

'8' a'l:,. - 'D (l'Ciiil:l:li!li) 111-- '1IIE"r"- -- -~...J',!'- :~_- .~. ,- 'f . .l~ e':rt!ertj, ·o.n:!,.. ""jjr!7. '", ;['-"'''. !P'fUlar~ ,5' ,U4~e,~n:~s

I'; u- " ' ,of),,", - ",'", ,', 'D";on~, 'L. '1 edav ~ ri..,. ft ... ; .. ,.;I"",I"iI, iQ-l" ..f ,o~ng ,1i;J!(::W~"",~'",s.. . ...... I!oII!'u:~.'~, ~. I ,Ii'U' ..... I' U'Ooi U",",u

~·t··· N'-YvI J!~ ~ -'. ~'?


'D",-,~ ~ - _ ~~ n"~ '~'lI" _ "'-::, __ . -I'W" ~l,.,m]~·e; 'g,,,]I ,t~'· ][412 ..nugn~r' ,n;ICRij! ,oIl.'il8ldOimO.uYl 'wJ!l1i ,Ii iUtE!if,a, ~on~ ~,_'.__c .

111 L'~: .... ' S-' ~:'il'\;i!i;ii!lt. [;;;n;'I~', W:GiI[!I1il~n'~iI'i;n DC .• 1 20036-22·6,6,.

,JII,lUI:,oJ;1 11i,;_!1 'l!ir""', , :!;,"! '" ~ "" ~ "'~:!!i'Y,~ _, _" _ " "

HEll,ps ebiildl:r.-en, e:njoy n;~lt.:w,w;e ,~ur.u~, :9JppredaU!' need

:fQ!li' !ConserYarti~fI. th1i'O~ ~fid!OOf mifid I~tdoor' ,aetlyi't~~is~

,Scie',~ce ,Fa~' by 'W'endy S~;u!d and J\.lan R. N,ew~' m,~,-n i'~(:h;aJdle$, Us,'ti'r1L,gs.. ,r,t Wi~;5 po.bUshe;d by Harper ,~ :&w ~ 'N'ew Vorl", in, 19'86.,

An lobJiec:& remains at r~st (the 'potato,! in this Ica:s~) lor keeps 'moving (ill,Eli s.t1ll';aw', i'D, tills CH'Se) unless 'rut ~s 8(:!wd u;pon by same ,e:X:t.eTQ:~!l foree, TbJe: Chi]:dren'~s, Book CQ'uncH and ,the' N,Q,tlo:naJ. &iemlce Teaehers AssodaUon eaeh ye,an:" [db~ 100ut~ standing science 'tr,aid!t books fi(llit' ,c'l]'''ldweu,. A, mist. :~s rI~ijtruh~,bJ.'~ by 'wri'ti'rlg' to 'the 'N',~,tio,n:~l smence

!TI k A.. ~, 'D.,_II!-.'~. I' it' 'Ol!t.:

.Llea~~:i,ers ,a;ssoowa,tiQn~ rluw;J]],(: , nlQ,nnaJjU~J:n I, .~;~'ice~,

]l'~'42 Oonru;!cti;;:::u.t, Avenue' NW'" 'V,a!i,:ib~~,gton~ DC :21~1{imft 9@:nd, a st9'mp'~,d" se']f:~add'res~ed' le'nveIDop-e.' .

'jiBoolks; ':fOlf' Childf1~n "" ff',Oim, C]C is ,an. m.finu:B.'~ list~ ~n.g :f:rom 'tl'le",aQ' of C'oOOlpes.-s, IO'f the best books tiece'fI;tly ~:HJ.'b'rnisb!l!dl, 'for presc'h,tOol tb[\~,Cb. jJu'niO'f high scho(j,l'"\fjge' cbi~drem. I t 'm,clude,~ book$ Gin setenee and naJ,t~u''(~;, Send :~r 1,.'00 to ConSlli'm1i!'T If[IJn1n'nUll(t~on -Ce':ntenr'~, :Pue'b)Q~, CO 81009.

Aekn ow edgmen ·'t·, s

,. .. ~._._. :.__. '. ...,~ ". "> .... -., t. L . _ " .... .',__:__ .. ..

, I

.~ ~-

ldarge_Q' :Ma;rti.D. 'has edi'ted ~rnd, re'w:r:,it'cen '.any '0'1 '~.e U .. S ... [le~llrt.mM)t, ~f' Edu,eatic:liii's ·pu·billie.a:t].lons ,on. imp([Ioving edii!u~a:tiCIIl niDd ha)S :.,~e]jam~d '~n. d~'W!l).pil:!Jg a'~d d)~'S~grdng ne~ ~ype~ I~r' pulbUea;Mo,:I'u;. f(atm', 'the DepDrtme·l'iit.~ the· U', S, Nm.i :RetFie9:feb I~S'~it~ll:te! tOt tb~: 'B~ha:rio~a1 ,8'!J1d Soc;ia'~ Sci~f.ilce'J~~ 'file' 'U .S. D\e:parrbnl~~.t !i!)'f'

''I:i!, ..jI ,i·.b. O~ 1 .. 11 1).. R ' nl..... '" 1~'Il... 4-JIl.......;] . .J ~ Mu. ·1~[iI.e: :; ·~wD.Il!0Iil9. 'bit.uim1e 1~,mm:~;S.SlO'fii, i,jJliie a ... ~inl.ueu

['0' . 1 ... '~1, .;iIl"" ... .• ,~.,: ... t -' -U'" r'" .". -' ~ .~',j.:" '. 'L[._ .- _, , 'h," '. ': , I '. 1:liIb - _ ~ '. ." '. " c ,~.,

... Mauoma!!:!!.~ .. e .. · .. :ruv~r-.shiJ.Wlll!e~$ ,~,W[!!;S, Ql~Ji(!l(f" Ql! . .t~

'r,a~8ed ,two steprihi]J.d]"\en. and bas four' ,gw,a:ndchUdrell,.


Mar,pret. Scott. 'is, an i1/,ward,-'MliJlrdng U~UltW~~®ir and di@;BWgD@I!' 'Wbel e~l,tr~:bu'm,s '&,o.i :s'evera] na,tio!nal mapZ'~nes'.j inc'W~uiing' Scgence mla' CJdl~d~~ 8flid 8mitk,"O~tai!t(, Re'l:' ,9:rtw'O:lrk is alse seen O'[i. th~, edtitoriaJ :P8{gtrS, or tJ]:u~~ Wa,ktn,gtM p()~·t . the KanIa' C~t1 ,S:ltjr'~ 'tile ;Pk~tctd'elpki'(I, ItlQII~r;! and 'Dither news,p, •. She has fullu,s~faJted

a,;iiIlJi't..,jjo '~II'ii ... ~L."j!!I '~R' ,~'Lli!i; 'If;'i;O'lillt ~~Ii~ili'i 'iii!\li!i;'!i'ii'lil!l, "" ....... Ujjp;i'i;'I'i'iii'i;iI!i' iIl9i'1iI~'~ ,'!!j,e' tbe · ... ,~ii!!I,'F-i:~OIIi,n ~~fi:g-~ UW¥~~I ,~,~~ I~J;~ ,~~~!. - 1-1y.1~:lt J ~g~ !!!iiI! ;rV.,~, ,b.~ ¥'~F~ g~~~ g~ __ I~ n~~.!M,,-!!IJ ,~~!QL_,_

Pi,,~~lOlJail. A$!s~c~~dtiQn" Rie~diQg h! lFu.'rruda'.~!~:ta111 3'rnd B,I'naJi. :E~rith 'WOmlfi!:I1i,. Sbi@l @,i,UiDM :I. ib9Jclbe'~olt:S, ,a,@,gree' 'fir,om Srym'it1CUS@: U'ruvt;f,sity and iat-k~d,ed tile! M,8li',:rta;nd Ins,t~~u.:te eou~g)e i@\f",AF~ in :UaU.lmJij:rre •.


. ,', .' ',:"

• ._, !P.'

Listen 4:-.0 ..... them .... Ii'!iI'TiI'+'i PI":"~y:· att Dnl'~O:n'" .~- their p.'ro· ,·'b~·. Iem '1,1t;!!

.... .I1i3~.. L. ·Il.§i .. a.~JL.U, la It;;;(. loY .. ~' .. , \._ [LV 11i~&;~ ," I ... .Ii.. __ J~'iI'

- - - - - - - - -. - - -I .' - - - - - - •

Read with them,

'Tell fami~y ,s,'turies ..

L~ ~.' th'~1 '. .£.,.,,:.11 .'.. t' ... 16. '. ,~

, ·IDll~' .. I. ·e1.r'~e.vl!SUJn w,a,. ,.;;uUlg',.

Have 'bonks and. other reading materials in the house". Leek up W~rd'E;, 'ill the dic:tion8ZY 'with, them. :Eneou:rag'e· them to use an e:n,cyc~.oped)la""

Share :favor1.te poems and songs with, them,

Take, the'm. 'to, t~he 'libr,a:ry-ge:'t ·t'h~,m t'he,iir O?ln IihrafJf eards

T·,·.'i .. ,ii!"ii th ii!"ii'm' 4!-1"'" ..... m"u' I Ii."! ii!"iiil~I'i'!i'rii ~ and hi 'Ii:'!!~·o····'~ ,n;ei11 si ojj;."'1o.iI:1! ·w,t,. ii!"ii'il'rlil"

I~~~ I,'_ .. f~~ •• ~I .. _I ·~~'~ .. I.Jl~~1 ~I. ~ . __ . , . . '.~I~ • ...: ,n~~ll ~ ~i;I!!~, ',-,' JLlll~'Jj=1.

nossi bl A

.p '" ~l~._: I, '~~i13

·D~c~!~;~,il.' ,,i,l,.iQ d ailv :nl£i!!W~· -.''0' 'Wl····.'···"h'::-I 'to .'b·::-,D'M,;,~'

~ ~g~~g" -W;l~ _ -":~,i/ ~~i'w. .. 0 Ill.! 1. ~\ - II!

IGo e'xpl,oriog' Mth 'thiem, and learn about plants, animals, and local g!eogra,plhy.

'Find, a quiet 'p18'c~ fo,l' them to. study ~ :Revie~w t'.helf' hOlmEnY"Ork~

:Meet '\vi.'tb, t'helr' teachers ..

Do ynu h~V;D n';l.1Il..'if!' ~ d If:!; i!lil s'?

:..: I .',:"[Y,~" _I~' ~"~~ u'W"J~,~- ,~ .: ~gl '-,.rr.

For S'l1:c 1b)1 the' U.S .. {]jfi..\'ll:il~il~n~ [P~i~till;g; {:lfrilCi!

S!.l~rin~!..'ilII1I'~nt of 1A"'I!."!I1m~lllbo; "hi I S~!J~ SSG!?, W;Ilsmi_ngijoo.;!DC ;!lM(!~-.L'jj~~,

,~S!;I:NI 'It'i...,'16='040iiil,' 2=6,

u.5t. Department '0f Edu~atre n ~:ntfce at ,Educa1ional IResearitd, and- I tinp roveJn~n'[

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