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1 " .7.02 :lll1lJlm T'lrul

1Ji1TJW,' l'"lPl'fl '511151 :fl:3l1fJ1f11 OW 'T1j:llln'llilJnlJ1f7 :lJlwn om n~')m 11jrn l61·1: ·;3:76t:01,1j;Hl '[IT] 'C'JtIHTT.l1 ,:mw11I noun ~''Pn''m lIll'1'l

'N :TD1U

::1. :'DD /l';l'1]1ll rnna 3 :11 Pfl:li1111I1lI

1'ifD '11J111i::Jll11,'1T] nm lmll'l 5e ~'-14-:1I1J] 'lJlJ

DEli ann ';I,lll AWGN Yl1lJ III ,"TJ'lr'D tV) -:lTDI '[I,] ( M",z, )1'1ID'.J~1N:P';! ,p'eM nJ1n !lnl'POl nWlU ru n~,~71T1Dn "f\j = i tv], fr = 100 i [Hz] nuu 1:3 UlJ • Bt• :::::; 7000[.£1.(:]

11mwn mrN .1J lr.JJI . Pu = O.5exp(-O.5SNRjl'l) :;1Tl'1'J .n~l:'lnn1iN~? iU'i11 m!p'vm BFSK

,.,lililll,g';l 301 dB s-n (SNRQ!li) narrnn

(Jl11lj'.lJ 5, l mmFl] 17}

. ~'iJ~J:'nn PC!\l~ -n TID llN ~~ .tl: .aa ·:!,')IJ'J,''IJ: SNRjn nerrrn f1ii1l'il rn:rtn Jil,N: N1m .::1

(n.tllj?l ~, 1 .1m, [[]~l""gTI "1!i,P7PCil'I<111.J]I '~ r"j",l;jlJ -7Ullm:, ~


tlU fP1Jl111 n·7nm.lll'UiWanmi'"')~';I fSK rUP'ii7l "1rw 'l,Ml"'t' peM iillj:lll 'run ',:I. '?U lnTI .1

, (' SNR) 1 (2SNR.)

(J'Hl1P] 5} Per = exp -2., - 3 exp -~,

25 I.:min1s +- bOBUS 5 points


Signal consisting of mlblLml1y Indepe:ndiem sioiJsoic.L '"t~) =: L AJ sin.(2.l!'fjl + WI J.iS ~Q be


b:ansmiHed with help ora binary (M' = :2) mlnlmum order V linear PCM dlrou,gh an AWGN dlOJ:llnEiI, willi band •• '~~m B!~ = 700Cl[.Rz] - Ai ~ i [V]. fl' ;;;; :u;m i [lid. Th~ used .modulIlUOll~& BFSK,

Rec~pdol'l isnoi1lcoh,e:relll. i.e, P~I = 0.5 cxp(- O.';JSNRj~)' The required restonuioCi q~llilty

S NR'"Ilfl ITIll$[ exceed 30 dB.

a) find mi rl,i mum order of the PCM

b) find thereqoired chaane] quality (mill SNR'f" in dB)

c) to do_a) for the case of a ternary litle~r·PCM

.5 pomts l7 points

:3 points


d) to do b) f'Or the Ca..1G: of a, ternary linear ,PCM artd ncncoherent ;(}L'1ihugona.l, ~emaJ;y PSi{ with

, ( SNR"') I (2SNR)

P~r =ex.p -2' -3"exp --3-" -.,

, , K .".' , ' K ~ l , __ IU_BlX-,' /::.._-

.a), c) ? B,··- -c f -c 28. , ~-_. K-

-!n! ~1 - ,-' till ~,t 1 D

i~ Iv ~ Ll'illl


'W}! nt.:no~ 'lpnn . Jot' C')l:)= 0.5A(O.5,r) ~\!)~"~D n1!)1~~ lil:'i~.sp.rli:l.!)rly J'l!.lr.:l'l-Ill'!l:IJOnn..: t '?il~ mnnm Sl101 ,~J1N ".'llmN lIr.lJD

Q(x) =



1.5 0 .. 5


o <x::;;: 1 -l<x:s;:O


{Jnllp]' 2} .. ,~pr.:1i1 ,'tJ (11 (X) " Jr'~N~!:IJ'19:~'1n i11~nl'OliNn :m..: N~·P (;N,

(m11j)1 S) .tntl':Jiil ililN' 'i1"l:Jiil::'V jl'!)l,,,,jiNil nl:'(, N~O b

. Tlpil.:nl';l)'~ !It{ N!:I·1'Jl Ml::>nn'''PJJtl'''1I:ll~ Vl:"v tr"":l ;')i1:t:1:!JI)ill1P J1N l~SO (~

trrrn P) ,51 '

A s:t.ati'o~ary source is dl$lribl:lled according ,i,lr tria.n,glJ1:rr pioh<llbilitydenslty func:ti,on .lv: (.t)= O.5A(05x) TItis source is qllOOtil.oo using ill four h:vefunifunn ql:m.l:.tlze:f described tel,)'w:

1.5 1<x,S;;2

Q(x)::; 0.5 0 -c x~c 1

-0.5 -]<x:;';O

-1..5 -2s.t~-]_

a) Fludlhe,.diffe:rentiai eunrapy of rhe .sOI!l:r'CC.

b) Find .the entropy of the quantiaed seuree,

c) Wrile OUt ternary Flu ffli'!1an. code far the QI1R.'I] tizedseurce aad fm.d its effeccl'l",cne.. ... s,

2pci1ms, 8 points ,5'lts


h(X) == .. J j~ (x)rog Ix (x}i-r

t "'dr).:lI:lI~JIltlJ Jl'~l:1,'l !l'P')1:J,;\J):Jj :rtv"v ,(6.3) ~nr.:n'tno linear block11P' ,tl~' c;; ==d1 +d" +d3

c. == dt +d,~

.1 . _

(J"l111P13) .rn 'T1P ,1:J)I G 1::l1m .l1~'1"O llN N~n, (N

(mT1p) 4; G n~~'''Dn ""1", [J;"'~'1I'x:m n ... ·n;:m J1N N:::I!l (:1

(I1"J'19311 .('drnj~ .t )"'li7i1'v)'111N" . .l'trJ1ll1j7'.Tll1~n::]i'~ J1N Jvn (,l

{jHl"P~ 5', .ny')~·H:nDn ,r:.'i)~.\I~m ll'.JJo liN t11YJ1 {'

(Ji1n~PJ 3} • 101 100, QOf.!UO~ 1010 I 0 ~ Into,n f1i\J'~lvn Jl11~;fl'p ~,\V ni1),i'£IT'l YlI~.J.o1 nN OllUl '11 'T11' UJ~l'?::J (n10J1nli7-'N~ BFSKJ m:n~J;JJ ml7!!pn:tJ.'n tljj, J11N');Vn liN rm'tlfJI 01

Cnn,pJ 4) .SNRb, ~ IOdB -1 AWGN lil~n ~J lrlllrlwL rmNnw llP'~J1

.:::wm J11:l1~l.:!,M lflV:l }1IWI9 1J':l, :tnt')\!:! T1ll"l,\·'t~n,ori~ o'l'NnOi11 SNR;, -iii nN N::UJ H ,m"p:l5}

'" -d...!.d s- d

'"'4 -- l I 2. -;r-._,,"S.

c, == d, +d

~ , .~

il) Construcr th:e appropriate generan» mmrix G for this code oj Construct the cede gMClC.1u:d bythis matt! ~

c) De'termme !he cuar-correatng.(·;;lp<lbillty of thiscode.

d) Prep~ a S:lIitabie decoding table.

e) Decode the follol/li,~ng recei vedwcrus: 1 o 1 I 00. 000 1 W, 101 (I 10

,0 C.ompare tile blt..,errot; reres'd in fh~ g,yst'i![I:IiS (n.onr;;"Oitaem :BFSK) wi lhOllL and wi!h

error -correeting code if they are L1S00 in A WGN ctmrme1 and SNR~ = lOdE ,

.P~'(J,~"sK = 0,.5 exp (- 0.5 SNR ) .


g) Find SNR; corresp;.,"flrling to equal. pr-obabilities ofbiLW,JI' in these two systems.

3 points 4pociuts 1. pomt" 5 poinr.,s: :I pD,int.'l

.s pouns

Lee pel.,)'n~lmial g( x) =:; ~\"'~ + X 6 + .t ~ + X J +.1. denoll:l a gc.iJttatlng po! jiIlOmi.a1 of a cydic code. find its lowest av jlable:rllte.


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