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;; Question 5

;; A gradelist is empty, or (cons g gl), where

;; g is a nat between 0 and 100, and
;; gl is a gradelist.
(define-struct course-result (title grades))
;; A course-result is a structure (make-course-result t g), where
;; t is a string (title of course),
;; g is a gradelist (grades of all students in the course)
;; most-As: (listof course-result) -> (listof title)
;; purpose: the purpose of most-As is is to determine
;; which courses from the list passed into it (courses)
;; and produces a list of strings indicating which courses
;; had the highest number of As
;; Examples:
;;(check-expect (most-As (list (make-course-grade "CS116" '(0 66 99 77))
;; (make-course-grade "CS126" '(0 66 19 27))
;; (make-course-grade "CS136" '(0 66 59 77))))
;; (list "CS116"))
;; Definition:
(define (most-As courses)
(local [
;; determines whether it's above 80
(define (rep? n)
[(>= n 80) #t]
[else #f]))
;; leaves only a list of above 80
;;passing in a list of structures (which have lists within them)
(define (extract-As courses)
(filter rep? (course-result-grades courses)))
;;maps the above function - separated for readability
(define (app-e course)
(map length (map extract-As course)))
(define (extract-course courses)
(map course-result-title courses))
(define gradelist (app-e courses))
(define name (extract-course courses))]
;; Tests:
;; If my code actually worked, these tests would pass:
;;(check-expect (most-As empty) empty)
;;(check-expect (most-As
;; (list (make-course-result "math177" '(0 38)))) 0)
;;(check-expect (most-As
;; (list (make-course-result "JAP101" '(44 99))
;; (make-course-result "NEOPETS388" '(86 34 90 77))
;; (make-course-result "math9000" '(90 55 22 33 44 55 11))))
;; (list "NEOPETS388"))
;;(check-expect (most-As (list (make-course-grade "CS116" '(0 66 99 77))
;; (make-course-grade "CS126" '(0 66 99 77))
;; (make-course-grade "CS136" '(0 66 99 77))))
;; (list "CS116" "CS126" "CS136"))

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