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‘Cheque Payee BuyButtonz Fund Disbursement Report for Apr (You will need to check the following transactions to ensure everything is correct, ar ‘email us for any discrepency or to proceed with payment to enquiries @buybuttonz.c :Ivmh (As setup at Account Management | My Profle) £36, TOMLINSON ROAD, # 12 - 36, KUM HING COURT State City 247856 (ifthoro is any change of address, ploase change address at Account Managomont\ My Profi ‘2 cheque willbe mall according to this ade : LVMH COUTURE GROUP LLP (As sotup at Account Management \ My Profle \ Account Information) Credit Card Transaction for Apr 2008 Total transactions: 15 Sales order? sates | Sat | transaction charge Back charge Back | Charges | (Geo.0 pevuttion | “Poyatte Sate ‘mount | @ase | OSS | eso rer mnt swatoo| sea] Sosa] sooo] sto 034 ot Ao 2008 reer $735.00] 44028| Sosa] $0.00] _suoaa sros.e oz ao 7008 mhz0 $256.00] $1409) sos) 8000] staags|___&,r2027 ot aor 2008 mize 771.00, sa201| sos] S000] suas sas. ot A208 mivz30 $575.00] $2340] sos] $0.00] sata ssso.7 ot A 2008 mivz33 $2206.00) so4sa| ssa] sooo] s0s0s| _szt00.2 os aor 2008 mize $4725.00) s10405|s0se)_ $000) s19s.9|_saszaat oe ao 2008 mivz3s $21000| sas] sos] S000] st 20081 os A208 i236 $603.00] 428ss| sos] $0.00] S200 sesa.t oe ao 2008 nha sa7s00|st14s|_sos4| sao] sta S208. oe aor 2008 mivzes $126.00] $519] sos] S000) $573 siz027 oe as 2008 vas $.70000) 73.23| _soss| sooo] sraar| $1,700.18 1.Aor2008 mas S124sco| size) sos) 8000] sstas|__stteas7 {7 Apr 2008 bas $942.00 $28.81 0.84] $0.00] $38.38 $902.65] 18 Apr 2008 mbv254 $478.00 $19.69 $054] $0.00] $20.23 $457.77 [20 Aor 2008, 053559 Sfrea@40.00) $0.00 $0.09] $10.70 $10.70| _ Sireai@s0.70)| Total for Credit Card Transactions $17,505.00) ‘$755.74 $8.10] $10.70) 774.54] $16,730.46) Internet Banking Transaction for Apr 2008 ‘Total transactions internat Sales Order Sales Order Sales Banking Net Amount Confirm Date Code Amount Charges Payable (s2+ 687) ‘otal for Internet Banking Transactions $0.00) $0.00] $0.00) Total Net Amount Payable to LVMH COUTURE GROUP LLP _ $16,730.46 Remarks: ‘All amount are in Singapore Dollars, unless otherwise stated. Retention fee of 10% will not be imposed until futher notes. IFthere is any discrepency, please email Important for disbursement of fund: Payment willbe made by Cheque to Address and Payee stated above. Delivery of cheque by 18th ofthe month will be deay if confirmation to proceed is receive later than 10th ofthe month,

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