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0 beta 6:
- support for
- GetOpenKey (SetOpenKey not working yet)
- math functions
1.0 beta 5:
- Get/SetPlayerCurrentAmmoRounds, GetPlayerCurrentAmmo (may be usable on other a
ctors, will be modified if so)
- fix runtime version reporting for plugins
1.0 beta 4:
- support for, err err
1.0 beta 3:
- fix SetUIFloat
- Script functions (IsScripted, GetScript, RemoveScript, SetScript)
- IsFormValid, IsReference
1.0 beta 2:
- UI functions (Get/SetUIFloat, SetUIString)
- Object query functions: GetCrosshairRef, GetDebugSelection
- GetGameRestarted, GetGameLoaded
- Imported console functions: con_ToggleMenus, con_ToggleFreeCamera, con_ToggleC
- Misc object queries: GetArmorDT, SetArmorAR, SetArmorDT
- fixed %n printc formatter for TESObjectREFR and subclasses
- fixed bug in GetNumRefs for types 200 and 201
- Mod query functions: IsModLoaded, GetModIndex, GetNumLoadedMods, GetSourceModI
- GetWeaponItemMod
- steam loader reports unsupported versions
- new options for nvse_loader: -skiplauncher to skip the normal launcher screen,
-minfo for debugging purposes
1.0 beta 1:
- everything!
- GetNVSEVersion, GetNVSERevision, GetNVSEBeta
- Basic Inventory Object functions
- Get and Set Weapon functions
- Imported console functions: con_SetGameSetting, con_SetINISetting, con_GetINIS
etting, con_RefreshINI, con_Save, con_SaveINI, con_QuitGame, con_LoadGame, con_C
loseAllMenus, con_SetVel
- Form list functions
- GetEquippedObject, GetNumItems, GetInventoryObject
- CompareNames, SetName
- GetHotkeyItem
- Input functions
* Get/SetCurrentHealth
* Get/SetEquippedCurrentHealth
- Plugin support
- Ref Walking (GetFirstRef, GetNumRefs, GetFirstRefInCell, GetNumRefsInCell, Get
- Get/SetNumericGameSetting, Get/SetNumericIniSetting
- Loops (Label/Goto)
- PrintC, DebugPrint, Get/SetDebugMode

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