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eee | Honorable Neil Redden sery, aaa ae T resent new rsince my name in 2 . iach fleck leHers could net fell thane whe it was {rom plus se ad signed pager £ signed directly on front page hit time | with notary, i | T have nat’ hearol hack from you ta_fegarols te mowing cesert elates I can rod properly eae | delend my sell being in jai hi 2 have lintted | access ja tee k clown, They hove no tigh? to {property and I will sut_it they obtain _ tata it wader false accusat vas, feo LE Set you feny Coucd cages + Ir fave nothing te hid. L chick net AG) | firabam Shakespeare ancl I did net siphon st etalk him inte anything, He begzed_ me, Thats in my discovery, Please be lait Seuitaaniee (Hi geaag peeleet my legal rianis te preperly delend F PS La elf. Stery pencil is all they allow us to wele with _ lL epotegize tac it being very unptotessionad, | Please _ekcuse me Lec my eerrent Cire tance, aes % , aie te aeld nat waste my time with dteg if Ewes guilly af any pect af (1) Ababa Guas wer ti Lamere abive fo me. T codd care kess about material [things but the hovse hes ali my fam’ J things — tnt thet no amount of mache y ae replace, lin thet heme inet ean not be replaced, tems fiom when I was a ii deying do ob bain x home by accusation that ave not | eae provable, My entire discover, s nerhing out help me. 1 benefit by Every new person added. Plus the two | clients slre fe presents wi AN sthe stand ia my Case __ Sevteria Burley let me Glm bev for ray book in the video she is full | awete of evevything Abvaham clore und why, So she can not lie on the suites s_island.. She should speak ue and defend me now & iasteact she }tevnwias silent. She is bendiHirs from _ ——_|lall the acevsations she Knows is false. Please iets me Gack, cua fice, & —— 4 tet pee ae ee eet es 7 ___ber Mee i ; Fadel 1856 ve vetessiend bet. Efe 3 bh a morder yeu deck rot us allisation that ave com, etely false Jand en top of that have 42 werry cbout yur “home, ai They a ale es eal tally Joke m ray heute Jamay . ee w retand the home | was tia Janvaty ia Feb, aaannne i Pbrahan puts laniliver” ia my accent, _ dh Mow if he was nat yal and satisfied he would put Ipuliien 1a Semeenes _necoval,_ Thate not all he selle wae adel fiona tise alg Ap Wt Le Se bes gai fag te me/e_pro 0 Beet Ne CA 1A pea says [Net ene pe viele, © Shelet fa beme, He _ ea 4 5ape_he§ Sald_ me rh, te sila and gave LVL VAS OA pur yes ¢ a will ali be crowed at ini Tabet bone One S1ae, deiggt shen nO 7 frie k er iphone d one ie aati Ae 1 y, Paint ball aa and _ a ey ha fle Pantiall aa, i ecu | had Serr and. a VAI ae is_Kit {anyone ove ar : 7 ee aaeeett ppar Hee. Levew desns Wedge | ip Ae te (eee Vn Ta eee mgr T wsulel 1 Tsay two men were “there Problems with my Case et wight T left him thee, but theif: say I made ae ye Teg recy M Problem fram my jail cell, d'm wae pict and can make ip DIVA eviclence DA is Koad at scene tiem nother male nel Abrahame. So imaginary people have bVA.“MWo? Caw eAS on ruling. aor my bamilys 2) ody». acovered for Sadi clon} vor, i a fl Karewys jreve\ Lue cavse I'm net worrie i MIT all wel te en Abrehiean's @hiiel Avting to dhe with 4.7) can prove \'m vanceedt i cause they threatened to Kill my so. Leen detectives mouick vit be kee ve bu imadizaty people have bIJA 2h sca s ond Sentesia & a fins because bead dont went yo ged in teuble but “1m getng lo kM hie ciaauuuunes\at) Se ate a ee Residenve: 9340 REDHAWK BEND DRIVE @* , EL 33810-2109 p LAKELAND, FL 33810-2109 Mailing: 9340 REDHAWK BEND BA - ary on noo 09 27 IME FOF 4 Pnl IPSAg Pueawos Yein Wuvq oH buyoe Moyraqy yO Lor op bye YEA ERE pyran 7 [atyen ita Ain gut ath 2fP4 P5129 aghour hyn LHI WIAUE Saywur Syt POR 24 200g pra sem Aovow v4 may may fayt “ “UH bevypesgy saps A sono sep a "meee poor fou, 4 wo 3 pvohsang “Pym Auau povoydis 7 bur Aves a op os doy op by PL Dred on ats yhcp i LEY? x3 ae : rl 1) s aie (lod: 04 8 a] p/24 sem erreeey 1 yduet | Shes hpap “Dspog att m \ \ od nye penn sumngoud big = astra aces aay Apel Say wy ee eerie sovieg $y en naa en | ZEA ye oyeL eae \aiaoy aerial | soem secon efsife vo Pangas s apr bork ey | Bee,vas wing wayyy Uy pre pols ap bendey fom “4S AL Apion ~ ; yin 209 Mv 1 awey cry rove of wry may 230 py 4 pauwu ‘cou ha waumo scavisna hus Avo Sit aimorre 4ez fo See Pe sates, re ECTS Tass _| ame om ana emee80 ‘CONTINUATION ‘Rar RR rTINUAT Sheriff's Office "2008-112920 LOCATE 2 ASTEUPTED TO MAME CONTACT AT TELEPHONE Wt LEP? A MESSAGE TO RETURN MY CALL. MBER 770-226-S886. 1 RECEIVED A YOTCEMATL AND 2045 Hours: TO MAKE CONTACT AT TRLES¥ONE NUMBER 863-425-3372. T DID NOT RECEIVE AN ANSWER AY THES ONDER 2109 HouRs T ATTEMPTED TO MAKE CORTACT AT TELEPHONE NUMBER #63-423-7230. I RECEIVED THE VOICEMAIL OF ANAL COOK. : LEFI A MESSAGE TO HAVE MR. COOK RETURN MY CALL. 2155 souRS T ATTEMPTED 1O WAKE CONTACT AT TELEPHONE NUMBER @12-226-2098. I DIO NOT RECEIVE AN ANSWER AND LEFT A MESSAGE TO RETURN HY CALL. om 2200 youas 2 MSOZ CONTACT WITA A DEMETRIUS PROXER AT TELEPKONE NUMBER 863-236-0690. AE ADVISED TERT HEAD AREADY BEEN INSERVIEWED OY DETECTIVE CLARK IN REFERENCE TO THIS INVESTIGATION. HAS XNOWN MR. SHAKES?! YEARS. SHE ADVISED THAT MR. SRAKESPEARE WOULD COME VISIT ERR | paeee Saureng caer niaT-oee attest: artions cnet iasts ear ois anctbetnt nag ce cnet eters feet eea tae ga netgear ae ae SPPRCEIMATELY ONE (1) NOW 5eB WRI TRIKING TO SEDDY DAY AND THAT MR, DAY TOLD HER SBEARE URS FINE QND THAT HETOMY) GAO/SPCKEN TO RIM (SHAKESPEARE) RECENTLY. THAT MR. HA aoa A Friend of Sntecia Sethers ayf Z_ATTEMPTED TO MAKE CONTACT AT TELECHONE NUMBER 813-764-3703. 1 RECEIVED NO ANSWEI OR | | VOICEMAIL aT THIS NUMBER. b . IY he told detective she had not ven him 2) 2304 RODS ——aS SS < EUAOE CONRACT WIOW FAP WASHINGTON RE TELEOHONE NUMBER €e3-430-3874, GFE ADVTSND SHRP ote RS ANOUN MR. SHAKESPEARE FOR APPROXIMATELY TEN (10) YEARS, SHB ADVISED THAT THE LAST 72 SHE HAD SEEN OR HEARD F30% MR. SHAKESPEARE WAS IN JANUARY OF 2003. SHE ‘ADVISED TAAT SHE ATTEMPTED 10 CALL WR, SHAKESPEARE RECENTLY BUT RECETVEO AIS VOICEMAIL. SHE ADVISED THE MAILGOK WAS FULL. SHE ABVESED THAT APPRO EE (3) MONTHS AGO SHE HEARD A ROVOR TART HR, SHAKESPEARE WAS In A NURSING ACHE. GHE ADVISED THT SHE ALSD HEARD A FONOR TAT MR. SHAKESPEARE HAD DIED IN A AOSPETAL IN TAMPA, FLORIDA. 7 ait net Siary that NOVEMBER 19, 2008 rvmer, Who aid ? ? tohy diel they wnat me 00) : heh hie? 0920 FOUR: to thik he war alive? I RECEIVED A TELEPHONE CALL FROM AL COOK AT TELEPHONE NUMBER 863-415-1230. 7 THEN INTEAVISAED WR. COOK OVER THE TELEPHONE. DORING THE INTERVIE" 1 LEARNED TAR’ FOLLOWING: xs ADVISED THAT HE TS A LOCAL PASTOR IN LAKELAND. HE ADVISED THAT HE AS KNOWN MR. SHAKESPEARE FOR APFROLIMATELY TERGT (3) YEARS. HE ADVISED THAT THE UST TINE THAT AZ SAW UR, SHAKESPEARE WAS IN APRIL OR MAY OF 2009. HE DVISED TAAT ME HAS TRIED TO CALL MR SHAKESPEARE NUMEPOUS TIMES OVER THE PAST SEVERAL MONTA2, BUT HAS DEN ONDDLE TO GET AW ANSWER. AE ADVESEE TERT HE HAS LEET WESSAGES ON MR. SHAKDEDERRG"s TELEPHONE, BUT NOE OF THEM SAVE BEEN AETURNGD. AE ADVISED THAT AE AAS NEVER BORROWED ANY MONEY FROM HR SHAKESPEARE. 1526 KOURS: DETZCTIVE CLARK AND T VADE CONTACT WITH NATHANZZL THOMAS AT THE SUPESWAY FOOD STORE oN REMORIAL ROULEVASD TN LAREDAND; FLORIDAS WE THEN INTERVIEWED MR, THOMAS RUD LERPSED: THE FOLLOWING: RE ADVISED TAT 13 WORKS FOR “PAPI” AT TEE SUPERNAY FOOD STORE. IE ROVISED TA2T RE HAG BEEN PRIENDS NITE MR, SHARESPSARE FOR YEARS, FRIOR 70 MR. SHAFESPZARZ WINNING THE PAGE_LOF_LE ys Diag ype ALUuNeD WIM me ! bimee Va? Py pase [TE = eg TOtAWE Ex ; ASESOD! AD 1d SUNSHALSd LETS: Fiddey 752% see ta vane. ‘ eH pa aoa BIE, ae “ned CASE | 2010-CA -00643G x, JAH EIVED “Varitton Respons a re s Mee HODENGERY |p Sara WEN EURO 3 Chika "+ cit, where ism 20 years of mone: at elicl te: wor K for at alll T worked never ; fp a S off the systew. Why? Whee, ob SOF owe al te answerect he pee ta the ca HUE evdlevech time, 9 | a seaumieaed —__| ne pe for ib They ave — (a =r) is Ss ere ae can hey Cae no tight Sp. May i Shey failed ty Tere ee — sence he. Sol fe is home to me, leaking inte bay) case ee oe use it does nol make sense) Lan _not ict stu ich, Aoraham vouldf e anything for me, All there evidence. Linas bee droves Xe ‘oe ute Ag i ous 3 ler {proven \e..Plecse don’t let thenlie ancl take ry bene, im ssiting yaw 0 much. have, ae a defending om Lif here, Z juat wart te please be fair Pedy of te Jook at fact: ¢ i breton” ced house —awey-e1td be 3 alles that. We not onl y puts RCL nN at ‘but 5 Xo bay he RISER Ca or, “tht Ul he signs over ynere ia The shenitee Pet -Aried every wehich way +o Cind somethy’ i le lie on Cena ~~ for mao Se 2 knew 2 recetvedk ey from ne, on re ae at ee ae all T_have left .T wilf wor j le of the guy “thet Killed Abe Law, A'm erat ray? SOA A er ay fee nl ete with all the detyi ie ‘ _juct nec time, net. vey house shlen, _ a ro eae : Eee memes | Pees (0) SS | “sees REE Oi feo oc une [crams conpcere Nana util a Bee LL ee a [osmeteae Tae 4 SHAerEAR soa ise Semarle oot STAT STATU (Ciena ] OFFENSE Desce@nioN [WLAULREDMURDER PRAGEDRATS | cues to [ 1 cwwice ro 5 CORRE TESS ; i NARRATIVE REMERENCE 16 MADE TO ALL PRIOR SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS UNDER THIS CASE MU : peenimen 12 2009 Serorian Starts rumor and who 1s He gs | i ew | 1209 uosas to steal my home illegally Moria. Butte | 908 Enters nesrowonn 20 nue porzav or rwrwxt mivaszucarion® ou SaaToW, FeoRtDA 70 3 | ieoenvicwa, ooecxe sue ivannvtsn 1 WeaRteD Bue FOLLOWING. aun AbV2eE9 THAT” Sur STARTED. GGLLECEENG HONEY FOR MR. SHANESPEARE IW" 2007" SHE ROVTOND TaRt GOE EAD FGM HR SHAKESTGARE. OR APPROKQUATELT EIETERN (36) YEARS. SRE ADVIGED THAT APTER Oe SURHESYEAR SGLD HIS ASsETs 10\HS. NOOSE, HE (HAGCING) BEGAN COLLECTING boNsT FOR Hs. NOONE, Su Esto tua Aus OF Tax’ wove THAD SHE. COLLECTS 18 UT DIeBCIAT IN To\Ns. MooeE"s SANK AGoOUNT. "SHE ADVzsep TIAN 2H VERICLE CHAT SHB WAS (RETINA) Was SEVEN JO°HEE SY a OU] Smareseians ik ruarvany Or Zl0e, Sus astegeD ‘Taat sup TS Pare ay aS; MCORE BETNESN s500.00 TOT | 22,5000,00 Pex novi En tab Foi ce a cHEGk FROM AMERECRY MEoiCal SROESSGIONRIS oh ADI2Se2 tar AWanESRN YROIAL PRGFESSIONALS BANK ACCGONT To ACTH BAEK OF RUESTCR, SOE fon | ROVISED THAT SHE FineT MET MS. MOORE WHEN MS. MOORE WAS INTRODUCED TO MR. SHAKESPEARE BY 7 BARBARA JACKSON THE FIRST WEEKEND OF OCTOBER IN 2008. SHE ADVISED TEAT A COUPLE OF TAS sa.| | PRIOR To! Tun seenING, “HS. JACKSON RAD CALLED HER (WAGGING! AND TCLD AEA TO CLEAN OP THE BOISE Zecaise’ ean mas mation saarote 70-4GET Nn, GAACDSDEME MHD WAGED. To-ArSTS » Sook wey] A800: Bie Sahay Stato 1o sot ue, eacerie sages Soot st See Phancnae cefouation “aoe Was Loam canine TAE Zvascicaziche’ SHE ADVISED SEAE SAE IMO [Ey GAEGS SuNt BIE Ree Sarat 1 Featinat oF 7008, OME {a} OE, £10, 00°08 ANDTHE Grube fon Sri00, 60 Mase gI=O Pou Me, SEMSTEARS. Sus AoVEGED heme teost cuncxs Caer Enow sar Baak secodue OF ae Siasssezaaa ine. Sue aovzes0 Tar Sip RLY tWO" (O) peceus Tint Cotee waite, Casoxs few THAT nccoute BORE HE, HOORE ARO Um SHAKESPEARE Sek SoUESEE Sush’ SOE RERERO ESS i Sue tas v0: fants Hag ve, GHLMSCEARE RAS TAIGE ONT GP oat Meccan SAE SEG rene | Sit uho vo Tour aaa t8e Nowe’ tho tie aecoint iso Pehcey Ho re: ncGoONED OF Hse HORE AND A4Rh KQAGNEGS. ORs ADULSEO haaD fas LAGE BIA DUR oo HR. SKATESREREE Whe’ AROUND AEREL 40 058" EE ADYEGED TART” SHE ToOE ACRRGE Reraeee Stay oNCESEy aa rsa, SHE age2eaD rik se ot whe ON tHe ter. Suu ADVIED THAT SOE SAIN TANT Ta 2 UR. SHAKDSPEARE WAS NADP U2 BY GREG MASSEY AND Tar. 19 Wks HER ONDERSTANDING WaT THE REDO TOT DO GIVEN 0 HS. NORE SY WR. SHAKESPEARE IN 36 Pop 2008; Gas TOR faz Sopcose ce saree cote afer SHE AbviSee tian want ek Suaeesreaae scams ote | Shee nantes nits Au inom ince ame RT | SHE ADVISED THAT SHE IG VERY GOOD PAL 2 70 TEDDY DAY RECENTLY AND THAT MR. ORY TOLe HER"TRAN cE SURERRESTOET ou teddys telling Gealy he hasnt seen him, Y WOU) | Lmagere 124 c Teddy 15 & Friench \he OE Weve, hae of Sentericg Butler Lyses Grass phone ever at, Le picked him op! from her cell Sentoria? — ) Sennen giatts ge re at fon ter Statement of D,.MOORE CASE NUMBER 2009-112920 MISSING PERSON ene ISSING PERSON MOORE: CLARK: ‘MOORE; KENDRICK: MOORE: CLARK: MOORE: MOORE: CLARK: MOORE: MOORE: MOORE: CLARK: MOORE: CLARK: MOORE: Pm tited of doing this, DeeDee Idon’t care, ‘You should care DeeDee. I don't ‘You know what who does care? 1's R.J, an innocent 14 year old boy. Did RJ, shot him? No Look at me, did R.J. shot him? No, he didn’t. No Son I sey nd, aa ould fel “eho! Ababa, oe dia’ Sa Bul in papers-and on TV DeeDee : I 4 1 said he woulc, Myson woud diag VY SQLYS , h DesDee De you see all the What? \ves) Who shot Abraham? DeeDee stop if. Who shot him? t*¥you don’t care ‘Look at me, look at me,..did R.J, shot ‘him? No. Fage 105 of 110 \45v eisetoEeee DELEES 7A mop vg . Kempoosg ys SET Aree AppEY jy) 21/1 ne SES . Saas Td SUSE LA LTS fiddey 72% see ta vonva evel lase# 2 610-CA -006436 agooe 00 Biorabe Re dden sory \ host ether Cound some more. for yew “eres s seus BL t Some Mote decuments from my Eee. Gould, ged Wold of) The Wee. Was everyth: ng, 2 eveequicgle for in it, years of werk for nobhin 29 Let hgh o\l_my \fe Yo Vewe it all stolen from ne , Please don't Net evil win. 2 a never hacen convene if veiw years. Wad ; ude, reves ol, lhe eviderce, for court. “Tia Er teedy th ware Yo steel wy heme hecavge they know Lim wi Zim _innocent, sent he in “on ‘ee You can call — te wal Wee. Lm in lock dowh iA males if very rare te lefencd ya rigits in here, TD olenf dese ye 4h 11 ey shewle art 1h v4 could net Everyone Ae ralnam wld Ws bon heme They eee witness 09 theif side co how cory fre Lust dake ane Wome with oa aceuioticns f Please Wel Lim cleGuseless in here The. Shevif7s “also mere zt faa the two men wp but now Sney fourd eviel ence ty act ele tell them DMA was at the [scene of He crime If 1 sa oh bere was cosh cdhat ZL wan't really there they ney io KN my Svn frosts Who goes of Mandadnits fo being at’scene_unless shel ave force. / on 1 and 7 6 rerog Ly hovel T toaoo ae ee a Ee ay J00'000'00E eG o00'0or snaz/eT7et : ae pega bg Toowoobor jpoereex BIMIPIND YNC f— Doo 000'Sar — fee : y BRAS - | yen ow P “ E loo oarear loo caroor ‘Seas aHegs Weyeiayl TT paBETZE aaaeyeeer peD VA 00 000"0oF SI SHS wena Tram [acaersivet my A oe | wiy yf A t Tooounraae coos adr Sead HRS He NeIaNEBOTOREE so paey jou yr "Gio'CoT Sreoreis Weta lordicones [apne tor VSO anovd + ao aooor Tauea suis ae wy, On ahead ea ov'cac'ar SOBUROD SoRDaL|SaPaETTE 7] " f jov'oao'oor Poez PEW TEyRRET TE LIE Bm an camoaae cour Sa ER RE — ar 2 F4ayy [ Joo 0s0'00r Season otrnaRice ——~lppoept ee 8 ‘au oo o00'oT joo ono DoT areadsaqy Ue GEgG| locaeoses lsooeieiret Je 0 ey Bbosa4o loonorer jeooawrave seavete poorer —| [O0's00'ore SEBBRIZE 9002/9777 you Mee. AUD Tewnnore Benlsseeaatze ~fanaerazei TpWayy Aym EE Ney jooro00'a6s vosacou Saq0n/9SEemEITE fscoz/sfer | AI ee st sh [sooo aca SAE Um CTRL —sseperae loo"oa0'00r pectesize ~~ lsoe/sfer | F00w'007 Saeeo ibis Weiieokteaetce — —aogerere sae 00'200"o0T sreadsayeys meyeigy) pone /s7er looro00'oar Siwedsa¥eUS Wie era) so0z/sfer—] [ocro00'or ee) vorleceReetie ——~aonaarar acleaice Lo s “ and hes agains MOORE: Idida’t know that (Inaudible). ore Gsm They were set’ your age, end that Fuck’ body io at fu MooRE: Cwispring) Donan tat sg eae ee ane . ane G. SMITH Tr Po pia getting’. ose Ima... Pm sei umuet ease BBS ' Page 48 of 69 Statement of D. MOORE CASE NUMBER 2009-12920 MISSING PERSON MOORE: IF tell you that you're not going to belieye me and there going... CLARK: Then look at me and tell me who sot and let me see if [believe you. Who shot Abraham? Moore: You know who shot him. CLARK: ‘No, no who shot Abraham? MOORE: You know who shot him. CLARK: Tell me who shot Abrebam, DeeDee. MOORE: You ksow who shot him. CLARK: DeeDee you are big daring digging a hole step take one foot end step it out of the hole right now. Who shot Abraham? ‘MOORE: MOORE: CLARK: Moore Koen T sguld be sate in jel and could wif case | . Orsyrasbody's some hurt yourkis okey. Locaug@ I has nothing Moore: Wave gonna protect my kid +6 do with it at ed/, Commer Tie wey yee would be ‘sate CLARK: ‘Nobody's gonnz hurt your kid. Okay, nobody's wart your kid. KENDRICK: You covld protect your kid if somebody else st him then he'll go to jail. CLARK: ‘Who shot Abraham? We can wit witheus the pict ue. My hawyert geta picture of the man thet shod Abraham and after rgsrotno T win ry case Ly going te get my Sonte safety and toca tf ia, Vf the FBX dost help me BPES Out firgt E vont Dovlice To Ann't want to be \ike OF, Luant the men —_ ‘Statement of D. MOORE G. SMITH CASE NUMBER 2009-112920 1" DEGREE MURDER there, there right (INAUDIBLA) Thet's a warehouse, he keeps a warchouse up the road with « (INAUDIBLE). I'll give you the name (INAUDIBLE) the ‘one guy (INAUDIBLE) I feel like (INAUDIBLE) SMITH So he right down the road from here. MOORE: Yea SMITH: Idon't givea damn where he at ['m going to get that mother fucker. MOORE, No, no, no, no he (INAUDIBLE) if anything he'l! be (INAUDIBLE) because nin ia This is why we was’ just aii my etold me (INAUDIBLE) gon, te threatened my chole Family He Knee? T had i steter Vorather ,% * Se i le did no¥ kre) abour, SMITH: Umbum T dide wand te stare eur yan sister Mier at ( She tive. Thats why fel} ente with RU taere, j (INAUDIBLE) my son will dis. I will tot be able wo hide without Hitt MOORE: He said my son will dis firgt, He said ag dow cbout it and he\ eeanse know where you mucin Ive iw where your se iA ‘snow where your bothee 84H kmow where (INAUDIBLE) SMITH: ‘Well you won't have that problem after tonight, Make sure, Moore: hope I hope (INAUDIBLE) icad up on (INAUDIBLE) SMITH: DeeDec you hear anything? Moors: No they said nothing, He's (INAUDIBLE) SMTi What fucking clothes he had on? MOORE: (INAUDIBLE) Pege 10 of 31 INTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 'N AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA Case Now: 2009-DRe Division: Bas UV RE THE MARRIAGE OF; DORICE D. MOORE, Wife, and JAMES D. MOORE, Husband PETITION Ft UTION O) Site, DORICE D. MOORE, by and through the undersigned attorney, files this Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and states as follows: 1. ___This isan action for dissolution of the bonds of marriage between the parties in the hove-styled cause, specifically Petitioner, Dorice 3 Moore, hereinafter called "Wife," and Respondent, James D. Moore, hereinafter called “Husband,” . 2 rs porte Parties have been residents of Flore for more ‘than six (6) months prior to the filing of this Petition, "ronda Paris were married to eact other on May 1, 1992, ut Plant City, Hillsborough Sounty, Florida, and have cohabited together as husband oot ‘Wife until their ine! separation on or about January 13, 2008, 4, The marriage of the parties is inetrievably broken. 3. The minor chitd common to both parties is: Name: Robert James Moore Flace of Birth: Brandon, Hillsborough County, Florida Birth date: January 13, 1995 Sex: Male Si ism PATHS anticipate entering into a Marital Seterment Agreement which will \ ‘solve all ismes, inchucing parenial responsibility, suppor cade division of assets and liabilities, 7 30) qpath naties are over the age oF eighteen (18) years and neither is, nor within a period Of thirty (30) days immediately prior to this date hae been, enlisted in the military service of the All Diverce ate suppere to dist = ao Cacets tut T doo't want te bisk mine feat Lo Want he but tim ong to Mcdt Semeaag’ eee eS ePe bt. peace ta mot vee iP. VOICEMAIL of D. MOORE G. SMITH CASE NUMBER 2009-12920 1° DEGREE MURDER la DEGREE MURDER SUSPECT: DORICE MOORE ‘WITNESS: GREG SMITH i ‘SMITH: ‘Whit’s that noise? MOORE: _ eset ove been through all this before,..I...just call me at jug onow ital the who's il this ‘theresgonne Kill my son. And 1 eee) are t Want to lnnow if ‘You really think they gon momeaye saree el the detectives fl " Can the jan? ut T went then pO a ae ‘peolect my oituigetsnigrn meaner pge tee ; gon G@NAUDIBLE). You and me are very good friend to Abraham and (INAUDIBLE) # lot (INAUDIBLE) I don’t have a lot of people that Tean talk too, I know that you have to do what you have to do, I can understand ‘het. (NAUDIBLE) I just (INAUDIBLE) and it feels right, bye. WALLACE: ‘This is Detective David Wellace this is a voicemail that was left on the telephone of Gregory Todd Smith it indicates at 8:05am on yesterday date which would me 1-26-2010. Page Loft FDLE Florida of Cate bane Crs Fld Deparinent ‘Tanape Bay Roglaaal Operations st, Governor 4211 Next Ltt Avenue ‘ill MoCo, Amamey Genes) : ‘Tape, Feit 33614 ‘Alex Sin Chiet Paci] Oficer Grrld M. Baiey 1-900-3261140 Chertes F Bronson, Commins of Comasisenee wor lesa ie Agncalture February 17,2010 To: Sheri David Gee OLE NUMBER: 20100300788 *“Hilisborough County ‘Sheriets SUBMISSION: 1 Office AGENCY NUMBER: — 10-4263 2316 Fatkenbuig Road ‘Tampa, FL 38619 SUBPOENAS PERTAINING TO THIS CASE SHOULD REFER TO THE FDIS NUMBER. > ATEN: Det. Greg Thomas #5165 VICTIMS): Abrafuum Lee Shakespeare me St SURJECT(S):: Docice Donegan Moore ° ; ‘Yolands Sots ORFENSEG): Death Invetigation Crime Laboratory Analyst : Hillsbcrough County Fireatas Section In6n010 REKERENCE: Tak eer i in zefrence othe following evgeace pubmed to the Flora Departne of Law Enfrceaect SuFcbroary OL 2010 by M. Mase. This report my coun conclaions, opsions, ender teopeaine shade by the amr. EVIDENCE: FDLE Agency Description: Yom d ” Eahibe 1 $20140-1 Oe Sed .38 caida clans ute . 2 S20140-2 One red .38 cae clots butiae : 3 $20252-1 Sra & Wengen .38 Special caliber (+P), five shot revolver, (Airweighs) model (642-2 withthe serial mmber DBU24}4 aid en abachod laser #821402 are of ne ident as car : 0140.2, ‘dentifcation value for comparison Prposes to spent fer Can nol contin ny OA ee Coe SIZ 02/19/2010 10:14AM CGMT-05:00) oscunmes MENT IS THE PROPERTY OF THe Fy oT ANGE ATION OF & CONFIDENTIAL axe Segre GRtnas OUEED Bicone oe WLR OE Te TraAr a ANE IT SHOULD nov ge" SEATIL A Etna Seerass Tek EOMNATE ncaTnag aR ANCE ORAL INTEREST IN Tig karo are Pat eo Seo Sova ay Fea eerNATE “eat eT 880) ABUTS S USC 31) ano sr BE Cosme ee ‘SON COUNSEL VICAP NUMBER: 2010PLKO0001 eR rm AGENCY; DATE ENTERED: 0/93/2010 SHARED: Yes HOLOBACK: None SSN BROADWAY aye BARTOW, FL s3eu0 i jus, “RSME NOW: Moria, 2007.08.9:,00:00 FAY, 2008-04-03, 12:00 Lakoland, FL; EVENT SITE: Living Quaners * Vict’ Residance, SoUMAMNLa® Shakespeare CASE Type. Missing Person Noe janet, AGE: 43: Dow: auzarrcos mee i This is really not foan ; nero Acs: SmmeeRAerReAH: Uncown. The FEL hai his {defect Vifesivie as a drug User but ston : memo ea dg - TRAUMA? Uninewn That he loans Money td of vg dealers, Wows They ask Tete. saan, Vietin's Prints Avotatle = the drug users Erigad ¢ oF Abraham that has smoke pouring oUt of their houses fig m dfvgs 1 7 when yeu come Up AF Abrathan loans to arog dealers or uses. I cag4 slop cree cunts as oF anwzos Ty Sarey this is all / «AW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASsIe ep 60 Stupial, aif q ishovid sue for BSB them just bein ‘ fusd becduse of the: Stop 'Gnorant and net bStening +2 me he va fi Ht d need SD Mrroyy

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