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A INTENSA, EL GRUPO DE ESTUDIANTES y cocentes ‘rutaron desu recorrido por Pars, Ginebra y otros sitios de ‘stérico fas acadé- a Why English is tes 7 ie : so important jos emble- tron a cabo cadémica or EAFIT, By; Danny Heméndez- English escher Darticiparon usin. con expertos y Engish is THE international language, the language of business inthe Eatovas de word you want o be understood in foreign couriry wih out having to eon leam the local language, speak English. Odds are, you wil be understood tela ONUy i by someone. Aocorcing fo the British Council bythe year 205, two bition G | humans wilspeakorbe earring English, - in an increasinly globalized word, people wil come to depend on one another more and more. Economical, this has tansatd into ever more Cross-borders transactions in order to_do business, people have to eV0 SO are para la ‘communicate. Unfortunately the rise of English has meant the demise of certain lhe anguages. French, fr example, used to be the language of ‘iplomacy. Now English Is. Whereas Germany is the most powert “hh economy in Europe and Frence the largest country, Engish isthe most iblioteca Spokenwihn he wal of te European Union Idee, Ras eyed a the language of choice not jst for intematonal rade, but institutions as wel. If you are @ universiy professor in Europe and you want to be 4os de la biblioteca se estén capacitando en el nuevo | published ma prestigious joumal, you'd be wise to wite your paper in iogréfico Janium Net, version 9,06, para la administracion | “0 Je Informacion dea Biblioteca, ue seré visible para todos | if communication and understanding are the comerstones of peace ‘@ partir de noviembre. Entre los nuevos servicios virtuales et te ae are Hemel is peut us closer together. While ’ i ders ae fling the Tower of Babel crumbling, wih weaker languages. Sohbet bebenlidaeaeii thei “Scouse, thereto af asf weal spook ine sane igtl, actual fas personales en linea, entfe | janguage, we can allunderstand each cher Bul many delet are spoken ambio obedéce al proceso de mejora continua derivado de | byteotewpeopleto reste onslaught ot English Thedeathofalanguage | sn1$09000:2000 signalsthedeathofa cute ‘Spanish, however, cannot complain. itis also is an expansionist language North and South America combined, Spanish surpasses English in number of speakers. But whereas the growth of the Spanish Tanguage is due to stong bith rates among Latin families, the growth of English can be attributed to 20” century American hegemony. Experts predict thatthe 21" century willbe Asian. To be sure half ofall humans ive in Asia, where economic growth i impressive and English is commonly | used for business wt foreigners. Universidad Tecnolégica de Bolivar (UTB) has made the wise decision to promote bilingualism Passingall sixievels ofthe English language classes is mandatory. Under tre new leadership of professor Martinez, the Centro de Iciomas has made great strides in increasing its infuence and visibly Iniatives such as ‘Quiero ser i-otriingue @ UTE" are making English fun...Not to mention the upcoming Karaoke contest and movie Club. Teaching Englshisnot just about grammar drils and rote learning. It's about doing things that matter to students, that get them comfortable and involved withthe use of Engishin ther future careers, On October 14, the Cento deca organizes fst“ Who wants fo bea : {halt milionairetivia contest atthe Napoleon dela Roszautrum in fra elas bots, Dora Lie Septvedaconsuemuiporeetendole | emara. Much ke te show "Who wants fo be ¢ Milonsre™, his contest was al about tvia. Questions ranged irom history to math astronomy to graph. A pane of judges presided over he fifteen groups of students parkipating in the competion. The auditorium was ful of students inthe Crowd suring theismrt phones forthe answers he questions displayed onthe big screen above stage. The winning team of CAROLINA BRUGES t t r i i) ‘GRANADOS and CHRISTIAN SIERRA THERAN took home the first place UU Teele RT Le Rs | przatmiionpsos.Nosmat nur Teresing oowdugesou winners onto the stage as they sang the ‘We are the champions" theme Pt Ey PRIN} song.Allnal the eventwas a huge success! “Who wants obe (hal. miionareisnot just game, however. twas anoxgessonf ain wich students come together and iake patina . i oe funandintelectually stimulating activity, in Engish! Weal needto open our eu eRe eS ese) eyestolte cutie nr Free Une NatonsoNew Dai, ao Paco ia de bafios para estudiantes, to Shanghal, people are conducting interationa fas in Engish tis the ——— default language tht everybody everywhere needs to know. Any student who denies ths is denying himself or hersef opportunites to understand and be understood, Unless, ofcourse, your intention is never to work fora ‘ulinational corporation, travel study, ormake frendsabroad,

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