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life, truthfully is an exageration of human interpretation ..

life as it has already designed by God, was never really this complicated ..
it is the nature of every human who made this simple life gone insane .. complic
ated ..
human being are God-created .. they have been given minds and emotions to run ev
ery each of their own life ..
but those were not given to made life complicated .. otherwise they were meant t
o simplify our each life ..
many life aspects have been created by human being themselves and were being ana
lyzed by themselves as well ..
but they have already forgotten the basics of life .. the memory of how to run o
ur life is long gone already .. lost under the comlplexity of the human thoughts
itself ..
what I have studied about life for the past 21 years .. is nothing more than sim
plicity ..
the simplicity of life ..
the simplicity of life is to realize how great our life is ..
then .. only then we can learn how to life abundantly ..
use your heart .. your thought ..
belief in yourself ..
some bumps in life are no more then a bit of a hold ..
there are no problems that can't be solved ..
never give up in making your step in life ..
the essence of life is to learn .. to learn .. and to learn ..

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