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 Option NIBP
 Option Pulse Oxymetry
 Option HTN Clinic™
 Option Pacemaker Clinic™
 Hemodynamic Parameters

Window to the Circulation® - you can hardly describe any better the purpose of the
AESCULON®. Four ECG surface electrodes are attached to the subject and connected to
the AESCULON® via a patient cable. It takes only a few cardiac cycles until the
AESCULON® displays beat-to-beat or averaged the following hemodynamic

 Stroke Volume (SV) / Stroke Index

 Heart Rate (HR)
 Cardiac Output (CO) / Cardiac Index (CI)
 Index of Contractility (ICON®) - a dimensionless index representing the peak
aortic blood acceleration in the aorta
 Thoracic Fluid Index (TFI) - a dimensionless index representing the thoracic
 Systolic time intervals - the Pre-Ejection Period (PEP), Left- Ventricular Ejection
Time (TLVE), or flow time, and the Systolic Time Ratio (STR), i.e. the ratio of

For documentation purposes, invasively obtained values for systolic and diastolic arterial
blood pressure and the mean atrial pressure (MAP), Central Venous Pressure (CVP) and
Pulmonary Artery Occluded Pressure (PAOP) can be entered manually.

Tailored to specific applications various hardware and software options may be

incorporated into the AESCULON®:

 Option NIBP
 [ more ]
 Option Pulse Oxymetry
 [ more ]
 Option HTN Clinic™
 [ more ]
 Option Pacemaker Clinic™
 [ more ]

The AESCULON® presents the hemodynamic parameters in different views:

 Default View
 Tabular View
 Trend View
 Chart View
 Management View

[ more ] about the views.

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