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Settlers in the backcountry of colonial America sometimes resorted to violent

protests to express their grievances. Analyze the causes and significance of
two of the following: Shay’s rebellion, the whiskey rebellion
 Thesis statement- although these rebellions both originated from disputes
over the price of taxes and tariffs, they are very influential because they
tested the power of the newly established central government, specifically,
the power to impose taxes and use military force to suppress rebellions.
 Shay’s rebellion 1786-1787
 Whiskey rebellion 1791-1794
 Daniel Shay- farmer and veteran of the revolutionary war living in MA
 Demanded pay in gold or silver
 Financial crisis- farmers in debt
 People in debt mistreated when unable to pay their bills
 Militias arose
 Shay marched into Springfield and attacked armory
 Protestors closed courts to prevent taxes from being collected
 James Bowdoin, MA gov., sent armed forces to suppress the rebellion
 More than 1000 people arrested
 Shays' Rebellion produced fears that the Revolution's democratic impulse
had gotten out of hand.
 Lack of institutional response --> led to the reevaluation of the AOC and the
writing of the Constitution.
 Excise tax on whiskey by Hamilton
 Farmers distilled whiskey and sold it- easier to transport than grain
 Tax had a greater impact on the lives of small farmers
 Some were paid in whiskey: tax on whiskey = income tax
 Rebels harassed tax collectors and burned houses
 Washington led 13000 troops to suppress them
2. The French and Indian war (1754-1763) altered relationships between
Britain and its North American colonies. Assess this change with regard to
two of the following in the period between 1763 and 1775: land acquisition
and economics.
 Thesis statement- the French and Indian war tightened Britain’s grip on its
colonies by imposing taxes to pay off the war debt and denying the expansion
of the colonists into the newly acquired lands to the west.
 British gained control of French Canada and Acadia
 Proclamation of 1763- organize Great Britain's new North American empire
and to stabilize relations with Native North Americans through regulation of
trade, settlement, and land purchases on the western frontier
 British began to tax colonists to make up for the war debts
 Currency act, sugar act, stamp act, Townshend acts
 Taxes led to the American Revolution.
3. Analyze the ways in which supporters of slavery in the 19 th century used
legal, religious, and economic arguments to defend the institution of slavery.
 Slavery as “a necessary evil”- emancipation could be harmful to society,
economic consequences
 Slavery is mentioned in the bible- it allows it
 God had chosen slaves to be inferior
 Jefferson had slaves
 Economy in southern plantations depended on slave labor
 No labor force= financial crisis
 The law considered slaves as property, not people
 Taking slaves or liberating would be considered stealing
 Slaves were unable to take care of themselves and their family on their own-
southern farmer as a paternal image
4. Use two of the following categories to analize the ways in which african
americans created a distinctive culture in slavery: music and religion
 Thesis statement- from their captivity in slavery, the african americans were
able to form a distinct culture and incorporate a mall sense of freedom in
their opressed lives.
 Survivors of the middle passage brought songs from africa into america
 Songs told stories since slaves couldn’t write
 Blended european songs with african tradition
 Used the exodus in the bible as their inspiration
 African and christian beliefs
 Practiced separate from the whites
 Voodoo and santeria became more common
 Black preachers in methodist and baptist churches

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