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3) The theory of evolution directly challenged the Biblical story of creation.

Ultimately, this difference

yields from the fact that the evolutionary theory is based on scientific facts which contradict religious
teachings. If the theory of evolution is accurate and accepted, the Bible becomes unbearable fiction.
After centuries of devout practices, many religious leaders were unwilling to accept the fact that the
Bible is untrue as it is the basis on which many people live their lives. Darwin requires people to
disbelieve the authoritative word of God as evolution stresses natural selection instead of divine
creation. Furthermore, the theory of evolution was contrary to the explicit declarations of the New
Testament and the Scriptures which created an even more offensive situation for religious followers.
Darwinists viewed religion as bogus while religious individuals say the theory of evolution was pure
speculation. Thus, these mounting differences make it extremely difficult to reconcile evolution with a
literal reading of the bible as the facts just did not match.

4) Andrew Carnegie was highly successful in monopolizing the steel industry in America. Having
accumulated a massive fortune, Carnegie came to distribute his money in a manner that was beneficial
to society. Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth expressed how money must not be placed in the hands of ill
equipped organizations. Carnegie hoped to eliminate poverty and believed that the wealthy are the
trustees for the poor. Much of Carnegie’s money went to public buildings such as libraries. Carnegie
hoped to aid the future prosperity of America and thus his selfishness is somewhat limited.

It is better for individuals to have large private benefactions. Most wealthy individuals are sound people
who can correctly make decisions concerning how to spend their fortune. Individuals such as Carnegie
are able to successfully choose public works that would benefit from their benefactions. These
entrepreneurs hope to improve society unlike the corrupt American government. Sometimes, it may be
difficult to give away large sums of money intelligently because the variety of charities is so vast. It is
difficult to separate which charities would benefit society and which charities would waste the money
given. In many situations, individuals lack the knowledge connected with each charity and thus can be
flawed in their decisions.

6) At the end of the 19th century. More women began to fight for suffrage and social equality. Women’s
traditional roles began to change as new technology and the increase in factories created a demand for
women’s labor. Women worked because they believed that it would boost their social position. Women
in this time period were still fighting for social equality and wage working placed them under the same
conditions as men. Thus, with the growing number of factory jobs available and the thought that
working would bring them equal social status, millions of women began factory work. Women involved
in wage labor faced drastic disadvantages. They were paid half the amount of men and were often open
for exploitation. Women therefore deserved protections as they were often abused or treated

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