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Moodle Course Page Quick Reference

1. Search content of all courses (modules) in
which you are enrolled
2. Find a course by typing any part of its name
3. Options for receiving support
4. Click to minimize or maximize blocks
5. Access all courses and their sections
6. Dock block to the left
7. Click to get an explanation of how this
feature works
8. Shortcuts to individual topics / sections
9. Shortcuts to activity types (e.g. all forums in
one place)
10. Click to mark as read/completed
11. Click to expand navigation options for
current course. Includes links to individual
sections and activity tracking
12. Click to (un)zoom in on topic
13. This is marked as read/completed
14. Submit help request for current page
15. Menu bar containing useful links including
the My Moodle menu
16. The main body of text in course (module)
17. Links to parts of the module / course
18. Topic / section heading
19. Undock block from dock bar
20. Close opened block (or just move mouse
21. Breadcrumbs to navigate backward through
the course and Moodle
22. Links to individual forums
23. Topic subsection heading
24. Settings block docked in the dock bar
25. Bar for docking frequently used blocks
26. Undock all docked blocks at once

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