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Th.B, B.R.E., B.D.



P. 0. B0X 1 64 LEBANON, OHIO 45036


Dr. J. William Kanoy

was born on November
26, 1928 in
Jamestown, North
Carolina. He was
converted on June 3,
1945, and called into
the ministry of our
Lord one year later.
Dr. Kanoy graduated
from Bible college and
did post-graduate
work. He held three
earned degrees and an
honorary Doctor of
Divinity degree.
For 28 years, Dr. Kanoy was pastor of Church Street
Baptist Church in Greensboro, North Carolina. In addition, he
was president of Greensboro Bible College, which he founded
26 years ago. He also conducted meetings in Bible conferences
in almost every state in the U.S. as well as some meetings
abroad. For 25 years, he preached almost daily. Dr. Kanoy was
the author of 25 books.
Dr. Kanoy was married to Betty McMahan Kanoy for
48 years. They have three children: Billy Ray Kanoy, Patricia
K. Whitt and Pamela K. Bush. They also have six
grandchildren. Mrs. Kanoy resides in Oak Ridge, North
Dr. Kanoy ascended into Heaven on May 18, 1995.
Dr. Kanoy truly kept the faith, fought the fight and
finished the course.
The Book Division of the Fellowship Tract
League publishes and distributes these books
Printed By
Colonial Press
Charlottesville, VA 22906

©Copyright, 1994
Fellowship Tract League

The Book Division of the Fellowship Tract League publishes

material that we believe to be doctrinally sound. However,
Fellowship Tract League and Colonial Press may not
necessarily endorse every position of the authors.
Table of Contents

Foreword ................................................................................................ 1

Chapter 1:1-2...........................................................................................5

Establishment of the Saints

Chapter 1:3-21........................................................................................ 7

Enemies of the Saints

Chapter 2.............................................................................................. 20

Expectation of the Saints

Chapter 3.............................................................................................. 31


II Peter was written, I believe, by Simon Peter himself when he was an old
man (80 or more), shortly before he was crucified upside down. (2 Peter
1:1; 1:14; Jn 21:18-19; compare Foxes Book of Martyrs) II Peter was
written to warn Christians against false teachers and false teachings, and to
establish them for the last days.

This Epistle was written about six years later than I Peter. I Peter was
written about 60 A.D. from Babylon; II Peter was written about 66 A.D.
This book is addressed to believers in Christ who
have, by the grace of God, obtained like precious faith.

I I Peter is a very important book, but sadly neglected. I have found very,
very few books or articles written on this book. II
Peter is probably the only N.T. book where there are questions about the
authorship. These objections are listed:

1. Doubts about Peter being the author as far back as 3rd Century.
2. I t was not even written in Paul's lifetime. (See the word "all"
i n 2 Pe 3:16). All his epistles that had been written at that
ti me.
3. The language differs from that of I Peter.
4. Chapter 2 is a copy of the Epistle of Jude. Note the words
i n Chapter 2:1 - "shall be", "There" - present tense.

I. Five Reasons to Believe Peter is the Author.

1 Simon Peter claims authorship (2 Pe 1:1; 3:1).
2. He was an Apostle. (2 Pe 3:2; 1:1).
3. He was one of the three on the Mt. of Tranfiguration
(2 Pe 1:18; Mat 17:1).
4. He had written another Epistle to these same people.
(2 Pe 3:1).
5. The style and subject matter would be what you would
expect from Simon Peter. (2 Pe 2:1-3; 2:15-17).

I I. Seven Reasons Why Peter Wrote this Second Epistle.

1. To commend perseverance in the truth. (2 Pe 1:5-8).
2. To confirm the call of God by their living (2 Pe 1:10).

3. To counteract erroneous teachings. (2 Pe 2:1-11).
4. To condemn infidelity. (2 Pe 2:12-22).
5. To caution them about the Day of the Lord (2 Pe 3:8-10).
6. To corroborate the teachings of Paul (2 Pe 3:15-16).
7. To charge them about knowledge and growth.
(2 Pe 3:17-18).

Ill. I Peter and II Peter compared.

I Peter - gives strength against external evil.

II Peter - provides strength against internal evil.

I Peter - enemies are met in the first.

I I Peter - darkness is met in the second - by the lamp of truth.

I Peter - sufferings of Christ should encourage them.

I I Peter - glory of the Lord should establish them.

I Peter - should lead us to be faithful.

II Peter - should lead us to be fruitful.

I Peter - characteristic is hope.

I I Peter - characteristic is knowledge.

I Peter - They were assailed from without and must be sustained in

II Peter - They were endangered from within and must derive support
from divine resources.

I Peter - concerned with enemies without the fold assaulting.

II Peter - concerned with enemies within the fold apostating.

I Peter - dealt with soldiers from the outside.

I I Peter - dealt with saboteurs from the inside.

I Peter - was to woo consistency.

II Peter - was to warn against inconsistency.

I Peter - deals with fiery trials.
II Peter - deals with false teachers.

I Peter - written to console.

II Peter - written to warn.

I Peter - has to do with suffering.

I I Peter - has to do with error.

I V. There is an Amazing Comparison Between the Books of II Peter

and II Timothy.
1. Both contain a key passage about inspiration of the
Scriptures (2 Pe 1:20-21; 2 Ti 3:16).
2. Peter wrote only two books; only two books written to
3. II Peter and II Timothy are the last books by their authors.
4. Both books reveal to Paul and Peter they would die a
martyr's death (2 Ti 4:6; 2 Pe 1:13-15).
5. Both II Peter and II Timothy warn about false teachers
(2 Pe 2; 2 Ti 3).
6. Peter's name is mentioned over 300 ti mes; Paul's name is
mentioned over 200 ti mes.

V. Simon Peter is Sometimes Called the "Not So" Disciple.

1. "Not So" to the cross. (Mt 1 6:21-22)
2. "Not So" to the conviction of sin. (Mt 26:31-33)
3. "Not So" to cleansing. (Jn 13)
4. "Not So" to co-operation. (Act 1 0:14)

VI. Key verse is II Peter 3:18. Key words are:

1. Knowledge (7 times). (2 Pe 1:2,3,5,6,8; 2:20; 3:18)
2. Diligence. ( 2 Pe 1:5, 10; 3:14)
3. Remembrance. (2 Pe 1:12,13,15; 3:1,2)

VII. Peter and John are the only two N.T. writers that refer to Jesus
Christ as the "Lamb of God." (See 1 Pe 1:19; Jn 1:29)
Peter uses this name only one time; Paul uses it not one time; John
uses it 28 ti mes in his writings.

VIII. Outstanding Facts in the Life of Simon Peter.
1. Of all the 12, he was most prominent and outspoken.
2. J ohn 1:44 tells us he was from Bethsaida, a city on the Sea
of Galilee.
3. He was the brother of Andrew and was a partner in the
fishing business with James and John. (Lk 5:7)
4. He was a married man. (1 Co 9:5; Mk 1:30)
5. Andrew won him to the Lord Jesus. (Jn 1:41-43)
6. He walked on water. (Mt 14:28-31)
7. Accompanied Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration.
( Mt 17:1-4)
8. Peter, James, and John were sent to prepare for the Last
Supper. (Lk 22:8)
9. Denied the Lord three times. (Jn 18:15-27)
1 0. Asked by the Lord three times if he loved Him. (Jn 21:15-17)
11. Was asked if he would forsake the Lord Jesus. (Jn 6:68-69)
1 2. After Jesus dies on the cross, Peter goes back to fishing.
(Jn 21:3)
13. Falls asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Mk 14:37-38)
1 4. Moderates and leads the ten day prayer meeting and
business meeting. (Act 1:15)
1 5. Peter heals many sick believers. (Act 5:15)
1 6. Peter preaches the first recorded sermon at Pentecost.
( Act 2:14-40)
1 7. He was rebuked by Paul for compromise with the legalist.
( Gal 2:11-16)
18. He received a "sheet vision" which was instructions from
God that the gospel should be taken to the Gentiles as well
as the Jews. (Act 10:9-16)
1 9. Raises Dorcas at Joppa. (Act 9:36-42)
20. Crucified upside down at Rome (Tradition).
21. Now an old man. (2 Pe 1:13-14)
22. Refers to his first letter. (2 Pe 3:1) All second epistles
have a special message for the last days. This is true of
II Peter also.
23. Has memories of the companionship he has had with the
Lord. (2 Pe 1:17-18; 1:14; Jn 21:18; Lk 9:32)
24. Held Paul in great esteem and pays tribute to his writings.
( 2 Pe 3:15-16)



These are Peter's last words and in this they have special value. He still
seeks to establish believers, but in this second letter, it was written to
establish the Church rather than the individual. Peter writes to the same
people as in I Peter, but they have matured in the faith. (2 Pe 1:12) The
perils that beset them now are those of false teaching, and the only
combatant is the true knowledge of the word of God. Peter wants them to
develop fully in all the virtues of the Christian life. The results will be that
he becomes efficient, for all deficiency is made up in Christ,
and all sufficiency can be found in Him.

I. Apostleship of Peter, Verse la.

A. "Simon"--what I was, "Peter" -- what grace has made me.
B. Other words used to describe Peter:
1. Servant - lit. "Bond slave", tells us of his spiritual
experience. All great men are no more than bondsmen.
( Mt 23:8-12)
2. Apostle - tells us of his divine authority; (2 Pe 1:1).
3. Elder - speaks of maturity. (I Pe 5:1)
4. Witness - speaks of his occupation. (I Pe 5:1; 2 Pe 1:16).
5. Partaker - speaks of his sufferings and glory. (I Pe 5:1)
6. Shepherd - speaks of his care for sheep and lamb.
(I Pe 5:2-4)
C. He received "four" calls from the Lord.
1. Fishing for men. (Lk 5:10)
2. Ruling in God's house. (Mt 16:19)
3. Comforting his Brethren. (Lk 22:32)
4. Feeding the flock of God. (Jn 21:15-17)

I I . Ascription to the Readers. Verse lb

A. Same people as he had written to in his first letter.
( 2 Pe 1:1)
B. These had matured in the Lord since his first writing to
them. (2 Pe 1:12)
C. These were acquainted with the writings of Apostle Paul.
( 2 Pe 3:15-16)

D. They were saints. (2 Pe 1:1-4)
E. They were readers of the Old Testament. (2 Pe 1:20; 2:4;
8,15; 3:5, 6, 10, 13)
F. These people were mainly Jewish.
G. He wrote as one "moved" by the Holy Spirit. (2 Pe 1:21)
H. They were:
1. Scattered.
2. Strangers.
3. Suffering.

III. Allotment Obtained. Verse 1c.

A. "Obtained".
1. The allusion is to the Jewish inheritances which were
obtained by lot. They were allotted to us not earned or
won by us.
2. The Gospel brings equality and begets humility. We
are all equal in spiritual privileges. How we appreciate
and use them will determine our place in the Kingdom.
B. Faith.
1. This may be either the disposition to believe or the
truth believed, but most probably the former.
2. Our faith may not be equal in amount, but we all
started out alike.
C. Righteousness.
1. His righteousness gives us this faith.
D. Saviour.
1. Majesty, mercy, and might are enshrined in the words
" Our Saviour."


CHAPTER 1:3-21

I. Declared Principles. Verses 3-11.

A. Resources of Believers. (Verses 3-4)
a. Verse 3a is essential for spiritual growth.
b. Verse 2 "knowledge" is from "epiginosko" Gk.,
which means "full" knowledge, experiential
c. There are four divine gifts that God bestows through
knowledge of Him.
1) All things pertaining unto life and godliness.
(verse 3)
2) Exceeding great and precious promises.
(verse 4a)
3) Participation in the divine nature. (verse 4b)
4) Deliverance from the corruption that is in the
world. (verse 4c; 2:20)
2. Process.
a. Verse 3b is essential for spiritual growth.
b. The inexhaustible supply of Verse 3 opens the door
to inestimable wealth of Verse 4. Divine
knowledge is never divorced from Christ.
( Col 2:8; 2 Co 4:6)
c. "All things" necessary "to foster the spiritual life and
to guide into the way of holiness." J. Rawson Lundy,
Epist. of St. Peter.
d. " His Divine Power" - This is the adequate and
permanent assurance to the believer of the provision
for his life.
e. "Through the knowledge of Him" - This divine
provision only becomes available in union and
communion with God. Note that word
"knowledge" again; always means more than an
i ntellectual perception, it includes spiritual
f. " Glory and Virtue" (Comp. Jn 1:14). This word

virtue as is used in Phil 4:8 means "glory". Here it
refers to the Divine Nature. It is God that calls us
by His own character of glory and virtue (or power).
3. Promises. (Verse 4)
a. These promises include all, whether these be of the
Old or the New Covenants. (2 Co 1:20; 7:1; Gal
3:14; Eph 1:13; Heb 9:15; 10:36; 11:9, 13, and 39)
b. These "precious and exceeding great promises."
These are God's means of bringing us into the
knowledge of Him and thereby providing all
things for life and godliness.
c. "By these" - (These promises).
1) These promises introduce us to fellowship with
our heavenly father, whereby we are made
"partakers" of His life. The Gk. word "partaker"
means "companion" and "fellowship". In I Peter
4:13, "partakers" of Christ's sufferings; I Peter
5:1, "partaker of the glory". This is the
culmination of redemption; union and
communion with God. (I Jn 1:3)
2) The New Testament sets forth two ways the
believer can become a partaker of the divine
nature. (God's holiness)
a) Chastisement is one way. (Heb 12:10)
b) Appropriating the provisions contained in
the promises of God, found in the word.
This is accomplished through the ministry of
the Holy Spirit. (2 Co 3:15-18)
d. "Escaped from corruption".
1) Like Lot in Chapter 2:18-20, Peter refers to their
former experience and at the same time tells
about their deliverance from the world.
2) Fellowship is not possible but only after we
have escaped the corruption that is in the world.
3) Three ways to escape the corruption that marks
the world:
a) Accept the revelation of God. (Verses 1-2)
b) Appreciate the gifts of God. (Verse 3)
c) Rejoice that we are associated with the

purposes of God. (Verse 3-4)
B. Responsibility of Believers. (Verses 5-7)
There must be a human response to such divine
and the call is for diligence. Righteous behavior
those who partake of the Divine Nature. Holiness is not
passively attained, it calls for earnestness, industry and
perseverance on our part.
1. Diligence. (Verse 5a)
a. The phrase "giving all diligence" alerts us to
duty. We must respond.
b. God's promises have been given in Verse 4.
Now we are to respond with diligence, effort and
exertion, agonize, sweat at the job of diligence.
c. Also means to struggle, wince, suffer.
d. These 7 graces listed in Verses 5-7 give us a word picture of true
Christian character as it develops.
2. Divine Dynamic: "Faith".
a. Abraham is the example.
b. " Add is your faith", the word "add" comes from
the Gk. word meaning "leader of the chorus".
c. Faith is the root of the Christian life (Eph 2:8-9) is the
foundation which goes through various steps up to
love (agape).
d. Peter has reminded them that it is sovereign grace
they have "obtained" (allotted).
e. The beginning place is faith and Peter knew it.
f. "The Faith" is different from personal faith in the
New Testament (the doctrines of Christianity,
body of revealed truth). (Lk 18:8, Jude 3)
g. Faith means commitment. It is commitment to a
person, Jesus Christ. He does not ask them to
supply faith, but does ask them to supply seven
fruits of faith.

Note #1:
Five things about faith revealed.
1. Faith is precious. It connects us with Christ, God
and Eternal life.
2. Faith is a gift. It is obtained and not attained (I Ti 1:14);

i s granted (Acts 11:18); Directly, faith is an act of the
believer but indirectly it is an act of God.
3. Faith is given to both Jews and Gentiles alike. (Acts 11:18;
1 5:19)
4. Faith is given to us in connection with the imputed
righteousness of Jesus Christ (justification).
5. Faith must be guarded: world, flesh, and the devil are
constantly trying to destroy our faith.

3. Delightful Duty: "Virtue".

a. J oseph is the example.
b. Virtue is courage to do what is right.
c. By the Holy Spirit we are going to be the person
God is pleased with.
d. Gk. (aretin) moral power, moral energy, vigor of
soul. (See I Pe 1:9)
e. Virtue went out from Him in sympathy and service
and He calls on us to be real in our witness and
brace for conflict with the enemies of
4. Discriminating Direction: "Knowledge".
a. Daniel is the example.
b. Knowledge can lead to fanaticism, failure, or
c. There is a lot of zeal for knowledge in the world
today. May we never have zeal without knowledge
and knowledge without corresponding zeal.
d. We must have knowledge of God's standards and of
God's will if we are to live a life that is virtuous.
e. The word "knowledge" is (gnosin) meaning to have
i nsight, or understanding. (I Co 1 6:18; J ohn 15:15)
This is a moral discernment that comes from the
5. Daily Discipline: "Temperance".
a. Paul is the example.
b. Self-control is good, but to be mastered by Christ is
far better.
c. This word used only three times in New Testament.
( 2 Pe 1:6; Act 24:25; Gal 5:23)

d. Gk. word is "egkrateia" meaning self-control or self-
mastery. The ability to take a grip on oneself.
e. III. When God saves us, He doesn't take away our
desires or passions, but He does supply us with the
power to live above them. (Comp. 1 Co 9:25-27)
6. Dignified Deportment: "Patience"
a. Job is the example.
b. The word patience means steadfastness, but not a
steadfastness that stands still; but that always moves
ahead. (Heb 12:2)
c. The ability to idle your motor while you are
dying to strip your gears.
d. The ability to count down before blasting off.
Never beaten by disappointment nor baffled
by apparent misfortune.
7. Definite Development: "Godliness".
a. Timothy is the example.
b. Peter uses this same word in Verse 3 when he tells us
that God, through Jesus, has given us all that we
need pertaining to life and godliness.
c. Keeping much company with God will produce
God likeness.
d. Grace makes us fit for heaven, godliness makes us fit
for earth.
e. The new life in Christ who is the mystery of
godliness. (I Ti 3:16)
8. Displayed Devotion: "Brotherly Kindness".
a. Our example. (Jn 13:34-35)
b. A reverence for God and a brotherly kind spirit
those who are His children go together.
c. The word is "Philadelphia" or "love of the
d. Thirteen times in New Testament we are
commanded to love one another.
e. In John 13:35, Jesus said, love one for another was
or is a true mark of discipleship.
f. We are to love the brethren. (I Jn 2:10; I Jn3:14)
9. Declared Duty: "Love".
a. John is the example.

b. Griffith Thomas says: "These graces cover all our
relationships and our attitudes."
c. The first two are active graces, the second two are
passive, the next refers to God, the sixth one to
the Church, and the last one to all men.
d. Faith is the foundation, love is the cap stone, and
the only way from one to the other is by the
addition of all these graces.
e. This is "Agape" love, it is God-kind of love,
a Calvary love, the love which God is as to
His nature.
f. This love Peter is speaking of is 1 Co 13 kind of love. (
verses 4-7), "Let your love be so broad that it will
embrace every person for whom Jesus came to
C. Results of Responding (To the divine gifts). (Verses 8 - 11)
1. Efficiency. (Verse 8)
a. Shall not be barren. There will be fruitfulness.
b. The believer who is not growing is "idle."
c. As to our knowledge of our Lord Jesus.
2. Deficiency. (Verse 9)
a. Shall be "blind." (verse 9 - He is near-sighted)
1) He lives only for the present
2) Like the Church at Laodicea (Rev 3:17).
3) Never sees into the future. (Compare 2
Co 4:3-4)
b. Shall be "bewitched" by the world. (verse 9)
1) Has forgotten what he was cleansed from (old
sins) and what he was cleansed for (a life of
3. Sufficiency. (Verses 10-11)
a. Election Security. (Verse 10) (Comp. 1 Pe 1:2).
1) God knows if we are elected and called.
2) We know whether we are elected and
called, only by the presence or non-presence
of Christian virtues.
3) We are to diligently supply these Christian
virtues, not to get elected and called or to
stay elected and called, but to prove to
others that

we are elected and called.
4) "Never fall" - means never become a "casualty",
"has been", "a statistic."
b. Entrance
Abundance. (Verse 11) "Not saved so as by fire."
1) Some will enter the kingdom with very little
fruit and a small reward. (1 Co 3:15)
2) Others will enter in with much fruit and a large
reward. (1 Co 3:14)
c. Established in Present Truth. (Verse 12)
1) I t is wonderful to be established in the truth; to
know what you believe and why you believe it.
2) False teachers will not be able to lead astray.
( Col 2:7)
3) "Present Truth" - means the truth that is with
you, that is the truth of the gospel and in all
New Testament truth.

II. Defended Principles. Verses 12-21.

A. Reminder. (Verses 12-15)
Word "remembrance" (verses 12, 13, 15)
1. Peter wants to remind these believers always. (verse 1 2)
2. Peter wants to remind them as long as he lives.
(verse 13)
3. Peter makes provision for them to remember after he
dies. (verse 15)
4. Peter reminds his readers of their blessings, their
responsibilities, and their accountability.
5. Why do we all need to be reminded?
a. Because we forget so quickly.
b. We forget to practice or live the truth.
c. We are so easily led astray from the truth.
6. Verse 1 4 - The Lord revealed to Peter about his death.
(Jn 21:18)
a. On the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter wanted to
build three tabernacles. Here he is about to leave
his tabernacle. (Comp. 2 Co 5:14)
b. He is talking about his exodus-like stripping of an

old garment, it would take place quickly.
c. As he looked ahead, he thought of his readers.
d. Note: Peter does not use the word death, for he
was on a journey to a better land, and he eagerly
awaited his release from the body.
7. Verse 15 - "Decease". (See Lk 9:31, means "exodus.")
a. At Philip Brooks' funeral, the preacher said to the
pallbearers, "Just a minute that body has been the
dwelling place of the Holy Ghost for 40 yrs., so
handle it carefully."
b. Voltaire when dying said, "I am about to take a
fearful leap out into the dark."
c. Peter spoke of his decease, his exodus, as a way out
of darkness of this world, the way out of sin of this
world,the way out of the place where the prince of
power of the air now worketh in the children of
disobedience into God's blessed light. - Allison.
d. Peter wanted to leave behind some things for
believers to read at anytime after he is dead.
B. Recollection. (Verses 16-18)
1. Claim of Peter (verse 16)
a. Peter's message was a divine revelation and his
methods were not marked by trickery, trying to
deceive. Some of the false teachers apparently
taught that the gospel miracles were only allegories
and not facts.
b. "Cunningly devised fables" is an old term for the
word, story, narrative, fiction, fable, false-hood.
Fables mean "myths", manufactured stories that
have no basis. (I Tim 1:4,7)
c. " Made known unto you", possibly refers to his first
epistle (See 1 Pe 1:7, 13); Or does it refer to his oral
ministry, not recorded in Scripture?
d. Some believe the word "power" refers to the First
Coming of Christ, while the word "coming" to the
Second Coming of Christ. It is, I think, better
understood as the powerful coming, referring to the
Second Advent of Christ.
e. "Eyewitnesses" (Gk. word - Epoptai) used of those


who attained the third highest degree of honor in

the Eleusinian mysteries.
f. " Majesty" (Gk. Megaleios).
1) Peter felt that he, James, and John had been
l i fted to the highest stage of initiation at the
transfiguration. The Transfiguration was a
microcosm of the Kingdom; heavenly glory.
2) Old Testament saints, (Moses and Elias, Matt.
1 7:3); New Testament disciples, (Peter, James
and John); the Father, and His kingly Son.
3) So Peter's mind goes back to what he had
witnessed in the glory of the Transfiguration; as
the pledge and earnest of that which was
afterwards to be revealed.

NOTE #2:
Mount of Transfiguration Compared to Mount of Humiliation.

Mount of Transfiguration Mount of Humiliation

His face like the sun. His visage marred more than any man.
His clothing white as light.Shorn as sheep.
O.T. saints sharing His glory.
Malefactors sharing His shame.
Shekinah glory cloud. Supernatural darkness at noon time.
Preview of Christ in glory. Having the elements of hell - thirst,
abandonment, darkness, wrath of
God, pain and suffering.
Divine presence manifested. The cry of one forsaken of God.

NOTE #3:
Lessons We Learn from the Mt. of Transfiguration.
1. To be alone with the Lord Jesus is a glorious privilege.
2. The Lord Jesus is infinitely more glorious than men see Him
to be.
3. The Death of Jesus is an important subject under heaven.
4. We will recognize our loved ones in glory.
5. The Resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the gospel.
6. It is a privilege to hear the word (verse 5).

7. We need to get our eyes on Jesus and not on man.
8. We might be on Mt. spiritually enjoying the good things of
God, but sooner or later the Lord is going to let us
experience coming down to fight in the valley with His
9. We need a touch from Heaven to keep us going.
1 0. We ought to share the glory of Christ with others.

2. Confirmation of the Truth. (verse 1 7)

a. The Father's testimony to His Son was the crowning
proof of the power and authority of the Gospel
b. The glory of Deity, and Kingly Majesty were
manifested at the Lord's Transfiguration. (Mat 1 7:5)
1) "Excellent glory" is the Shekinah glory.
( Mat 1 7:5)
2) "Voice": Gk. Phone is used also at Pentecost.
(Act 2:6, Mat 1 7:5)
3. Certification of the Truth. (verse 18)
a. The voice from heaven settled forever the identity of
Christ and indicated the pleasure the Father found
i n Him.
b. These witnesses never forgot what they saw and
heard. (Verses 16 & 18)
C. Revelation of the Truth. (Verses 1 9-21)
1. Exhortation. (verse 19a)
a. "That ye take heed."
The testimony of Peter's personal experience (verse
16), the testimony of the Father are more permanent
i n the testimony of Scripture (Verses 19, 21). The
word prophecy is confirmed; and we are exhorted
to "take heed" in our hearts, to the light of the truth.
b. " more sure word."
The transfiguration scene confirmed the messianic
prophecies and made clear the deity of Jesus Christ
as God's Beloved Son.
c. "shineth." (See Jn 1:5 and Jn 5:35)
d. "dark place."
Old adjective, parched, dirty, dark, musky.


Also here in N.T. use.

2. Expectation. (verse 19b)
a "until the day dawn."
1) The world is a gloomy dungeon, but the
prophetic word is a glowing lamp that will
continue to shine until the day dawns and the
day star arises.
2) The supremacy of God's word is to be the
authority that is to encompass all ages.
b. " Day dawn" seems to have reference to the Second
Coming of Christ.
1) The "day star" or (morning star) shines brightly
as the herald of the dawn.
2) Jesus Christ is the "bright and morning star".
( Rev 22:16)
3) He is also the "sun of righteousness."
(Mal 4:1-2)

NOTE #4:
Some seem to think that the term Peter uses, "day star arises in
your heart" has to do with the time of salvation of the believer,
when the Holy Spirit comes to reside in our hearts, and to
teach us all things and to illuminate the word of God.
(2 Co 4:4-6; 1 Jn 2:8) Is Peter saying to these believers, walk
i n the light of the word as the Spirit shines in our hearts and
l ook for the morning star; look for the coming of Jesus Christ

3. Explanation. (verses 20-21)

a. Mr. Wiersbe says three affirmations that Peter makes
about the word of God:
1) Sure word. (Verse 19a)
2) Shining word. (Verse 19b)
3) Spirit-given word. (Verses 20-21)
b. Verse 20.
1) No Scripture prophecy is of man's own opinion,
but it is the revelation of the mind of God.
2) We search the Scriptures, not to prove what we

think is right, but to find out what God says
is right. - Mahan.
3) "Private" means "its own" or "one's own".
4) Since all Scripture is inspired by the Spirit of
God, then all Scripture must hang together and
there can be no divorce from other Scriptures.
5) No Scripture can be interpreted in the light of
human wisdom, but only in the light of
other Scripture, and by the Holy Spirit, Who
is the Author.
6) The Apostles proved their doctrine by the
Old Testament.
c. Verse 21.
1) All Scripture (O.T. and N.T.) came not by the
will of man but by the will of God. (2 Ti 3:
2) Men of God wrote as they were "moved" (
upon) by the Holy Ghost of God.
3) The Holy Spirit authored the word and only
the Holy Spirit can teach the word and
interpret it. (See 1 Co 2:14-15)
d. "Men of God."
1) Many men in the O.T. were called men of
God. Moses (Deu 33:1; Jos 14:6); Elijah (1 Ki 17:
18); Elisha (2 Ki 4:9); David (2 Ch 8:14).
2) These were not just "men of God" but "
holy" men of God." Are we men of God?
e. "Moved." (See 2 Sa 23:2; Lk 1:20)
1) These prophets were under the direct power
and influence of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit
was the author, man was the instrument.
2) I believe the very words of the Scripture to be
the very words of the Spirit of God. (2 Ti 3:16)
3) I also believe the Bible to be the only
inspired book, not one among many books that
is inspired, but the only one.
4) May I make a further statement, I only use the
1611 K.J.V. which I believe to be the faithfully
preserved word of God. AMEN.

NOTE #5:
The Bible is:
1. I nspired - God Breathed.
2. I nfallible - unfailing, sure, reliable, dependable, trust-
worthy, unquestionable, true, authoritative, positive,
true, irrefutable.
3. I nfinite - without limitation, unbounded, unconfined,
measureless, having no limit, never-ending.
4. I nerrant - free from error, infallible, without error.
5. I mmutable - not capable of or susceptible to change,
perpetual, permanent.

NOTE #6:
Reasons for Inspiration (To believe in the inspiration of the
1. Wonderful unity - 40 different authors: over 1 800 yrs., no
contradictions. (Collect other books by 40 men and see if
they agree.)
2. Superiority - to other books in its origin, formation,
doctrine, claims, redemption.
3. I nfluence in the world - blessed millions in every
4. Prophecy Fulfilled - 3,300 verses of prophecy have been
fulfilled; 2,908 are being or will be fulfilled.

5. Perfection - It is scientifically and historically correct;

history, astronomy, botany, geology, agriculture, science.
6. Claims -- 3,800 ti mes Bible writers claimed that God spoke
what they wrote.
7. Adaptability - Always up to date, on any subject. All ages
and all countries.
8. Preservation - through the ages, many have tried to destroy
it, but to no avail.



I ntroduction:
Simon Peter has discussed the establishment of the believer
and the resources which are at the believers disposal. God has
made provision that the believer will not lack anything needful.
This process by which it is supplied through knowledge of
God's word.

Now Peter brings our attention to enemies that threaten the

church from within. These are unveiled and exhibited in their
true character, their condemnation is proclaimed, their doom
announced. These false prophets and teachers are:
1. Scoffing.
2. Sinful.
3. Skeptical.

John Flavel said: "By entertaining of strange persons, men

sometimes entertain angels unawares; but by entertaining of
strange doctrines, many have entertained devils unawares."

I. Characteristics of False Teachers. Verses 1-3.

A. Presence of False Teachers. (Verse 1a)
1. Peter leaves us a message about false prophets and false
a. Peter begins in Chapter 2 with the word "But" for
the purpose of setting them in contrast with the
Spirit-inspired Scriptures of Vss. 20-21 of the first
b. These false prophets, claiming to be prophets,
also make false prophecies.
2. "False teachers among you."
a. Jesus predicted that false prophets would arise at the
end time. (Mat 24:24, Ref. to Israel)
b. Peter connects the rise of false teachers (in the
church) with false prophets in Israel's past.

Note #1:
Four marks of false teachers:
1. Arise from within - Paul warned the Ephesian elders and
gave them charge. (Act 20:26-31, especially vs. 30)
2. Follow ancient patterns. Mr. Good says these things
about these apostate prophets:
a. Officially recognized. (I Ki 18:19; 2 Ki 3:13; Jer 5:31)
b. Numerous, often the majority. (I Ki 18:19,22)
c. Great influence over civic leaders. (I Ki 22:6, 12)
d. Caused people to forsake the word of God. (I Ki 18:18)
e. Employed by hyperemotionalism. (I Ki 18:26-28)
f. Mentally energized by lying spirits (I Ki 22:19-23;
Eze 13:6)
g. Claimed to have divine authority. (Jer 14:14-15)
h. Lived immoral lives. (Jer 23:14)
i . They were and are under God's severe judgment
( Deu 13:5; 1 Ki 18:40; Jer 23:31-32)
j. Persecuted true prophets. (I Ki 18:4; 22:26, 27)
k. To be disregarded by God's people. (Jer 27:9, 10, 14;
Jer 29:8-9)
I . Motivated by covetousness. (Mic 3:11)
3. They initiate their work secretly.

4. They initiate destructive heresies.

"Privily shall bring in."

a. This means to introduce steal-ily.
b. The verb is the future tense, meaning continuous
action. (Gal 2:4)
B. Position of False Teachers. (Verse 1b)
1. " Damnable heresies."
a. " Heresy" in the N.T. is not just erroneous opinions,
but it embraces false conduct, a deliberate and
willful severance from right thought and right paths.
b. These heresies once implanted lead to immoral
c. These false teachers choose the name of Christ, but
they cast aside the doctrine of Christ.
2. "Lord that bought them."

a. They want nothing to do with salvation - (His cross)
or His sovereignty ( His crown.) Christ alone saves;
Christ alone reigns. Peter knew what it was to deny
the Lord in a moment of weakness. (Mt 26:75)
b. These false teachers' denial was an established
mode of life for them, evidenced by word and
c. The word "bought" is the Gk. word "agorazo"
carries with it the idea of paying a price for
redemption. Peter believed the Lord paid the price
of redemption even for those who deny the Saviour.
d. We need to come to the realization that in some
circles the story of redemption by the Blood of
Christ is being utterly repudiated by many.
e. The Bible says we are bought with the precious
Blood of Jesus, a Lamb without spot and without
blemish. Humanism teaches that man is his own
3. "Swift destruction." (verse 1c)
a. They deny the person and work of Christ. They will
deny the lordship and the redemptive work of
Christ. They also deny His word, His promise to
return. (Ch. 3:9)
b. Peter says when one willfully teaches heresies
which destroy God's work, he Himself will be
quickly destroyed when God's wrath is full.
C. Power of False Teachers. (Verses 2-3)
( Compare 2 Tim 4:3-4; Jud 4)
1. Verse 2
Thomas says: There are three things that describe the
effects of these false teachers and their work:
a. It was widespread: "Many shall follow."
b. It was immoral: "Pernicious ways." This term
"pernicious ways" does not refer to the message of
false teachers, but to immoral lives; it speaks of
their shamefulness, their lust, their lasciviousness.
The reason they live in sin is because they have not
accepted the truth.
c. It was blasphemous: "Whom the way of truth shall

be evil spoken of." By reason of their ungodly life
and by reason of their false teaching the way of
truth is spoken against by the world. They do not
make the way of Christianity clear, but rather
defame it.
2. Verse 3.
I n Verse 2, we see the success of these false teachers
and in Verse 3, we have the motive of false teachers.
a. The reason they are in the ministry is through
greedy desire to have more. Greed of gain seemed
to be one of the chief features of the heresies of the
apostolic age. Many false teachers (preachers)
operate today in order to make money out of their
followers. They are not in it because they were
"called" of God and placed in it.
b. Notice the words: "make merchandise." This
means they "trade" or make "traffic" with them.
3. Not only do we see the success and the motive of these
false teachers, but notice the "Judgment" that is coming
upon them.
a. Peter says that God's Judgment will not go on
li ngering. Their judgment has been long impending
and will shortly fall for their judgment is not idle,
and they might as well expect it to come.
b. Long ago that judgment started on its destroying
path and the sinning angels and the overthrow of
the people in Noah's day and the people in Sodom
and Gomorrah were but incidental illustrations of its
c. This judgment is still advancing and it will bring
them down to utter ruin and destruction in eternity.
d. Judgment may be long in coming, but it is certain
because God hath spoken in His word.

I I. Condemnation of False Teachers. Verses 4-9.

A. Assured Punishment. (Verse 4a)
I n the book of Jude (vs. 4) and here (vs. 4), both Peter and
J ude agree to the righteous judgment of God upon sin. If
God spared not the higher order of beings, namely the

angels, He will surely not spare human beings that sin.
1. Angelic Citizens. (Verse 4b)
a. Peter is now going to give the first of three
illustrations of the end of those who despise the
warning voice of God in His word. These Angels
rebelled against the word of God; the Antediluvian
world ridiculed the word of God; the men of
Ancient cities rejected the word of God.

NOTE #2:
There are 3 classes of angels:
1. Holy - unfallen - free.
2. Unholy - fallen - free.
3. Unholy - fallen - bound. (See Jude 6)

b. These "angels" could refer back to the fall (between

vs 1 and vs 2 of Genesis) or these could be of the
descent of the angelic beings in Gen 6:1-2. (It is
not stated here as to the case). Apostasy always has
a scheduled judgment. These angels were marked
out and "reserved unto judgment." Notice three
things in these vss. about this judgment:
1) Punishment is Reserved. (verse 4)
2) Punishment is Reviewed. (verse 5)
3) Punishment is Realized. (verse 6)
2. Antediluvian Civilization. (Verses 4-5)
a. It was because of pride that judgment came upon
these sinning angels. It was because of
disobedience of the world in Noah's day. Because
of sensuality destruction came upon those
five cities of the plain.
b. Genesis Chapters 6, 7, 8 records the history and his
generation and in the midst of all the trouble and
violence and flood, Noah was "saved." The word
"saved" means he was preserved through the time
of the flood.
c. The word "Preacher" refers to a highly honored
person or an ambassador of one country to another.
He was one that was an "Herald" as in 1 Ti 2:7;

2 Ti 1:11)
d. I t has been estimated that the flood destroyed 150
million ungodly people that rejected the truth
preached by Noah. Noah preached righteousness
for 120 years, and was the eighth person to enter
the ark that was saved, along with his family.

NOTE #3:
1. Noah saw it coming.
2. Noah served while he waited.
3. Noah was saved from it.

NOTE #4:
1. Noah heard a different voice.
2. Noah received a different vision.
3. Noah experienced a different victory.

NOTE #5:
1. Noah was forgiven (found grace).

2. Faithful (just man and perfect).

3. Fruitful. Three sons - from these three sons, every man,
woman on earth descended.
4. Finished the work (Ark of Gopher wood).

3. Ancient Cities. (Verse 6)

a. This is the third group that God destroyed with fire.
b. When we think of Sodom and Gomorrah, we
i mmediately think of Lot, for Lot's last years were
spent there.
c. I n Lk 17:28, Jesus reminds us that prior to the
Second Advent, the days will be like the time of
d. The sin of Noah's day was that of rejecting
preaching (Lk 17:26), and the sin of Lot's day was
perversion (vs 28).

NOTE #6:
I n Eze 16:48-50, the prophet gives some additional information

as to why God's judgment fell on these cities.
1. Pride.
2. Fullness of bread.
3. Abundance of idleness.
4. No piety on the poor and needy.
5. Haughtiness.
6. Abominations and perversion.

NOTE #7:
I n V. 50, God said, "I took them away as I saw good."

NOTE #8:
Because of their filthy, ungodly, lawless lives, God destroyed
Sodom and Gomorrah, turning these cities into ashes. This is a
picture (type of eternal judgment.)

4. Appraisal of Lot. (Verses 7-9)

a. His Salvation: "Righteous man". (2 Pet 2:7-8)
b. His Soul: "Vexed his righteous soul."
"Vexed" means to wear, to oppress, to torture, to
torment. (Mar 5:7; 6:48)
c. His Saviour. (verse 9) "The Lord knoweth how to
deliver the godly."
d. His Sadness. (Gen 19:14-26)
1) Lost his witness.
2) Lost his wife.
3) Lost his works.

I II. Conduct of False Teachers. Verse 1 0-22.

A. Deeds of False Teachers. (Verses 1 0-12)
1. The deeds of these enemies of the truth are graphically
described. There is a big catalogue of sins listed against
them. These vss. describe a luxuriousness and revelry
with lust and defiance of authority. Authority is
essential to any society. Without authority, anarchy and
chaos are certain.
2. Peter says that they despise government. The term
"self-willed" denotes an attitude of self-sufficiency and
pride. When self takes the throne, God is dethroned.

3. Deification of man is always followed by the
humanizing of God. If we worship self, we will not
bow a knee to God.
4. Peter gives one other characteristic of these apostate
teachers in Vs. 10 when he says, "they are not afraid to
speak evil of dignities" or "dignitaries" as we would say
5. Peter says that good angels do not abuse their
opponents, Apostates never tremble as they blaspheme
"dignities", yet the elect angels do not presume to bring
accusations against their own order that have been
apostatized from God. Despising authority will one day
be headed up in the "man of sin." (verse 11)
6. These false teachers are like dumb beasts, made to be
killed and consumed, they do not hesitate to speak evil
of holy things which they neither understand nor love.
(verse 12) They shall perish in their corruption.
( See I Co 2:14: J ude 10)
B. Description of False Teachers. (Verses 13-16)
1. Peter tells these readers that these false teachers
religionists shall receive the reward of unrighteousness.
( verse 1 3) (See Mat 7:22-23)
a. They are interested only in living in luxury and
count it pleasure to riot (revel) in the daytime, living
off money received from those they have deceived.
b. The scripture saith "but the night cometh."
2. These false teachers have a greedy appetite that feeds
on every form of sensual pleasure that never seems to
be satisfied. (verse 1 4)
a. "Eyes full of Adultery", here is the picture of a man
that cannot see a woman without mentally
undressing her. (See Mat 5:28)
b. Then the writer reminds us that they "cannot cease
from sin", this means that they are unable to stop
their downward path. Sin is like a cancer, once it
gets started it spreads rapidly.
3. G. Thomas has this to say describing these false
a. Licentiousness - "them that walk-defilement."

(verse 10)
b. Willfulness - "despise (dominion) government."
(verses 10-11)
c. Brutishness - "creatures without reason, born mere
animals." (verse 12)
d. Recklessness - "speak evil of things that they
understand not." (verse 12)
e. Sensuality - "pleasure to riot (revel) in the daytime."
( verse 13)
f. I nfamy - "cannot cease." (verses 14-16)
4. Peter ends Verse 14 by using a strong statement,
"cursed children". They are children of a curse and
they are marked for a divine curse. God in the end can
only curse and destroy such persons - Gingrich.
5. I n Verse 14 Peter says that these false teachers have
"eyes full of adultery." In vs. 14 and in vs. 15 they
have feet that follow the way of - Balaam. Peter says that
they are like Balaam "who loved the wages of
unrighteousness." Mr. Scofield makes a footnote about
Balaam, that he was a hireling prophet, anxious only to
make a market of his gift.

NOTE #9:
The Scripture talks about Balaam in three ways:
1. Way of Balaam - This was a way of materialism. (verse 15)
2. Error of Balaam - It is the error of all apostates, to sacrifice
eternal riches for temporal gain. It is running riot on the
broad ways of the world. (Jude 11) It is lust for "pleasures
of sin for a season", greed for "the treasures of Egypt."
( Heb 11:25-26)
3. Doctrine of Balaam - This is the union of the world and the
Church in spiritual unchastity. Balaam subtly opposed the
word of God which had been spoken. (Rev 2:14)
Balaam's sensual deed stands as a reminder of God's
j udgment upon all who would prostitute God given talents
and gifts for the sake of gain (reward).

6. I n Verse 16, Balaam was rebuked by a dumb ass for his

transgressions, that of commercializing his gift of

a. The word "dumb" means that he was without the
faculty of speech yet this animal gave out a cry as
the voice of a human being.
b. I n Num 22:30-31 we read about the "madness of
the prophet", which means that the ass "restrained"
or "hindered" him from going further on into
C. Destitution of False Teachers. (Verses 1 7-18)
1. " Wells without water."
a. Peter describes these false teachers, those who deny
the Lord, who profess with their mouth that they
l ove Him, but in their hearts there has been no
real commitment to Him, as wells without water.
b. They look large and deep and promise much, but
have nothing in them.
2. "Clouds that are carried with the tempest" (wind).
a. We see large, dark clouds overhead and expect
refreshing rain on our parched land; but they are
empty and are driven by wind.
b. The mist of darkness is reserved for them in an
eternal abiding sense.
3. "Speak great swelling words."
a. They talk a lot but they never deliver.
These false teachers make loud convincing
professions and allure people with great swelling
words of vanity.
b. What they profess is not what they practice; they
are true hypocrites. They promise satisfaction to the
people who are unstable and immature in the faith
and are led astray by their false teachings.
c. The word "vanity" - empty or vain or insincere.
d. " Wantonness" this word speaks of acts of filthiness
and words of filthiness and it carries with it
i ndecent body movements which bring about
unchaste handling of males and females.
e. These false teachers not only led them astray in
their beliefs but also in their actions.
4. Verses 1 7-19.

a.Verse 17 speaks of emptiness - wells without water.
b.Verse 17 speaks of instability - clouds that are
c. Verse 18 speaks of boastfulness - great swelling
d. Verse 18 speaks of seductiveness - they allure.
e. Verse 18 speaks of heartlessness - those that were
f. Verse 19 speaks of deception - promise them
li berty.
g. Verse 19 speaks of powerlessness - they themselves.
D. Doom of False Teachers. (Verses 19-22)
1. Problem. (Verse 1 9)
a. There are two nets in which people become
entangled, one is the affairs of this life (vs. 14) and
the other the defilements of the world (vs. 20).
b. These false teachers may present a message of
li berty and deliverance to those that hear them but
they become chained by practices of wickedness.
They are enslaved to sin and sinful practices. They
are "the servants of corruption" which means that
they live in a state of slavery to sin.
2. Predicament. (Verse 20)
a. The degeneration and doom of those who mislead
others is sure. Their judgment will be terrible,
eternal and perfectly just. Having become ensnared
they will not escape the judgment of God.
b. This state described in vs. 20 is the result of giving
way to the allurements of the lust and passion, even
after one has been delivered through the full
knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
c. Peter gives the actual course of these teachers.
There are three stages: an escape, a relapse, and a
consequent condition. This condition is similar to
that described in Mat 12:43-45 and Heb 6:4-6.
Experiencing such a deliverance, it is hard to
understand how one could return to the old life.
Maybe if I knew whether Peter was speaking about
the deceivers or the deceived, it would clear up the

problem here. The word "pollution" in vs. 20 refers
to an infection floating in the air.
3. Pitiful Condition. (Verse 21)
Peter tells us two things:
a. When they turn and follow false teachers their lost
state becomes worse than their 1st.
b. I t would have been better for these people if they
had never known anything about Jesus Christ at all.

NOTE #10:
I s Peter talking about people who have been saved and then
l ost their salvation because they turned their backs upon
Christ? I think not, for one can never lose eternal life.
Well, are these people who have a general knowledge of
Jesus Christ and what He can do for them; and actually at
ti mes live on a high moral level? Or have these people only
experienced reformation instead of regeneration?

4. Proverb. (Verse 22)

a. The "dog" an unclean beast, is used as a symbol of
false teachers in the Bible.
b. The "sow" like the natural man, may be washed,
but it is still unchanged, it is a sow, not a sheep.
c. God never refers to his children as sows and dogs.
d. Look at the references to dogs in the N.T., and see
how depraved the soul is that forsakes the way of
truth and rejects the Word of God. (Mt 7:6;15:26-
27; Mk 7:27-28; Lk 1 6:21; Phil 3:2; Rev 22:15)
e. The reference is taken from Prov 26:11.
Notice that sheep did not again become dogs or
sows but that dogs and sows again showed their
true nature - Gingrich.

Expectation of the Saints

Chapter 3

I ntroduction:
The knowledge of Christ should mold our habits and prepare

us for the return of Christ. The doctrine of false teachers in
relation to our Lord's return was dangerous and skeptical. In this
chapter Peter deals with the specifics of these false teachers (
context and error). This apostasy is to climax in a great departure
from the faith at the very end of time. Peter repeats to his
readers what he said in I Peter to remind these believers what
they already know. The coming of the Lord Jesus should be a
reason for holy living during the short stay we have left in
this world. Simon Peter says, "The King is Coming! Proclaim
His Coming!" In the middle section Peter describes the
characteristics of these apostates without naming a specific
time for their activity. In Ch. 2:1-20 these false teachers have
repudiated the deity and blood atonement, and this has been
the outstanding marks of false teachers and prophets. Individual
apostasy has been throughout church history. In the last days
corporate apostasy will be manifested in additional doctrinal
departures from the truth. Peter sums up his last words in
Chapter 3 as a warning against false teachers that will invade
the church.
1. Beloved - remember. (verse 1)
2. Beloved - be wise. (verse 8)
3. Beloved - be diligent. (verse 14) 4.
Beloved - be ware. (verse 17)

I. Preamble of Peter. Verses 1-2.

A. Be Mindful or Remember.
1. Peter says in vs. 1 - then after he reminds them of his
earlier epistle, he goes on to tell them that he wants
them to remember.
2. Someone said that review is a necessary method in
B. The word "pure minds" means to bear up or to test or
examine under sunlight.
C. Peter tells them there are two things that every believer
is responsible to remember.
1. The Word of God as was spoken by the Holy Prophets.
(Note: That Peter puts his writing on the same level
with the prophets of the O.T.)
2. The Commandment of the apostles of the Lord and

Saviour. (1:16-21) He refers to the O.T. writings,
writings of Paul and perhaps other Scriptures (3:15-16).
Peter recognized the writings of Paul as Scripture. Part
of the N.T. had been written, but had not been
canonized. (2 Pe 1:21; 2 Pe 3:16)

II. Perverter of the Truth. Verses 3-4.

Peter says that in the last days these false teachers will mock
at sin, mock true ministers of the gospel, reject the gospel of
the grace of God, and especially will they mock the second
coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the
torments of hell, and the joys of heaven. (1 Ti 4:1-2; 2 Ti 3:1-5) "
Mockers" and "scoffers" are the same. Peter uses one word and
Jude uses the other. (Jude 18) A. Will Come. (Verse 3)
1. "Mockers shall come." - Isa 1:20 as here "knowing this
first" indicates to give special attention to.
2. To scoff means to express contempt with words of
derision or by questioning credibility of the object
of derision. One way these apostates will use is
scoffing or discrediting God's Word.
3. The term "last days" refers to the last days of the
Messianic Dispensation. There is a vast difference
between the last days of the church and the last days of
Israel. (See Isa 2:2; Acts 2:17; Heb 1:2; Jam 5:3; 2 Ti
B. Walk After Their Own Lusts. (Verse 3b)
1. This part of the verse describes their sinfulness.
2. Scoffing and wicked living go together. We live only
what we believe.
3. The word condemns their evil living and this is why
they scoff, and deride. (Psm 12:4)
C. Why Do They Scoff? (Verse 4)
There are two arguments given by these scoffers.
1. He is not coming because He has not come yet.
2. Nothing will happen out of the usual, because
unusual has ever happened.
a. In the first part of Peter talked about their "Scoffing"
then he talks about their "Sinfulness" now he talks

about their "Skepticism".
b. " Where is the promise", has to do with the actual
fulfillment of the promise. This is the doctrinal
error which is the root of the sinful life of these
false teachers.
D. Willingly Ignorant Of. (Verse 5)
1. They have willfully forgotten God's long ago divine
i ntervention in the laws of nature.
2. Peter declares that God will intervene once again.
( Verse 7)
I II. Peter's Prophecy. Verses 5-7.
A. Preview of the Past. (Verse 5)
1. Peter now begins to answer their arguments. He
answers the 2nd argument 1st.
2. He says they are willingly ignorant. They don't have to
be ignorant, they have the Word of God to read.
3. The power of God's Word precedes and exceeds all
other authority. His Word created, it regenerates and
yet will remake all things new.
4. The flood (deluge) may be ignored as a fact, it is a
preview of the destruction that is yet to come.
5. The world was created by the Word of God and it
perished, at the command of the same authority; this
present world order is kept in store until the "Day of
the Lord."
B. Perishing of The Old World. (Verse 6)
1. The flood was a direct intervention by God in the
course of history.
2. What scoffers are saying is that God does not intervene
i n history, and Peter makes use of history to refute this
3. Peter says that the flood proves that God does intervene
i n human history. Hence, God's Word initiated the
judgment even as He had spoken through Noah's
C. Preservation By the Word. (Verse 7)
1. These scoffers are now told that it was (judgment) water
the 1st time, but it will be fire next time, only waiting
for God's time.

2. The word "reserved" means "stored up" or "treasured"
up for judgment. The fire of God's wrath is to be
poured out upon the earth and no human denial can
prevent it.
3. The judgment of the earth by fire in V. 7 has reference
to the day when God will come to judge the earth and
destroy evil. (In the O.T. this is known as the Day of
the Lord.)
4. After the judgment of the great white throne (wicked)
the new Heaven and the new earth will be created.
God changed the course of history in the past by
sending the flood; then after the Millennial Kingdom,
He will again change the course of history by refining
the earth with fire. The Lord Jesus will intervene in
history by his 2nd Advent to set up His Kingdom on
5. We have reference to three heavens in this chapter.
a. Heavens that were of old. (Verse 5)
b. Heavens that are now. (Verse 7)
c. The new Heavens. (Verse 13)

I V. Patience of God. Verses 8-9.

A. Relation of Time Disclosed. (Verse 8)
1. Peter in vs. 8 makes reference to Moses' prayer in Ps.
90:4 to impress upon his readers the reason for God's
patience in dealing with man in his sin and unbelief.
Peter not only adopts but adapts, the words of Moses
for his own purposes.
2. We measure time different from God. We measure
ti me by hours, days, years, but God does not conform
to time.
3. I n His essential being He is not limited to time.
There is no past or future with our God, for He is the
God of the "Eternal Now". "One day" or "one
thousand years" is alike to God. He can accomplish as
much in one day as we would expect to be
accomplished over a thousand years.
4. The word thousand is used six times in Rev. 20 and
here in V. 8 but is not used elsewhere in the N.T. 1000

years refers to "totality". The numerical value of the
l ast four letters of the Hebrew alphabet amount to
1 000.
B. Repentance of Scoffers Desired. (Verse 9)
1. God never uses the word "nearness" or "remoteness"
when He speaks. God is always slow in judgment.
( See Eze 18:23)
2. These scoffers were actually rejecting God's mercy and
doing despite to His longsuffering which extended even
to them if they would but see it. (Thomas, Pg. 278)
3. Unbelievers may count God's longsuffering as
slackness, believers count it as salvation.

NOTE #1:
Repentance is a missing word in most preaching today. The
word occurs 61 times in the N.T. "Metanoso" - to change the
mind for the better morally, to change the attitude toward sin.
( Lk 13:3; Act 2:38; 3:19) "Metanoia" - real change of mind
and attitudes toward sin and its cause, not merely the
consequences of it. (Mt 3:8; 3:11; 9:13; Lk 24:47)

4. Repentance is commanded by God. (Act 17:30)

Repentance was preached by John the Baptist.
( Mt 3:3-12)
Repentance was preached by our Lord. (Mk 1:15)
Repentance involves self-judgment, and has to do with
our attitude towards God. It was not the "sights" of
Athens that attracted Paul but the "souls" in need of

V. Promised Day of the Lord. Verse 10.

A. Certainty of It. - "Will Come"
1. God always keeps His appointments.
2. The point of which His judgment will fall is already
pre-arranged on God's prophetic calendar.
3. The Day of the Lord succeeds the day of grace.
B. Character of It. - "As a Thief"
1. The Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
(I Th 5:2; Rev 3:3; 16:15; Lk 12:39-41)

2. "In the night" seems to say in the time of sleep, and
unbelievers are insensible to their desperate spiritual
condition. I think that God's people have gone to sleep
also. Amen.
C. Consequence of It. - "The Heavens" - "elements" - "the
1. I n the day of the Lord there will be a dissolution of
heavenly things and a dissolving of earthly elements
will also take place. This is different from the Great
White Throne Judgment, when Heaven and earth flee
away. (Rev 20)
2. The Law of 1st Mention: The 1st mention of the Day of
the Lord is Isa 2:12 and is always associated with terror
and judgment.
3. The "elements" refer to heavenly bodies, sun, moon,
stars. The "earth" and the "works" has in view all that
man has wrought out on the surface of the earth, his
cities, cars, and cathedrals. These are references to
physical convulsions that accompany the day of God.
( Verse 12)

VI. Provision for His Own. (Verses 11-13)

A. Call to the Believer. (Verse 11)
1. I f the earth and all its man made works are due to be
dissolved and destroyed, then we should not become
too deeply involved in the things of this present world.
(See Mt 24:36-39; Lk 1 7:26-30)
2. We should keep ourselves from the things which
i njure our spiritual life and should concentrate on living
a godly life. (I Jn 2:15-17 - Gingerich)
3. These impending great events will produce godliness of
character and holiness of conduct in the saint that longs
for the Lord's return.
B. Conviction of the Believer. (Verse 12)
1. We are to "look" for and "hasting" the coming of the
" Day of God". The word "hasting" means to desire
earnestly; earnestly desiring, having the right attitude
2. The "Day of God" is the ushering in of the "new

heavens and the new earth" in view of which the
present heavens and earth will be destroyed.
a. The "Day of the Lord" may refer to either the
rapture of the Church or the Coming of the Lord
with His saints to the earth to establish His Kingdom.
b. The Day of the Lord is mentioned some 75 times in
the Bible.
c. The Day of the Lord is limited and marked by
j udgment; the Day of God is unending and is
marked by Glory and includes all the ages to come
when sin will be forever banished from the
d. The Day of God takes over at the end of the 1000
year reign of Christ.
C. Confidence of the Believer. (Verse 13)
1. The dissolution of this present order (Verse 11) will be
followed by the introduction of a new order (Verse 13).
This will be characterized by righteousness.
2. I n the Millenium, righteousness will reign, but in the
Day of God, the eternal state, righteousness will dwell.
I t will be permanent, it will have its fixed abode, in
contrast to the present state of things marked by
unrighteousness and sin. Why do I believe this -
because of the sure Word of God - "His Promise".
(Verse 13) We are exhorted to look for such things.
a. Man's day is the day of Salvation.
b. Christ's day is the day of Glorification.
c. Day of the Lord is the day of Tribulation.
d. Day of God is the day of Realization and

VII. Personal Appeal to Believers. Verses 14-18.

A. Watchfulness of the Saints. (Verse 14)
1. I n these final Vss. Peter makes his final practical
application to his readers. He has told of the judgment
of fire which is coming.
2. He uses a word of affection - "Beloved" (verses
1,8,14,17). and in V. 15 he refers to Paul as "Beloved",
which he uses to show his affection for him and his

3. If we look for these things (verses 12-13) we are
exhorted to live spotless lives, free of sin spots,
world spots, carnal spots of all kinds. Followers of the
spotless Lamb of God are required to be spotless.
4. The term "without spot" relates to that which is
external, where as "without blemish" relates to that
which is internal. (See I Pe 1:19; Comp. Rev 21:
27) Christ is not going to allow any blemished
thing to enter the Kingdom of God.
5. Peter wants us to "be found of Him in peace", our Lord
Jesus made peace through the blood of His cross. (Col
1:20; Col 3:15; Rom 5:1)
B. Wisdom of the Saints. (Verses 15-16)
1. Peter has been introduced to the Pauline epistles, and
Peter fully recognized Paul's position as an apostle who
wrote and spoke with the authority of God.
2. Silvanus who is mentioned here, was the "good" link
between Paul and Peter. (See I Pe 5:12)
3. Evidently Peter got over his rebukes by the Apostle
Paul. (Gal 2:11)
4. The reference to "things hard" may have reference to
I Th 4:13-18; 2 Th 2:1-12, or it may have reference to
the spiritual liberty that Paul set forth in Galatians. Paul'
s epistles were inspired of God.
5. Peter had a great love for Paul, and he may not have
understood all that Paul had written yet he accepted the
truth as a revelation from God.
6. "All his epistles" has to do with all the epistles that
had been written at that time.
7. Some things are hard to be understood both in Paul's
writings and in Peter's two epistles, but only "some
things" not "all" are difficult to be understood.
8. "Also other scriptures", refer almost always to the
inspired books of the O.T. The word "wrest" means
to twist, or twisted is found only here in N.T.
C. Warnings for the Saints. (Verse 17)
1. Peter seems to remember Paul's words (Gal 2:13), where the
expression "carried away" is used in

reference to when he wavered from steadfastness.
2. He didn't say "fall from grace" but fall from your own
3. You may slip backward instead of moving forward if
you are not careful.
D. Words for Strength. (Verse 18)
1. Peter ends his epistle where he began it with the
subject of growth and progress.
2. I n verse 17 he admonishes believers to be on guard
against error, now in verse 18 he tells them to grow in
grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ.
3. I n Peter's final exhortation he uses three words to
finalize his epistle:
a. "Grow" i n Grace.
b. "Grace" for the saved.
c. " Glory" of the Saviour. AMEN.


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