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The Holy Bible's Concept of Hell: (An Analytical, Comparative and Descriptive Study) One cannot get reward of one's good deeds or punishment of bad deeds fully in this world. The holy and sacred books of many religions teach the concept of life Hereafter and the Day of Judgment to their believers to receive the punishment of their bad deeds fully in hell. The Bible is one those primary books of the world religions which present the idea of Judgment and punishment in hell. This study presents the discussion and results of this very important question: What is the Bible's concept of hell? Starting with the King James Bible which is also called the Authorized Version of the Bible, this study examines the relevant verses and passages of both the Old and New Tetaments of the Modem Bibles in which the term hell has been used. This study also notes the various trends of modern Bibles regarding the use of Hell. The use of the term in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament has been inspected comparatively in eight Bibles published in English language during the twentieth century. Similarly, various terms, which have been used instead of hell in the Urdu Bibles of both the Catholic and Protestant Christians, have been studied to discover the modern and postmodern trends regarding this important term, This study also tries to discover and describe the types of those people who will be punished in the hell pointing to the bad deeds due to which they will be thrown into it. soho LAL AAM Cae tt kA FS ef side esi ti fie ab ipuer ep OMA, oF bin Sic Al Bess ete ibe Liryiaige (OL Meal phe lTh sess PRWEB piless dell OH Glen LE ata Scars dhe bert 6S pies efi LS ie Uteg A vat Carly drcel te PLudd Ler Loy: Fitri Gel, a Utena dns uivedza xolitz Ae Ye Helga 2¥ & eet ss Se tape U4, burton Jue Les LepewFs eu of (Tanakh) Ute 2L Pole Jewishe 1g’ SPA -e Lop HEL tigG*Old Testament LOMEL pH dite LEM Supe P Bible Mite ty L Aisi ton Sass Fol veel LAY et Kase aot ag Ge New Testament ££ iLO EAL spatapol Pbsbagh Ue Le Us SHoly Bible LL pedi tek sucer> Abeta h ti Benita S2 Fi IPL thee lh Uputis Gewlaldalaierthole tA Lula lass Se Hell -L ealiyfow SobFi Use, thy spe s Br whebWeeme (Wied tucst AP tut L5 CA Se trl ing Kn hee PLE ee rae NOM LF AA SG heel ash Cee Ney aM bUEL AB ead Cha Oot 2g LON, (iA5KPEb Subete dtysl beh User osarkises Load tug Ss srout ap Ouknbt tiie xtuwsrAset Ligh27tebibibtz id phe PUM Bul Wit Atmel udA ie obi seh L Ut Mg Poth wenptutdMe uigke ty PMobiehad KepbeFuageseoch, Authorised) MAO Be roe (KIV) win 2s Auy Fi L verti up 2 Si(Version SIF Lutte on Petula Mepeix techy SP FOL pBict Ort Curl Fi tug Al RL PiN(B. F. Westoott) 26y (Wilberforce) 134s 1.8 Ube iaiuce dtl | RICE. A. Hort) sur Urtie_ Ue BO UF Lb ty IbL ol idin

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