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Fourier analysis of pulse:

Typical Fourier spectrums of above pulse waveforms are as shown in Figure 2 (a), 2(b) and2(c).
These are being analyzed further

Fig. 2: FFT spectrum of Vata, Pitta and Kapha Type pulses.

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the recorded pulses is shown in Fig.12 (a, b &c).Each
spectrum has a sharp peak whose frequency represents the average frequency of pulse signal. Fig.2 (a)
shows FFT of Vata pulse in which the distinct first, second & third cardiac frequencies were at 1.46 Hz,
3.02 Hz, 4.60Hz.The subject showed the fastest Pulse rate compared to others. The respiratory
components were closely located near dc component. Fig.2 (b) shows FFT of Pitta pulse in which the
distinct first, second & third cardiac frequencies were at 1.43 Hz, 2.80Hz, &4.31Hz. Fig.2(c) shows FFT of
Kapha pulse in which the distinct first, second & third cardiac frequencies were at 1.15 Hz, 2.44 Hz,
&3.67 Hz .The subject showed the slowest Pulse rate compared to others.

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