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Olympia Day

On the 27th of March 2010, Olympia College Kuala Lumpur organized “Olympia Day”. Olympia Day was
planned as a family day cum open day. According to Brian Param – Principal of the center, it was coined
as an event to foster relationships between our current family with guest and visitors. Overall he was
proud of the staff who worked very hard to put this event together. Many staff members and our
current students also played entrepreneur on that day by selling food, drinks and organsing games for
the staff, students and visitors. The total headcount for the day was in the region of around 80 plus
people and all staff members.

The event was planned over a 2 week period and everyone worked as a team to see it thru. THR radio
presenters/cruisers were also invited who joined the activities around 2:00 p.m. Our Managing Director
Mr Sydney Pereira and our Executive Director Mr Kevin Pereira also took time out from their schedules
to spend some time with staff and visitors. There were also many games and activities organized such as
a singing contest, guessing games, dance competition and quizzes to name a few as well as ping pong
and a darts competition. There were prizes given to winners and all prizes were given out by the
Principal of the center on that day itself. The organizers, Ms Sharon and Ms Veronica among the various
members of the committee are happy that the event was considered to be successful. Ms Ivone, Ms
Justina, Ms Vishali, Mr Sureshmen, Ms Subba, Ms Moe, Mr David, Ms Parames, Ms Sulo, Ms Defani, Ms
Malini and all the rest of the members of staff at OCKL that worked together to pull this event home. We
are proud of the 1 Olympia approach taken and as practiced in the center.

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