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HRM Compensation Quiz

2question to each team. Each should be answered with in 1min Each question carries 10 points. Duration will 30 min. Optional (if time permits) 6 extra Question will be asked each carrying 5 points.

Pick and speak Topic

Rules Professor:- Hema harsha will be choosing any two person from the group to speaks about the topic Each team will be given 2min to talk on the topic. HR Challenges In Compensation D.A(dearness Allowance) Bonus Fringe benefit Indian Compensation act. benefits Reward system Wages & Salaries Incentives(group and individuals) Issues in indirect compensation Perquisites Pay for performance Skill based pay Merit based pay Commission Factor effecting design of incentive system. Direct compensation. Indirect compensation. Equal pay act. Pay secrecy. Minimum wages act. Stock option. Profit sharing. Piece rate. Gratuity.

Group discussion topic

Executive Compensation

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