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Case 1:06-cv-02954-WSD Document 1 Filed 12/05/2006 Page 1 of 2

~•- ~.
l?RORA'I T", COURT OF IDIPIK:)L]LB~ ('. t~CJ~1'I' Y'

IN ME MATM OF ~ I-'IS rAC nE MINfl3E R #20 o 1 z r 11 {6 x

AWMAER:G.E rrc:"Y AND 1'1rlEtA+iAS1EN'C
} (JRY i'VE>I. Y WC - APA17C. A .7'1-E-D .ADI UI..T

431UH R XPP'C)l1NTTr(I r 1J14EEFNsk' NCY (='UA JUl1I AdV

(~LIVD AL]P:PO]QMING ]P]EWVlEXNENT +GA .ARMAN j1]4I.14E.;5i5 {)BJECZT()N][ .4; 17LlEDi)

A be aririgr•ww held on -die p e titi an. on J ame ]BS :!INf. , wid after
consic[e ru~; the p~ 1 i~iciings, ~t~ie; Ir rs~luation report ~~iii the evidence akein at 6.- emergency hearbig,
ffie Court makes tie follo,wva~ ;:

AH p TDc+D1LMrad requiiefliexits of N:9-Sa5 and. §29-5 -8 of the Official Code of Georgia

ALziriotateci have been. net

L: .

~\ e
\~ J
a. The abrs,vi.-zamtxl ad:ke:g,e4L 11mwe1y ixicapaciitaizd adult OWrefilafter
ne:fe:rrExA to as "dw, )"ri3"`w is imicapaciitated . 1)y nNtsm : of
MEDU A.L lDi;aAHI[. m" :au md nrY'SiC'AU4 I€.ZN] S 3 OR l):LSABILMYs to
the extent that the: wand taclassi :~ffic;ient unck .T.standing. or. capacity to
make sigidic:amtt responsible dmi,sic)]D, e ;o11ceiriung 11MIe :r person or' is
~ic4qu&de thmir wid #]i :m is an, intim&6~W :e, ci( :Eu'ijjid
subslanii :al Adc of death or serious physical injury, illness, or ciisease .,
and is 1:ncAilk3t )IC Clf It'1aC1a1Tllji .ETl5& .-1' estate and there is amp immediate,
\ slub,sianti .al risk of inre>FmiLra :b:le: waste or dissipation of 111ie, e5utte .,
unless an emergency guardian of the : pet-son a D;d property 1:. ;appa :irtted .
\ IN %.
. %,~.
J lb.. It ;q31mors at pn zcxit tf wy after the e;x.pinttiou of the e:rrie;xgenc;q
g LL$1[ttig[15h1,p, t';11: ward will COI1t33311NE to lack mffi6entundcTsLmdi'ng or
capacity to make significant responsible tlCt,L'io:[1S COYICBA ni fl.$; his/lei'
Pe] C: 011t Ill:V,"rt. ll C: OE1llfiLll'lE ; to Ibe incapable C># (.CIL[llcnllf11a31 :1i[l;g such decisions
mndvvilt eAmtlaiLm- to) be incapable of managing i:Vher esitab.- and. Ib&
:p:mpc:rvr of ffie war d will be wasted or iii 5sipetw i unless proper
:[,LIEIr I E g;eF11mt is provided i D]C the property f the VVy3I 'd, is needed :for 1 ~ .slhe : I '
,sizpport or the support : of persons entitled to be supported lb;y the ww-cE.
Such inimipac;i;ty appears to tx :PerimmenlL

1 , ,-
Case 1:06-cv-02954-WSD Document 1 Filed 12/05/2006 Page 2 of 2

llEe; qj»ui:iaufte current value af ' i b.e j= s1ornalf ,p: rcyjxifiy of the, vv»z d. it s Sa:!46 700 . The ward
his an interest ins real prnix:rhy b s D eluifti;}')(iies), Georg 'yE. _~

J~, .
. NlA should be fqqx)int+xi guardian csflhe pilson and Jaha . Joy n,eir s'h+o'u'Ict 'be a TTOimke;dl
gwnfi= of-ate pmpen t;y because most ap jLrnj ii wke_+tti s etire:.


If a. jx ;1MWM1e'jri: is ordered above, flied'! the- •Arar~d, th€; fletitiOnar or petitioners,

and those 1X;r SMs 1IM1a01 irk parEqraphs 4 and 5 of the p eti tiiory eitheT individually or 1b,
tu sle;rl#he:ir attolmey-, may f ile a vnriltmz demand fix - .a hearing on the issue of a
permanent € nuLrd ian-Au p i s ne:ed ed, v+ri tb im3lJ days afix-no:nal ,servi,x of this order with res]pect
to, the ward or within 30 days of the date +SiFo:ral communication of this order or the date a copy is
pliazed in first class mail %xth :re-srect to the other persons entitled 'to notice of' the order.


The e tneirge:rEC ;y, ;guwrdianshiLp,sludl tA :jn:jiLrjam-. .upon%biclu:`re,r ofthe ftfLlawing occurs

rs : (1) the cfaW any, ]pm-,rYa&nejvit ;g~u~au ck~a~as]up e ;c»iciiLiLonallLy e; rtSb L1S]LiP•1l far X113 ward boC{ J3LTlE :5
fiilly efFecti;ve 4i1w, to lax-'k of amEy olbjlecti .ons, (i .e ., 30 cfi:y,s aftar service r notification upon I-Ee
t&A person f all 11r : ]pm-~ :saw mquh-ed. w l*- smnre:el or otherwise nofiiliigi of 6 ;is orale,r} ;(2,) 45
days after tlb-. filing of the jwtEtii»i unless ther bearing, is requested w ; twdw ipn»rnaneill.
parlila]n„ iif'arky, of 1he 1, XudEiwisivp, ui vvlli .cb fnre:nt the e ;nnlmrge;nicy shall 11c .Trninate,
55 days jAer -ate filing ; of the petifiapy (3) the Go,nc]Iusioja of the full hearing, if cone is demanded,
on the issue of Fiemrikane ;nt g;uardiwLsbap;, oir (4) 11e ; JFallowbil ; date :, if any, slpe .ifiie,di by the court:

,1 ,)k n should be, zn,3 i:4 2 Ljijkii Uttxl as emergency amidi ]pwn7rawen1: gr wa :cki an
of the property oiPtlw 'ward . Letters of emergency gu mrcli anshi iro iyf the property shall issue, to
such guardiau(s') upon taking the raqwred oath and upon the guaz&afnf of the pcropei fiy"s posting
ondL ;i ii ,ktke; aunelunt af'"PCi 'BE, CIF'I'EBNINE. The poWers aid duties, o1F ;sUc rh e:mexgenc;y
g; ll au r dia rk(s;~ We limited O those s.p,eCi fie dL ii n the letters of e:raerguEC;y jpxu•d1w.v3hup, which will tc
issued in Go]R]tLe :1 :1o 1[3 With this :[Y1FlttE7.

Ifno other hearing is required in this matter, permanent letters of gmar+dianslnip shall issue
to such gimirdi,an(s) following
; iffie:'ta st date u.pon tivlk ich a witte:rt cle:naEund for he5org. could be
filed . fi/~
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Date Offlux


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