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D/MS|Jf/e/6 ?2 July2OOS DAWS Copyto: of APSlSecretary State PS|/PUS PS/CDP EA/lSL MA/DCDS(EC) PS/I{DS PS/DCE ConunSRD cM(BM) tlcRs - BM FRC- TL SRG. GL Merlin IPTL SpecielAdviser


PUsrucDS Psrzd

Military 1. Minister(DP) wimAbn Johnston met {MDA$.rstawestland Westland Programrnes) Graham Cole{ltfonExecutive Direclor, antf grateful the briefing for Ltd) l-lellcopters on Z0Jufy. I waspresent. Hevvas provided the SRG. by briefedthe Hinbter on the companyufiah initiallyhe was 2. Johnstofr very positiveaboul- Florever, wfcn pressad,he madechar that fiey had a very limiFd futureorderbook ard rere highlydependefilon FutureLynx. forthe EH|OI ln the US PRV TheywouldalsoneedMinistedal sr.Fport campaign.


4. John+lon thecolnpany's said relatimstrip theMOD wittr wasgeneraily gmd. l-|esfrongry the supported paffrering at ryroach. l-lourevet lower levels lhereremainedsorne historic fensions belvreen cornpany the and officlafs needed that |obe addressed. kytopartnership The wastheFuture
Rolorcraft Capability.


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