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Design Exercise No.

6 Modeling in Frequency Domain OBGECTIVE: To learn to use MATLAB and the Symbolic Math Toolbox to: (1) find Laplace transform for time functions, (2) find the time functions for the Laplace transforms, (3) create LTI transfer functions from symbolic transfer functions, (4) perform solution of symbolic simultaneous equations. SOFTWARE: MATLAB, the Symbolic Math Toolbox, the Control System Toolbox PRELAB: 1. Using a hand calculation, find the Laplace transform of: a. b.

2. Using a hand calculation, find the inverse Laplace transform of:

POSTLAB: 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages between the Symbolic Math Toolbox and MATLAB alone to convert a transfer function from factored form to polynomial form and vice versa.


5 )  (2  3s )  1(0) s I 2 S ! 5 5 2  2s (7  5s)(3  3s  )  (2  3s)2  (1  2s) (1  2s)(3  3s  )  (2  3s)  1?(1  2s)(2  3s)  (7  5s) A s s 5 VS (1  2s )(3  3s  )  (2  3s ) s I 2 S ! 5 35 2 2 2 2  2s (6s  24s  77  s )  1  2s (6s  12s  15  s )  1(6s  12s  9) VS (6s 3  12s 2  15s  5) I 2 S ! 70 5 12s 2  48s  84  70   12s 3  48s 2  84s  6s 2  12s  9  6s 2  12s  15   12s 3  24s 2  30s  10 s s 3 2 V (6s  12s  15s  5) I 2 S ! S 65 24s 2  78s  120  s 3 2 V (6s  12s  15s  5) I 2 S ! S 3 24s  78s 2  120s  65 4I 2 S 4(6 s 3  12 s 2  15s  5) V G( S ) ! O ! ! 24 s3  78s 2  120s  65 Vi Vs

2  2s 0  VS (1  2s )(3  3s 


5 VS (7  5s)(3  3s  )  (2  3s)2 s I1 S ! 5 5 2  2s (7  5s)(3  3s  )  (2  3s)2  (1 2s) (1 2s)(3  3s  )  (2  3s)  1?(1 2s)(2  3s)  (7  5s)A s s 5 VS (7  5s)(3  3s  )  (2  3s)2 s I1 S ! 5 35 2 2 2 2  2s (6s  24s  77  s )  1 2s (6s 12s 15  s )  1(6s 12s  9) I1 S ! VS (6s3  24s2  42s  35) 12s2  48s  84  70  70 5  12s3  48s 2  84s  6s 2 12s  9  6s 2 12s 15  12s3  24s 2  30s  10 s s 3 2 V (6s  24s  42s  35) I1 S ! S 3 24s  78s2  120s  65


I 3 S !

VS ?(1  2s)(2  3s)  7  5sA 5 5 2  2s (7  5s)(3  3s  )  (2  3s)2  (1 2s) (1 2s)(3  3s  )  (2  3s )  1?(1 2s )(2  3s )  (7  5s)A s s VS ?(1  2s)(2  3s)  7  5sA 35 5 2 2 2 2  2s (6s  24s  77  s )  1  2s (6s 12s 15  s )  1(6s  12s  9) VS (6s2  12s  9) 12s2  48s  84  70  70 5  12s3  48s2  84s  6s2 12s  9  6s2 12 s 15  12 s3  24 s2  30 s 10 s s

I 3 S !

I 3 S !

VS (6s 2  12s  9) 65 24s2  78s  120  s 2 sVS (6s  12s  9) I 3 S ! 24s3  78s 2 120s  65 I 3 S !

LABORATORY: Use MATLAB and the Symbolic Math Toolbox to: a) Generate symbolically the time function f (t) shown in Prelab 1 and find the Laplace transform.

>>syms t f =t^2*cos (4*t); pretty (f) F=laplace(f); simplify (F) pretty (ans) 2 t cos(4 t) ans = (2*s*(s^2 - 48))/(s^2 + 16)^3 2 2 s (s - 48) ------------2 3 (s + 16)

>>syms t >>f2= 5*t*exp(-2*t)*sin(4*t); >> pretty (f2) 5 t sin(4 t) -----------exp(2 t) >> F2=laplace(f2); >>pretty(ans) 20 (2 s + 4) ---------------2 2 ((s + 2) + 16)

b) Generate symbolically the F(S) shown in Prelab 2 and find the Inverse Laplace transform.

>>syms s >> F3= 3/(s*(s^2+2*s+5)); >>pretty(F3) 3 ---------------2 s (s + 2 s + 5) >> f3=ilaplace(F3); >>pretty(f3) / sin(2 t) \ 3 | cos(2 t) + -------- | 3 \ 2 / - - ------------------------5 5 exp(t) >>

c). Solve for the transfer function, G(S) = Vo(s) / V(s). Use both the mesh and nodal equations and show that either set yields the same transfer function.

syms s x x= 'V(s)'; denominator=[(2*s)+2 (-2*s)-1 -1; (-2*s)-1 (5*s)+7 (-3*s)-2; -1 (-3*s)-2 (3*s)+3+(5/s)]; a=[(2*s)+2 (-2*s)-1 -1; (-2*s)-1 (5*s)+7 (-3*s)-2; -1 (3*s)-2 (3*s)+3+(5/s)]; a([4])= [x]; a([5 6])= [0]; b2=a; den=det(denominator); % I2(s) num2=det(b2); I2=num2/den; 'I2(s)' r2= simplify(I2); pretty(r2) 'G(s)= Vo(s)/V(s)' G= 4*r2/x; pretty(G) ans = I2(s) 3 2 V(s) (6 s + 12 s + 15 s + 5) -----------------------------3 2 24 s + 78 s + 120 s + 65 ans = G(s)= Vo(s)/V(s) 3 2 4 (6 s + 12 s + 15 s + 5) --------------------------3 2 24 s + 78 s + 120 s + 65



Discuss the advantages and disadvantages between the Symbolic Math Toolbox and MATLAB alone to convert a transfer function factored form to polynomial form and vice versa.
Symbolic Math Toolbox lets you input expressions or equations on their usual form while in MATLAB alone , you have to specify the coefficients of each ter.

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Symbolic Math Toolbox to generate LTI transfer functions.
MATLAB's Symbolic Math Toolbox may be used to simplify the input of complicated transfer functions as follows: Initially, input the transfer function G(s) = numg/deng via symbolic math statements. Then convert G(s) to an LTI transfer function object. This conversion is done in two steps. The first step uses the command [numg,deng]=numden(G) to extract the symbolic numerator and denominator of G. The second step converts, separately, the numerator and denominator to vectors using the command sym2poly(S), where S is a symbolic polynomial. The last step consists of forming the LTI transfer function object by using the vector representation of the transfer function's numerator and denominator.

3. Discuss the advantages of using the Symbolic Math Toolbox to solve simultaneous equations of the type generated by the electric network in Prelab 3. Is it possible to solve the equations via MATLAB alone? Explain.
MATLAB's Symbolic Math Toolbox may be used to simplify the solution of simultaneous equations by using Cramer's rule. A system of simultaneous equations can be represented in matrix form by Ax = B, where A is the matrix formed from the coefficients of the unknowns in the simultaneous equations, x is a vector containing the unknowns, and B is a vector containing the inputs. Cramer's rule states that xk, the kth element of the solution vector, x, is found using xk = det(Ak)/det(A),where Ak is the matrix formed by replacing the kth column of matrix A with the input vector, B. In the text we refer to det(A) as "delta". In MATLAB matrices are written with a space or comma separating the elements of each row. The next row is indicated with a semicolon or carriage return. The entire matrix is then enclosed in a pair of square brackets.

4. Discuss any other observation you had using the Symbolic Math Toolbox.
Symbolic Math Toolbox expressions are much simpler and readable than MATLAB alone.


Upon the completion of exercise 6,we found out that MATLAB's calculating power is greatly enhanced using the Symbolic Math Toolbox. In this example we demonstrate its power by calculating inverse Laplace transforms of F(s). The beginning of any symbolic calculation requires defining the symbolic objects. For example, the Laplace transform variable, s, or the time variable, t, must be defined as a symbolic object. This definition is performed using the syms command. Thus, syms s defines s as a symbolic object; syms t defines t as a symbolic object; and syms s t defines both s and t as symbolic objects. We need only define objects that we input to the program. Variables produced by the program need not be defined. Thus, if we are finding inverse Laplace transforms, we need only define s as a symbolic object, since t results from the calculation. Once the object is defined, we can then type F as a function of s as we normally would write it. We do not have to use vectors to represent the numerator and denominator. The Laplace transforms or time functions can also be printed in the MATLAB Command Window as we normally would write it. This form is called pretty printing. The command is pretty(F), where F is the function we want to pretty print. In the code below, you can see the difference between normal printing and pretty printing if you run the code without the semicolons at the steps where the functions, F or f, are defined. Once F(s) is defined as F, we can find the inverse Laplace transform using the command ilaplace(F). MATLAB's Symbolic Math Toolbox, with its ability to perform matrix operations, lends itself to the Laplace transform solution of state equations. Hence, with this we can manipulate expressions much simpler and readable.




(Modeling in the Frequency Domain)


Date: 28 JULY 2011


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