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:Admiral amir-lbahr Commander of the sea :Adobe al-tuba The brick :Alchemy al-kimia The art of transmutation *LGk

*LGk "khemia" the land of Egypt :Alcohol al-kuhl The powdered antimony :Alcove al-qubba The vault :Alfalfa alfasfasa The forage plant :Algebra al-jabr

Setting (of broken bones); knitting together (refers to (solving equations :Algorithm al-khwarizmi 9th century mathematician: Muhammad Ibn Musa alKhwarizmi :Alkali al-qilyu The potash :Almanac almanakh The climate :Amber anbar Ambergris, amber :Apricot al-barquq The plum :Arsenal dar al-sinaa The house of manufacturing :Artichoke al-khurshuf The artichoke :Assassin hashashin (Those who use hashish (grass

:Average awwar - Damage to ship or cargo (which was shared, or (averaged out equally among investors :Azimuth as-sumut "The ways *Lat: "semita, path :Azure azward "Lapis lazuli, blue *Per: "lazhuward Barberry barbaris Barberry bush :Benzoin luban jawiyy Frankincense of Java :Berber barbari Barbaric, uncivilized *Lat :Borax buraq Sodium borate *Per :Caliber qalib Mold . *Gk Prob :Camel

jamal Camel :Cameo qamail Flower buds :Candy qand Crystalline form of evaporated sugar :Cane qanaa Hollow stick *Gk :Carafe gharraf Dipper weight :Carat qirat Measure *Gk :Caraway karawya Caraway plant *Gk :Carmine qirmiz Red dye :Checkmate al-shash mat "The king (shah) is dead"

Per * :Cipher sifr Zero :Cinnabar zinjafr Mercuric sulfide Coffee qahwa Coffee :Cotton qutn Cotton from Gossypium plant :Crimson qirmizi Red dye from the kermes beetle :Crocus kurkum Saffron *Lat :Cumin kammun Cumin plant :Drub darab To beat, hit :Elixir

al-iksir The drug *Gk :Gazelle ghazal Gazelle :Genie jinni Demon, spirit :Gerbil yarbu Desert rodent :Ghoul gul Demon :Giraffe zarafa African mammal :Guitar qitar "Guitar *Gk: kithara, "lyre :Gypsum jibs Mortar :Hazard al-zahr Dice used in backgammon

:Jacket shakka Mailcoat :Jasmine yasmin Fragrant flowers *Per :Lemon timun Lemon fruit *Per :Lute al-ud Stringed instrument :Magazine makhazin Storehouses :Mattress matrah Place where is thrown :Mascara maskhara buffoon (masked) clown :Massage mass Stroke, touch :Mocha mukha

Port known for its coffee :Monsoon mawsim Season :Mosque masjid Place of worship :Mummy mumiya Preservative :Muslin mawsili Cloth) from Mosul *Per) :Nadir nazir as-samt Opposite of the zenith :Orange naranj Orange tree *Per :Racket raha Palm of the hand :Ream rizma Bundle

:Safari safar Journey :Saffron zafaran Saffron spice :Sash shash White cloth, muslin :Satin zaytuni From Zaytoon, Arabic form of Tsinkiang, Chinese city from which it was probably exported :Scarlet siqillat Rich cloth :Sherbet sharbat Drink :Sofa suffa Ledge, bench, saddle pad :Spinach isbanakh Spinach *Per :Sugar sukkar

Ground sugar *Per :Syrup sharab Syrup, drink STREET serat :Tabby tabbi Name of quarter in Baghdad :Tambourine tanbur Bass drum :Tangerine tanja Name of a Moroccan port: Tangiers :Tarragon tarkhun Tarragon *Gk :Tariff tarifa Information, notification :Tripe tharb Layer of intestine fat

:Typhoon tufan Whirlwind *Gk :Vizier wazir Chief minister of a king :Zero sifr Nothing, zero :Zirconium zirqun Zirconium metal

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