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Sophie Le Rue Writer-Editor on EU external relations

Articles publis / Published articles:

(disponibles sur demande / available upon request) A propos du Partenariat stratgique Afrique-UE / About the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership: Conception dune stratgie de communication sur le partenariat Afrique-UE, valide par la Task Force conjointe de mars 2010 / Design of a communication strategy on the Africa-EU Partnership, endorsed by the Africa-EU Task Force in March 2010: Diverses contributions au site web / Various contributions to: Organisation de confrences et sminaires runissant dcideurs politiques et reprsentants de la socit civile, notamment dans le cadre des Journes europennes du dveloppement / Organisation of conferences and seminars gathering policy makers and civil society representatives, especially in the framework of the European Development Days: Pour la promotion du programme Tacis, le programme de coopration technique de lUE avec les pays dEurope de lEst, du Caucase et dAsie centrale / For the promotion of the Tacis programme, the EU technical co-operation programme with the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia: Rdaction dune srie de fiches-projets, publies en anglais et russe / Drafted a series of project fiches, published in English and Russian:

Reforming the State budget process (Russian Federation), EU funding: 3.8 million European business support yields good harvest (Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation) Ensuring river water quality across borders (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine), EU funding: 4 million Developing the local economy through increased business across the border (Moldova), EU funding: 2 million Giving everyone a share in protecting the environment (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine), EU funding: 2.5 million Softening the effects of transition in Central Asias Ferghana Valley (Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Tajikistan), EU funding: 1.15 million Reforming public administration in the Kyrgyz Republic, EU funding: 1.26 million Preserving the environment for future generations in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) Supporting local communities to reduce pressure on the Caspian Sea environment (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia), EU funding: 1.2 million Sniffing out the drugs in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) 1

Rvision et correction dautres publications bilingues en anglais et en russe sur les relations de lUE avec les pays partenaires dEurope de lEst, du Caucase et dAsie centrale / Editing and proof-reading of various other bilingual publications in English and Russian on EU relations with the partner countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia:

Connections, a bilingual quarterly e-newsletter, published on the EC EuropeAids website; 3 thematic publications on economic development, transport and the environment; 1 leaflet on the Tacis programme.

Rvision et traduction en franais des scripts de deux vidos assurant la promotion du programme Tacis De la mer Noire la mer Baltique et Kaliningrad, conues pour une diffusion sur les chanes de tlvision de lUE et des pays partenaires / Edited and translated into French the scripts of two videos promoting the Tacis programme From Black Sea to Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad for broadcast on EU and partner countries TV channels. Confrence internationale sur la Sensibilisation la solidarit Nord-Sud et Education au dveloppement, tenue Bruxelles en mai 2005, sous les auspices de la DG-Dveloppement de la Commission europenne et du ministre fdral belge des Affaires trangres, du Commerce international et de la Coopration au dveloppement / International conference on AwarenessRaising on North-South Solidarity and Development Education held in Brussels in May 2005, under the auspices of the European Commission DG-Development and the Belgian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Development Co-operation: The EU Enlargement to 25 and more, a challenge for the political commitment to development education and awareness raising on North-South solidarity? Working Paper. May 2005. ( & Media and communication strategies. Working Paper. May 2005. ( & Solidarity Economy and Fair Trade: a way to raise EU citizens awareness on sustainable development and North-South solidarity? Brochure. May 2005. ( & European Conference on Awareness-Raising and Development Education for North-South Solidarity. Final report. July 2005. ( &

Questions humanitaires / Humanitarian aid issues (Mdecins Sans Frontires): Communiqus de presse, dpliants et articles rdigs pour le compte de lOffice daide humanitaire de la Commission europenne, ECHO sept. 2003 mars 2004 Press releases, folders and articles written for the European Commissions Humanitarian Aid Office, ECHO Sept. 2003 March 2004 Programme de MSF dans la rgion de la mer dAral Rapport dactivits annuel 1999-2000 Programme de MSF dans la rgion de la mer dAral mise jour rgulire de dpliants dinformation et du site web ( 2

Programme de MSF dans la rgion de la mer dAral dveloppement de divers supports dinformation sur la tuberculose destins aux patients, au personnel mdical et au grand public. Programme de MSF dans la rgion nord de lAfghanistan enqute auprs de la population dun camp de personnes dplaces, comme suite la scheresse, sur les conditions de retour vers le lieu dorigine, Sar-i-Pul, avril 2002 Programme de MSF dans la rgion nord de lAfghanistan articles sur le mandat et les activits de MSF et interviews du personnel local et expatri publis dans la presse locale Programme de MSF dans la rgion nord de lAfghanistan conception dun sminaire destin au personnel afghan sur le rle des ONG dans laide humanitaire et sur le mandat de MSF Programme de MSF dans la rgion nord de lAfghanistan lancement dun bulletin dinformation interne destin au personnel local de MSF MSF Belgique LAfghanistan aprs les bombardements, in Le Journal de MSF, bulletin trimestriel destin aux donateurs, juin/juillet 2002 MSF International rvision de la version franaise des rapports dactivits annuels 1999-2000 et 2001-2002.

Lom 2000, ECDPM (bulletin d'information bilingue sur l'avenir des relations ACP-UE / bilingual newsletter on future ACP-EU relations): "Protocoles agricoles: impact et perspectives" in Lom 2000 N2, mai 1996 "Agricultural Protocols: Impact and Perspectives" in Lom 2000 N2, May 1996 "Le protocole sucre: un cas particulier?" in Lom 2000 N2, mai 1996 "The Sugar Protocol: a Special Case?" in Lom 2000 N2, May 1996 "L'UE et l'initiative de dsendettement" in Lom 2000 N4, janvier 1997 "The EU and the Debt Initiative" in Lom 2000 N4, January 1997 "Les pays membres se prparent" in Lom 2000 N4, janvier 1997 "Member States get Ready" in Lom 2000 N4, January 1997 "Livre vert" in Lom 2000 N4, janvier 1997 "Green Paper" in Lom 2000 N4, January 1997 "L'OMC et les pays les moins avances" in Lom 2000 N5, mai 1997 "The WTO and the Least-Developed Countries" in Lom 2000 N5, May 1997 "Une rgression dans la question du genre" in Lom 2000 N5, mai 1997 "Green Paper: a Step Backwards says WIDE" in Lom 2000 N5, May 1997 "Les accords de l'UE avec les pays tiers : des leons pour l'aprs-Lom ?" in Lom 2000 N6, octobre 1997 "Lessons for Lom from other EU Cooperation Agreements" in Lom 2000 N6, October 1997 "Les bananes des Carabes menaces" in Lom 2000 N6, octobre 1997 "Caribbean bananas under threat" in Lom 2000 N6, October 1997 "Position des Etats membres" in Lom 2000 N6, octobre 1997 "EU Member States Set Out their Positions" in Lom 2000 N6, October 1997 3

"Concertation en Afrique de l'Ouest" in Lom 2000 N6, octobre 1997 "Consultation in West Africa" in Lom 2000 N6, October 1997 "Concertation en Afrique de l'Ouest" in Lom 2000 N6, octobre 1997 "Consultation in West Africa" in Lom 2000 N6, October 1997 "Les Etats ACP vulnrables" in Lom 2000 N7, fvrier 1998 "Vulnerable ACP States" in Lom 2000 N7, February 1998 "Les ACP restent unis" in Lom 2000 N7, fvrier 1998 "ACP stand united" in Lom 2000 N7, February 1998 "Quel impact pour les ONG ?" in Lom 2000 N7, fvrier 1998 "Have NGOs made a difference?" in Lom 2000 N7, February 1998

Sites web / web sites Euforic, OneWorld/MondUni : "Entre action et rflexion: ENDA fte ses 25 ans", mai 1997 ( "Lom en Sorbonne", juin 1997 ( " Sommet du P7 : Propositions alternatives pour un dveloppement durable", juin 1997 ( "Entre Flandres et Sahara : agriculture durable dans une perspective mondiale", septembre 1997 ( & "Synthse des consultations autour du Livre vert", octobre 1997 "Lom, un enjeu pour l'ducation au dveloppement ? Suggestions de campagnes par des professionnels de l'information et des ONG", octobre 1997 "Le thtre-action au service de l'ducation au dveloppement", octobre 1997 ( "ACP civil society sets out its views on ACP-EU relations", November 1997 (reproduced in the Liaison News / Info of the Liaison Committee of NGDOs, N32, November 1997, and in Liaison South / Sud of the Liaison Committee of NGDOs, N4, February 1998) ( "Decentralising EU Development Cooperation in Uganda - an interview of the young expert in charge of liaising with NGOs at the EC Delegation in Kampala", November 1997 (reproduced in Liaison South / Sud of the Liaison Committee of NGDOs, N4, February 1998) ( "The Legal Profession and the Protection of Human Rights in Africa: report of a conference", December 1997 ( "Les ONG belges de dveloppement et l'Internet" , mars 1998 ( "Belgian development NGOs on the Internet" , March 1998 ( 4

"Coopration au dveloppement : Mobiliser l'Europe avec Internet", Le Courrier ACP-UE, juillet-aot 1998 ( "Development Cooperation: Using the Internet to mobilise Europe", ACP-EU Courier (170), JulyAugust 1998 ( OneWorld Europe: une "communaut europenne" active sur Internet au service du dveloppement durable, aot 1998 (

Divers / Miscellaneous: "The Future of the Lom Convention: Challenges and Options for South Africa", May 1997, for IRC News, International Research Consultancy (IRC), Cape Town.

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