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Query ans wers :

1. Please delete the ‘b’ affiliation because it is similar with ‘a’ one. But, please put the
postal code 130-650 in the ‘a’ affiliation.
2. Regarding the fax number, I prefer to delete it. The machine is no longer use due to
technical problem. The phone number and email are correct.
3. Thank you for the correction of Matsumoto and Davis reference format. For the
case of Indarto et al., please read the query answer number 5.
4. Please delete that reference since it is not cited in the manuscript.
5. As the first reference is still ‘in press’, I prefer to put this information:
For the first reference:
Indarto, A., N. Coowanitwong, J. W. Choi, H. Lee, and H. K. Song, ‘‘Kinetic Modeling of
Plasma Methane Conversion in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge,” Fuel Process.
Technol. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2007.09.006, (2007a)
And for the second reference, the information is already complete:
Indarto A., J. W. Choi, H. Lee, and H. K. Song, ‘‘A Brief Catalyst Study on Direct
Methane Conversion Using a Dielectric Barrier Discharge,’’ J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 54 ,
823 (2007b)

Other co rrect io ns:

1. Page 2, line 68, please change ‘.. of the process’, with ‘.. of the research’.
2. Page 2, line 147-148: please delete the sentence: The detailed procedure of the
catalyst preparation was described clearly in the patent paper of Bridger et al.
As in our system, it is a bit different. However, we can keep reference Bridger et al,
as it is cited in other parts (e.g. p 2 line 85).
3. Page 3, line 173: please change the reference ‘Indarto et al., in press-a’ with
‘Indarto et al., 2007a’. I put this reference correction above.
4. Page 4, line 234: please correct the writing format of ‘( ΔGT = 298 K)’. It should be
ΔGT = 298 K where ‘T=298K’ in subscribe format and remains ΔG in normal format.
5. Page 4, last line: please correct the reference ‘Indarto, et al., in press-b’ into
Indarto, et al., 2007b
6. Page 6, line 394 & 396: please delete the word ‘first’ as the number of author is
only one.
7. Figure 6. I don’t know whether it is possible or not, but it looks the legend is too
small. Is it possible for you to make it bigger? So it will be easily readable. Other
graphs are oke. In the case you need the original source, I put all graphs in visio 5

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