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HRP Assignment

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arul Mallk 10CP831
P8 AsslgnmenL 1
A Stiategic Planning anu
0peiational Agenua foi Buman
nUMAN kLSCUkCLS P8 AsslgnmenL 1

2 arul Mallk 10CP831

A strategic Planning and Uperational Agenda for Human Resources
Burack, Elmer H.
This article was written by the author 1988 at a time when businesses were Iacing new
challenges oI many kinds owing to the change in the way businesses were run across the
globe. Along with the changing Iace oI business, the human resource management strategies
change as well. They Iace issues which have never come up beIore. In the article the author
highlights 8 major Iactors which shaped the changing role oI human resource planning and
management. These Iactors have widespread eIIect on organisational structure, systems and
processes and management roles as Iollows:
Clobalization, Uffsbore competition and repositioning of business
With the advent oI globalisation, worldwide competition has challenged even those
businesses which were earlier thought to be insulated Irom the international environment.
Domestic companies have now become multinationals Iorcing even big players to reposition
themselves. This growth in oIIshore ownership has led to HR Iocus on a host oI new
dimensions oI managing people such as multilingual and multicultural workforce with
new competencies
orporate mergers, Acquisitions, and tbe Restructuring of Management and Industry
In the era oI globalisation, corporates expand their reach and diversiIy their markets through
merging with or overtaking Iirms in other countries. DiIIerent companies Iollow diIIerent
tactics leading to an extremely complex business canvas. Such activities have given birth to
the Iollowing issues and opportunities
hanging oI organisation structures and structural themes
nlarged problems oI redundancy among positions and Iunctions
eed to closely study positions and job structures
Urganisational Streamlining
mployment security is no longer a concern. An immediate outcome oI this has been
substantial thinning oI the middle management ranks. These activities combined with
implementation oI latest technologies is called organisational streamlining Major roadblocks
to organisational streamlining were &nion contracts, Enormous capital investments and
Reconfiguring into new sourcing arrangements
emograpbic and social trends
Demographic and social changes have begun to show their impact on organisations in greater
magnitude. The changes have been maniIold as Iollows:
Increased presence oI women across all sectors oI work
Ageing workIorce, ShiIts in regional population and industrial concentration
"uality circles, mployee welIare and wellness
ewer , eIIective management styles associated with characteristic Iemale approach
Such changes put stress on the human resource department in terms oI planning
ecbnological cbange
Technological innovations have led to widespread use oI automated computer systems have
led to the Iollowing impact on the human resource planning:
Alteration in competencies and types oI personnel needed
nUMAN kLSCUkCLS P8 AsslgnmenL 1

3 arul Mallk 10CP831

Roles oI supporting people
Employment security
The changing environment involves more stressIul work. This shiIt is recognised by people
and instead oI working in a tight environment Ior others they are now moving towards
entrepreneurial activities. Thus the talent pool available to the companies changes due to this
Iactor which in turn is aIIected by company policies
uality of work life reflected in organisation and work design
Institutionalisation oI "uality circles
!eople look Ior an enriched job design
Work redesign and other supporting policies have led to improved perIormance
Identifying and exploiting corporate culture
The HR Iunction needs to understand the changing corporate culture and link with it the
various systems and processes, most importantly perIormance. They must Iocus on providing
an individual with the best working environment which involves Ilatter structure, unity oI
purpose, stronger individual identiIication and a better sense oI work rewards. This also helps
in the strategic design oI organisational structure, systems and values.
Learning from tbe article
Thus in this article I learnt that how in the Iace oI changing business scenarios, HR can act as
a catalyst Ior change. All the above mentioned Iactors are HR concerns, interrelated to each
other and arise out oI the business needs oI the organisation. Thus the role oI HR has changed
Irom being a mere administrator to helping to establish an environment oI organisational
learning Ior adaptation to change. HR Iunction now needs to analyse the root cause oI all
changes and become a business partner.
Source of tbe Article
HR. Human Resource !lanning; 1988; 11, 2; ABI/IRM Global, pg. 63
(ound using the online journal catalogue at the MDI library)

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