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ersona||ty Deve|opment


ueveloplng Manners
ersonallLy uevelopmenL
Pelp your Chlld
1lps for arenLs
Pow Lo Lackle 8eporL Card 8lues?
ersonallLy ln slmple words means dlsLlncLlve personal quallLles whlch help one Lo esLabllsh ones
ldenLlLy ersonallLy of a chlld develops ln a very naLural process whlch cerLalnly can be lmproved
furLher by proper guldance of parenLs and Leachers ln facL developlng a chllds personallLy ls ln a
way developmenL of a chlld ln every aspecL lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe parenLs as well as Lhe
Leachers Lo see Lo lL LhaL Lhe chlld plays enough reads enough and soclallses enough

1o some exLenL a chlld lnherlLs lLs responslblllLy from lLs parenLs Comlng Lo Lhe speclflc quesLlon
how Lo develop a chllds personallLy lL ls lmperaLlve Lo know abouL Lhe maln facLors LhaL consLlLuLe
lLs personallLy 8roadly speaklng Lhese are Chllds physlcal LralLs ( whlch are vlslble) chllds
lnLellecLual quallLles aLLlLude behavlour paLLern feellngs and asplraLlons commlLmenLs and
convlcLlons Pow Lhe chllds personallLy wlll develop Lo a greaL exLenL depends upon Lhe way he ls
allowed Lo soclallze lnLeracL wlLh oLhers emoLlonally durlng hls chlldhood Lhe parenLs behavlour
wlLh hlm/her how Lhe chlld ls LreaLed by hls near and dear ones Lhe culLural mllleu ln whlch he/she
L ls broughL up Lhe amounL of care and love lL geLs from lLs parenLs Lhe conLrlbuLlon made by Lhe
school and Lhe faclllLles provlded Lo Lhe chlld for hls physlcal growLh and menLal developmenL
1he mosL common crlLerla of deflnlng a chllds personallLy ls lLs physlcal ouLlook whlch conslsLs of
lLs helghL welghL leanness faLness and so on Powever aparL from havlng a good helghL balanced
welghL healLhy physlque lf he L has a good sense of dresslng and halrsLyle we generally Lerm hls
personallLy as belng lmpresslve or good 1o Lake care of a chllds healLh he/she may be provlded
nuLrlLlous dleL lL ls posslble Lo even help Lhe chlld ln galnlng helghL and conLrolllng welghL wlLh Lhe
help of medlcal advlce Lonlcs physlcal exerclses eLc 1o make hlm physlcally acLlve sporLs or
games are necessary

lay an LssenLlal LlemenL
lay forms one of Lhe lmporLanL elemenLs of chllds personallLy developmenL lL ls a medlum LhaL
provldes Lhe chlld an opporLunlLy for fullesL self expresslon freedom and pleasure lL ls also a
creaLlve acLlvlLy More over play ls refreshlng and re[uvenaLlng

lL ls helpful ln developlng hablL of sharlng cooperaLlon mlxlng up wlLh oLhers belng asserLlve and
leadershlp quallLy A chlld who Lakes parL ln Lhe sporLs and oLhers compeLlLlons may have Lo go
dlfferenL places wlLh Lhe Leam CulLe naLurally whlle sLaylng wlLh Lhe fellow players ln a camp or ln
some hosLel he/she learns all Lhese quallLles of sharlng cooperaLlon and so on

1alklng abouL Lhe developmenL of Lhe chllds lnLellecLual quallLles leL us flrsL Lake up Lhe soclallzlng
facLor lor a chlld Lo laLer become a go geLLer or a dashlng person (as ls generally requlred by mosL
of Lhe LopnoLch organlsaLlons) Lhls componenL or personallLy counLs a loL lL ls necessary LhaL
parenLs waLch how Lhe chlld lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe famlly members frlends nelghbors classmaLes eLc
And Lhey musL encourage hlm Lo mlxup wlLh Lhese people or else Lhe chlld would prefer Lo be lefL
alone and may develop shyness and a sense of lonellness Slmllarly Leachers can also conLrlbuLe ln
maklng a chlld soclal

8ole of LmoLlons
Whlle Lalklng abouL Lhe developmenL of a chllds personallLy one musL L menLlon he emoLlonal
developmenL ln Lhe chlldren LmoLlons play a ma[or and a very lmporLanL role ln Lhls conLexL
uevelopmenL of varlous emoLlons ln a chlld from parL of hls personallLy developmenL Lxpresslon of
emoLlons plays a vlLal role ln an lndlvlduals personallLy LmoLlons can be dlvlded lnLo Lwo broad

1 leasanL and 2 unpleasanL

!oy/ Papplness
1hls emoLlon ls dlsplayed ln dlfferenL ways by Lhe younger and Lhe older chlldren ?ounger chlldren
express Lhls Lhrough Lhelr moLor acLlvlLles llke [umplng clapplng or Lhey do acLlvlLles llke bubbllng
klcklng eLc Whereas Lhe oLher chlldren may express Lhls emoLlon by smlllng or laughlng Powever
Lhls way of expresslon ls dlfferenL ln Lhe boys and Lhe glrls

1hls ls generally found ln Lhe younger chlldren and ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL emoLlons whlch ls
deslrable ln every chlld CurloslLy booLs up a chlld Lo achleve someLhlng or ln oLher words lL
moLlvaLes Lhe chlld Lo become someLhlng Powever a loL depends on Lhe aLmosphere ln whlch Lhe
chlld llves and Lhe people wlLh whom he mlxes up lf Lhey are encouraglng enough a chlld wlll
naLurally develop Lhls emoLlon

AffecLlon broadly lncludes lovlng carlng and Lender feellngs A chlld needs all Lhese very much flrsL
from lLs parenLs Lhen as lL [olns school from lLs Leachers 1hls emoLlon creaLes a speclal bond whlch
furLher conLrlbuLes ln Lhe overall developmenL of a chlld Lo a greaL exLenL 1o a small kld Lhls ls
supposed Lo be expressed by cerLaln gesLures llke paLLlng klsslng laughlng eLc

lear ls an example of Lhe unpleasanL emoLlons Small klds generally cry scream of shouL ouL of fear
whereas a blL older or younger chlldren mlghL express Lhelr feellngs of fear by locklng Lhe doors
lllumlnaLlng Lhe room drawlng Lhe curLalns and so on 1hls ls a feellng whlch generaLes from varlous
reasons eg some bad experlence aL Llmes from lmaglnary and supernaLural experlences eLc

!ealousy anoLher unpleasanL emoLlon ls acLually an aLLlLude of resenLmenL or lL ls an acL of
showlng resenLmenL agalnsL someone lL generally emanaLes when one flnds oneself lnferlor Lo Lhe
oLher or when one seems Lo lose someLhlng 1hls emoLlon ls expressed ln varlous ways whlch
depends on Lhe persons age lLs naLure and so on A chlld lf [ealous of someone wlll perhaps beaL
LhaL person or snaLch away from lL someLhlng whlch ls very much llked by lL So whlle deallng wlLh
Lhe chlldren lL ls necessary Lo be very careful abouL Lhe facL LhaL all chlldren ln Lhe famlly are LreaLed
aL par 1hey need noL be dlscrlmlnaLed on Lhe basls of Lhelr sex looks lnLelllgence acLlveness and
so on

Anger denoLes a persons dlssaLlsfacLlons wlLh oLhers or for someones acL Powever Lhe frequency
and lnLenslLy varles from person Lo person Anger however occurs more frequenLly ln chlldren
whose parenLs elLher ca[ole or nag Lhem qulLe ofLen 1he way Lhe parenLs Lhlnk Lalk and behave
has a greaL lmpacL on Lhe chlldren lf Lhey really wanL Lhelr offsprlng Lo come up Lo Lhelr
expecLaLlons Lhey musL flrsL seL examples by sLandlng Lrue Lo Lhelr prlnclples So parenLs proper
upbrlnglng of a chlld plays a ma[or role ln proper upbrlnglng of a chlld

Shyness ls generally developed ln a chlld due Lo lack of soclallsaLlon lL makes a chlld remaln aloof
alone and conflned Lo hlmself only Pe/she does noL feel comforLable ln a group or ln mlxlng up
wlLh dlfferenL klnds of people An exLremlLy of Lhls emoLlon may make Lhe chlld Llmld unable Lo
express lLs vlews lLs deslres lLs problems and deprlve lL of lLs rlghL lL can furLher prevenL hlm
from maklng Lhe besL ouL of chllds LalenLs and quallLles 1hey remaln unpopular and unnoLlced
whlch ls llkely Lo glve rlse Lo a feellng of lnferlorlLy complex ln Lhem 1he besL way Lo avold shyness
ls Lo encourage Lhe chlldren Lo move around Lalklng and mlxlng up wlLh more and more people
knowlng Lhelr vlews noLlclng Lhelr way of Lhlnklng llsLenlng Lo Lhelr suggesLlons and Lhen
communlcaLlng wlLh wlLhouL any heslLaLlon

AnxleLy generally resulLs from worrylng 1o some exLenL lL ls slmllar Lo fear buL noL ldenLlcal
AnxleLy ls Lhe resulL of an lmaglnary cause and lL generally lncreases when one falls Lo flnd ouL any
soluLlon Lo Lhe lmaglnary problem lL cause sleeplessness Lenslons depresslon nervousness and so

A young chlld suffers from anxleLy more Lhan a Llny one because lL ls only when one Lhlnks one
Lhlnks over a cerLaln maLLer for a long Llme analyses lL draws concluslons and flnds a negaLlve
resulL LhaL anxleLy Lakes place CulLe naLurally a smaller chlld does noL have LhaL much capablllLy of
Lhlnklng as a young chlld has

arenLs behavlour
1he maxlmum conLrlbuLlon ls made by parenLs ln shaplng Lhe personallLy of Lhe chlld 8uL lL ls
generally Lhe moLher who naLurally and pracLlcally remalns Lhe blggesL source of love affecLlon
guldance care supervlslon lnsplraLlon and moLlvaLlon Lo Lhe chlld ln general an durlng chlldhood ln
parLlcular A warm affecLlonaLe and lovlng moLher bullds up a healLhy maLernal relaLlonshlp wlLh
her chlld whlch helps Lhe chlld Lo develop lLs personallLy 1hough every moLher does her besL ln Lhls
regard keeplng ln mlnd Lhe facL LhaL lL ls largely her conLrlbuLlon LhaL ls golng Lo shape Lhe chllds
personallLy makes a loL of dlfference

Pusbands helplng hand a musL
1hough Lhe responslblllLy of nurLurlng Lhe chlld Laklng care of lLs physlcal and menLal growLh lLs
safeLy and lLs sLudy ls generally regarded as womens work and more ofLen Lhan noL shlfLed Lo Lhe
already overburdened moLher 8uL Lhls ln no way lessens Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe faLher uue Lo
presslng flnanclal needs women llke men have Lo work Lo supplemenL Lhe famllys lncome whlch
leaves Lhem wlLh llLLle Llme of look afLer Lhelr chlldren and Lhey genulnely need a helplng hand from
Lhe husband who musL share Lhe lmporLanL Lask of upbrlnglng Lhe chlld

1lps on personallLy developmenL of Lhe chlld
uo noL scold chlld all Lhe Llme for mlnor fallures
uo noL Lrouble Lhe chlld consLanLly
lrequenL use of blLLer or harsh remarks should be avolded
Avold Lhe pracLlce of preferrlng one chlld over Lhe oLher and Lhereby neglecLlng Lhe oLher
uo noL denlgraLe or dlsparage Lhe chlld
Avold prolonged separaLlon of Lhe chlld
ConsLanL frlcLlon wlLh Lhe chlld or beLween Lhe parenLs should noL be expressed ln fronL of Lhe
never dlscourage Lhe chlld
uo noL pralse your chlld always
Lxcesslve dlsclpllne ls also harmful
8epeLlLlve or sever punlshmenL should be avolded 1he chlld should be glven a change Lo recLlfy
lLself and punlshmenL should be Lhe lasL resorL
arenLs should noL be overamblLlous regardlng Lhelr chlldren and Lhey should noL seL goals for a
chlld whlch ls noL ln harmony wlLh hls lnLellecLual endowmenL capablllLles achlevemenLs and
lnLeresLs 1hls also puLs a breach ln Lhe proper developmenL of Lhe chllds personallLy

CrlLlclsm of personallLy or characLer leads Lo negaLlve feellngs abouL oneself

CuallLles LhaL one should possess Lo sLrengLhen selfesLeem

1 A oslLlve Approach
A poslLlve approach ln llfe ensures success and happlness A poslLlve person ls never daunLed by
fallures or compeLlLlons because he ls confldenL abouL hlmself and fallures brlng ouL Lhe besL ln hlm
Pe ls a hard worklng soul and never geLs deLerred by lrraLlonal LhoughLs LhaL are responslble for
Lrlggerlng off negaLlve feellngs llke anger depresslon and despalr Pe belleves LhaL Lo every dark
cloud Lhere ls a sllver llnlng and sLrlkes back wlLh much more selfconfldence only Lo emerge

2 8eallsLlc ALLlLude person wlLh a sLrong self esLeem ls confldenL buL noL over confldenL Pe does
noL belleve ln bulldlng casLles ln Lhe alr Pe ls down Lo earLh and belleves ln hard work and knows
for sure whaL he wanLs ln llfe wheLher Lhe fleld he has chosen sulLs hls capablllLles hls LasLe hls
quallflcaLlons ln shorL whaL we call a reallsLlc approach Lo llfe

3 SelfConfldence
An lndlvldual wlLh a sLrong self esLeem exudes confldence Pe never feels lnsecure ln Lhe face of
Lough compeLlLlon and has Lhe hearL Lo appreclaLe lf he comes across a beLLer person AL Lhe same
Llme he never doubLs hls capablllLles AfLer a fallure Lhey do noL probe a fuLlle quesLlons l should
noL have made LhaL sLaLemenL or wlll he llke me? Cr condemn hlmself for mlnor mlsLakes

4 Learn 1o AppreclaLe CLhers
A person wlLh a weak self esLeem llkes Lo crlLlclze and condemn oLhers 1helr dlscouraglng naLure
noL only lrrlLaLes people buL also makes Lhem unpopular lnsLead of appreclaLlng a poslLlve gesLure
Lhey always Lry Lo flnd faulL wlLh oLhers Cn Lhe oLher hand a person wlLh a sLrong self esLeem
appreclaLes people Lhelr vlews and never makes fun of oLhers 1hey are warm and do noL mlss an
opporLunlLy Lo offer a slncere noLe of Lhanks for even Lhe smallesL of Lasks 1ry Lhls and you wlll
noLlce LhaL Lhls small Lechnlque makes llfe easler ?ou wlll deflnlLely feel beLLer afLer maklng oLhers
feel good or cared for

3 Learn 1o Smlle Cenulnely
lor all Lhose who have noL really smlled for qulLe someLlme Llfe ls lndeed qulLe Lough and
frusLraLlng ln one way or Lhe oLher 8uL remember laugh and Lhe whole world laughs wlLh you
weep and you weep all alone LeL us begln wlLh [usL a smlle

6 Learn 1o CommunlcaLe 1haL ?ou 8eally Care
Puman belngs Lend Lo Lake Lhemselves and Lhelr near and dear ones for granLed As parenLs as
chlldren as frlends we Lake each oLher very llghLly dependlng on one anoLher buL aL Lhe same
Llme lgnorlng Lhelr very exlsLence 1hls creaLes a sLlllness a klnd of monoLony ln llfe

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