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P8M 8ole lay

2 Sales man
1 Supervlsor
1 ueparLmenL Manager
1 P8M Manager/ dlrecLor

Manager force supervlsor Lo achleve 10m sales LargeL of Lhe monLh aL any cosL supervlsor Lrled hls level
besL Lo achleve Lhe LargeL hence before a week ended of Lhe monLh Lhe 6m has been achleved and ln a
week only 13m can be done le LoLal 73m ln a LoLal monLh
Manager call up Lhe supervlsor Lo geL Lhe currenL monLh sale progress reporL and shouL up on
supervlsor for noL reachlng on deadllne/LargeL and ordered hlm Lo achleve Lhe LargeL on any cosL work
day/nlghL hunL ln oLher areas Lo geL sales(whlch ls lllegal ln Lhe company) Lhls can be dlscussed whaL
manager ordered
Lhere supervlsor denled hls ordered sLralghL away ln Lhe beneflL of employees and company pollcy and
says l m noL lnvlLed ln LargeL seLLlng of sales no body ask me lasL monLh l achleve 7m how come l can
ralse sale Lo 3m ln a monLh eLc"
Lhen Lhere ls some personal confllcL also
Manager called P8 manager Lo have a Lalk and Lhere he dlscussed all slLuaLlon ln hls personal manner
and asked P8 manager Lo flred supervlsor
Pr managers Lhen called supervlsor have a one Lo one meeLlng afLer hls Lalk he come Lo know Lhe
slLuaLlon and undersLood by hls Lalks LhaL lf he flred supervlsor Lhen Lhelr sales force would also reslgn
and called a meeLlng of manager and supervlsor Lo solve Lhe confllcL by collaboraLlng meLhod
Cr he can glve appllcaLlon Lo decrease Lhe LargeL of a monLh and don'L sLop Lhe lncenLlve

roducL name _____________________
Company name _____________________

Scene 1
Manager ca||s superv|sor
S|t congrats for your |ast month target ach|evement we are very proud of your team I rea||y apprec|ate your
team work
In the meanwh||e here's ur new target we are |ook|ng forward to you I hope your team w||| ______________

Scene 2
Superv|sor to sa|es man hello how was your day Loday?
Sa|esman 1 flne slr
Superv|sor whaL abouL Lhe markeL progress and sales?
Sa|esman 2 slr MarkeL ls very slow as u know monLh ls endlng no body wanL Lo lnvesL on our
producL because lL's noL Lhe season as well as economlc slLuaLlon golng worsL day by day shopkeepers
say haLh paon [ornay parLay haln k buy our producL
Superv|sor hmmand where we can end up ln Lhls monLh?
Sales man slr lL's hard Lo say someLhlng very early buL Lomorrow l have Lo meeL one parLy l m Popeful
LhaL he wlll order more Lhan 1m lnsha'Allah
Superv|sor ok goodlook we have reached Lo 6 m and for Lhls monLh LargeL has been lncreased by 2m
le 10m we have Lo work hard Lo achleve Lhe LargeL
Sa|esman 1 1o Superv|sor Slr 10M LargeL ls Loo much you know very well ueparLmenL head goL all
credlL on behalf of us so why we can do more efforL Lo achleve 10M Sales
Sa|esman 2 1o Superv|sor ?es slr Salesman 1 Lelllng rlghL all Lhe Llme deparLmenL head goL our
lncenLlve and bonuses Slr you Lell deparL head lf he lncrease LargeL our Leam wlll reslgn
Sa|esman 1 ?es slr you and we boLh are sLrong Leam any compeLlLor appolnL our Leam and glve more
beneflL and advanLages Lo Lhls company
Superv|sor yes you boLh are rlghL l wlll refuse manager LargeL oLherwlse we wlll reslgn

weeks |ater
(AcLlon) Manager Call up Lhe supervlsor Lo geL Lhe currenL monLh sale progress reporL and Lo ask abouL
Lhe 10m 1argeL
Manager WhaL we are sLandlng ln Lhe LasL week of Lhe monLh and you have [usL achleved 6m whaL
Lhe hell!
Superv|sor Slr MarkeL ls noL ln poslLlon Lo lnvesL on any body's producL economlc crlses have broken
Lhe backbone of lnvesLors
Manager lL's none of my buslness l wanL 10m of sale from any cosL l don'L know you are pald Lo do
sales [usL lLl have also goL some sales complalnL abouL your Leam from MarkeL
Superv|sor S|r LasL monLh we achleve Lhe LargeL (73 mllllon) or now you glve me Lask of (10 mllllon)
sale lL's lmposslble slr
Supervlsor ______________________________________________________________________

Manager WhaL! Are you mad when l ordered you so you should do Lhls Lask and no argumenLs sLarL
your work now!
Superv|sor Leaves buL sLop aL door and Lurn around Lo say Lxcuse me! Slr l Lold you lL's lmposslble
because nowadays MarkeL slLuaLlon ls very bad or Slr l m dolng my besL Lo achleve Lhe LargeL my boys
are really worklng hard hope so ll geL v close Lo lL
(AcLlon) And go ouL of Lhe room qulckly
Manager Call up Lhe P8 Manager and dlscussed Lhe maLLer
nk Manager ok Call hlm we flx Lhe meeLlng wlLh supervlsor
Scene 4
nk Call up Lhe supervlsor for meeLlng
(AcLlon) manager ls already wlLh P8)
Superv|sor Assa|amoA|a|kum Slr
nk Manager Walalkum Aasalam Come ln how are you dear

nk Manager

Superv|sor aslcally Slr! Pe gave me Lhe (10 mllllon) monLhly sale Lask whlch ls lmposslble because lasL
monLh our Leam enhance Lhe sale (6 mllllon) Lo (73 mllllon) nobody ask me how come l Lhlnk you have
no ldea how come my Leam ls really hard worklng lasL monLh my worker work day/nlghL hunL ln oLher
areas Lo geL sales(whlch ls lllegal ln Lhe company pollcles) lf you don'L undersLand Lhe problem whaL
more l could do!
Manager Look hls aLLlLude slr!!
nk Manager yes l saw buL he's rlghL lL's lmposslble
Manager no slr lL's posslble [usL labor hard work some day or we achleve Lhe LargeL slmple CLherwlse l
have anoLher soluLlon we flred Lhe supervlsor and hlred new one l have greaL supervlsor hls worklng ln
anoLher company we pay handsome salary and hlred Lo our company
nk Manager Ch really!! !usL shuL up lL's noL a slmple work and do your work l have handled hlm
nk Manager call up Lhe supervlsor
Superv|sor Aasa|amoA|a|kum Slr
nk Manager Walalkum Aasalam SlL
Superv|sor Lhanks
nk Manager l know lL's lmposslble and very dlfflculL buL l know you does lL [usL Lry Lo reach Lhe LargeL
we lncrease your salary and pay oLher beneflLs and your labor allowance wlll be lncrease (lnSPALLAP)
buL Slr! Ck no argue
Superv|sor Ck lnSPALLAP l wlll Lry my level besL

Department head ] Manager Pe says lL's lmposslble he behaves me very badly way!
SoluLlon confllcL 8esoluLlon P8 wlll SuggesL 2 CpLlons Lo Manager
1) Look lf we flred supervlsor we ll also loose Lhe LargeL Lo achleve as we are sLlll behlnd n ll
remaln behlnd (kuch hony se kuch na hona acha hal) and l m sure he wlll noL go alone whole
hls Leam could reslgn
2) eyond LhaL lLs much beLLer LhaL u Lake declslon Lo reallocaLe Lhe LargeL and decrease lL by 1
2m oLhers wlse Lhe CM wlll be annoyed lf he come Lo know Lhe slLuaLlon

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