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Hell in Holly Quran

15. But they wanted victory and decision (immediately) and frustration was the lot of every powerful stubborn wrongdoer. 16. In front of him is Hell and he is given boiling decaying water for drink. 17. He will drink it in gulps but he will never be able to swallow it down his throat. Death will come to him from every quarter yet he will not die, and in front of him will be a great punishment.
The Holly Qur'an (Chapter 14: 15-17)

19. These (the believers and the unbelievers) are two opponents, who disagree regarding their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads, 20. Which will melt what is in their bellies, and their skins too, 21. And for them are hooked rods of iron.
The Holly Qur'an (Chapter 22: 19-21)

17. Day of Decision is indeed fixed. 18. On that day the trumpet is blown and you will come in crowds. 19. And heaven is opened and becomes gates, 20. And the mountains are moved away as if they have been a mirage. 21. Truly, Hell is a place of trap. 22. A home for the tyrants and unbelievers. 23. They shall live there forever, 24. Tasting neither coolness nor any drink, 25. Save boiling fluid and decaying filth.

26. A fitting reward. 27. They did not expect to be faced with a judgment, 28. And always denied our revelations. 29. But We noted and recorded all, 30. (And We shall say:) Taste this, then. The only increase you have is increase of punishment.
The Holly Qur'an (Chapter 78: 17-30)

There are more than 200 places in Qur'an mentioned about Hell.

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