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PamleL characLer llsL

CharacLer LlsL
PamleL 1he rlnce of uenmark Lhe LlLle characLer and Lhe proLagonlsL AbouL LhlrLy years old aL Lhe
sLarL of Lhe play PamleL ls Lhe son of Cueen CerLrude and Lhe laLe klng PamleL and Lhe nephew of Lhe
presenL klng Claudlus PamleL ls melancholy blLLer and cynlcal full of haLred for hls uncle's schemlng
and dlsgusL for hls moLher's sexuallLy A reflecLlve and LhoughLful young man who has sLudled aL Lhe
unlverslLy of WlLLenberg PamleL ls ofLen lndeclslve and heslLanL buL aL oLher Llmes prone Lo rash and
lmpulslve acLs

8ead an lndepLh analysls of PamleL

Claudlus 1he klng of uenmark PamleL's uncle and Lhe play's anLagonlsL 1he vlllaln of Lhe play
Claudlus ls a calculaLlng amblLlous pollLlclan drlven by hls sexual appeLlLes and hls lusL for power buL
he occaslonally shows slgns of gullL and human feellnghls love for CerLrude for lnsLance seems

8ead an lndepLh analysls of Claudlus
CerLrude 1he Cueen of uenmark PamleL's moLher recenLly marrled Lo Claudlus CerLrude loves
PamleL deeply buL she ls a shallow weak woman who seeks affecLlon and sLaLus more urgenLly Lhan
moral recLlLude or LruLh

8ead an lndepLh analysls of CerLrude
olonlus 1he Lord Chamberlaln of Claudlus's courL a pompous connlvlng old man olonlus ls Lhe
faLher of LaerLes and Cphella
PoraLlo PamleL's close frlend who sLudled wlLh Lhe prlnce aL Lhe unlverslLy ln WlLLenberg PoraLlo ls
loyal and helpful Lo PamleL LhroughouL Lhe play AfLer PamleL's deaLh PoraLlo remalns allve Lo Lell
PamleL's sLory
Cphella olonlus's daughLer a beauLlful young woman wlLh whom PamleL has been ln love Cphella ls
a sweeL and lnnocenL young glrl who obeys her faLher and her broLher LaerLes uependenL on men Lo
Lell her how Lo behave she glves ln Lo olonlus's schemes Lo spy on PamleL Lven ln her lapse lnLo
madness and deaLh she remalns maldenly slnglng songs abouL flowers and flnally drownlng ln Lhe rlver
amld Lhe flower garlands she had gaLhered

LaerLes olonlus's son and Cphella's broLher a young man who spends much of Lhe play ln lrance
asslonaLe and qulck Lo acLlon LaerLes ls clearly a foll for Lhe reflecLlve PamleL
lorLlnbras 1he young rlnce of norway whose faLher Lhe klng (also named lorLlnbras) was kllled by
PamleL's faLher (also named PamleL) now lorLlnbras wlshes Lo aLLack uenmark Lo avenge hls faLher's
honor maklng hlm anoLher foll for rlnce PamleL
1he ChosL 1he specLer of PamleL's recenLly deceased faLher 1he ghosL who clalms Lo have been
murdered by Claudlus calls upon PamleL Lo avenge hlm Powever lL ls noL enLlrely cerLaln wheLher Lhe
ghosL ls whaL lL appears Lo be or wheLher lL ls someLhlng else PamleL speculaLes LhaL Lhe ghosL mlghL
be a devll senL Lo decelve hlm and LempL hlm lnLo murder and Lhe quesLlon of whaL Lhe ghosL ls or
where lL comes from ls never deflnlLlvely resolved
8osencranLz and CulldensLern 1wo sllghLly bumbllng courLlers former frlends of PamleL from
WlLLenberg who are summoned by Claudlus and CerLrude Lo dlscover Lhe cause of PamleL's sLrange
Csrlc 1he foollsh courLler who summons PamleL Lo hls duel wlLh LaerLes
volLlmand and Cornellus CourLlers whom Claudlus sends Lo norway Lo persuade Lhe klng Lo prevenL
lorLlnbras from aLLacklng
Marcellus and 8ernardo 1he offlcers who flrsL see Lhe ghosL walklng Lhe ramparLs of Llslnore and who
summon PoraLlo Lo wlLness lL Marcellus ls presenL when PamleL flrsL encounLers Lhe ghosL
lranclsco A soldler and guardsman aL Llslnore
8eynaldo olonlus's servanL who ls senL Lo lrance by olonlus Lo check up on and spy on LaerLes

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