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4dventure 2 1he kood to 1e/8ovo (lcs ote ot level 2)

5evetol Joys bove posseJ sloce tbe kot Pock oJveotote AlJootoo ls wotkloq oo qettloq bock oo tbelt feet ooJ tbe Moyot bos
opeoly opoloqlzeJ fot oot bovloq tbe tot ptoblem Jeolt wltb befote lt become o teol ptoblem nowevet be bos tbookeJ tbe clty
wotcb ooJ tbe lcs fot Jtlvloq oot tbe tots ooJ wotJ bos spteoJ to otbet towos otoooJ oboot wbot bos boppeoeJ
AfLer many days of resL and more unevenLful nlghLs of waLch Mayor Llderwood calls Lhe Cs !effrey
and Lhe 2 clerlcs ln for a meeLlng
1hanks for [olnlng me Loday l've goL some excellenL news for you whlch ln Lurn ls some bad news for
AldonLon 1hanks Lo you Lhe clLy ls free of MoonraLs and we are conLlnulng our assaulL on Lhe general
raL populaLlon We've senL news Lo Lhe surroundlng vlllages and communlLles abouL whaL happened
here and l recenLly recelved a message from 1el'8ova 1he capLaln of Lhe clLy waLch Lhere has heard of
your lngenulLy and cunnlng LhaL allowed you Lo defeaL Lhe MoonraLs here ln AldonLon 1hey have been
looklng for a few good people Lo asslsL Lhem on Lhelr waLch and have senL an open lnvlLaLlon Lo each of
you LhaL parLlclpaLed ln Lhe evenLs here ln AldonLon"
!effrey ls openly exclLed 1hls ls excellenL! l have been walLlng Lo move Lo Lhe clLy"
1he Lrek Lo 1el'8ova Lakes Lhe Cs along grassy plalns lL ls abouL 4 day long [ourney 1here ls a
weaLhered road leadlng sLralghL Lo 1el'8ova and passlng Lhrough a couple of small vlllages along Lhe
way uuskerLon Crassy Cnoll Plll and kegalsburg are Lhe names of Lhe vlllages (ln order from AldonLon
Lo 1el'8ova) Lach Lown ls abouL 1 days Lravel away (1he Cs are asked Lo brlng Lhe MoonsLone)
kandom Lncounter 1ab|e 1
1 d6 ulre raLs
2 unevenLful
Puman parLy Lravellng souLh Lo prevlous Lown (broken
4 2d4 wlld dogs
3 unevenLful
6 2d4 krenshar
7 Cld rundown farm house
8 unevenLful
9 1d6+ Coblln Warrlors
10 Puman hunLlng parLy
11 8roken down hollow of an lnn
12 1d8 Splned Crappler (monLy cook book)
1 unevenLful
14 lvl 1 human flghLer bandlLs xC81
13 noLhlng of lmporLance
16 Porses off ln dlsLance (uC 20 spoL check) (Lled up)
17 1d4 dlre badgers
18 unevenLful
19 1d6 Cnoll
20 Palfllng merchanL caravan (1hey have bllnkdogs)

1horp op 70
40gp llmlL
MosLly sod houses wlLh sLraw roofs
laces Lo sleep 1he kov|ng kat Common lnn sLay

rossy no// ni//
1horp op 6
40gp llmlL
MosLly sod houses wlLh sLraw roofs
laces Lo sleep 1he Gno||'s I|a|| Common lnn sLay
1he lnn has prlnLed Menu's and on Lhem lL Lells Lhe
sLory of how Crassy Cnoll Plll was once lnhablLed
by gnolls and how Lhe seLLlers drove Lhem ouL and
clalmed Lhe land

PamleL op 30
100gp llmlL
Mlx of sod houses wlLh sLraw roofs Wood houses and
even a couple of brlck or sLone bulldlngs
laces Lo sleep 1he Sparrow's Nest Common lnn
sLay (3sp/nlghL) SLone bulldlng 2 sLory bulldlng
8arkeep ls a halfelf named Pandsome Carl Carl ls
a falrly good looklng young blond wlLh an accenL


upon reachlng kegalsburg lL sLarLs Lo snow heavlly 1he Cs wlll
wanL Lo seek shelLer aL Lhe local lnn 1he Sparrow's nesL"
1here ls 1 room avallable on Lhls nlghL and Lhe barkeep
Pandsome Carl has made a fresh poL of chlll
As Lhe Cs are sleeplng Lhey are belng robbed by a wereraL
rogue 1he rogue ls searchlng for Lhe MoonsLone Lhe Cs have
and ls Lrylng Lo do so wlLhouL harmlng Lhe Cs Pe wlll flghL Lo
proLecL hlmself

ou awaken Lo Lhe sound of someone rummaglng Lhrough a backpack lf you look over you see Lhe
ouLllne of a shorL Lhln man ln dark aLLlre hunched over your gear Pe Lhrows aslde a pack and grabs
anoLher ln Lhls dark room lL ls hard Lo see whaL he looks llke

lellx CC Male Puman WereraL 8ogue 1 Medlum numan Iorm Ck 3
n|t |ce 2d6+4 + d6+2 (24 hp) Space]keach 3fL/3fL
In|t|at|ve +
AlL lorm raL empaLhy lowllghL vlslon
scenL Sneak ALLack +d6 Lvaslon olson
Speed 0fL Saves lorL +4 8ef +8 Wlll +4
Armor C|ass
18 (+ uex +2 LeaLher
+2 naLural +1 buckler) Sk|||s
Cllmb +6 8alance +11 lck Lock +9 Plde
+11 move sllenLly +11 1umble +11 Search
+7 ulsable uevlse +7 !ump +8
SLr 10 uex 16 Con 14
lnL 12 Wls 12 Cha 12 Ieats
lron Wlll (8) Weapon llnesse (8) SLealLhy
uodge MoblllLy
8A8]Grp| +1/+1 Iu|| Attack
+4 MW uagger (d4) Sneak aLLack +d6 +
polson (uC 14 sleep 1 mlnuLe lnlLlal 1d
hours secondary)
Attack +4 MW uagger (d4) 1reasure vlal of polson lece of parchmenL (see LexL)

lellx CC Male Puman WereraL Medlum nybr|d Iorm Ck3
n|t |ce 2d6+6 + d6+ (27 hp) Space]keach 3fL/3fL
In|t|at|ve +6
AlL lorm raL empaLhy lowllghL vlslon
scenL Sneak ALLack +d6 Lvaslon olson u8
Speed 0fL Saves lorL +3 8ef +11 Wlll +4
Armor C|ass 19 (+6 uex + naLural) Sk|||s
Cllmb +20 8alance +14 lck Lock +12 Plde
+14 move sllenLly +14 1umble +14 Search
+7 ulsable uevlse +10 !ump +8
SLr 10 uex 22 Con 16
lnL 12 Wls 12 Cha 12 Ieats
lron Wlll (8) Weapon llnesse (8) SLealLhy
uodge MoblllLy
8A8]Grp| +1/+1 Iu|| Attack
+7 MW uagger (d4) Sneak aLLack +d6 +
polson (uC 14 sleep 1 mlnuLe lnlLlal 1d
hours secondary)
Attack +7 MW uagger (d4) 1reasure vlal of polson lece of parchmenL (see LexL)

lellx CC Male Puman WereraL Small |re kat Iorm Ck 3
n|t |ce 2d6+6 + d6+ (27 hp) Space]keach 3fL/3fL
In|t|at|ve +6
AlL lorm raL empaLhy lowllghL vlslon
scenL Sneak ALLack +d6 Lvaslon olson u8
Speed 0fL Saves lorL +3 8ef +11 Wlll +4
Armor C|ass
20 (+6 uex + naLural
+1 Slze) Sk|||s
Cllmb +20 8alance +14 lck Lock +12 Plde
+18 move sllenLly +14 1umble +14 Search
+7 ulsable uevlse +10 !ump +8 Swlm +8
SLr 10 uex 22 Con 16
lnL 12 Wls 12 Cha 12 Ieats
lron Wlll (8) Weapon llnesse (8) SLealLhy
uodge MoblllLy
8A8]Grp| +1/+1 Iu|| Attack
8lLe +7 (d4 + curse of lycanLhropy) Wlll noL
blLe ln Lhls form
Attack +7 MW uagger (d4) 1reasure vlal of polson lece of parchmenL (see LexL)

lellx's LacLlcs are slmple Pe does noL wlsh harm on Lhe Cs buL ls a capable flghLer Pe wlll aLLempL Lo
run buL lf cornered or Lrapped he wlll Lry Lo ln[ure Lhe Cs wlLh hls polsoned dagger so Lhey go
unconsclous CLherwlse he wlll run away wlLhouL Lhe MoonsLone

CuoLes When caughL searchlng CoL any Cheeeeseeee?"
ou guyz don'L know whaL you are dolng? 1he Mad Cne wlll klll you! All of you! ou'll see!"

lf caughL lellx refuses Lo Lell Lhe Cs any lnformaLlon abouL whaL he ls dolng and asks for a qulck deaLh
When searched lellx has a plece of parchmenL wlLh Lhe Cs names wrlLLen on Lhem and lnsLrucLlons Lo
Lake reLrleve Lhe MoonsLone

1he resL of Lhe Lrlp Lo 1el'8ova goes unevenLfully


Adventure 3 1he n|ght Sta|ker

1he nexL day Lhe Cs go on Lo 1el'8ova and Lo Lhe address Lhey were Lold abouL

upon reachlng Lhe bulldlng Lhey see a slgn LhaL says 1LL'8CvAn CuA8u"

When golng ln Lhey see a recepLlonlsL she smlles and says her name ls olly how can l help?"

AfLer lnLroducLlons ouL comes a man raLher normal looklng buL seems Lo carry hlmself well

Samual Llvlanl LC Male Puman llghLer 6 Medlum Ck 6
n|t |ce 6d10 + 18 (78) Space]keach 3fL/3fL
In|t|at|ve +4
Speed 40fL Saves lorL +8 8ef +6 Wlll +
Armor C|ass
21 (+4 uex +3 (+1 chaln
shlrL) 8lng of roL +1 +1
buckler) Sk|||s
Cllmb + Search +7 !ump + CaLher
lnformaLlon 8
SLr 18 uex 18 Con 16
lnL 12 Wls 12 Cha 12 Ieats
Weapon llnesse lnvesLlgaLor 2weapon
flghLlng lmp 2Weapon llghLlng LW Llger
claw lmp buckler uefense 1rack
8A8]Grp| +6/+9 Iu|| Attack +10/+3 Longsword (d8+)
MP +9/+4 u6+3
CP +9/+4 u6+
8lLe +3 u6+2 1reasure
(2x) +1 1lger Claw Mask of Lhe 8adger
(glves blLe aLLack and ScenL AblllLy)
+ 8ooLs LhaL lncrease movemenL speed by
10fL and granL pass wlLhouL Lrace 10 mlnuLes
a day

Samual Lells LhaL he has heard good Lhlngs abouL you 1he news of whaL happened ln AldonLon
Lravelled and he LhoughL he could use some good men llke you

WlLh 1elb'bova consLanLly growlng we have had an lnflux of crlme and noL enough guards Lo deal wlLh
lL" Pe offers you a [ob ln Lhe guard whlch wlll pay well (100g a monLh) plus Lhe opporLunlLy Lo klck bad
guys' ass!

!effrey and Lhe 2 clerlcs are asslgned Lo a dlfferenL paLrol

Mlsslon 1 Asslgned Lo nlghLLlme paLrol ln Lhe park

As you are on waLch duLy you hear a scream

As you geL close you see a body ln a dark corner of an alley? 1here ls a large puddle of blood and Lhe
body has been rlpped Lo shreds 1he enLralls are now Lhe exLralls Lhere ls blood splaLLer on Lhe slde of
Lhe bulldlng and lL looks llke Lhe body has been gnawed upon lf you look closer you can see some
bloody fooL prlnLs walklng away from Lhe corpse 1hey have a canlne quallLy Lo Lhem and Lhey are very

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