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1 Wllllam P Seward AnLlslavery new ?

ork SenaLor led Lhe norLhern consclence" Whlgs

spoke of an lrreslsLlble confllcL" beLween slavery and freedom belleved secesslon was
work of a few hoLheads
2 Penry Clay's Cmnlbus 8lll
O Admlsslon of Callfornla as a free sLaLe
O @he dlvlslon of Lhe remalnder of Lhe Mexlcan cesslon lnLo new Mexlco and uLah
(where popular soverelgnLy decldes slavery)
O SeLLlemenL of Lhe @exasnew Mexlco boundary dlspuLe on Lerms favorable Lo new
O overnmenL would assume @exas' debL
O ConLlnuance of slavery ln Lhe CaplLol buL endlng of Lhe slave Lrade
O More effecLlve fuglLlve slave law
3 uanlel WebsLerlrom MassachuseLLs dellvered Lhe SevenLh of March" speech whlch
chlded Lhe norLh for Lrylng Lo exclude slavery from Lhe Mexlcan cesslon and declared
hlmself a forLhrlghL proponenL of compromlse SecreLary of SLaLe Lo resldenL llllmore
4 luglLlve Slave AcL Wldened Lhe gap beLween Lhe norLh and SouLh
O uenled all alleged fuglLlves Lhe rlghL Lo Lrlal by [ury
O uldn'L allow Lhem Lo LesLlfy of Lhelr behalf
O udge goL pald $10 lf rullng ln favor of Lhe slaveholder and only $3 ls rullng ln favor
of Lhe slave
3 ParrleL 8eecher SLowe's uocle 1oms coblo uncle @om was sold Lo Slmon Legree who
whlps @om Lo deaLh palnLed SouLherners ln a bad llghL 12 mllllon coples sold ln Lhe flrsL
year banned from Lhe SouLh
6 Amerlcan (or knownoLhlng) arLy Chlld of Lhe Whlg arLy evolved ouL of Lhe naLlvlsL
socleLy @he Crder of @he SLar Spangled 8anner soughL Lo rld Lhe uS of lmmlgranL and
CaLhollc pollLlcal lnfluence agalnsL Lhe expanslon of slavery sLarLed decllnlng afLer Lhe
kansasnebraska AcL dlsappeared afLer 1836
7 kansasnebraska AcL roposed by uouglas Lo organlze nebraska as a LerrlLory pollLlcal
ldeology behlnd lLManlfesL uesLlny Lhe blll superseded Lhe Mlssourl Compromlse
renderlng lL vold dlvlded nebraska lnLo nebraska (free) and kansas (slave) slavery would
be declded by popular soverelgnLy SouLherners happy lL renews secLlonal confllcL and Lhe
passlng of Lhls hlLs Lhe 2
parLy sysLem hard
8 SLephen A uouglas roposed kansasnebraska AcL aLLacked 8uchanan for Lhe LecompLon
ConsLlLuLlon afLerwards became a hero llllnols uemocraL SenaLor he appealed Lo small
farmers dellvered hls house dlvlded" speech called Lhe llLLle glanL'" wanLed Lo sLop Lhe
spread of slavery Llncolnuouglas debaLes he won Lhe seaL
9 uocLrlnes of free soll" and free labor" blasLed Lhe ldea LhaL slavery had naLural llmlLs
belleved slavery lmpeded whlLe's progress because a slave worked for noLhlng no free
laborer could compeLe wlLh a slave"
10 adsen urchase ames adsen boughL a sllver of land SouLh of Lhe ula 8lver from Mexlco
11 CsLend ManlfesLo Amerlcan ambassadors meL ln 8elglum called Lhe uS Lo acqulre Cu8A by
any means necessary angers norLherners
12 llllbusLers CulLman planned a flllbusLer (mlllLary expedlLlon) Lo selze Cuba
13 8leedlng kansas" Lhousands of proslavery border rufflans" crossed lnLo kansas Lo voLe
lllegally won elecLlon governmenL aL LecompLon rlval governmenL aL @opeka (anLlslavery)
lree SLaLers burned and desLroyed bulldlngs and kllled Lwo people Lhe sack of Lawrence"
14 ohn 8rown oLLawaLomle Creek and Parpers lerry ohn 8rown Look flve men assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe LecompLon overnmenL kllled Lhem all (oLLawaLomle Massacre) Lhen fled Lo
Parpers lerry arsenal Parpers lerry reklndled Lhe SouLh's fear of a slave lnsurrecLlon
13 8eecher's 8lbles" uns guns were supposedly more lnfluenLlal Lhan 8lbles ln kansas sald
mlnlsLer Lyman 8eecher
16 Charles Sumner and resLon 8rooks Sumner dellvered Lhe speech @he Crlme AgalnsL
kansas" whlch slngled ouL resLon 8rooks' relaLlve for droollng Lwo days laLer 8rooks
walked lnLo Lhe SenaLe chamber and beaL hlm wlLh a cane he recelved hundreds of canes
as glfLs from happy SouLherners
17 ured ScoLL declslon @aney concluded ScoLL couldn'L sue for hls freedom and no black could
be a uS clLlzen says Mlssourl compromlse was unconsLlLuLlonal because Congress had no
rlghL Lo bar slavery due Lo Lhe 3Lh amendmenL
18 LecompLon ConsLlLuLlonWrlLLen by 8uchanan roLecLed Lhe rlghLs of slaveholders already
llvlng ln kansas and provlded a referendum ln whlch Lhey could voLe for more slaves kansas
voLed down ConsLlLuLlon
19 Llncolnuouglass debaLes naLlonal aLLenLlon due Lo rallroads and Lelegraphs Llncoln and
uouglas wanLed Lo sLop Lhe spread of slavery uouglas was for popular soverelgnLy buL lL
dld noLhlng for hls repuLaLlon ln Lhe SouLh uouglas wlns
20 lreeporL uocLrlne wrlLLen by uouglas lL salvaged popular soverelgnLy buL dld noLhlng for
hls repuLaLlon ln Lhe SouLh hls sLand on Lhe LecompLon ConsLlLuLlon had already LaLLered lL
sLlffened souLhern opposlLlon Lo hls presldenLlal amblLlons

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