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25 promises from 4//oh to the

W lmam Anwar alAwlakl menLlons ln Lhe
lnLroducLlon of Lhls lecLure LhaL Lhese are Lhe
promlses of Allah LhaL Pe(swL) promlses Lo Lhe
bellevers 1here may be more promlses LhaL
Allah glves Lo Lhe aLlenL ones or Lhe Cod
learlng ones or Lhe CraLeful ones eLc 8uL
Lhese 23 promlses are Lo Lhe bellevers (Al
W lL should be borne ln mlnd LhaL when Allah
promlses someLhlng Lhen Allah(swL) means lL
and LhaL Lhlng wlll happen as Allah(swL) says
(such ls) Lhe promlse of Allah never does
Allah fall ln Pls promlse" Al Cur'an 3920 and
ln anoLher verse 1he promlse of Allah ls Lrue
and Pe ls LxalLed ln ower Wlse" Al Cur'an
W o lf anybody does noL see Lhese promlses
belng fulfllled ln Lhelr llfe elLher now or ln Lhe
fuLure Lhen one should noL quesLlon Lhe
promlse of Allah raLher one should quesLlon
one's own lman (falLh) 1he problem ls noL
wlLh Lhe promlse of Allah buL Lhe problem ls
wlLh lman
W '-; 4-~ -'- -- -- -,- -= ;-- _'--' '- ,'--
';-=~--- - ';----; |-- ,;-~,-
When My servants ask thee concern|ng Me I
am |ndeed c|ose (to them) I respond to the
prayer of every supp||cant when he ca||eth on
Me |et them a|so w|th a w||| ||sten to My ca||
and be||eve |n Me that they may wa|k |n the
r|ght way"
A|8aqarah 186
romlse 1
W 9arad|se Iannah
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
Clve glad Lldlngs Lo Lhose who belleve and work
rlghLeousness LhaL Lhelr porLlon ls Cardens beneaLh
whlch rlvers flow Lvery Llme Lhey are fed wlLh frulLs
Lhereln Lhey say Why Lhls ls whaL we were fed wlLh
before for Lhey are glven Lhlngs ln slmlllLude and
Lhey have Lhereln companlons pure (and holy) and
Lhey ablde Lhereln (for ever)
Al Curan 223
W 1hls promlse of Allah ls sufflclenL Cne does noL
even need Lo Lhlnk of Lhe oLher 24 promlses as
Lhls promlse of aradlse ls sufflclenL and ls ln facL
more Lhan whaL we deserve
ln !annah are Lhlngs an eye hasnL seen Lhe ear
hasnL heard Lhe mlnd has noL lmaglned and
language cannoL express
Powever one has Lo earn Lhls as Lhe producL of
Allah le aradlse ls noL cheap
romlse 2
W |ght Noor
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
Cne uay shall you see Lhe bellevlng men and Lhe
bellevlng women how Lhelr LlghL runs forward before
Lhem and by Lhelr rlghL hands (Lhelr greeLlng wlll be)
Cood news for you Lhls uay gardens beneaLh whlch
flow rlvers Lo dwell Lhereln for forever 1hls ls lndeed
Lhe hlghesL AchlevemenL
Al Curan 3712
W Cn Lhe uay of !udgemenL lL wlll be dark and we
wlll be asked Lo cross over a brldge LhaL ls Lhlnner
Lhan halr and sharper Lhan a razor blade and
Lhere wlll be no llghL so lL wlll be lmposslble
unless we're glven llghL by Allah 1hls llghL LhaL
Allah wlll glve us Lhe power of Lhe llghL wlll
depend on how much llghL was ln our hearL ln
Lhe uunya o Lhls llghL whlch ls ln Lhe hearL
whlch ls noL a physlcal llghL buL a splrlLual llghL
wlll come on Lhe uay of !udgemenL ln a physlcal
W uependlng on how much lman (falLh and
bellef) was ln Lhe hearL lman wlll come on Lhe
uay of !udgemenL ln Lhe form of llghL ome
people wlll have so much llghL LhaL Lhey run
over Lhe brldge so fasL llke a breeze Whlle
some run ome walk some wlll Lake a sLep
Lhen sLop unLll Lhey geL Lhelr llghL back agaln
ome wlll sLarL buL wlll noL reach Lhe end
because of lnsufflclenL llghL
romlse 3
W A||ah w||| be w|th you
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
for verlly Allah ls wlLh Lhose who belleve"
Al Cur'an 819
W When Allah says LhaL Allah ls wlLh Lhe bellevers"
lL means LhaL Lhe bellevers don'L need anyone
8asullulah(saw) has sald 8e mlndful of Allah and
Allah wlll proLecL you 8e mlndful of Allah and
you wlll flnd Plm before you"
Allah wlll be wlLh us and wlll glve us accordlng Lo
whaL we are dolng le our acLlons and our
romlse 4
W @he grace and k|ndness of A||ah Iad|
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
for Allah ls full of grace Lo Lhose who
Al Cur'an 3132
W 1he grace of Allah ls vasL Allah(swL) ls more
graceful Lo us Lhan we deserve AL Llmes we
wanL someLhlng from Allah yeL Allah glves us
more 1hls ls Lhe grace and klndness of Allah
upon Lhe bellevers
romlse 3
W @he protect|on and fr|endsh|p of A||ah
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
WlLhouL doubL amongsL men Lhe nearesL of kln
Lo lbrahlm are Lhose who follow hlm as are also
Lhls Messenger and Lhose who belleve And Allah
ls Lhe Wall proLecLlng frlend of Lhose who have
Al Cur'an 368
W Wall means a frlend a proLecLor o Allah ls
saylng LhaL Pe ls Lhe Wall of Lhe bellevers
o a bellever doesn'L need anyone else
besldes Allah because lf Allah ls your Wall
Lhen who else do you need
W '-; 4-~ -'- -- -- -,- -= ;-- _'--' '- ,'--
';-=~--- - ';----; |-- ,;-~,-
When My servants ask thee concern|ng Me I
am |ndeed c|ose (to them) I respond to the
prayer of every supp||cant when he ca||eth on
Me |et them a|so w|th a w||| ||sten to My ca||
and be||eve |n Me that they may wa|k |n the
r|ght way"
A|8aqarah 186
romlse 6
W @he mercy of A||ah kahmah
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
1hen as Lo Lhose who belleved and dld
rlghLeous deeds Lhelr Lord wlll admlL Lhem Lo Pls
Mercy 1haL wlll be Lhe achlevemenL for all Lo
Al Cur'an 4330
W Allah ls Ar8aheem (Lhe Merclful) A person can
also be 8aheem however Lhe Mercy of Allah ls
on a compleLely dlfferenL level
Allah's mercy ls ln proporLlon Lo Pls greaLness
When Allah says LhaL Pe wlll brlng Lhe bellevers
unLo Pls Mercy lL means Lhe 'lnnacle of Mercy'
8asulullah(saw) sald none wlll enLer aradlse
excepL wlLh Lhe Mercy of Allah"
romlse 7
W I|ctory
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
We wlll wlLhouL doubL help our Messengers
and Lhose who belleve (boLh) ln Lhls world's llfe
and on Lhe uay when Lhe WlLnesses wlll sLand
Al Cur'an 4031
W And Allah Lhe MosL Plgh also says
and lL was due from us Lo ald (glve vlcLory)
Lhose who belleved"
Al Cur'an 3047
W When we geL our bellef rlghL Lhen Allah wlll
granL us vlcLory
Powever we should be paLlenL as Lhe
bellevers wlll go Lhrough many LesLs before
vlcLory ls granLed
W umar (May Allah be pleased wlLh hlm) would ask
Lhe sahaabah whaL sufferlng Lhey had gone
Lhrough so a parLlcular sahaabl uncovered hls
back and showed lL Lo hlm umar sald l have
never seen a back llke Lhls whaL happened Lo
you Pe sald Lhe musrlkeen of Curalsh would
burn rocks over flre for a long Llme and Lhen Lhey
would Lhrow me on my naked back over Lhese
rocks so my flesh would burn and l would smell
my back burnlng so lL lefL some black deep holes
ln hls back
W WhaL have we gone Lhrough? We llve
comforLable llves We have gone Lhrough noLhlng
compared Lo whaL Lhe sahaabah wenL Lhrough
and also whaL some musllms are golng Lhrough
vlcLory of Allah ls on lLs way Lhls ls Lhe promlse
of Allah lf lL doesn'L happen ln our llfeLlme lL wlll
happen ln our chlldren's llfeLlme buL lL wlll
romlse 8
A||ah w||| erase the ev||
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
1hose who belleve and work rlghLeous deeds
from Lhem shall We bloL ouL all evll (LhaL maybe)
ln Lhem and We shall reward Lhem accordlng Lo
Lhe besL of Lhelr deeds"
Al Cur'an 297
W !annah ls pure so lL can only admlL someone who
ls pure !annah and lmpurlLy cannoL go LogeLher
1here ls no one who ls free from sln We are all
conLamlnaLed every one of us so how can we
wash away Lhese slns Allah promlses LhaL wlLh
Lhe bellevers he shall wash away Lhelr slns
1hls ls done Lhrough Lhe followlng ways 1aubah
(8epenLance) lsLlgfaar (seeklng forglveness)
lllness wlpes away slns lf borne paLlenLly
hardshlp Lrlals and LrlbulaLlons eLc
W 1here musL be a cleanlng process 1here are
some people LhaL Allah loves Lhem so much
Allah wanLs Lo show Pls favour on Lhem o Allah
wlll make some of Lhelr slns ln Lhls world hldden
and wlll make Lhe same slns hldden ln Lhe
hereafLer 8asul(saw) sald a man wlll be
broughL on Lhe day of [udgemenL and hls knees
wlll be shaklng hls book of deeds wlll be broughL
before hlm he knew whaL he dld and he wlll go
Lhrough Lhe book and wlll see a loL of slns buL he
wlll see LhaL some blg slns have been lefL ouL
W o he wlll say oh Allah Lhere are some slns l
don'L see here Allah(swL) wlll say oh my
servanL l concealed Lhem for you ln Lhe World
o l conceal Lhem for you Loday"
W Allah wlll make a slLr (coverlng and vell over
slns) on Lhe bellever as long as Lhe bellever
makes slLr on hlmself o lf you have
commlLLed a mlsLake or sln Lhen seek
repenLance from Allah make lsLlgfaar and
move on As long as lL ls done wlLh slncerlLy
Allah ls wllllng Lo erase anyLhlng
romlse 9
W ove for them
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
verlly Lhose who belleve and work deeds of
rlghLeousness Lhe MosL Craclous wlll besLow
love for Lhem"
Al Cur'an 1996
W 1he commenLaLors of Lhe Cur'an say LhaL lf you
draw your hearL closer Lo Allah Lhen Allah wlll
draw Lhe hearLs of Lhe bellevers closer Lo you
AnoLher saylng lf you dlsplease Allah by
pleaslng Lhe creaLlon Lhen Allah wlll be
dlspleased wlLh you and wlll make Lhe creaLlon
also dlspleased wlLh you and lf you please Allah
by dlspleaslng Lhe creaLlon Lhen Allah wlll be
pleased wlLh you and wlll also make Lhe creaLlon
pleased wlLh you"
W 1hls ls whaL we should wanL for Lhe hearLs of
Lhe bellevers Lo love us
o love Allah and Allah wlll make Lhe servanLs
of Allah love you
1hls love ls only from Lhe slncere bellevers
buL such love ls noL Lo be expecLed from Lhe
dlsbellevers and from Lhe lnslncere bellevers
romlse 10
W No effort w||| be wasted
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
As Lo Lhose who belleve and work rlghLeousness
verlly We shall noL suffer Lo perlsh Lhe reward of
any who do a (slngle) rlghLeous deed"
Al Cur'an 1830
W omeLlmes you mlghL feel LhaL you are
wasLlng your Llme lor lnsLance you are glvlng
uawah (calllng Lowards lslam) buL nobody ls
llsLenlng or you can'L see a change ln Lhe
people ?ou should know LhaL your reward ls
wlLh Allah and none of your efforL wlll be
wasLed as success ls noL abouL numbers
W 8asullullah (saw) says LhaL when l was Laken Lo
Lhe heavens l saw a propheL wlLh 10
followers a propheL wlLh 3 followers a
propheL wlLh 2 followers some wlLh 1
follower and some wlLh no followers"
Powever Lhese ropheLs dld noL fall raLher lL
was Lhe people who refused Lo belleve
W ln facL Allah wlll pay you back wlLh more Lhan whaL you
W __________________
'-; 4-~ -'- -- -- -,- -= ;-- _'--' '- ,'--
';-=~--- - ';----; |-- ,;-~,-
When My servants ask thee concern|ng Me I am
|ndeed c|ose (to them) I respond to the prayer of
every supp||cant when he ca||eth on Me |et them
a|so w|th a w||| ||sten to My ca|| and be||eve |n Me
that they may wa|k |n the r|ght way"
A|8aqarah 186
romlse 11
W 9rotect|on from Sha|taan
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
no auLhorlLy has he (le halLaan) over Lhose
who belleve and puL Lhelr LrusL ln Lhelr Lord"
Al Cur'an 1699
W uL your LrusL ln Allah and Allah wlll proLecL
you from halLaan
lblls (halLaan) ls very experlenced Pe ls
sLronger Lhan us we can'L defeaL hlm excepL
wlLh Lhe help of Allah
Allah has glven us many weapons Lo defeaL
Lhe halLaan A bellever uses Lhese weapons
LhaL Allah has glven hlm
W lor lnsLance AyaLulkursl whlch ls reclLed
before golng Lo sleep and on oLher occaslons
Lhe Lawwudh (words of seeklng proLecLlon
from halLaan) Lhe ually adhkaar (rayers and
lnvocaLlons) for mornlng and evenlng from Lhe
ahadeeLh Lhe prayer before enLerlng Lhe
lavaLory eLc are all weapons LhaL Allah has
glven Lo Lhe bellevers as a proLecLlon agalnsL
Lhe hayaLeen (army of devlls) boLh from
amongsL Lhe !lnn and from amongsL Manklnd
romlse 12
W Steadfastness and f|rmness @h|baat
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
Allah wlll esLabllsh ln sLrengLh Lhose who
belleve wlLh Lhe word LhaL sLands flrm ln Lhls
world and ln Lhe PereafLer buL Allah wlll leave
Lo sLray Lhose who do wrong and Allah does
whaL Pe wllls"
Al Cur'an 1427
W Allah wlll glve you sLeadfasLness because you
wlll need Lhls for whaL ls comlng ?ou wouldn'L
be able Lo cope wlLh Lhe Lrlals LhaL awalL you lf
you are bellevers ?ou wlll need LhlbaaL
(sLeadfasLness and flrmness)
lL's very easy Lo remaln on Lhe sLralghL paLh aL
Lhls momenL 8uL wlll we have Lhe conslsLency
Lo sLay on lL for years wlLhouL dlverLlng
W 8asul(saw) would ofLen make Lhe followlng dua
Ch Lhe one who overLurns Lhe hearLs make our
hearLs sLeadfasL upon your rellglon"
1he hearLs can easlly fllp and Lurn even Lhe word
for hearL ln Arablc Calb comes from Lhe word
Laqqalab whlch means overLurnlng fllpplng
May Allah make all of our hearLs sLeadfasL upon
Pls rellglon
romlse 13
W A good end|ng
Allah Lhe MosL Plgh says
lor Lhose who belleve and work
rlghLeousness ls (every) blessedness and a
beauLlful place of (flnal) reLurn"
Al Cur'an 1329
W Allah Lhe MosL Plgh also menLlons whaL
Moosa(A) sald Lo hls people
for Lhe earLh belongs Lo Allah and Pe wlll
glve lL Lo whomever Pe wllls and Lhe end
belongs Lo Lhe AlMuLLaqeen (rlghLeous)"
Al Cur'an 7128
W Allah promlses a good endlng for Lhe
uon'L worry abouL all Lhe dlfflculLles LhaL are
belng experlenced now as Lhe happy end ls
for Lhe bellevers
romlse 14
W A||ah w||| save you
ln Lhe end We dellver Cur Messengers and
Lhose who belleve (Lo safeLy) 1hus ls lL flLLlng
on Cur parL LhaL We should dellver Lhose who
Al Cur'an 10103
W ropheL ?unus(as) was ln Lhe sLomach of Lhe
flsh ln 3 layers of darkness Lhe darkness of
Lhe sLomach of Lhe flsh Lhe darkness of Lhe
nlghL and Lhe darkness of Lhe sea/ocean
?eL when he called ouL Lo Allah saylng
Ch Allah Lhere ls no Cod buL you glory be Lo
you l have wronged myself" Al Cur'an 2187
W Allah heard hls plea ln Lhe depLh of 3 layers of
darkness as Pe Lhe MosL Plgh says
o We llsLened Lo hlm and dellvered hlm
from dlsLress and Lhus do We dellver Lhose
who have falLh" Al Cur'an 2188
romlse 13
W u|dance n|dayah
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
1hose who belleve and work rlghLeousness
Lhelr Lord wlll gulde Lhem because of Lhelr falLh
beneaLh Lhem wlll flow rlvers ln gardens of bllss"
Al Cur'an 109
W And Lhls ls whaL we need mosL !usL because we
are bellevers lL doesn'L mean LhaL we don'L need
guldance We need guldance ln every momenL of
our llves
1he mosL frequenL dua LhaL one makes ls ln urah
AlfaLlhah Ch Allah gulde us Lo Lhe sLralghL
paLh" Al Cur'an 13
o Allah wlll gulde Lhem because of Lhelr lman
W o Allah wlll gulde Lhem because of Lhelr lman
We cannoL llve wlLhouL Lhe guldance and Lawflq (ablllLy Lo do good)
of Allah
W __________________
'-; 4-~ -'- -- -- -,- -= ;-- _'--' '- ,'-- ';-=~--- - ';----;
|-- ,;-~,-
When My servants ask thee concern|ng Me I am |ndeed c|ose (to
them) I respond to the prayer of every supp||cant when he ca||eth
on Me |et them a|so w|th a w||| ||sten to My ca|| and be||eve |n
Me that they may wa|k |n the r|ght way"
A|8aqarah 186
romlse 16
W 8|ess|ngs 8arakah
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
lf Lhe people of Lhe Lowns had buL belleved and
feared Allah we should lndeed have opened ouL
Lo Lhem (all klnds of) blesslngs from heaven and
earLh buL Lhey re[ecLed (Lhe LruLh) and We
broughL Lhem Lo book for Lhelr mlsdeeds"
Al Cur'an 796
W We should noL belleve ln Allah and Pls
messenger(saw) ln order Lo seek Lhe blesslngs
of Lhls world raLher we should seek Lhe
blesslngs of Lhe hereafLer
Powever aL Llmes Allah wlll bless Lhls ummah
ome of LhaL Llme has already passed and
some ls sLlll Lo come le when lsa (A)
W lns also have an effecL on blesslngs An
lndlvldual who slns can be deprlved of many
blesslngs ln hls llfe CollecLlvely ln Lhls world lf
Lhe earLh has slns le Lhe slns of Lhe
lnhablLanLs Lhen lL Lakes away Lhe barakah
Powever when Lhere ls lman and
rlghLeousness Lhen Lhere ls barakah AL Lhe
Llme of lsa(A) Lhere wlll be so much barakah
romlse 17
W 9eace and secur|ty
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
lL ls Lhose who belleve and confuse noL Lhelr
bellefs wlLh wrong LhaL are (Lruly) ln securlLy
for Lhey are on (rlghL) guldance"
Al Cur'an 682
W Cnly Allah can glve peace
eople clalm Lo have Lhe soluLlon Lo brlnglng peace Lo Lhe hearL
buL only Allah has Lhe soluLlon
1hls securlLy can be ln dlfferenL forms lor lnsLance ln Lhe baLLle of
8adr aL Lhe Llme of 8asullulah(aw) where Lhe Musllm army was
300 men and Lhey were faclng an army of 1000 sLrong o aL such a
momenL when you are ouLnumbered Lhere ls room for anxleLy buL
Allah aL LhaL Llme broughL down upon Lhem Lhe Musllms sakeenah
(serenlLy) and senL raln Lo cool Lhem and Lo make Lhe ground flrm
under Lhelr feeL 1hen a sLrange Lhlng happened when suddenly
Lhey all fell asleep When Pe encompassed you all wlLh slumber as
a source of eace from Plm" Al Cur'an
W Abdullah bln aud (May Allah have mercy upon hlm) says
lumber durlng flghLlng ls a source of peace from Allah
(swL) and slumber durlng alaah ls from shalLaan"
o Lhe companlons of 8asullulah (saw) were faclng deaLh
before Lhem yeL Lhey fell asleep lmaglne and Look aL Lhe
LranqullllLy LhaL came Lo Lhem from Allah Lhls ls someLhlng
LhaL can only come from Allah no worldly preparaLlon no
Lralnlng noLhlng can prepare one for LhaL 1hls ls from
Allah 1he glfL ls from Plm(swL)
romlse 18
W Iorg|veness Maghf|rah
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
1o Lhose who belleve and do deeds of
rlghLeousness has Allah promlsed forglveness
and a greaL reward"
Al Cur'an 39
W Lvery slngle person ls ln need of Lhe
forglveness of Allah Cne of Allah's aLLrlbuLes
ls LhaL he ls Lhe MosL lorglvlng o Allah wlll
forglve Lhe bellevers as long as Lhey repenL Lo
Allah and seek Pls forglveness
W As Allah Lhe MosL hlgh also says
C my ervanLs who have Lransgressed agalnsL
Lhelr souls uespalr noL of Lhe Mercy of Allah
for Allah forglves all slns for Pe ls CfL
lorglvlng MosL Merclful"
Al Cur'an 3933
romlse 19
W A||ah w||| pay them |n fu||
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
As Lo Lhose who belleve and work rlghLeousness
Allah wlll pay Lhem (ln full) Lhelr reward buL Allah
loves noL Lhose who do wrong"
Al Cur'an 337
W Allah wlll pay you for every slngle deed LhaL
you dld noLhlng wlll be wasLed
ls Lhere any 8eward for Cood oLher Lhan
Cood?" Al Cur'an 3360
romlse 20
W No fear and no gr|ef
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
1hose who belleve and do deeds of
rlghLeousness and esLabllsh regular prayers and
regular charlLy wlll have Lhelr reward wlLh Lhelr
Lord Cn Lhem shall be no fear nor shall Lhey
Al Cur'an 2277
W Abdus alaam (a scholar of Lhe pasL) (May
Allah have mercy upon hlm) once wenL Lo vlslL
a LyranL wlLh hls sLudenLs o aL flrsL he
sLarLed Lo speak sofLly buL Lhen hls volce
sLarLed becomlng louder and louder and hls
volce was becomlng harsher and harsher and
he sLarLed polnLlng Lowards Lhls LyranL
W o hls sLudenLs sLarLed wrapplng up Lhelr cloaks
because Lhey were expecLlng LhaL aL anyLlme a
sword wlll cuL off hls head because of Lhe way he
was speaklng Lo Lhls LyranL When he came ouL
hls sLudenLs wenL Lo hlm and sald whaL have you
done how could you speak Lo hlm llke LhaL Pe
sald LhaL when l lmaglned Lhe greaLness of Allah
Lhen Lhls LyranL became ln fronL of me smaller
Lhan a caL
W 1hls happened when he puL Lhlngs lnLo
As a bellever you could go Lhrough slLuaLlons
where you have fear because fear ls a naLural
human lnsLlncL however when lman slnks lnLo
Lhe hearL lL ellmlnaLes fear o you mlghL go
Lhrough LhaL naLural feellng of fear buL you
wlll overcome lL Lhorough your lman
W '-; 4-~ -'- -- -- -,- -= ;-- _'--' '- ,'--
';-=~--- - ';----; |-- ,;-~,-
When My servants ask thee concern|ng Me I
am |ndeed c|ose (to them) I respond to the
prayer of every supp||cant when he ca||eth on
Me |et them a|so w|th a w||| ||sten to My ca||
and be||eve |n Me that they may wa|k |n the
r|ght way"
A|8aqarah 186
romlse 21
W e||verance from darkness |nto ||ght
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
Allah ls Lhe roLecLor of Lhose who have falLh from
Lhe depLhs of darkness Pe wlll lead Lhem forLh lnLo
llghL Cf Lhose who re[ecL falLh Lhe paLrons are Lhe evll
ones from llghL Lhey wlll lead Lhem forLh lnLo Lhe
depLhs of darkness 1hey wlll be companlons of Lhe
flre Lo dwell Lhereln (lor ever)"
Al Cur'an 2237
W Allah wlll dellver Lhe bellevers from Lhe darkness of
dlsbellef doubL and heslLaLlon lnLo Lhe llghL of lslam
whlch ls Lhe plaln clear and unequlvocal LruLh
When a person ls granLed Lhe llghL of lslam Allah
enables such a person Lo dlfferenLlaLe beLween good
and evll LruLh and falsehood rlghL and wrong uch a
person llves Lhelr llfe accordlng Lo Lhe wlll and
command of Allah because Allah has enabled Lhem Lo
reallse Lhe Lrue purpose and reallLy of Lhls llfe
W o such a person glves preference Lo Lhe
hereafLer whlch ls everlasLlng over Lhls world
whlch ls LranslLory and Lemporary and wlll soon
1hose whose hearLs are velled ln darkness do noL
reallse Lhls and so spend Lhelr llves ln dlsbellef
and dlsobedlence
(noLe Lhls explanaLlon ls noL from lmam Anwar)
romlse 22
W A||ah w||| never grant the d|sbe||evers a way
over the be||evers
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
And never wlll Allah granL Lo Lhe unbellevers
a way (Lo Lrlumph) over Lhe bellevers" Al
Cur'an 4141
W 8asullulah (saw) menLlons ln a hadlLh LhaL lslam
ls always hlgher and noLhlng goes above lL"
Meanlng noLhlng can overpower lslam
o lf we don'L see Lhls happenlng and we see Lhe
dlsbellevers havlng an upper hand over Lhe
bellevers Lhen we shouldn'L quesLlon Lhe
promlse of Allah buL raLher we should quesLlon
ourselves and our lman (falLh) Are we behavlng
llke Lrue bellevers or ls Lhe opposlLe Lrue
romlse 23
W 8asullulah (saw) menLlons ln a hadlLh LhaL lslam
ls always hlgher and noLhlng goes above lL"
Meanlng noLhlng can overpower lslam
o lf we don'L see Lhls happenlng and we see Lhe
dlsbellevers havlng an upper hand over Lhe
bellevers Lhen we shouldn'L quesLlon Lhe
promlse of Allah buL raLher we should quesLlon
ourselves and our lman (falLh) Are we behavlng
llke Lrue bellevers or ls Lhe opposlLe Lrue
W 9rotect|on
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
verlly Allah wlll defend (from lll) Lhose who
belleve verlly Allah loves noL any LhaL ls a
LralLor Lo falLh or shows lngraLlLude"
Al Cur'an 2238
W Allah wlll proLecL Lhe bellevers
lf you are a bellever Lhen Allah wlll proLecL
you 1hls ls Lhe promlse of Allah lf anybody
doesn'L geL Lhls Lhen LhaL means Lhere ls
someLhlng wrong wlLh Lhe lman (falLh)
romlse 24
W A good ||fe nayaatan tayy|bah
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
Whoever works rlghLeousness man or woman
and has lalLh verlly Lo hlm wlll We glve a new
Llfe a llfe LhaL ls good and pure and We wlll
besLow on such Lhelr reward accordlng Lo Lhe
besL of Lhelr acLlons"
Al Cur'an 1697
W 1he bellevers have a very good llfe don'L be
fooled by whaL you see lor someLlmes whaL you
see ls noL whaL you geL omeLlmes you can see a
wealLhy dlsbellever who has Lhe world ln hls
hands buL you can'L see whaL ls golng on ln Lhe
lnslde and he doesn'L know whaL Lhe bellevers
are feellng because he has never felL lL Pe feels
happy wlLh whaL he has and doesn'L know LhaL
Lhere ls someLhlng much beLLer Lhan LhaL
W lbn 1aymlyah (May Allah have mercy on hlm)
sald lf Lhe klngs knew Lhe happlness and
pleasure LhaL we feel ln our hearLs Lhey
would come and Lry Lo Lake lL away from us
wlLh Lhe Llps of Lhelr swords"
8uL whosoever Lurns away from My
Message verlly for hlm ls a very dlsLressful
llfe" Al Cur'an 20124
W 8e assured anyone noL on Lhe Lrue paLh ls
havlng a llfe of mlsery even lf you Lhlnk
oLherwlse WhllsL Lhe bellevers who are
apparenLly golng Lhrough sufferlng Allah ls
glvlng Lhem a feellng ln Lhelr hearL LhaL could
noL be boughL wlLh Lhe wealLh of Lhls uunya
W 8ecause of Lhe dlfflculLy Lhe bellevers go
Lhrough and Lhe paLlence Lhey show Allah
glves Lhem someLhlng ln Lhelr hearLs LhaL
cannoL be descrlbed wlLh words
Agaln lf you are noL feellng Lhls Lhen Lhere ls
someLhlng wrong wlLh Lhe lman (falLh)
romlse 23
W stab||shment on arth @amkeen
Allah Lhe MosL hlgh says
Allah has promlsed Lo Lhose among you who belleve and work
rlghLeous deeds LhaL Pe wlll of a sureLy granL Lhem ln Lhe land
lnherlLance (of power) as Pe granLed lL Lo Lhose before Lhem LhaL
Pe wlll esLabllsh ln auLhorlLy Lhelr rellglon Lhe one whlch Pe has
chosen for Lhem and LhaL Pe wlll change (Lhelr sLaLe) afLer Lhe fear
ln whlch Lhey (llved) Lo one of securlLy and peace 1hey wlll
worshlp Me (alone) and noL assoclaLe any parLner wlLh Me lf any
do re[ecL lalLh afLer Lhls Lhey are rebelllous and wlcked"
Al Cur'an 2433
W 8asullulah(saw) sald ln a hadlLh LhaL Allah has
shown me Lhe enLlre LarLh and Lold me Lhe
klngdom of my naLlon wlll reach all of lL"
o Lhe quesLlon ls noL lf lslam wlll be
vlcLorlous or noL 1haL has been promlsed and
wlll happen 8uL raLher Lhe quesLlon ls LhaL
are we golng Lo play a role ln LhaL or noL
W 1he group who brlng lslam back wlll be Lhe
ones who resemble Lhe companlons Lhe mosL
8ecause Lhe Musllms who came afLer Lhe
ahaabah have always llved under lslamlc
rule now Lhe Musllms have Lhe golden
opporLunlLy of dolng whaL Lhe ahaabah dld
le reesLabllshlng lslam and lslamlc rule
W 8asullulah(saw) sald ln anoLher hadlLh LhaL l
wlsh LhaL l could meeL my broLhers so Lhe
ahaabah sald aren'L we your broLhers so
8asul(saw) sald no you are my Companlons buL
my broLhers are golng Lo be people who wlll
come aL Lhe end of Llme and one of Lhem would
wlsh LhaL Lhey could see me even lf lL would cosL
Lhem Lhelr wealLh and Lhelr famllles" Meanlng a
gllmpse of 8asullullah(saw) for Lhem would be
worLh more Lhan anyLhlng ln Lhe world
W o such wlll be Lhe people who wlll brlng lslam
back LhaL 8asullullah(saw) referred Lo Lhem as
broLhers 1hls honour wlll be for Lhem
because of Lhelr lnLense love for Allah Lhelr
love for Lhe ropheL(saw) and for lslam and
Lhelr LoLal obedlence Lo Lhe commands of
Allah and Lhelr followlng Lhe sunnah

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