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Helpful and nonhelpful behavior

Latihan: Lampiran 7, hal. 228

Helpful Behaviors
Verbal: - Uses understandable words - Reflects and clarifies - Appropriately interprets - summarizes - responds to primary message - uses verbal reinforcers (Mm-mm, Yes, I see) Nonverbal: - tone of voice similar - good eye contact - occasional head nodding - facial animation - occasional smiling - occasional hand gesturing - close physical proximity

Helpful behavior (continued)

- Calls client as he wants to be called - Appropriately gives information - answers question about self - uses humor occasionally - is nonjudmental and respectful - adds greater understanding to clients statement - phrases interpretations tentatively so as to elicit genuine feedback

- moderate rate of speech - body leans toward client - relaxed, open posture - confident vocal tone - occasional touching

Nonhelpful behavior
Verbal - interrupting - advice giving - preaching - placating - blaming - cajoling - exhorting - extensive probing and questioning, especially why Nonverbal - looking away from - sitting far away or turned away from - sneering - frowning - scowling - tight mouth - shaking pointed finger - distracting gestures

Nonhelpful behavior (continued)

directing, demanding Patronizing attitude Overinterpretation Using words or jargon client does not understand Straying from topic Intellectualizing Overanalyzing Talking about self too much Minimizing or disbelieving

Yawning Closing eyes Unpleasant tone of voice Rate of speech too slow or too fast - Acting rushed

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