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Eu no acho queI don't think that Voc no acha que seria melhorDon't you think it would be better Eu no concordo,...

I don't agree, Mas que tal seBut what about Eu duvido queI doubt if Dando razes:Giving Reasons: Para comear,To start with, A razo pela qualThe reason why por isso queThat's why Muitas pessoas acham queMany people think... Considerando queConsidering Palavras de ligao:Linking words: por exemplofor example tambmalso... da mesma formasimilarly ao contrrioin contrast no entantohowever por outro ladoon the other hand claramenteclearly desdesince

How many times a week do you go to the gym? I normally go to class on Mondays. What do you usually do on Tuesdays? Maria always goes shopping on Wednesdays. On Thursdays we go to the library. On Friday we go on an excursion. Where are you going to have dinner on Saturday? They never go to work on Sundays. We're going on a trip at the weekend. What month is your birthday? New Year is celebrated on the first of January. Saint Valentine's day is celebrated in February. Spring starts in March. Easter is in April. Mother's day is celebrated in May. We have exams in June. It's very hot in July. We're on holiday in August. Classes start in September. The leaves fall from the trees in October. It's cold in November. What year were you born in?

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