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Book Jacket Design, In the Time of the Butterflies

Secure VoiceThread comments Five comments; effective/least effective comment and two comments about original designs address at least two questions from the directions; responses to classmates contain analysis; appropriate tone. On task, contributes proportionally, listens respectfully, compromises if necessary Unique or fresh perspective The book jacket design effectively represents a key literary element through metaphor or association. The design elements work together to create an appealingor compelling book jacket; the book jacket effectively addresses a target audience Choices for design elements such as image, color, and font are explained and support making meaning most of the time; at least three specific text references. Written: Typed or neatly handwritten; few errors in CUPS Oral: Fluent, audible, good expression, appropriate tone Developing Missing two or three required elements (see list in secure). A missing initial comment = four required elements; a missing response to a classmate = three required elements. Needs redirection two or more times during the project Improves upon more typical ideas The book jacket design effectively represents a key literary element at the literal level. A design element appears out of place without purpose; the book jacket attempts to address a target audience Choices for design elements such as image, color, and font are incompletely explained or only partially support making meaning; text references are not specific. Presentation detracts from the readers pleasure Beginning Missing four or more required elements (see list in secure). A missing initial comment = four required elements; a missing response to a classmate = three required elements. Does not contribute proportionally or needs frequent redirection Typical or clichd The relationship between the book jacket design and literary element is unconvincing, or the design represents a minor literary element. The design elements are discordant without purpose; target audience is not considered Choices for design elements such as image, color, and font are incompletely explained and only partially support making meaning; text references are vague or absent. Presentation detracts from the readers ability to make meaning Point Value



10 10 30

Originality of design Rhetorical significance of design

Target audience

Explanation of rhetorical choices




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