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The Four "C"s of Diamond Value

Gemological Institute of America Standards - Summary

1. Carat

The carat is a unit of weight. One metric carat consists of 100 "points". One metric carat = 1/5 gram, or 200 milligrams As the size of a diamond goes up, the price goes up exponentially. Prices can range from $2,000 up to $60,000 per carat.

2. Cut

Type of Cut 1. Round - Also called Brilliant, the most preferred cut 2. Princess - Square cut, second most preferred Other Cuts: Baguette cut (trapezoid) Emerald cut (octagon step cut) Heart cut Marquise cut (pointed oval) Oval cut Pear-shaped cut Rectangle cut Square (step cut) Trillion cut

3. Color

$$$$$ - $$$$ - $$$ - $$ - $ -----> G.I.A. Scale: D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z D, E, F - Colorless (most valued) G, H, I, J - Nearly colorless K, L, M - Faint yellow N, O, P, Q, R - Very light yellow S, T, U, V - Light yellow

4. Clarity

$$$$$ - $$$$ - $$$ - $$ - $ -----> GIA Scale: F, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, S1, S2, S3, I1, I2, I3 F (flawless) is best, followed by Internally Flawless, followed by Very, Very Small Inclusions (2 grades) followed by Very Small Inclusions (2 grades) then Small Inclusions (3 grades) then

Small Inclusions (3 grades), then Imperfect (3 grades)

Other Important Diamond Quality Factors In addition to "The 4 C's" of diamonds, other important factors that determine a diamond's value are: Culet (the very small face on the bottom) E- Excellent, VG- Very Good, G- Good, F- Fair, P- Poor Depth Percentage Finish - E- Excellent, VG- Very Good, G- Good, F- Fair, Poor Fluorescence Measurements Polish - E- Excellent, VG- Very Good, G- Good, F- Fair, PPoor

- E- Excellent, VG- Very Good, G- Good, FFair, P- Poor Table percentage

Crown Angle - 25-43 Crown Height Culet Size Diameter Girdle Thinkness - 50-95% Pavilion Angle - 39-44 Pavilion Depth Star Length - 40-70% Table Depth Table Size - 50-70%

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