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Lesson Plan Number

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Name: Angela Pieniaszek School: Walnut Grove HS
Lesson Title:
Grade Level/Subject Area:
Sanish III Grades 10-12
Student Profile: Number of Students: 30
Number of Students with Special Needs: 0
Area of Specialties:
Performance Objectives: After completion of the lesson, students will be able to: (use action
Read a nevs arlicIe in Sanish
Wrile a refIeclion in Sanish
RefIecl on a currenl evenl
Use reading slralegies lo uncover meaning
Use Microsofl office Suile lo record and lurn in lheir
Curricular Connections:
(QCC/IEP/Local or
National Standards)
MLIII.IP1 The students exchange spoken and written information and ideas in
the target language, with some originality and spontaneity, utilizing cultural
references where appropriate. The students:
A. Express needs and desires.
B. Share feelings and emotions.
C. Exchange opinions and preferences.
D. Give detailed descriptions.
E. Give and follow detailed directions and instructions.
F. Ask questions and provide responses on topics and events found in a variety
of print and non-print sources.
This assignmenl viII be graded by an allached rubric
Technology Connections:
Microsofl IoverIoinl
Microsofl Word
Georgia Department of Education Educational Technology Training Centers
INtegrating TECHnology
Professional Development Program
Comulers, inlernel conneclions, Microsofl office suile (vord and
over oinl), Comuler vilh an LCD ro|eclor, handouls of
oulIines, aer, enciI
Related URLs:
(Please number your
Whole Group:
1. Students and teacher read a news article (selected by teacher)
2. Students are asked comprehension questions about the article
that require students to use reading strategies previously
practiced in class.
3. Teacher displays on a concept map in the front of the room. The
map has comprehension questions in each bubble. Students have
a hard copy of the map that is blank.
Small Group:
4. Students work with a partner to fill in concept map. Instead of
writing out the questions the teacher has projected, the students
need to fill in the answers.
After Small Group .. .
Students return to whole group. The class compares their answers and
the teacher unveils answers she has written in the presentation. Students
are allowed to ask questions and ask for clarification in English as we go
through the answers.
5. Students work by themselves. They go to and pick a news article.
6. Students use the concept map or outline strategy to take notes as
they read through the article. They may use an electronic
version teacher has made available, or they may write it out by
7. Students then must reflect on the article they read in Spanish.
8. Students write a 2 paragraph reflection of the article they read in
Spanish. They need to summarize the article in the first
paragraph, and give their opinion of the article in the second
Classroom Management: Technology Management Strategy:
Using the LCD projector, teacher will show students how to
open a new Microsoft Office document, how to change the
language to Spanish, and how to add the appropriate accents
and understand spell check in the different language.
On the LCD projector, teacher will model how to access the
shared folder in the server, so that students can open a
template of the concept map.
On the LCD projector, teacher will model how to save and
place a document in the shared folder on the server, so
students can turn in their reflection.
Teacher will monitor students while they are using
computers to ensure students stay on task, and so they can
ask individual questions.
Teacher will check in/briefly conference with students to
ensure appropriate progress throughout the assignment.
Writing Response Rubric
Catcgnry Does not Meet Needs lmprotement Meets Crlterlu Lxceeds
3 or more required
comonenls are
2 required
comonenls are
1 required
comonenl is
0 required
comonenls are
Organizatinn Wriling is
disorganized and
difficuIl lo foIIov.
Wriling has some
eIemenls of
organizalion, bul is
difficuIl lo foIIov.
Wriling is veII
organized, bul
somelimes difficuIl
lo foIIov.
Wriling is veII
organized and easy
lo read.
Mcchanics There are 5 or more
grammalicaI errors
in lhe vriling.
There are 4 or more
grammalicaI errors
in lhe vriling.
There are 3
grammalicaI errors
in lhe vriling.
There are 2 or Iess
grammalicaI errors
in lhe vriling.
Qua!ity nI
Wriling does nol
address loic
roerIy. Wriling is
minimaI, uncIear,
and shaIIov.
Wriling address
loic, bul is uncIear
and shaIIov.
Wriling addresses
loic cIearIy.
Wriling addresses
loics cIearIy and
Writing RcI!cctinn Rcspnnsc
I chose lo use Microsofl Iover Ioinl and Microsofl Word in lhis assignmenl. I chose lhese lvo
rograms because I lhink lhey are lhe mosl oflen used by sludenls, and since lhe conlenl of lhe
Iesson viII be chaIIenging for sludenls, I lhink using a lechnoIogy lhey are somevhal famiIiar
vilh viII be heIfuI.
Iven lhough mosl sludenls al lhe high schooI IeveI are famiIiar vilh using Microsofl Word,
many of lhem do nol undersland hov lo use lhe Ianguage funclions in lhe rogram.
Changing lhe Ianguage in lhe rogram can be very heIfuI, eseciaIIy for seII check, bul
many sludenls lry lo do lhings Iike highIighl lexl and change lhe Ianguage, lhinking il viII
lransIale from IngIish lo Sanish for lhem. AIso, many sludenls simIy don'l knov hov lo
change lhe Ianguage in lhe firsl Iace.
Anolher lhing mosl sludenls don' l knov hov lo do is add accenls lo Iellers. Many limes,
vhen Sanish Ianguage Iearners lye u aers, lhey Ieave oul lhe accenls, vhich can change
lhe meaning of vords and senlences. This Iesson viII give lhe leacher lhe oorlunily lo shov
sludenls hov lo add lhe accenls lo vords vhen lhey are vriling in Sanish on a comuler, so
lhey don'l have lo Ieave lhem off anymore!
Somelhing eIse lhal viII be covered in lhis Iesson lhal viII be nev lo mosl sludenls is accessing
fiIes on a shared server. Many sludenls do nol knov hov lo submil fiIes eIeclronicaIIy, so I
lhink lhis Iesson vouId be a good oorlunily lo raclice using lhis lechnoIogy.

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