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The Story Soliloquy begins as the audience walks into the Theater.

Variations of the overt ure are played by a character on stage as guests enter the theater. When the aud ience has taken their seats, they are witness to the inciting action of the oper a: the death of the main character, who is playing the overture on stage. This story follows his journey into the afterlife, which begins at the trial for the character's Soul. This character is known only as the boy & his legal repre sentation at his trial is unsavory at best. The trial, despite an unfavorable beginning for the boy, yields a key witness; T revon: a homeless man the boy found dying on the streets. Trevon did not ask for the boy's help, instead, the boy stopped to help him on his own free will. Thanks to the boy opting to not attempt to win his trial by technicalities as hi s legal counsel advised, and with the moving testimony of Trevon, the court rule s that the two are going to get a chance for redemption. If they fail? The court will give the attorney, played by the devil, custody of the two. Naturally, the devil immediately begins his plot to foil their success. The devil's assistant, a female, ends Act I with a rock aria about how she did e verything right in life, but never knew love so she ended up working for the dev il in the trials for people's Souls. Meanwhile the devil is secretly lurking in the background and devising how to use her heartfelt song to his evil advantage. Act II begins with the devil using what he learned from spying on his assistant' s aria to destroy the boy and Trevon's plans of redemption. The devil opens the action in act II when he transforms into a woman, casts a sp ell on the boy, and plans to lure him away from any chance of success with "her" sexual prowess. While the female devil manipulates the boy; Trevon & the devil' s assistant become secretly acquainted during Act II. Act III begins with the boy's re-trial, where it is obvious that he did no good in the world, and just acted selfeshly by spending his time with the she-devil. Although the boy openly accepts this judgement, the court and the devil are dist racted with outraged because no one knows the whereabouts of Trevon or the devil 's assistant. In their haste, the boy is sentenced to a life of slavery for the devil and cour t is adjourned. His first mission is to sit in solitary confinement where instea d of lamenting his fate, the boy prepares his arias reflects upon what he learne d from his experience. In the middle of Act III, Trevon & the devil's assistant emerge to face their re spective judgments . First, for their disappearance & second for the ultimate failur e of the boy. Trevon was supposed to be helping him, and the devil's assistant was supposed to help thwart him.

When the court discovers they are in Love, an immediate problem comes up: people with Love in their hearts can't go to hell and serve the devil. It was through the failure of the boy that ultimate success was achieved. The court rules that the assistant and Trevon must be sent free and they call th e boy forth.

The devil goes to get the boy and the boy faces him. The devil pries in an attem pt to enrage the boy and crush what Love was left in his heart. Instead, the boy faces the devil, without knowledge the court is watching, and the boy sings his heart out despite the devil's final attempt to crush his heart. The boy says that it was worth failing because for the first time he believed in something and had someone believe in him. Even though they failed, they still w ere rewarded with second chances, which is more than many people ever get. With that the court appears to the boy and informs him that he demonastrated the greatest good any human can do for another: enable someone to Love. Inadvertently, the boy enabled Trevon and the devil's assistant to both know som ething they hadn't before: Love. The boy is set free to live out the rest of his days with the hopes of finding w hat he showed two people existed. Some notes: An aria is the part of a traditional opera where a character reveals their inner feelings. A soliloquy takes place when a character thinks they are speaking to themself (b ut the audience can hear). The foundation for Soliloquy are the words & actions that take place when no one is looking, or so we think.

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