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html -add Tells Fedit -rem Tells Fedit -f "some file" The file to -l "some text" The text to to add LINE. to remove LINE. be edited be added or removed

When adding, these are additional (optional) parameters: -a[:co] "some text" The text will be added after this line -b[:co] "some text" The text will be added before this line -s[:c] "some text" The text will be added in the section [some text] -once The text to be added, will only be added once in the whole file -create If the section isn't found, it will be created When removing, -l supports the parameter [:co], and these additional (optional) parameters: -a[:co] "some text" All instances of the text after this line will be removed. -b[:co] "some text" All instances of the text before this line will be removed. -s[:c] "some text" All instances of the text in section [some text] will be removed. -once The text to be removed, will only be removed once. The option [:co] means the following: If you have a parameter -a "some text", Fedit will automatically search for strings that match it (without being case sensitive). If you want it to be case sensitive, change it to this: -a:c "some text" If you think that 'some text' is contained in a bigger string like 'this is some text written somewhere', then change it to this: -a:o "some text" You can combine both to this: -a:co "some text" IMPORTANT: none of the parameters are case sensitive, so for example -rem is the same as -Rem or -REM. Same thing for -a:co or -A:CO IMPORTANT: the order of the parameters is unimportant, so: Fedit -rem -f file -l:co text Is the same as: Fedit -f file -l:oc text -rem

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