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Sanchez Latimore 05/10/12 6th pd.

During the film differences and similarities where revealed. There were many that can easily be detected. There are a few that I want to talk about that really got my attention. There was the setting, appearances, acts, and the characters. The time frame where centuries apart. The acts and appearances where modified in both movies. Some characters was in one movie but wasnt in the other. Many characters responded differently throughout the movies. The player in each film showed many different characteristics. The players in the novelty film where older. You didnt see when they approached the palace. They were already there when hamlet went in the room. When the performed there play they were more enthusiastic and majestic. Unlike the Mel Gibson film you saw the players approached the castle in a wagon. There were younger and more traditional the way the dress. When Guildenstern and Rosencrantz

appeared in the novelty film that came up in a train. The Mel Gibson film they both appeared up on horseback as hamlet was lying in the grass outside the castle walls. To be or not to be that is the question. Was presented in act III of the novelty film and the way hamlet expressed it in that film was very calm and moderate. The Mel Gibson film he expressed it more aggressive and mad like with more feeling. Castle in the novelty film was more like a palace and the time frame was far off. The castle in the Mel Gibson film was more traditional and antique looking and fits the time frame perfectly. There was more contrasting than comparing between the two movies. The main thing that ii could contrast were the players an the settings of the films.

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